This article is a textbook example of what might be called High Multiculturalism. Some of the characteristics of this ideology are:
- Its mandatory nature. Cultures have to mix; there is no choice. The civilizational damage that may result from such a policy is unimportant. What counts is the realization of the ideological goal.
- Unquestioned assumptions. The mixing of races, religions, and cultures is always a good thing. Resisting that mixing is racist and bad, an atavistic attitude which must be crushed. There is no possibility of doubting these principles: they are the defining postulates of the entire system.
- One-way assimilation. The indigenous population is required to adapt itself to the Muslim immigrants, but the immigrants do not have to reciprocate. Assimilation is held up as a goal, but somehow the newcomers never manage to assimilate, and that’s OK. Expecting them to do so is racist.
- The failure to condemn barbaric behavior. There is a tacit acknowledgement that Muslim girls are oppressed and that the males in their families intimidate anyone who would interfere with it. This is not presented as a significant problem, nor judged as wrong. Under Multicultural orthodoxy, passing judgment on anything but the indigenous European culture is sinful, and must be avoided.
Now for ESW’s translation:
“Cultures must be mixed”- - - - - - - - -
by Daniel Kraker and Martin Wolf“Cultures must be mixed,” says Mohammed Fahad, owner of a pub catering to young people in Innsbruck (the provincial capital of Tyrol). It was his goal to bring different cultures together, and he adds this “togetherness” of “indigenous” and “foreigners” has been friction-free.
In our school there are classes with Muslims integrated so well that they aren’t distinguishable from other students. The school principal sees no problems. However, there are very few Muslims in our area. As a result, general conditions are good, especially since most Muslims belong to the second generation of immigrants.
But this does not mean that there are no problems. Muslim students enjoy strong cohesion. One can see them standing together during school breaks. Near the buffet, in the garden, near the door. One has the feeling that one is not welcome. This is exacerbated by their speaking Turkish amongst themselves. This behavior evidences very little interest in integration.
If Muslims go out on their own, they do mingle with others, trying hard not to attract attention, speaking German. They seem more open and more likable.
Otherwise my big brother will come to get you
Muslim students generally have a different way of socializing. They go to different pubs, drink no alcohol, and treat girls differently.
When the little ones start attending our school the cultural differences are not yet seen, except that everyone knows that Muslim girls are not to be bothered, otherwise they get their older brothers, and that might end badly. Over the years the differences appear. However, there is still a chance to take countermeasures; for instance, teach the little girls to solve problems on their own.
Our surveys among students and teachers show another point: Many of our Muslim consider themselves integrated; however, they also believe they are discriminated against. Thus, there is still a long way to go to reach actual acceptance and equality of opportunities. We are only at the beginning.
Muslim students generally have a different way of socializing. They go to different pubs, drink no alcohol, and treat girls differently.
If the girls are non-Muslim they can be kidnapped and raped. After all it is allowed in Islam.
There is no possibility of doubting these principles: they are the defining postulates of the entire system.
Does anyone else notice the marked similarity between this Multiculturalist stance and that of Global Warmening adherents? Some of whom have begun to agitate—just like Multiculturalists—for JAIL SENTENCES to be imposed over any open dissension regarding such a supposedly indisputable issue.
“Cultures must be mixed,” says Mohammed Fahad, owner of a pub catering to young people in Innsbruck
Erem … isn’t Mr. Fahad pretty much at the top of Islam’s hit list in light of how he owns a pub? This is no different from the way an obvious apostate like Obama is magically immune to Islam’s routine death sentence for having left Islam. There is a degree of selective enforcement involved—in both cases—that erodes Islam’s moral authority worse than a gallon of fuming red nitric acid.
This is exacerbated by their speaking Turkish amongst themselves. This behavior evidences very little interest in integration.
Unless the topic shifts to Turkey’s admission into the EU. Then, suddenly, they’re all for assimilation. To quote Lieutenant Whorf, “Assimilate this!”
Muslim students generally have a different way of socializing. They go to different pubs, drink no alcohol, and treat girls differently.
[emphasis added]
Whoa, Nellie! Wait a stinking minute. Last I checked, the word “pub” had but one meaning, as in; (U.K.) bar: a bar that may also serve food. A “pub” that doesn’t serve alcoholic beverages is a soda fountain or milk bar and not much else. One more time we are presented with media’s obscene predilection for redefining words on the fly as it suits their whim. Much like Alice in Wonderland’s Humpty Dumpty when he says, “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean, nothing less, and nothing more.”
I seem to recall that Oscar Wilde once said, “It is best to mince one’s words rather finely, it makes them so much easier to eat afterwards.” Pursuant to such sophistry, I can only assume that there is a distinct divergence from accepted and conventional definitions with respect to how these Muslim lads “treat girls differently” as well.
Many of our Muslim[s] consider themselves integrated; however, they also believe they are discriminated against.
Much like how so many Muslims consider themselves and their religion to be “peaceful”, yet are callously discriminated against, nonetheless.
100% pure, unadulterated, Grade AAA, extra large, ranch style, USDA inspected, free range, grain finished, prime cut, dry aged, Heinz 57 varieties, hand crafted, 31 different flavors of 24 carat gold plated bull's pizzle.
Integration is going really great! Except, the immigrants won't integrate...
Everyone in Austria really should take Turkish language lessons (just like everyone in the U.S. should speak Spanish)
I consider your synopsis of the ideological characteristics to be very helpful. Multi-Culti is one of those issues that one knows is fraught with peril, but has trouble explaining why in a cogent way (at least for me).
You've provided a nice platform for discussion.
Islam cannot mix. It is a supremacist dogma, aimed at eradicating other systems. West-Muslims only integrate in so far as doing so creates conditions to dominate.
Anyone who says that Muslims accept their minority status in perpetuity, is either self deceived or a liar.
Examine the practises of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Where Muslims are the majority, the OIC promotes "territorial integrality," as the guiding principle. Where Muslims are in the minority, the OIC promotes "self determination." And the OIC controls the UN debate on every "bloody borders" issue.
The UN could work if Muslim savages weren't sandbagging its operation. If it was in my power, I would turn that East River building into condos, strip UN diplomatic credentials without warning, and jail those with personna non grata status, for unpaid parking fines.
Again, let us observe that the only countries in the world who must accept and promote multiculturalism are the Anglo axis and European nations.
Every other culture owns at least one country that is undiluted by others. Muslims have over 60. The Chinese are over a billion strong in their native land as are East Indians. Not much danger of their cultures dying out and yet they along with Muslims could replace Canada's population completely many times over.
Canada was something unique and a positive role model worth emulating around the world. Instead, the world colonized Canada and demanded alterations to suit them. Soon it will be just a tower of Babel of inferior cultures as judged by their countries of origin.
Mexico is kept exclusively for Mexicans while they colonize the southern United States unchecked.
This one-way forced multicult is cultural genocide against people with European backgrounds.
It is a poison pill for western civilization disseminated by leftists who think they're going to build a communist utopia in its stead and don't realize their totalitarianism will have to take a back seat to the Islamists.
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