Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Protecting the Indigenes of Europe

Fjordman’s latest essay, “Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement”, has been posted at The Brussels Journal.

Some excerpts:

There is no love lost between me and the Chinese Communist Party, an organization responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of its citizens, but even Chinese authorities do not actively seek to displace their own people with violent Muslims. European authorities do.

In decadent societies of the past, the authorities didn’t open the gates to hostile nations and ban opposition to this as intolerance and barbarophobia. What we are dealing with in the modern West is not merely decadence; it’s one of the greatest betrayals in history. Our so-called leaders pass laws banning the opposition to our dispossession as “racism and hate speech.” To native Europeans, when listening to our media and our leaders, it’s as if we don’t even exist, as if it were normal for them to put the interests of other nations over their own. Despite having “democratic” governments, many Western countries have authorities that are more hostile to their own people than dictators in some developing countries. Why?


Numbers discussed in 2008 showed clearly that mass immigration has had no positive effects on the economy in Britain, and I have seen similar calculations from France, Denmark and Norway, among others. On the contrary, it is a drain on the finances of the native population, and that’s even if we don’t count the wave of terrorism, insecurity and street violence which is sweeping Western Europe, from Sweden via Germany to the Netherlands. On top of this, the costs of destruction of national cohesion and weakened cultural legacies are incalculable, yet mass immigration continues as if nothing has happened.

Fjordman makes the case for the right of aboriginal Europeans to maintain and protect their homelands:
- - - - - - - - -
Genetically speaking, native Europeans have thus lived longer on the same continent than have Native Americans. Many Southeast Asians are descendants of southern Chinese settlers who displaced or eradicated the original, dark-skinned inhabitants of the region in early historical times, just as many of the nations of sub-Saharan Africa are Bantu invaders who displaced or eradicated the indigenous Khoi-San peoples throughout much of Africa. Modern-day Japanese have lived in Japan for a shorter period of time than Europeans have lived in Europe. Yet a Scottish councillor, Sandy Aitchison, was chastised for using the term “indigenous” about native Brits. Why is it considered ridiculous or evil if Europeans assert our rights? Is it because we are white? Everybody’s supposed to keep their culture, except people of European origins? Is that it? Why is colonialism bad, except when my country, which has no colonial history, gets colonized by Third World peoples?


I started out initially writing almost exclusively about Islam, and I still write predominantly about Islam. However, I have gradually realized that we are dealing with an entire regime of censorship that needs to be removed before we can deal with Islam. I will in any situation highlight and support the struggle of Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Baha’is, Jews, African Christians, Chinese Taoists etc. against Islamic Jihad, which is a global fight. I always have and I always will. The one thing I will not do is surrender my land, which is not mine to give. I do not see anybody else quietly accept being turned into a minority in the country where their ancestors have lived since the end of the last Ice Age, and I cannot see why I should have to do so, either. I don’t care if white Westerners are “scared of being called a racist.” I will not leave a ruined land behind to my descendants because I was afraid of being called bad names. If you think it is “racist” for Europeans to preserve their heritage and protect their children from abuse, then I’m not the bigot here. You are.

He then goes on to propose the creation of a European Indigenous People’s Movement, and lists a set of six goals and objectives for the movement.

Go over to The Brussels Journal to read the rest of Fjordman’s devastating conclusions.


spackle said... 1

Please Fjordman, stop making sense! Why do you curse us with truth! Seriously though, excellent essay. You have the unique ability to slice through the BS like a laser beam. Anyone with a sliver of reason left in their brain should be able to see the logic in your argument.

Anonymous said... 2

Excellent work!

To those who will decry his essay as racists, xenophobic, etc, I only ask one question - are non-Muslims in countries like SA, Iran, Egypt, Syria, or Algeria extended the freedoms that Muslims receive in our countries? Can they build churches, demand special privileges, advocate overthrow of the government, chant death to Mohammad, death to SA?

Of course, we know the answer, but it nice when your adversary is forced to admit their suspension of rational thought to support their position.

Spinoneone said... 3

Excellent post. Everyone should go over to "The Brussels Journal" and read the whole thing. Fjordman is going to be right up their on the pillar along with Geert Wilders...or, from the viewpoint of some, the same gallows! Great job Fjordman. Now, what can we do in the States to get this message across to our own oh so politically correct left-wing liberal elite? Probably not much, since the deaf cannot and will not hear!

Lombard1985 said... 4

In the words of the Guinness Duo...


