They scapegoat.
In a totalitarian democracy, this is how you set someone up so you can take him down. It is sick and disturbing on its own, but the implications are terrifying for the victim of their demonization.
The image above is supposed to be a “satire” on Fjordman, but it’s far more than that. It's the planned takedown of an innocent man.
What you’re seeing is a still image from a ‘comedy’ that will air on Norwegian TV. Fjordman, called here “Fjordland”, is a paraplegic who can’t speak. Somehow this character is supposed to be a figure of fun. This is especially funny you see, because Fjordman is famous for his words. Thus having a “dumb” ‘Fjordland’ character is a scream.
This is not only sick, it’s a set-up. I have no proof of my theory, but from all appearances it would seem they plan to have Fjordman take the fall for Breivik’s behavior. Here are the steps by which I believe Fjordman will be criminalized and imprisoned. As you can see, it’s carefully choreographed:
- The media prints an old essay of Fjordman’s in which he had hypothesized that the 2nd amendment in the US Constitution was a good thing because it allowed citizens to protect themselves. [DONE-check]
- The the media calls in the experts from academia to discuss why some people have to take “intellectual responsibility” for their words. If those words lead to violence on the part of another, then the writer of the words is responsible for the violence, too.{DONE-check]
- Having the media and academia set up, the entertainment industry gets into the act by showing the intellectual as a crippled and useless figure of ‘fun’.[DONE-check]
- When the public is sufficiently softened up in these three areas, suddenly the police will have a burning need to talk to Fjordman about new information. Why doesn’t he come see them for a chat? Nothing important, they just have “new” information. Even though there is no information on Fjordman that could in any possible way link him to Breivik. Not unless you’re a newspaper, an academic expert, or a media “artist”.[NOT DONE YET...]
Get the picture? Prepare the public, pull Fjordman in, arrest him for “aiding” the killer with his ideas, and…can you hear the prison door slamming behind him? I can. Nice and neat. The public’s been softened up informed about Fjordman’s complicity. So there will be no one left to complain in this nice consensus society when the judge gives Fjordman five years or so in prison for his responsibility in all those murders.
Think about it: Fjordman didn’t have to write all that stuff and set off the crazy guy. If only he had remained dumb. Get it? They want to crucify Fjordman because then they’ll never have to look at what factors in Norway’s culture led to Breivik’s massacre of those people on Utoya. With Fjordman in prison, they have all they need to know. Now everyone is safe again and all can continue as before.
In nice, nice Norway.

There is a video at Vlad Tepes. I think it’s part of an episode, but I’m not sure. I couldn’t bear to watch.
Is this for real? I find this difficult to believe. This is something that would happen to an individual in post Soviet times...slick moves by STASI...nut in Norway? A bastion of freedom and free thought? If the citizen's of Norway buy into this...then they are gone...lost...without ever realising it. Take note American readers...take note.
So heartbreaking. Evil dons so many disguises, while truth is always transparent, if not difficult to see. Lies and liars always dress up their mendacity with layers and layers of 'truths'.
Want to know how totalitarian and inhuman the Norwegians really are? Read the following articles. We saw it on Russian television yesterday eve as well...
It's quite disturbing to see the Norwegian state portray one of their citizens as a "useless mouth".
It may be that Fjordman wil have to pay a high price for having used his freedom of ekspression. I hope he wil pay it gladly.
So what ? It is much too late to cling to any naive dream of fairness . There will be many prices to paid and many hardships to be borne by "the precious few" who have chosen freely to follow their own sense of honour into whatever battles comes our way.
I am sure Tommy Robinson knows and accepts this , as well as alot of other peoble , including many of the soldiers who died in the aparently meaningless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan .
The facts are not on your side. Fjordman was free yesterday, he is free today, he will be free tomorrow, and so on, and so on...
I encourage Dymphna to return to this site, revisit her prediction on a regular basis, comment on the predictions current status, until she feels she has either been proven right, or will concede, that she was wrong.
"So there will be no one left to complain in this nice consensus society when the judge gives Fjordman five years or so in prison for his responsibility in all those murders."
In all seriousness, what murders?
Has anyone seen a complete publicly-published list of names (and also home towns) of the murdered?
