So last week the Powers That Be struck back by trying to put the fear of God into the electorate (and into the Sweden democrats). Bishop Eva Brunne gave a sermon at the opening of Parliament that was clearly directed at the newly-elected Sweden Democrats, although the bishop herself later denied it.
As one of the reports below tells us: “MPs gave Brunne ‘stormy applause,’ it is said. Just as it says in the notes of the CPSU, when Stalin spoke. Who is impressed by that?”
Our Swedish correspondent LN has compiled a report on Bishopgate, as translated from various media sources. First, from Berlingske Tidende:
Part of the immigration-critical party Sweden Democrats walked out of the worship service in Parliament, as the openly lesbian Stockholm bishop Eva Brunne preached against xenophobia…
Shortly before the new Swedish Government was presented to the public, there was drama in Swedish politics. On Monday Sweden Democrats walked out of a church service that was part of the prelude to the opening of Parliament.
Bishop Eva Brunne spoke in her sermon about racism and xenophobia. It was too much for party leader Jimmie Åkesson and some of the other [but not all] Sweden Democrats.
“It was a clear attack on us,” he says[, pointing as she did to the large ‘thousand-headed’ demonstration yesterday evening on Sergel Square with the commie leader Lars Ohly partaking. The mob demonstration that was mentioned in the bishop’s speech was specifically against the Sweden Democrats and their leader Jimmie Åkesson].
“The mob shouted that I should be expelled and even killed,” says Åkesson, according to news agency TT.
The bishop’s speech also quite clearly referenced the fact that Sweden now has an immigration-critical party in Parliament.“The racism that says that you are not worth as much as me, you do not have the same rights as me, do not deserve a life of freedom due to our being born in different parts of our world — it is not worthy of a democracy like ours to make such differences between people,” said the bishop.
Jimmie Åkesson says the Sweden Democrats will still participate in the remaining events of the opening of Parliament.
“What we did in church was very spontaneous. I was very surprised at the bishop’s speech and I have even been actively involved in church politics for a very long time,” he says.
More liberal-conservative party leaders strongly condemned the Sweden Democrats’ departure
From the newspaper of the Swedish state church:
Brunne’s comment: “It was unexpected”
Bishop Eva Brunne commented on the Sweden Democrats’ exodus during her sermon on the equal value of all humans. “It is always sad when people leave the church,” she says.
Brunne said that her sermon, in which she took up racism and the demonstration in Sergel Square, was not a move against the Sweden Democrats. She did not mention the party by name.
“My role as bishop is to interpret the gospel in our time,” she says.
Was the Sweden Democrats’ reaction expected?
“No, it was not.”
Also from the church’s paper:
The bishop talked about the church’s belief in human dignity and equal value regardless of what country we were born into, no matter what gender and what age we are, however our sexual orientation is expressed. It was when she weighed in on yesterday’s demonstrations against racism that the patience ran out for the Sweden Democrats’ party leader Jimmie Åkesson, party secretary Björn Söder, and several of their colleagues. They left the worship ostentatiously.
“It’s not worthy of a democracy like ours to make differences between people,” continued the bishop, while the Sweden Democrats left the church.
The Sweden Democrats then gathered at the party office.
“A strange way to handle the situation. If you are unable to listen to what you do not like, how are you going to cope?”
This is dissembling on the part of the honorable Bishop. Her sermon was clearly political, and to feign surprise at its political effects is disingenuous at best and blatant dishonesty at worst.
Another report, this one from Expressen, concerning Lars Ohly of the Left Party (formerly the Communists):
Ohly distanced himself
“I can promise you one thing: I will never hang out with racists,” said Lars Ohly in his speech.
And he was referring to the election night when he refused to sit down in the same make-up barn on SVT next to the Sweden Democrats’ party leader.
“I will not sit in a dressing room with Åkesson!”
Lars Ohly think it is important to demonstrate his commitment and support this type of manifestation.
“Must take the fight”
“Sometimes you have to go out and show what you think, not just sit at home and think,” he says to Expressen, and continues:
“We must take this fight, especially now that they have been elected. No one is to leave Sweden but the Sweden Democrats.”
Police said it was quiet and peaceful at Sergel Square.
“This group has demonstrated in previous years, and it won’t be easy. It’s not a violent group,” said Kjell Lindgren, spokesman for the Stockholm police.
Finally, from Östran:
Eva Brunne — in the Echo called Brunner — claimed that in every sermon she deals with human value/human dignity. I think this is either rhetorical exaggeration of the moment, or the rulings of a religion other than Christianity; the biblical words about all human beings’ value are few, so few that they do not supply us with materials to use in any sermon or worship service. MPs gave Brunne “stormy applause,” it is said. Just as it says in the notes of the CPSU, when Stalin spoke. Who is impressed by that? The church as a demonstration site to say what should be said — is it just me who is ill at ease?
Brunne indicates that it’s her role as bishop “to interpret evangelism in our time,” she says. It is all well and good. I read her sermon. I must say that I hear many admonitions and exhortations, openly expressed and silently, as she says. One person who read theology together with Martin Luther would call this law. Even when there is talk of grace, the call sounds “Know the grace to rest in the God who created us.” The most difficult art of preaching is to distinguish between law and gospel — but such was not in the sermon at the opening of Parliament.