Afonso Henriques said... 5

I loved this essay. I loved the "I don't care if you are muslim or not, you are not one of us, I will not give you my land, women and History without a fight!" spirit.

Now it's official. The two living personalities with which I would love to drink a beer are Fidel, El ComAndante (WalkingComa in spanish) and Fjordman, the freedom fighter. Fjordman, when you come to Lisbon, let me know, ok?

Diamed said... 6

What I've been arguing all along. Mass immigration of ANYONE else is wrong, not just muslim extremists. Welcome aboard folks.

Sodra Djavul said... 7

That was truly a great essay Fjordman.

- Sodra

Sodra Djavul said... 8

Terribly OT

Well, it's official. Sodra has once again infiltrated the LGF masses and pranked them.

This time, I decided to give our good friends a vigorous Rickroll.

I used the nickname "Silent but Deadly," complete with a user avatar of a man flatulating.

I posted an attention-grabbing headline in this LGF thread, comment #142.

The site links to www DOT internetisseriousbusiness DOT com. Do not go there unless you know how to kill annoying popups. The site is harmless otherwise. Just annoying.

Anyway, enjoy the fun. I figure if we're collectively going to be routinely called Nazi sympathizers by the LGF faithful, we have every right to antagonize them a bit every now and then.

- Sodra

Darrin Hodges said... 9

A movement that looks to the specific interests of ethnic Europeans? OMG!11!!!1!! its teh nazis!!11!!!!

The sad part about all of this, is it will not resolved without bloodshed.

no2liberals said... 10

Another in a long line of excellent essays.
Well said, Fjordman.

Frank said... 11

Thank God someone is willing to address this issue publically. I'd urge everyone to make this essay viral. This line of thinking WILL take root, and it's about time. There is nothing evil or wrong about wanting to protect the existence of a people.

Findalis said... 12

I applaud your courage in posting the truth. It takes a strong person to speak out against what they see (and in this case is fact) as a wrong idea for their nation.

And why is that every nation that Muslims have taken control become as Third World Nation within 10 years.

I pray to God that this never happens to the Free Nations of Europe.

Rolf Krake said... 13

Simply excellent article - Fjordman's clearcut genius makes him one of the most important political analysts I can think of.

The ideology of multiculturalism and the Orwellian perversities it creates such as "Diversity is Unity" - How can that be?

...not happening out of incompetence, but is part of "a doctrinally driven determination by the new Government in 1997 to destroy our national identity and to advance multiculturalism." I agree, but this policy of state-sponsored population replacement is far from limited to Britain.

The only way to implement multiculturalism is to destroy the host culture.

That is what they are doing - No nation can exist without cohesion, promoting ethnicity (when none European) and tribalism, both being the worst kind of racism, moreover, the inverted kind, a racism against ourselves.

Guess how they will resolve that - The USSR could only exist with the iron-fist of Communism.

Afonso Henriques said... 14

Exactly Diamed!

Only induviduals can (maybe some) integrate! You can not integrate peoples or large groups of persons.

ENGLISHMAN said... 15

We are a little off topic here chaps!True we need a pan-european party ,i thought that that was what the barron and others were working on,before they were side tracked by investigating wether supporters beliefs were wholesome and tolerable.all that aside ,why has no-one made any use of UNDRIP?I have made an official complaint under its articles,and have been waiting for a reply from the UN ,for the past four months,but as i am a no-body i expected an outcome like this,but with all your conferences that the barron tells us about,i expected that at least one of your delegates would have mounted a serious ,credible ,complaint to the UN ,on our behalf,so where is it?UNDRIP is part of international law since it is annexed to UNDHR,it even states as much in it pre-amble so why are we not using it, and causing a fuss,and considerable embarrassment to our respective treasonous administrations,i have heard all the argumants about why we can not,why not for once try being positive and say yes we can,we owe it to our grand children to at least try to use every weapon at our disposal,laws are only imposed upon us because we submit,it is time to re-grow our spines,stop this vicious circle of meaningless dialoge and DO something.Form this pan-european party and assert ourselves,count me IN.

. said... 16

And how, Fjordman, can the indigenous peoples of Europe best protect their homelands? By abolishing the EU and returning to the days of nationalistic nation-states?

If this happens, the smaller homeland cultures of Europe don't stand a chance.

If World War I hadn't intervened, for example, both the Polish and the Finnish cultural identities would have disappeared into Russia. Correction - part of the Polish identity would have disappeared into Germany.

If Germany had prevailed in World War II, how long do you think the Scandinavian, Dutch, Flemish, Austrian, even British identities would have lasted before being forcibly merged with the German?

