Friday, October 01, 2010

Interview With René Stadtkewitz

Tomorrow will be a gala day in Berlin.

Geert Wilders has been invited to come to Berlin and speak at an event organized by the (now former) CDU MP René Stadtkewitz, who has founded a new political party modeled on the PVV. Mr. Stadtkewitz, like Thilo Sarrazin has been cast into the outer darkness by the oligarchs who run the Federal Republic, all because he dares to resist the Multicultural zeitgeist.

Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated an interview with René Stadtkewitz from Dutch television. He includes this introduction:

The Former CDU politician René Stadtkewitz has founded a new party in Germany, Die Freiheit. Together with the former CDU security specialist Marc Doll and a former member of the board of the Pirate Party, Aaron Koenig, he strives for goals that are similar to those of the Dutch PVV of Geert Wilders.

The interview below is noteworthy because of the contrast between the mainstream multicultural ’68 leftist and people like Stadtkewitz and Koenig. A coalition such as this one is difficult to paint as “extreme right-wing” or “neo-Nazi”, even for the Dutch state media.

From Politically Incorrect, René Stadtkewitz on Dutch TV. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling. PC-Warning: this is a Dutch state-broadcaster production:

A full transcript is below the jump.

0:00 PVV leader Geert Wilders will speak in Berlin [Saturday October 2].
0:04 After the commotion surrounding the anti-Islamic statements of the now-retired banker Thilo Sarrazin
0:08 the visit of Wilders is seen as a new provocation against integration, and against Islam.
0:14 The man who invited Wilders is the parliamentarian René Stadtkewitz
0:18 who for that offense has been banned from the Berlin CDU. He would like to follow in the footsteps
0:22 of Wilders, and has founded a German counterpart of the PVV.
0:30 In his Berlin interview René Stadtkewitz talks about his fears concerning German Muslims.
0:36 “And what is happening? There is intermarriage among them.
0:42 They shield themselves off. This way the number of beneficiaries will continue to grow.”
0:46 About his hero: “To me he is a classical liberal politician. A freedom fighter. That is also what I seek.
0:54 But what is the integration debate in Germany, compared to the Netherlands?
0:58 “We are not there yet.”
1:02 And how do those who think otherwise cope with the new drivers of the integration debate?
1:06 “These people are smart. It is not easy to discuss it with them. But still, they will learn it.”
1:16 In Berlin on Thursday, René Stadtkewitz drives around in his hometown.
1:20 Born in East Germany [DDR], after unification he became a member of the Berlin CDU fraction.
1:26 He was thrown out of the CDU a month ago. He was not allowed
1:30 to invite Geert Wilders to speak in Berlin. That makes Stadtkewitz think of the DDR:
1:35 “Back then you were also not allowed to say certain things.”
1:39 And what kind of dictatorship rules now? “Now it’s a bit of an opinion- and persuasion-dictatorship.
1:44 If you represent an opinion that does not match mainstream, is considered politically incorrect,
1:49 And you pretty soon are an ‘unperson’.”
1:54 A little later out on the street in Berlin-Kreuzberg and Neuköln.
1:58 These neighborhoods are also called the largest Turkish city outside Turkey,
2:02 a society in itself. “When we got out, people said something
2:06 but I could not understand it. Probably Turkish, maybe a hotchpotch,
2:13 but I could not understand it. What is happening here is pure integration-refusal.
2:17 If you look to where the satellite dishes are tuned: they’re not to where we would tune them to.”
2:25 But later on when we were on our way into Kreuzberg, we see an apparently “well-integrated Turk” in a Porsche.
2:30 Stadtkewitz again has concerns: “Nice sports cars, and compare that to the social index and so on.
2:36 Then there is not much to rhyme with.”
2:41 Kreuzberg and Neuköln as Stadtkewitz views them, but with a different lens you can also see areas
2:46 where a variety of communities live well together. Where Turks are more modern than traditional.
2:51 And this is how Alan Posener [Maoist and Communist] also rather sees it.
2:55 He is a columnist for the liberal daily ‘Die Welt’.
2:59 “Here one has learned to deal with foreigners. Mr. Stadtkewitz for instance
3:04 comes from Eastern Germany, those people have not learned to deal with foreigners.”
3:09 Stadtkewitz on his way to the parliament he was more or less thrown out of a month ago.
3:14 As an independent member, he still has a seat. But he prefers to be outside the hall.
3:18 He needs all his energy to give his party a jump start. Organization, sponsors
3:23 everything for ‘Die Freiheit’ [The Freedom], with Geert Wilders as his example.
3:27 “We will continue step by step, next year we should get in this parliament,
3:31 and then we can continue further.” While his former colleagues deal with municipal affairs,
3:35 in the restaurant Stadtkewitz discusses Islam with a journalist of the magazine ‘Der Spiegel’.
3:42 Gathered at the table are to the co-founders of Die Freiheit, including a former member
3:46 of the more leftist ‘Pirate Party’, Aaron Koenig. “The equating of criticism of Islam
3:50 with ‘the right’, is completely wrong, I would really like people to resolve this for once,
3:55 and the media to contribute to clearing up this misunderstanding.
3:59 It is clear that the Islam-criticism derives from the center of society.”
4:05 Posener: “You smell the ‘racism’. But it is difficult, the arguments are not as banal
4:09 as with the former Fascists, neo-Fascists, and National Democrats, etc.
4:15 Of course there are people who cherish hostility towards foreigners.
4:19 But we don’t, because we are concerned about the freedom and the liberty for all people.
4:24 Therefore the freedom of another group must be limited
4:28 For me, Islam is also in principle a religion, but quite clearly a totalitarian
4:35 political ideology too, which may be dangerous, for people
4:39 who change society, in a direction I would not like, that will also threaten our freedom.”
4:48 It is cautiously formulated when you compare it with Wilders’ statements,
4:52 and with that he doesn’t make headlines, as Stadtkewitz knows:
4:56 “We will have to do a lot to be noticed. We will consider all that carefully.
5:04 Perhaps there also are means of provocation, and that’s all legitimate.”
5:08 Then it will also become harder for him to walk down the street like this.
5:12 Now he still can walk anonymously through neighborhoods such as Kreuzberg and Neuköln
5:16 where without security Stadtkewitz can have a chat with anyone.
5:20 Something Wilders in the Netherlands for years has no longer been able to do.
5:22 “I also once experienced that, it’s not that I an unfamiliar with it.”
5:26 Two years ago Stadtkewitz was threatened because he resisted the planning of a mosque:
5:32 “To discuss every step with the state security and police was terrible, to have a car behind you.”
5:40 Stadtkewitz was formed by it, just as was Geert Wilders.
5:44 He claims to know what is happening on the street, and to be the voice of the people,
5:48 just like Wilders. He ever hopes to become the German Geert Wilders. But critics think he won’t.
5:53 Posener: “Stadtkewitz isn’t [a Wilders]. You must have charisma
5:57 and organizational skills. Adolf Hitler, for instance, had both.”
6:02 And since then it has been made it extremely difficult for the new party in Germany
6:06 to break through on national level. After the city parliament, Stadtkewitz will have
6:10 to conquer the 15 other states, and only then can he continue.
6:14 A long hard road, thanks to a dark past of his country.
6:18 “We don’t trust ourselves, and it’s good like that. Democracy does not simply mean
6:22 that the people elect anyone they like on TV.
6:26 Democracy means that minorities are protected
6:30 against the mob, against that already so obvious plain rule of the majority.
6:37 “We want to change politics in this country, and we start in this capital, and then we’ll see.”