Our Swedish correspondent LN has this account about a new book about Islam in Danish:
Storm over Europe
Islam — Peace or Threat?
An Anthology edited by Lone Nørgaard and Tabita Wulff
The authors:
- Poul E. Andersen, cand. theol. og forfatter
- Mogens Wenzen Andreasen, cand. pæd. og forfatter
- Kåre Bluitgen, forfatter og journalist
- Helle Merete Brix, journalist og forfatter
- Kirsten Damgaard, cand. pæd. psych og forfatter
- Jørgen Junker Grimstrup, cand. mag. i historie og geografi
- Torben Hansen, historiker og forfatter
- Henrik Gade Jensen, mag. art. i filosofi
- Thue D. Kærhus, cand. phil. og højskoleforstander
- Britta Mogensen, mag. scient. i antropologi, forfatter
- Lone Nørgaard, lektor, cand. mag. og forfatter
- Tim Pallis, forfatter
- Carsten Ringsmose, cand. mag. og forfatter
- Kai Sørlander, filosof og forfatter
- Tabita Wulff, journalist og forfatter
The Danish paper Fyens Stiftstidende gives the book two stars out of five, and writes: “A debate-book about Islam that does not want to debate but only to scold.” (To read the rest of this probably PC write-up you have to pay 15 kroner — which does not seem to be warranted).
The excellent blogger La Kimpolina with the Danish blog Polemiken has a review here of the book Storm over Europe.
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I take the liberty to quote and translate the following:
Tabita Wulff, one of the co-authors of the book Storm over Europe writes about: ‘Bounds for immigration? Figures and statistics.’
She calls it “The Trojan Horse”, and asks how big an immigration from the third world a country like Denmark can endure, before the cohesion of society is damaged.
Difficult to answer, because in Denmark as in Sweden no demographic registration of religious allegiance is permitted. In the old days it was possible to look up the number of citizens distributed among different religions. Today such a thing is taboo.
It is obvious that the number of Muslims is camouflaged, not for the sake of the Muslims, but in the light of the Danish people’s need to feel secure. And for the purpose that politicians and those in power shall not get questions and protests from the ranks of the people, where a true skepticism is prevalent, writes Tabita Wulff.
The Welfare Reform is dealt with and — according to the Welfare Commission — an average non-western immigrant during a lifetime receives from the state 2.6 million Danish kroner [approx $0.50 million] more than they pay back to society in form of taxes etc. A comparison between Muslims and Asian immigrants (China, Vietnam etc) is made and it is clear the Muslims belong to the problem-heavy end of the spectrum.
The state’s total expenditures have never (neither in Denmark nor in Sweden) been revealed by the state, but unofficial sources of information estimate 30 to 50 billions Danish Kronor per annum. A Swedish economist has tried to work out the costs Sweden incurs from immigration (almost twice as many non-western immigrants as to Denmark) and he arrived at the neat sum of more than 200 billions per annum. [Compare with Gates of Vienna 11-01-2006]
According to an extrapolation made by the demographers of the Copenhagen University, there will be a majority of Muslim citizens in Denmark before the end of this century. What will the consequences be for Danish society and democracy?* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In the well-known Danish paper Jyllands-Posten journalist Paul E. Andersen writes about a related subject, as published in the New Yorker 2006-09-11: “The Moderate Martyr, a radically peaceful vision of Islam” by George Packer.
Andersen opens with the following assertion: “It strikes one that everybody, even those who only peripherally take an interest in Islam, is inclined to boil over with enthusiasm as soon as they hear the notion of the MODERATE MUSLIM.”This concept has gradually become the straw that consensus-seeking Western Civilization desperately is trying to clutch at, in the hope of escaping or postponing the confrontation that sooner or later will surface between Islam and the ideals of Western freedom.
Tabita Wulff, one of the co-authors of the book Storm over Europe writes about: ‘Bounds for immigration? Figures and statistics.’
Does the book try to rigorously calculate the ethnoreligious breakdown of Denmark or anyplace else in Europe? If so, I would like to learn what their estimates are. One hears people carelessly throwing figures around like "Sweden is already 20% Muslim" and so on. I know the CIA estimates that France is about 10% Muslim. And Mark Steyn claims, without any documentation, that among young French the percentage is vastly higher. But the whole issue is shrouded in politically correct obscurity.
Evan, two things happened this week :
1. The new budget for the state of Denmark set aside $2,000,000 for research on "home-grown" Islamic terrorism. This time for independent and honest research as opposed to the political correct, university-funded type. The project will be funded via the Ministry of Defense.
2. The current crime statistics is seriously flawed. If asking how many "persons of middle-eastern background" are convicted, it counts only first and second generations, not third. Everybody knows that those "youths" are exorbitantly criminal, even more so than their parents, but they are categorized as "Danes". This is about to change : The "Danish People's Party" has proposed to count them in, and the Minister of Justice agree.
The only thing missing now is statistics on "religion". A few years back this was OK in all publications, handbooks and even tourist brochures, but now it's "political incorrect". Today one can read that 80% of all inmates in prisons are "non-ethnical Danes", but who might they be ? - Germans ?, Americans ?, Japanese ?, Indians ?, Chinese ?, Vietnamese ?..... Ha !
Re: Papa Bear's comment - It seems to me that the critical demographic factor (and indeed, the one Islamic supremacist leaders seem most interested in) isn't the percentage of a nation's population as a whole that is Muslim, but rather the percentage of fighting-age men. It is that demographic, after all, that will be spearheading any attempt at intifada, and enforcing any shari'a regime, that is attempted in Europe. Jihad, like any other kind of war, is mostly a young man's game.
Joshua said:
Jihad, like any other kind of war, is mostly a young man's game.
Ah, but the counter-moves don't depend on youth. The subversion doesn't, either. These jihadists were trained by old men...they can be routed by the same demographic, if it has the will to do so.
The problems with the Euros is that the will has been bled out of them...like the Dems want to do here...only our rebellion is bred in the bone. It will be ugly, but it won't just be young men fighting back...
Evan --
I asked Steen (of Snaphanen) your question, and made a post out of his reply.
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