True humor confronts the powerful.
It doesn't cut them down to size, but it makes the audience imagine what they might be like if cut down to size.
There is no courage in this expression and no truth in it.
We know the difference between the spite of the mediocre and the nobility of honesty.
We know that aesthetically fits and what doesn't.
I just hope that the majority of Norwegians are aware of these subtle distinctions.
I believe this is more like a warning to Fjordman: shut up for good, stop writing... or else. If he continues to write and the situation in Norway deteriorates further (as it surely will), prison is very certain.
Hi Bohemian Rhapsody,
I agree with Dymphna's main point that the state is pillorying Fjordman to a purpose.
But, I believe that the purpose is far worse than prison, the purpose is to encourage an ummah-wide death sentence on Fjordman.
By keeping Fjordman's name in the news, the state ensures that he is a well-known and attractive target for a Muslim "honor" killing.
After all, if you can't get to Breivik, you can get to Fjordman - who becomes a stand-in for Breivik - except Fjordman had NOTHING to do with Breivik - but everything to do with criticizing Islam - which carries an ummah-wide Islamic death sentence.
God bless you, Fjordman! :)
A propaganda faux pas, Heine Fjordland as the antihero great stuff, hope Vlad subtitles this into English and an action figure is manufactured.
The brown shirt represents the political straight-jacket of the State - the crippling uniform they dress the counter-jihad in, etc.
I encourage Dymphna to return to this site, revisit her prediction on a regular basis...
REVISIT MY PREDICTION??? I live with it. Every single day, all the time. It is wearing me out, watching and waiting. And the more I see of the Norway press, the more odious I realize Norwegian culture is.
Bruce Bawer has tiptoed out of Norway...he finally saw the totalitarian handwriting on the wall. Lucky for him, he was free to leave.
The first three parts of my "prediction" have already taken place. Done. Check.
The last one -- a 'visit' with the police -- remains because Fjordman hasn't gone there. Thank God. And any prudent lawyer will tell him not to do so.
Norway does not allow dissent. Period. Fjordman is a national scapegoat and it may be the case that he can never safely return.
@ Egghead--
You're right. But not just the Muslims. The native population has been instructed to hate him too. So they will. They are obedient in nice, nice Norway. He would be at risk in any situation there.
@ ole--
No one goes to prison gladly as the price for writing. And, no, Tommy does not want to be separated from his young family. Or put in with a largely Muslim population who would like to kill him. Why do you think he went on a hunger strike the last time? It wasn't safe to eat the food because Muslim prisoners work in the kitchens.
Your view of prison life is romantic, but hardly something anyone would "gladly" do. And it is Fjordman's calling to write. One of his conditions of release would be to remain silent. Just as Tommy's has been to not be allowed to lead his EDL.
As Mme. Scherzo says,
Evil dons so many disguises...
In nice nice Norway, evil is very civilized. Even its prisons with their unarmed guards, and the walls painted in pretty colors, and all of it looking like summer camp...ugh.
@ Dymphna, you write: "The first three parts of my "prediction" have already taken place. Done. Check."
William Jansen: Well, that wouldn't be a prediction then, now would it?
I was referring to the "pull Fjordman in, arrest him for “aiding” the killer with his ideas"-bit. That is the prediction, which I encourage you to revisit and give new evaluations of over the coming weeks, months and years, until one of us have been proven wrong.
I hope to see you around.
@ Infidel--
I'm too PTSD right now to read this, but I'm putting it in a live link so ppl can click on to the story:
Russian mother fights for her abused children
I used to work on such cases. The women would be accused of making up lies to win custody of the children, but there are very definite behavioral signs in the children which permit a forensic psychiatrist to make an informed judgment. As one told me, "children don't say, they behave".
Lenore Terr, a forensic psychiatrist, wrote a most interesting book on the subject:
Too Scared to Cry
In that book, she also writes about the kids who haven't been abused but say they have. She gives all the behavioral indicators for both types.
The academics look down on her because she's writing for the general public instead of for them. So she uses -- horrors!-- anecdotes to make her points.
She first became interested in this when she began her own longitudinal study on a group of children who were kidnapped from a school bus and held for several days, some of them underground, I think. She decided to do a longitudinal study of them and their parents, though she lost track of some as they moved and didn't look back...
