The Watcher’s Council winner on October 27th was Rick Moran of Right Wing Nut House, with A Liberal Manifesto and Other Halloween Frights. Rick takes on the hubris and self-delusion of the Democrats in the run-up to this election:
This kind of earnestness on the part of the left is something we’ve grown used to over the years. In fact, it is a defining characteristic of modern liberalism, this cloying self righteousness. It fits in with their constant need to avoid introspection by formulating intellectual conceits based on a heroic self-image, standing up against the villainy of the opposition with only the lantern of truth and a pen to battle evil. Creating a “moral” universe that has about as much foundation as a pool of quicksand, liberals who are constantly defining and redefining themselves fail to see the monumental irony in their efforts to simplify their riot of conceits into any kind of logical or coherent set of principles.
Tell ‘em, Rick!
Second among Council members was Japan, North Korea and Nuclear Weapons by American Future, in which Marc Schulman examines the ramifications of North Korean nuclear weapons, especially as they affect the alliance between Japan and the United States.
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First among the Non-Council posts was Elder of Ziyon, with Archaeological Temple Artifacts Drive PalArabs Crazy, about the sifting of rubble removed from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by the Islamic Religious Trust (Waqf). Israeli archeologists and volunteers have found artifacts dating from prehistoric times through the early Jewish period all the way up to the Middle Ages. The interesting thing is the steadfast refusal of the Muslim authorities to recognize any evidence of a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount prior to the 1600s.
The Mudville Gazette came in second with Fighting Back. Greyhawk reports on a request to the Pentagon from the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, asking that CNN embeds be removed from the American military’s combat troops. I particularly like this quote from Greyhawk:
But like it or not, Mr and Mrs Average American are involved in a propaganda war, the only battle of the war on terror currently being fought on U.S. soil — and those who choose not to be victims of that battle may wonder what the appropriate response should be. Perhaps just this — bear in mind the stated goal: “to throw fear into the American people’s hearts”, divide and conquer, weaken resolve, and defeat America. Be aware of the plan to reach that goal, and recognize it for what it is when next you see it in action, as you undoubtedly will.
We at Gates of Vienna couldn’t agree more.
These and all the rest of the links are over at The Watcher’s Place.
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