Ingrid Carlqvist was born in Stockholm. After graduating from Gothenburg University (journalism) in 1981, she worked as a reporter for Nordvastra Skanes Tidningar in Helsingborg.
In 1987 she moved on to Kvallsposten in Malmö where she stayed for twelve years, first as a reporter and then as a news editor. She was the first woman ever in the editorial management for Kvallsposten.
In 1999 she began free-lancing for different newspapers and magazines, constructed an award-winning board game and worked as an information officer for a theatre company. In 2006 she became a news editor for Aftonbladet in Malmö, and in 2008 editor-in-chief of the magazine Villaliv.
In 2005 she wrote her first book, and since then has written several biographies and one detective story. Last year she founded the Free Press Society in Sweden and became its President.
Below is the speech given by Ingrid Carlqvist at the Brussels Conference on July 9, 2012. Many thanks to Europe News for recording this video, and to Vlad Tepes for uploading it:
The text of Ingrid’s speech is here.
Previous posts about the Brussels Process:
I have a few years old book. I learned that in Sweden there exists 136 segregated suburbs. (Rosengård, Tensta, Fittja ...)
So today, and actually there are no new data available any more, the number is risen to 156!
Finnish media and journalist should know more about this ... But apparently they do not want to.
Finnish lurker
(and the book was:
- "But the Greatest of These Is Freedom: The Consequences of Immigration in Europe", Hege Storhaug, (C) translation 2011
I think you should link to the youtube video:
The Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians, Danes and Norwegian Vikings brought to England a lust for freedom, independence and democracy. From there the English spread it to North America and Australasia. But that sense of democracy somehow morphed into a desire to do right by the world even at the expense of democracy itself. The Vikings have turned into middle class do-gooders thinking the noble savage is their superior. Rousseau made that mistake but eventually saw the error of his ways when faced with the reality of the savage. In Scandinavia and England there are so many still in denial and the majority who can see where things are headed are forced into silence for the same reasons outlined by Ingrid. Emma West may not have been as articulate as Ingrid and most who contribute to this site but her distress at seeing that she was the only one on her tram of her own indigenous race was genuine. And what has she got? She was like Ingrid saying "It doesn't feel like England any more". I believe she is now in prison and will she get her child back? We are now in 1984 land, in the 1960s Soviet bloc. We are in a country that we never thought in a million years would be England. But it is here and the English and Swedish of Ingrid's youth and mine are fading away like snow melting in the hot Marxist sun.
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