@ bohemian--
That is the prediction, which I encourage you to revisit and give new evaluations of over the coming weeks, months and years, until one of us have been proven wrong.
I hope to see you around.
Oh, I sure won't be going anywhere. That is, unless Obama is re-elected and Our SecState gets to implement her OIC plan of "shunning, shaming," etc. If Obama is re-elected then the pressure will be put on Google, which owns Blogger, to get rid of these "rightwing hate sites" -- of which we are one, since we've been named as such in an OIC annual report.
And that means we'll most likely be shut down, though not immediately. However, we've packed our archives and are ready to go. The only problem will be the expense of a new site with the kind of firewall Blogger has. Their server farms must be a sight to see.
Occasionally even Blogger is infiltrated. There was a sudden outage (their ususal service downtimes are announced well ahead of time. This one wasn't)a month or two ago and it took a few hours to fix. Those hackers must've been experts.
We've been friends with Fjordman for the last six years and we plan to continue with that, as does he. So I will surely be following my prediction quite closely, with or without your supervision. I am frightened for him, and legal experts I've talked to tell me my fear is not misplaced. They think he's being set up.
Thus, your disdain doesn't penetrate my concern. That is, unless you're the head of the Oslo police force. Then I might be reassured by your words.
If not, then I'll listen to what the legal beagles are telling me.
They need a victim and perpetrator that meets their agenda. If they can't find one, they'll make one.
Breivik and Fjordman represent the perfect scenario, except that Breivik is the perpetrator instead of the victim. So inventing Fjordman into the perpetrator allows them creative license to paint Breivik the victim.
Fjordman makes the perfect scapegoat because he has on real means to defend himself against the character assassination.
"Demonize people with vicious rumor and use a compliant media to report it as Fact.
If called on it, just label those who oppose you as sub-human, incapable of the fine discernment your superior intellect provides."
Political cartoonist, Chris Muir, just posted this statement today.
He is referencing the character assassination of Sarah Palin. But the same strategy is being used to target Fjordman.
In Fjordman's case, the people striving to demonize him is the media.
The larger question is, why is this strategy effective? What is it about Norwegian Society that wants to destroy itself, to be subservient to Islam, to Muslims, and so on?
Note the imagery defining Fjordman. The imagery is one of ... unsexy weakness not jackbooted marching. It is aimed directly at women (and men) saying that any non-Pro-Muslim sentiment means a man is disabled, relies on welfare, and is "useless."
They are not defining him as some sort of Tim McVeigh/Eric Rudolph bomb-maker. No. Handicapped men are not a threat. To anyone. They're in a wheel-chair. They're saying he's unsexy. Weak. And open season (yes you are right for any Muslim who cares to hurt him ala Kurt Westergaard).
But why is that effective? IMHO, Islam is an opportunistic cultural assault taking advantage of Norwegian's hate for themselves. And that hate is largely, one of a lack of sexy, dominant, alpha A-hole men that Norwegian women crave. Therefore the most effective counter-assault is for every Norwegian man simply to be an A-hole, but sexy, in daily life.
Hi Dymphna,
I hear you. I really do.
I understand that the complacent, compliant, and disarmed Norwegians have been fed the party line to hate Fjordman. It is possible that a native Norwegian in Norway might even be willing to murder him, but Fjordman faces far more danger from unbalanced and often illegally armed Muslim immigrants as they invade the Western world.
They want to crucify Fjordman because then they’ll never have to look at what factors in Norway’s culture led to Breivik’s massacre of those people on Utoya.
Oh yes they will. Should Europe's budding but hamfisted social engineers continue this cultural enrichment charade, I predict that Breivik will be just the first of many who will follow in his footsteps.
The sheer notion that mere ideas can be so dangerous exposes just how bankrupt Europe's Socialists are.
To demonize ideas is to demonize the intellect, creativity and our human capacity for thought. Once that is accomplished little else awaits save gulags and death camps.
We have seen this played out before in Communist China to the tune of some sixty million dead. How can the West be so immune to history?