If Napoleon and France had prevailed in the early 19th centurey, how long do you think the German, Spanish, Italian, Flemish, and Dutch cultures would have lasted before being amalgamated into French culture?

Paradoxically, while the EU in its current form is working to undermine individual European cultures, a strong EU is the ONLY way to ensure the long-term survival of ALL European cultures in a federal continental state. A state that defends the cultures of ALL Europeans against outside forces, and allows no one sub-European culture to dominate and demolish the others.

PRCalDude said... 17

Thank God someone is willing to address this issue publically. I'd urge everyone to make this essay viral. This line of thinking WILL take root, and it's about time. There is nothing evil or wrong about wanting to protect the existence of a people.


Anonymous said... 18

I'm backing it! 1000%

European Indigenous People's Movement

An earlier post of mine:

Ireland and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Afonso Henriques said... 19

I think that you meant an alliance of Nationalistic European Parties instead of a Pan European Party. If that is the case, I agree with you completeley. There are no such thing as European culture. European culture is all the different Cultures of Europe that, despite being rooted in the same comon vallues and common Civilisation, are of great diversity.
I live 350Km from Morroco and Sweden is not, by any means, like a Home to me. But if I were to go to, say, Morocco, even Siberia would look like home.
It's something along this lines, when you kill an European Nation, you kill Europe, so, the anacountable level shall be composed of that, independent legitimate Nations.

Ex-Gordon, again:

"And how, Fjordman, can the indigenous peoples of Europe best protect their homelands? By abolishing the EU and returning to the days of nationalistic nation-states?"
Yes, of course. Creating strong Nation-States that they can deal with, that represents the best way possible the wishes of their people. And to aknowledge that Europe is made out of Nations and that, not like in America, one can not become part of an European Nation just because of sharing ideals or living in a given territorry. Things that were normal to our ancestors before 1945 but that got lost in this new leftie world of ours.

"If this happens, the smaller homeland cultures of Europe don't stand a chance."

I think that 2761 years after the foundation of Rome your conclusion is at least strange. Some small European countries that were here before the French Revolution: Portugal; Netherlands; Denmark; Norway; Switzerland; Sweden; The Italian and German city-states and small kingdoms; I can not recall more but I think it is enough to make my point.

"If World War I hadn't intervened, for example, both the Polish and the Finnish cultural identities would have disappeared into Russia."
Well, Finnish cultural identity can be classified as a recent formation. Finland has almost no History as an independent country. Finland has Historically been weak. Why didn't that happened to, say, Sweden or Denmark?
Poland has the problem of being a State between to great powers: Germany and Russia. It's leader's incompetence shows when a State between two great powers that is not clear inclined towards one of them can not make a stand. Two great powers will not benefit to share a border. Though, Polish identity has remained strong troughout the centuries and has even expanded Westwards, towards traditionally German land. So, in a way, one can say that the Poles are kicking German *ss. Also, a friend of mine who is a non political ingenuous Eastern Ukranian girl heard a Western Ukranian girl talking and said, quote: "Wow... this one is real Ukranian" I think that it meant: She is a Polish girl who lives in Ukraine whereas I am a Russian girl who lived in Ukraine. It shows how "European" states rather than National States are not-so-good. There is also no Historically Ukranian Nation, just a great and richer Russian region.

"If Germany had prevailed in World War II, how long do you think the Scandinavian, Dutch, Flemish, Austrian, even British identities would have lasted before being forcibly merged with the German?"

Well, Gordon, that's why God made super powers like the U.S. (kidding!). But God did indeed made equivalent powers in Europe. When Napoleon and Hitler roared, the Britts were always there to stand tall and fight them back to their beloved Nations. Also, the Britts were acting reasonable according to their National interests as a Nation and as a Super Power. I agree with the Britts: "We shall never have a European Super power". We better have two or more, so that they can fight each other or be afraid of each other. The thing is, no one will have the supreme power.

"If Napoleon and France had prevailed in the early 19th centurey"
That's why I love the Isles of the Northwest. You people know you have a faithfull ally here in Southwest.

"Paradoxically, while the EU in its current form is working to undermine individual European cultures, a strong EU is the ONLY way to ensure the long-term survival of ALL European cultures in a federal continental state. A state that defends the cultures of ALL Europeans against outside forces, and allows no one sub-European culture to dominate and demolish the others."