When we do something — yelling out our abhorrence of racism, for example — it is said: “We do it with God’s help.” Gospel? Hell no!
And how can you get the idea to link to a demonstration which clearly was organized against one of the parties in Parliament, when the task is to preach to all MPs? Must not it be handled with a bit more finesse, pure and simple? Apart from the serious incident with the knife threat. For the effect would have been that the overwhelming proportion of MPs felt so righteous, so righteous (storming applause). I can fully understand why the Sweden Democrats marched out. They got the clear message that they did not fit in the Great Church. They were told from the highest place, second only to God the Father. For it is, I suppose, in this way we see a bishop?
For another account (in English) of all these churchly goings-on, see Cavatus.
There was an article in the Swedish press the other day about a mother who had severed all ties with her own son when she discovered that he had voted for sverigedemokraterna in the last election.
Pretty sick if you ask me.
Actually the bishop herself participated in the anti-SD demo the day before her sermon. Screenshot from swedish 19:30 news on the 5 th:
The subtitling reads: "The bishop participated in the demonstrations in Stockholm yesterday".
More here where one can watch the news
According to the Bible, and the Lutheran Book of Concord, she is not a bishop, she is not a priest(ess) and she is not a Christian.
I, too, would walk out of such a service, where an impostor was desecrating the pulpit and altar with a false, antichrist religion.
Having met religous figures with similar attitudes and convictions, I more and more think that they have no more belief in the faith of Christianity - just a conviction to do what they may do to progress 'social justice' in Christ's name. Like most of the Church of England today. I don't think any of them actually believe in God anymore, much less read the Bible and absorb its' lessons.
She could try her study of the Bible at Revelations, Chapter 5, perhaps. That's a passage I think of when I think of multicultism.
A woman bishop. Hah!
“It’s not worthy of a democracy like ours to make differences between people,” continued the bishop, while the Sweden Democrats left the church.
As a christian bishop in an islamic theocracy, she would have the life expectancy of tissue paper in hell.
The ignorance and hypocrisy of these people would be sad, were it not so downright dangerous.
I sure Zenster can furnish us with the precise fact but there was a point during the cold war when the Americans realised that the Soviet enemy was rational and not fanatical. Malevolent and deluded certainly but the Soviets at least didn't want to start a global nuclear war over it.
The same cannot be said about the Swedish Establishment. They are insane. Here is a person (we wont call her "woman", that's sexist) who has clearly and consciously seen the demonization and violence directed against the SD's and does... absolutely nothing. Moreover judging from her speech you would think the SD's had been the ones calling for the exile of political opponents, starting street battles, burning Malmö and violently "encouraging" the cleansing of certain religious groups.. disfiguring with Swastikas your enemies foreheads. No doubt the freak would probably blame the victims and say that they have no one to blame but themselves.
For man is made in the image of god, if thou shalt wickedly cut thyself off from your human kindred by not supporting multiculturalism in Sweden, than thou deservest the wrath of the entire human race.
As ever, some are more equal than others.
"“The racism that says that you are not worth as much as me, you do not have the same rights as me, do not deserve a life of freedom due to our being born in different parts of our world — it is not worthy of a democracy like ours to make such differences between people,” said the bishop.""
How about we have a right to exist? We have a right to our own culture, heritage & history. We have a right to persevere and pass down to our posterity? We have a right to protect ourselves from invasion and race replacement. How about that? The believers in and promoters of Marxist egalitarianism not only don't believe that but they are purposely out to destroy any and all vestiges of White Western culture and in fact destroy us as a people. There is no way to fight this as long as so many on the right also believe in and accept the religion of egalitarianism. 'Civil rights' don't you know? It is ultimately the destroyer of it all.
"As the openly lesbian Stockholm bishop Eva Brunne preached against xenophobia..."
You read this, and you think : I'm in a Monthy Python film, or something.
But no. It's reality.
It's always strange to see a Christian person supporting Islam. Mohamedans deny the divinity of Christ, and they have, as part of their religious mission on earth, conquered Christian lands, ever since the death of their prophet.
Have the teachings of Islam changed? No? Then why would any true Christian who understands Islam and what its followers have done throughout history ever support Islam?
They appear to have a different set of ideas, and they allow these man-made, that is to say, artificial ideas override their Christian beliefs.
If they truly do believe that they will 'meet their Maker' and be held to account for what they've done on Earth, then they'd better start worrying...
Homophobic Horse --
Gates of Vienna's rules about comments require that they be civil, temperate, on-topic, and show decorum. Your comment violated the last of these rules. We keep a PG-13 blog, and exclude foul language, explicit descriptions, and epithets. This is why I deleted your comment.
Use of asterisks is an appropriate alternative.
Homophobic Horse said...
It's the strawman of an ignorant fanatic, Ernest. The abstract prerogatives of "human rights" were burnt to a crisp in Malmö. It is quite likely that the good Bishop is not even aware of this owing to the Swedish media blackout .
These people are [bodily waste]. They are insane and evil. Their views do not even make sense on their own terms.