I can certainly relate to Fjordman's predictable predicament. I've written four anti-PC novels, and I know very well that some day I may be "called to account" or otherwise harassed, sued etc. by the government or its media and entertainment minions. I accept that the day will come, as do you and all those of us brave enough to shout the truth to the face of evil powers.
But as far as this "Fjordland" television show, I would take it as a badge of honor that the Norwegian traitor-elites are so worried that they feel such Soviet-style steps are required. Emmanuel Goldstein and the Minute of Hate, indeed.
In American terms, I would liken it to some liberal treason-elite state-surrogate TV show like "Law and Order" (sic) custom creating thinly-veiled scripts where my Hollywood avatar was portrayed as a psychotic right-wing hater. It's par for their course. What else can Soviets do? Have you committed to a state-run psychiatric institution? Not quite yet. So an "Emmanuel Goldstein" show is simply another badge of honor for faithful dissidents to wear.
For if we are ultimately willing to die to defend freedom, what is being slandered and pilloried by Soviet commissars but an honor on the way?
Matthew Bracken
How very typical of the pc zealots... were anyone else to use disability in this perverse manner those same pc zealots would be screaming 'discrimination' from the rooftops.
Where exactly in Norway is this character supposedly broadcasted? I am Norwegian, and I haven't heard about him. I don't know what "Heine Fjordland" means, either. It's not Norwegian. Are you sure this is a Norwegian "production"? People in Norway don't take this lightly. We do not mock around about these issues.
In my personal experience, from what I have read and experienced, Fjordman is not a subject of mockery. People who do understand what he writes, understand that he is an intellectual; and many agrees with him, too. The rest believes that he is a right-wing nut, but honestly, he is basically forgotten about already amongst those. When the media exposure of him was at its highest, I almost exclusively read serious posts about him. This was just after his identity was exposed. Most people are not as stupid as not being able to distinguish between guilt and association.
I also want to say that generally you people do exaggerate about how "sharia-ridden" Norway is. Many a doomsday prophet here has said a lot of nasty things about Norway. While I agree on the negative impacts of Islam on our societies, Norway is not in as bad a shape as many of you like to think.
Whiskey: Note the imagery defining Fjordman. The imagery is one of ... unsexy weakness not jackbooted marching. It is aimed directly at women (and men) saying that any non-Pro-Muslim sentiment means a man is disabled, relies on welfare, and is "useless."
I agree. This is a blatant attempt at disempowering Fjordman.
As noted above, this also a repeat of how the Dutch government "outed" cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot, in that drawing such unparalleled attention to Fjordman only increases the chances of some pious Muslim doing him serious harm.
Essentially, it is government execution by proxy.
If you follow the link to Vlad Tepes' blog, you can see a video of an episode, or part of an episode of this series.
He says:
The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten includes the following picture in the article about a new comedy series which debuted last night on Norwegian state TV, NRK. One of the characters chosen for the comedy show (The Social Welfare Office) was a person named ”Fjordlland”, a paraplegic who lost the ability to speak. He’s also typecast as a Nazi and was featured in their the “angry young man special”.
So: the newspaper article was in Aftenposten and the show is on NRK TV.
And here is a video on the problem, done several weeks before Breivik's massacre:
Culture Crisis: Norway Tackles Muslim Immigration
From the acommpanying article:
Something else that Muslim immigration appears to have brought to Norway is what some here call "a rape epidemic."
Recent police statistics showed that in the capital city of Oslo, 100 percent of assault rapes between strangers were committed by immigrant, non-Western males. And nine out of 10 of their victims were native Norwegian women.
To protect themselves, some blonde Norwegian women have reportedly begun dying their hair black, and many travel only in groups.
Kristin Spitznogle is a therapist who has counseled some of the rape victims.
"These men they do not attack their own," she noted. "They attack Norwegian women and a liberal culture they will not accept."
Non-Muslims 'Fair Game'
And Spitznogle has been attacked in the Norwegian media for saying what many will not: that the assault rape problem is primarily Muslim men raping non-Muslim women. And any woman who does not dress modestly and wear the Muslim headscarf could be considered by some Muslim men to be "fair game."
