Below is an essay from the Le Figaro blog, as translated by Bear via Vlad Tepes. Readers who understand a bit of French may want to take a look at some of the comments on the original post — more than three hundred of them.
What the intifada revealed to the French
by Ivan Rioufol Oct 20th 2010
Not all high-schoolers are troublemakers. But the troublemakers in the last few days, and even now this Wednesday morning in the center of Lyon, are indeed high-schoolers. The majority of them come from city ghettos. They are hooded, and do not march to defend retirement at 60, nor even the system for social protection that could have attracted their parents or grandparents.
They are there to unstitch the republic, its culture and symbols. The most visible being the police and schools. This is why a college was set on fire. The scenes of urban guerrillas that are being reproduced much resemble the images of intifadas of young Palestinians fighting Israeli forces.
In comparison there is no reason, but in these ethnic insurrections from a youth culture, often Muslim, the state is being rejected and is viewed as an oppressor and a colonizer. The savages, each time more daring and organized, remind us of the failure of their integration.
This destruction counteracts the nursery rhymes assuring us that France is the master of its immigrant population. “Integration works,” we are assured. For example, the ancient writings of Jean Pierre Raffarin in Matignon, and Hakim Al-Karoui (Le Monde Oct 10 and 11.) There are of course, many successes that should be more celebrated. But, even if it displeases the bien-pensants, France is the only country in Europe that knows such a fracture of identity, that from now on separates its youth and careens more and more towards civil confrontations. Germany, which has recently acknowledged the failure of its multicultural approach, is not faced with these explosions of hate, which in fact are anti-French racism. It is urgent to open our eyes to this reality, which many want to deny the more it becomes visible. What is observed in these truants is a refusal to integrate within a society that they culturally reject. It is this challenge that the republic must deal with.
Hat tip: François de Souche.
The scenes of urban guerrillas that are being reproduced much resemble the images of intifadas of young Palestinians fighting Israeli forces.
In comparison there is no reason…
Oh, but there is a "reason". Save that this particular event has nothing to do with reason as it is commonly understood. The "reason" in question is an unreasoning hatred for all that is more accomplished, more successful and more accultured than itself.
France has often enough projected a similar dislike upon the USA for America's unparalleled success with respect to its free market and democratic experiment. Quel surprise!
After the Eurabia Pact, exactly what was supposed to proceed from it and the subsequent torrent of Muslim immigration? Everlasting peace and fraternité?
As noted before:
They are there to unstitch the republic, its culture and symbols.
Le voila!
Germany, which has recently acknowledged the failure of its multicultural approach, is not faced with these explosions of hate, which in fact are anti-French racism.
Give it time. Those epithets of "potato" did not come from nowhere. Muslims will make sure there is ample hatred to go around. After all, it's what they do best. To be sure, integration and assimilation are far lower on the list than antagonizing even the most accomodating of hosts.
In fact, the more accomodating a host is, the more that they are pushed to the top of who it is that shall be tormented first and foremost. The ingratitude of Islam knows no bounds, just as the retribution it shall one day face will, most likely, exhibit a similar lack of limitations. Please remember, as always:
Failure of integration?
No, that's refusal to integrate.
Expel, expel and expel. That's the answer to the problem of this "youth culture".
It's not youth, it's Islam-- the most retrograde force in the world.
It's anti-individualism.
It's irrationality.
"A failure to integrate" in this context is equivalent to saying that water and oil failed to mix.
And I'm so glad integration failed. How can you revoke the citizenship of people if they're integrated? It's harder. :P
France has more immigrants than Germany. This is why, I suppose. Also, I believe the Germans appease them more.
Whiskey has a prediction on this:
Rollory, the Gypsies are a nuisance. They steal and stuff like that. I don't see France doing anything about their other problems, which are more serious. The groups that rape and kill. Also, the Gypsies are free to return to France. We're demolishing illegal housing here too. lol
You could always try reading the actual article to know what his point is before explaining why it's wrong.
I do not understand why the gypsies are so easy to expel but the Muslims (infinitely more threatening and destructive) are not.
Frankly, any vitriol I see against the Gypsies should be amplified at least a hundred times against Muslim immigrant "youth culture" and "cultural enrichment."
"Frankly, any vitriol I see against the Gypsies should be amplified at least a hundred times against Muslim immigrant"
It is getting to that point - the comments on that Le Figaro article are very indicative; that's a reflection of the mainstream.
The point of the Gypsies is that they are a precedent. It has been established that France has the right to, and will take action on, expelling people who are not French, in direct defiance of leftist ideals and mandates. The cost of expelling gypsies is low - there is no international oil-funded movement to oppose that. The cost of _not_ expelling Muslims is coming to be recognized, and the French are admitting to themselves, in public, the truth.
There is definitely a chance that the supposed defenses for the Muslim presence that liberal ideology might provide will simply evaporate, rationalized away into nonexistence.
To expel Muslim immigrant communities wholesale is the best defense the "liberal ideology" you speak of will ever have.
This is not a betrayal.
It is a necessary, reasonable defensive measure, given the virus-like, irrational and intolerant nature of Islam.
chosemercy, the Gypsies aren't French citizens. As long as Muslims can become French citizens, you're stuck with them.
So the French accept their Muslim immigrants, make a good portion of them citizens. The Muslims demand that the culture, society and polity be dominated by their religion, their concerns, their culture, their values and their desires. In other words, they demand submission.
Because the French have made them citizens, a confrontation, and perhaps a fight, is inevitable.
In ancient Greece, there was a certain class of people called Metics.
Metics were free to participate in the economic and social life of the state, but they had no political rights at all.
Such a provisional status would be perfect for Muslim immigrants.
chosemercy, when you make someone a citizen, their point of view is just as legitimate. So we either shut up about it and we all go home or we need to redefine what being a citizen means. Any group living in the midst of another is seeking confrontation. That's nothing new, except to progressives.
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