If someone is born in some other part of the world and they do not have a life of freedom, maybe it's their own fault! Maybe they espouse an evil ideology, such as Islam or socialism, that is incompatible with freedom and incompatible with prosperity and incompatible with civilized life, not to mention incompatible with the salvation of one's immortal soul.
Maybe it is that person's OWN responsibility to clean house in the place where that person was born, rather than spreading their country's errors worldwide.
Oh, and BY THE WAY, Islam is NOT a race. It is NOT a religion. It is an expansionist, totalitarian, enemy political philosophy that seeks to rid the world of everything but Islam. Islam is inherently and irredemably evil, has no legitimacy, deserves no Constitutional protection, and is undeserving of existence.
Zero tolerance for Islam!
And while we're at it, zero tolerance for lesbian bishops and for "liberation theology."
Actually the bishop herself participated in the anti-SD demo the day before her sermon. Screenshot from swedish 19:30 news on the 5 th: --- Steen
Not very tolerant of other peoples views, is she?
quote -“The racism that says that you are not
worth as much as me, you do not have
the same rights as me, do not deserve a
life of freedom due to our being born in
different parts of our world — it is not
worthy of a democracy like ours to make
such differences between people, ” said
the bishop.
Someone who has such a dearth of insight and analytical comprehension is not worthy of being called a Bishop in the true church of God, as opposed to the liberal church of man. Not to mention that lesbianism is a automatic disqualifier not only for Bishop but for being human according to the Christian image of God.
Where is there anyone who opposes that which is Islam based upon the idea that ' you are not equal to me, or you are lower than me', or saying 'you are not worth as much as me', or ' you don't deserve freedom because of accident of birth' ? These ideas reveal the thinking of the so called Bishop lesbian as completely inadequate and disconnected from reality, which is the very characteristic that enabled her to become a lesbian human, and then a so called lesbian Bishop. I'm sorry am I supposed to be fighting Islam for homosexual human rights? So little girls can be taught to be lesbians and so lesnian humans can become called bishops and desecrate the name and reputation of the church? So lesbians can become imams? No, not me.
But leaving that aside. It is this very disconnection from reality this severance from reason one and the same that allows for humans to redefine reality for themselves and with bold face lie to themselves and others -- which also leads to the failure to comprehend or admit the truth in this area.
Its a relationship to truth that one must have.All the sickness is related to this relationship or lack of it. Professing themselves wise they became fools and preferred a lie and exchanged the truth of God for a lie and suppressed the truth in unrighteousness. There the Deity gave them over to do things that were debased. Call me a hick but that connection resonates with me and speaks more truth than what can be said against it.
Via Islam in Europe Blog...discussing an article in The Local.
Sweden: 73% think integration and immigration are a big problem
Of those who see integration and immigration as a very big problem, 65% think the experts don't have the necessary knowledge to handle those issues (SE). More than 90% of Sweden Democrats voters think the same.
Via Islam in Europe Blog...discussing an article in The Local.
Sweden: 73% think integration and immigration are a big problem
Of those who see integration and immigration as a very big problem, 65% think the experts don't have the necessary knowledge to handle those issues (SE). More than 90% of Sweden Democrats voters think the same.
The Bishop is a physically ugly lesbian and has been so all her life. Such people often have a chip on their shoulder, rejected by society for their ugliness, they seek to correct the injustice of discrimination they suffered. Nondiscrimination becomes their guiding light. Therefore the embrace of Muslims, the more disgusting their actions, the more they must be protected from the discriminating and flawed society that discriminated against her. I bet every picture of her for her entire life show an ugly resentful woman.
JS, the Bishop isn't all that ugly. She looks like a typical frumpy middle-aged suburban feminist. Reasonable people can disagree with her fashion statement, but attributing her objectionable political position and behavior to her average, not ugly, appearance, is mere name-calling and obviously not true. In fact, if you can mentally morph her features to when she was younger and maybe add a little makeup, she would be more than presentable. There are plenty of people on all sides of every issue whom you or I wouldn't find physically attractive, but the Bishop is presentable enough for her age, and making fun of her looks rather than her bad behavior misses the mark. Some of our heroes aren't so great-looking, either. The reason this matters is that making fun of non-glamorous women we don't like actually seems to strengthen their position. (Look, those Rethugs want us all to wear high heels around the house.)
The openly lesbian Stockholm bishop Eva Brunne would make a terrific guard for a concentration camp or a Soviet gulag.
She is the horror movie that I don't wanna be in.....
I wonder when will her sermon on gender roles or homosexuality will be.
The major disconnect here is a lesbian apologist for an ideology disguised as a religion that would kill her kind for her lesbianism. She is a suicidal masochist. She is also a sadist as she encourages Swedes to accept cultural homicide against them by the same force that would end up eliminating her.
Homosexuality is a disability of the psychosexual system. Unfortunately, some people despite every sympathy, aid and opportunity accorded to them are corroded by their disability and difference. In their misery they demand company. This lesbian bishop is a prime example of such a damaged person. She promotes brown men who would as soon kill her as look at her and imagines this makes her morally superior instead of sick and dangerous to others.
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