Fjordman was reporting on this phenomenon -- and the rising suicide rate -- back in 2005, when we first came across his blog. He focused on Sweden since that was safer to do, but as he says, it's the same in Norway.
There are no go zones in Oslo. Visit one if you need proof, but other Norwegians have told me they never go alone.
Breivik's 'journal' (not his manifesto) is full of adolescent braggadocio about how he fought Muslims as a teenager. And hung around with some.
Just because you live in a place doesn't mean you have the lock on truth, sir.
Investigate for yourself.
For example, how many immigrants have been imported to Norway so far? Do you know? Do you know what areas they're in? Do you know their employment rate?
If you trust the consensus media to give you all the news, then there is a lot left to learn.
I haven't come accross this particular article before, but I went through their archives and I found it. It turns out you are right.
However. We do have a breed of comedians in Norway that have absolutely no filters regarding what they sketch. They make jokes about anything. I guess it is a part of the "freedom of speech"-package, but this is not an expression of public thought. It is simply their job to ridicule anything that is controversial. As you can see, I hadn't even heard of it.
Also, the forum section under the article is characterized by much criticism towards this sketch.
Thanks for your quick updates. Stay in touch.
Quick reply. It's late here.
You have to understand that I actually _live_ in the capital. You may like to think that it does not give me extra credentials, but it really does. I live not far from the most "ridden" areas, where most immigrants, muslim or non-muslim live. There are no such things as "no go zones". The claim is absurd.
I'll get back to the rest of your post at another time, I need to go sleep! :)
@Whiskey & Zenster--
About Nekshcot & Fjordman--
Yes. Unmanned in public. Nekschot wore a burka to the International Free Press Society Awards dinner because he is afraid to be photographed. And the police did the same to him as the Oslo police did to Fjordman. Because Gregorious Nekschott had the audacity to draw an ugly cartoonn about Muslims. GN has been drawing ugly cartoons about everyone for a very long time. It was the sandpaper-sensibilities of the Muslims that earned him a trip to the police station and a search of his belongings and taking his stuff.
Same with Fjordman, only he went to the police, but when they went to Fj's house, they treated his stuff much the same.
And yes, he took the police to the storage locker for his computer and suitcase BECAUSE I TOLD HIM TO GET A SUITCASE READY TO GO, so he did what I asked, and included his computer...
I forgot to tell him the police would confiscate his computer so not to bother packing it. He's a naive Norwegian, what did he know? All they needed was his hard drive, but they took the whole thing. I doubt he'll see it again.
As for how totalitarian democracies treat dissenters, read this great essay by Egger, the Dutch historian:
Why Spinoza Was Not Murdered
It goes right up thru the present day -- well, up to Wilders, anyway. 2008 or thereabouts.
I agree with y'all: emasculating your opponents is the act of a fearful culture.
sulber nick: How very typical of the pc zealots... were anyone else to use disability in this perverse manner those same pc zealots would be screaming 'discrimination' from the rooftops.
Great observation. I would compare it to how Obama capitalizes upon his "Blackness" by summoning up the most racist of old Jim Crow doctrine.
This is VERY OT, but since Whiskey showed up, I had to share it.
In his new book (maybe his first) Spengler (David Goldman) has a number of "Spengler's Universal Laws". When I came to #11, I thought of you, Whiskey:
At all times and in all places, the men and women of every culture deserve each other
Say that one out loud at a party and start a bloodbath, hmmm??
Sorry -- If I had Whiskey's email I'd have sent it to him.
I suppose if one doesn't speak the language, one cannot understand the culture. I certainly do not understand Norway, and cannot imagine thinking and living there. I am without speak!
Courageous men are sexy.
The real Fjordman is not the evil slander shown here.
'Nuff said.
Matthew Bracken, thanks for the link to your site. Went there and read the first six chapters of "Castigo Cay." Great seafaring yarn! Gonna order it before I'm much older.
Here is a complete publicly-published list of names (and also home towns) of the murdered:
relies on welfare, and is "useless."
Is this the left surpassing muscular liberal conservatives in expressing and revealing their hatred for the indigenous (sub)working class that claim subsistence welfare.
Heine Fjordland, infidel on a giro - the last roadblock on the road to submission and serfdom.
