In other news, 72,000 of last year’s stimulus payments went to dead people, and another 17,000 to people in prison. The total amount of money involved was more than $22 million.
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Thanks to Block Ness Monster, DF, Gaia, ICLA, JD, KGS, VH, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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SAT 9 OCT 2010 Skånska Dagbladet
The One-Party State IS HERE
Scandinavian North Korea Light is now taking the first steps towards an accomplished North Korea Hard. The One-Party State, in other words.
In Eslöv, 40 km north of Malmö, the Moderates (Conservatives) and the Social Democrats just decided to form a coalition, the Social Conservatives. The reason is to prevent a new party SD, that in the municipal elections won 13.4% of the votes, to have any influence whatsoever - not even in the case, that this party may have run the same question as one of the two aforementioned .
The fusion appears to have been fairly easy to implement, as the Conservatives and the Social Democrats now share views on most issues. Not only in terms of strategies for the so-called Immigration- Industrial-Complex (the industrial operations carried out by the Swedish people through their power elite, comprising the exchange of itself for immigrating, mostly MENA, new Swedes). But also as regards the activities of the herewith coherent Gender-Industrial- Complex. That is actions, coercion, indoctrinations, intimidations, lies, distortions, etc.. regarding the areas of gender, gender certification, gender quotas, gender pedagogics, social constructivism, homo-, bi-, trans- and queer studies, intersektionalism, gender reserch, etc.
It is with reference to the latter, where biology and tradition most practically will arise opposition against the lysenkoism of the Seven-Party-Alliance , that the coalition fears the greatest and most dangerous opposition from the SD.
On the Sergel Square it was chanted, that the leader of SD, Jimmie Åkesson, should be expelled. Why then not just deport these dangerous 13.4% citisens of Eslöv from the municipality? Maybe a cheaper solution than the formation of the coalition. Of course shooting them is even cheaper.
Unfortunately there's no equivalent of the SD in Britain - tho' interestingly here too the Conservatives and Social Democrats have got together, in our case to form a coaliton government.
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