In other news, supporters of “Palestine” disrupted a concert by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra several times last night with their loud protests. Because of the disturbances, the BBC felt it necessary to pull its live feed of the performance.
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Thanks to AC, C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, DB, Diana West, Gaia, Insubria, JP, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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As the tenth anniversary 911 approaches, Islam will no doubt be in the public spotlight again. Here’s a list of information, indexed in alphabetical order, which may be useful to kuffars in furthering ‘Islamic awareness’ … http://crombouke.blogspot.com/2010/01/everything-you-need-to-know-about-islam.html
The disruptions of the orchestral performance are truly, truly emblematic.
You can choose Oriental Despotism and mob rule or you can choose the harmony of music and the discipline of listening-- both native to the West.
My contempt for these "demonstrators" knows no bounds.
They wrap themselves in the cloak of "demonstrators", but they are nothing more than criminals in the act of disorderly conduct and presenting a threat.
Your information on the EPA standards is incorrect. Obama actually kept in place the 1997 standards (84ppm). Even the Bush standards, were they being implemented, are lower (74ppm).
Furthermore, it's nonsense to claim that lowering the standards further would somehow hamper the economy. In the long run, environmental regulations save far more money in averted health costs than they cost upfront.
Why must your sensible immigration politics be accompanied by terrible environmental and economic ones based on false "facts" and faulty logic?
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