@ Matt--
That's a real public service. I'm going to link to the page you provide:
List of Breivik's Victims
It looks as if the youngest was 14, the oldest 61. So many, many young people.
I want to know why it took the media no time at all to reach the island and take "shots" -- pictures -- of the killer as he walked along the shoreline killing his victims, and yet it took the police 90 minutes to get there. Why isn't that kind of incompetence being investigated.
Why aren't the media ppl in that heliocopter being charged as accessories. They did nothing to stop him...he went about his business as though they weren't immediately overhead.
There also seems to be a Facebook page, but I didn't go there.
I also want to know if Norwegian young adults are being taught self-defence. If they think this guy is the last crazy, then they've learned nothing. That was an appalling example of sheep-like behavior.
Their only options were to run/swim away or to "play dead". That is not a robust defence.
The Israel they condemned so loudly the day before they were murdered does not have the luxury of raising these kinds of children who scatter at the sight of a lone gunman.
Mehridin: I also want to say that generally you people do exaggerate about how "sharia-ridden" Norway is. Many a doomsday prophet here has said a lot of nasty things about Norway. While I agree on the negative impacts of Islam on our societies, Norway is not in as bad a shape as many of you like to think.
I have encountered this remark from various Europeans and I think it reflects a blindness on the part of us counterjihadists, espec in USA. We form our conclusion on basis of general demographic stats, but overlook that the segregation of these parallel worlds is very strong. In most locales, indigenous Euros way of life is not being disrupted, since they don't live in or near the districts of enrichment. And maintaining this may be the main strategy that Euros will use to manage the problems for a very long time, ie maintaining their way of life within areas that are entirely unislamized, even as total change happens elsewhere. A strong "apartheid" period looks like a distinctly plausible recourse for the Europeans, especially if its already going that way.
"...indigenous Euros way of life is not being disrupted..."
Except that leftists and Muslims are bankrupting Europe according to plan - and when that process is complete, the illegally-armed Muslim gangs will be closer to indigenous Western cocoons than any disarmed European infidels would appreciate!
Thank you Dymphna. Yes, I've seen Spengler/Goldman's dictum, it is pretty much spot on.
What strikes me about the depiction of Fjordman is that the "satire" is aimed directly at portraying Fjordman as unsexy, not as a threat. It is striking, after Breivik, you'd think that the comedians would portray every critic of Islam and PC/Multiculturalism as a McVeigh type building bombs and killing people -- a direct violent threat. Akin to the one they just experienced.
But no one is afraid of a man in a wheelchair. No one. That instead is a very female/feminist way of treating men they don't like: "useless" and unsexy. Violent men and violence among men in and of itself is sexy, see all those sparkly vampires, bad boy bikers, tortured Jason Bourne types, that TV and movies are infested with.
Meanwhile disabled people seem to be the popular font of wisdom: Stephen Hawking, etc. Almost as much as Morgan Freeman in movies -- the voice of moral authority. See Gump, Forrest, etc.
My guess is that this effort is aimed completely at women, with the message that "Fjordman is an unsexy loser women, don't pay attention to him!" Because his message has the threat to resonate with many women, realizing that once they age out of being pretty, they have to deal with Islam and Islamists in Norway. For the rest of their lives.
Being a concubine is one thing, being a washerwoman another. Hence the particular means of dealing with Fjordman.
Whiskey: But no one is afraid of a man in a wheelchair. No one. That instead is a very female/feminist way of treating men they don't like: "useless" and unsexy.
The word you may be searching for is "impotent". The combined negation of physical ability, fecundity and sexuality are a skyrocket signal to women that "this one is of no use and must be disregarded".
Can you imagine a more off-putting aura to have with respect to women?
This is right up there with the worst sort of Anti Semitic imagery. Excepting this is Anti European imagery.
I expect nothing less from Norway.
Fjoordman is now the Jew, and will either be imprisoned or forced to leave...which is exactly what;s happening with Norway's Jewish population.
One shouldn't be surprised at the Nazi-like behavior of the Left. After all, Adolf Hitler was the head of the NSDAP, the National Socialist German Worker's Party, or in its proper German, the National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei - the Nazis.Another tip is the Red Nazi Flag with the swastika in its center.
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