Yes, but it has to be spontaneous. And it can not be leftist, it has to be very conservative. Europe has Historically been united against foreign enemies (except perhaps France, some times) and agreements like the Congress of Vienna comes to mind.
We don't need an E.U.. All we need is common sense, as we have had in the past. And we defineteley do not need this European Union.

X said... 20

Gordon: Actually, if world war 1 hadn't intervened, Russia would never have fallen to the bolsheviks and would have remained rather smaller than it became under the soviets.

You assume that, because a nation state caused world war 1, then all nation states must be bad. Bollocks. What stopped the germans in both wars? Some pan-european entity? Some sort of collective will? It was individual nations. It was people fighting to preserve their national identity. Take away national identity and what's left? is very little.

I refuse to concede that a European "identity" can be created.

There is a recognisable "western" culture? Go to Spain, Germany and France and you'll see that they are culturally different from each other as they are from Africa. What's recognisable is simply the common touch-points, which vary from place to place. They are not the same. They will never be the same. No amount of pretending otherwise will make it so. Forcing the nations of Europe into a single supranational state will not make them stronger but weaker, by removing the touchstone of national identity, removing the one thing that is guaranteed to provoke people into defending their nation: patriotism. National pride is what drives people to defend their nation. There would be no patriotism for a pan-european state because it would not be created out of national unity, but out of compromise and consensus. It would have to compromise, as it would be encompassing cultures so widely divergent that they they very often move in entirely different directions. We're not talking about the differences between Michigan and Ohio here. We're talking about hundreds of years of ingrained cultural imperatives and identities. We're talking about cultures that have evolved over the course of nearly two millenia in some instances - evolved, changed and grown, before you start comparing with that retrograde "culture" of Islam which does none of those things.

You are assuming that the simple existence of free nations is somehow the cause of war, and that the creation of a "united europe" will stop all wars or some such. That sort of logic is about the same level as the one about taking away all the guns to stop people shooting each other. That logic is precisely why the EU was created, right back when it was the coal and steel union; take the means to create war away from the individual nations and they shall no longer make war.

Except it's a pile of steaming bullpucks. The reason there has been no war in Europe for the last 70 years is because the Americans and the Russians had bigger ideas. The EU had f*ck all to do with it. It didn't even exist for most of that period!

Your proposals are in fact identical to those that created the EU in the first place. You are simply rehearsing the arguments made by the "founding fathers" of the union, all those years ago, to unite Europe under a single flag and so on, to make it "stronger". Their spectre was different but the methods were the same, and the results inevitable. Compromise, consensus, watering down to satisfy the divergent cultural and national requirements. One size fits all, except in reality it fits none. The very nature of the compromises involved would force the cultures of the members of your mythical superior EU to slowly be dissolved and wiped out. What might happen were they to remain independent nations is inevitable within a union.

So, frankly, and I mean this with all due respect, shut the f*ck up.

Charlemagne said... 21

Fantastic article. What is needed for such a movement to take root and flourish is for we who are in this fight and those that want to join the battle to stand strong against the inevitable cries of "racist" that are sure to follow. No matter how many non-Western countries we can point to that consciously limit or prevent immigration to ensure national survival we in the West for some strange reason are not allowed to pursue similar policies. Our masses are so infected with the Leftist ideology regarding race and culture that we sit idly by as our cultures are whittled away. Would any Leftist call the Japanese "racists" or "xenophobes" for not allowing immigration? No! Why are we held to a completely different standard?
I have been saying "Europe for Europeans" since before the rise of the Internet. We must have a place of our own, everyone else does.
This is NOT a racial or ethnic issue in spite of what our ideological enemies will say and the epithets they will hurl. It is a matter of cultural survival.

Conservative Swede said... 22

Chinese civilization is morally superior to our civilization, since they are not actively exterminating their own population. This is a matter of such magnitude that whatever flaw China has, or advantage we have, apart from that, becomes strictly secondary. Which makes the current incarnation of our civilization blatantly immoral and inferior compared to China of today.

I just commented the Tibet issue at Kurt Lundgren's blog. I find the whole issue utterly ridiculous. Tibet is under the protective wings of a fully sound empire (China). Tibet is surrounded by Muslims: Pakistanis, Kashmir, Bangladeshis, Turks, Afghan, etc. Take away the protective wings of China and the Muslims will pour in. As we know, they spread and breed rather quickly, so already during this century there would be Muslim enclaves and the ensuing violent conflicts.

This is the time when USA would step in and give away half of Tibet to the Muslims.

Clearly they are better off under China. Lucky people who aren't "free"...

Homophobic Horse said... 23

I wonder if Tibet wants immigration control and sovereignty?