…As long as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Al Aqsa operate in Gaza then there will be no peace. The “palestinians” that live in the region have supported one or all of these groups therefore they are not without guilt.
Though Israel has not won a war in the last 30 years it is not the IDF’s fault. A government that has allowed itself to be pushed around and eventually given in to world demands is to blame. Every time Israel has been on the verge of victory it has pulled back or withdrawn for one inane reason or another. It has allowed itself the false hope that the enemy really wanted peace and not war. It fooled itself into believing that the islamists actually could live next door to the children of Israel. Jew and muslim living side by side in peace despite the hatred the muslim has for the Jew. In short, insanity has ruled both the islamist and the Israeli government for quite some time.The “palestinians” have been nothing but canon fodder for their arab/islamist brethren for quite some time. They have been the public reminder of arab/islamist failure over the last century or so. However they are a useful propaganda tool used against the guilt ridden, compassionate to a fault, western world. Enough is enough.
It’s time to put an end to all of this. The “palestinians” are starving and dying because of their own lunacy, ignorance, and hatred. It’s time to hold them responsible for their own actions. Americans and other western nations take full blame for their government’s actions so therefore the Middle Eastern nations should be held to the same standard. When the world went to war in the 1940’s the enemy was identified and the enemies were nations not just ideas.[my emphasis -- D]
I would also add that the Palestinians will die along with Israel if Iran goes nuclear, as it constantly threatens to do. When Israel ceases to exist, so will Palestine. What cynics their fellow Muslims are. And how ignorant these people are not to be able to see that their name is not Palestinian, it is “Collateral Damage.” Two troublesome birds will be annihilated with one nuclear stone.
We are not just at war with islam or terrorists. We are at war with Iran and Syria. Add in the nations that provide financial support to the terror groups in the region… Either declare friendship or prepare to be treated as an enemy.
Too many people are dying in the name of shuttle diplomacy and false hope. Either get to fighting or watch as more people die while politicians eat good meals, drink expensive wine, and travel the world achieving nothing while claiming hope for something that doesn’t exist.
In the 20th century millions of people were crushed under the wheels of shuttle diplomacy. It looks likely to continue unless someone puts duct tape over the mouths of the professional “diplomats” and refuses permission for take-off.
[post ends here]
I've come to the conclusion that the Palestinians are the shock troops / human shields of the Islamic Jihad against Israel.
There's this deception out there that the movement has usually been a typical nationalist movement, but i'm having increasingly difficult time not accepting that they're the continuation of the Mufi of Jerusalem's NAZI war against the Jews.
The Palestinian crisis is without solution solely because all Islamic parties want it to be insoluble. In keeping with Einstein's definition of insanity, Western diplomats constantly repeat the same shopworn experiment over and over again while idiotically hoping for different results. Few better examples of taqiyya-in-action exist than the Palestinian "peace process". It has been nothing more than a decades-long hudna and little else.
It's long past tea for the Palestinians to be brought up short with some serious reprisals. Haniyeh and Abbas both need a dose of Yassin's medicine. At times it's difficult to distinguish which of the two is more evil. Is it Haniyeh for his outright advocacy of genocide or Abbas for playing the "good terrorist" when, of course, no such thing exists? Much like the large-scale approach required for Islam in general, Israel needs to continue clearing the ranks of Palestinian leadership until more concilliatory individuals emerge. If no such persons exist and, instead, several layers of terrorist command have been excised, what damage has been done? Little harm can result from demonstrating to Islam the error of its ways.
Those who would cry that it will only cause Muslims to hate us with greater ferocity really need to consider whether much more hatred can be shown beyond flying fully loaded passenger jet airliners into occupied skyscrapers. We've witnessed—as has Israel—the full brunt of Islamic hatred. It is now time to begin acting on that premise and begin demonstrating exactly how unwise it was for Islam to antagonize the well-armed Western dragon with its pointed Muslim stick.
Thank for using my post. I get tired of seeing the same failed ideas for peace getting wrapped up in new giftwrap and sold to the same ignorant politicians.
IT should be pointed out that Pals as true believers understand and agree to be martyrs when Iran nukes Israel. There is no greater glory than dying to help Allah rule the world. Nothing greater. That is what a true believer must believe.
Good to finally see some reality sinking in here. Now all we have to do is clean out the State Department.
The solution is not to keep killing terrorists until a more peace oriented leadership emerges, since any such leadership would exist temporily at best, the solution is to drive the Arabs out of the Jewish homeland. They are a foreign people who are colonizing Israel as part of the Islamic Jihad, they have no right to be there and there will never be peace so long as they are occupying parts of Eretz Yisrael.
There is no such thing as a "peace process", peace is a state of being, you either want it or not.
When the Palestinians are no longer a danger to themselves, only then will they cease being an existential to the state of Israel.
"It’s time to put an end to all of this. The “palestinians” are starving and dying because of their own lunacy, ignorance, and hatred. It’s time to hold them responsible for their own actions."
Well, yes. But the experimentum crucis would be what "modifications" America and/or Europe would make to such a policy when, instead of rising to the occasion and civilizing themselves, the Palestinians were to intensify their "own-goals" self-jihad and precipitate a Darfur-like pall of death and destruction upon its autonomies.
We're too tenderhearted to watch such a thing and not intervene "compassionately." That's a big contributor to the Palestinian problem today -- and the rest of world Islam knows it, and exploits it to the hilt.
I can't help but remember the Islamic reaction to our assistance after the Christmas Tsunami. I am persuaded that it was not out of character...for them.
I'd also like to add this bit of memory to the pile.
I think I am right in saying that not a single Arab "Palestinian", even 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation, has been given citizenship in countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, Libya etc etc. Well maybe the odd one through marriage.
It would not serve the purpose of the Kalifate to grant Arab "Palestinians" a higher status than dhimmi.
We're too tenderhearted to watch such a thing and not intervene "compassionately." That's a big contributor to the Palestinian problem today -- and the rest of world Islam knows it, and exploits it to the hilt.
I'd forgotten about that. It left a bad taste in my mouth at the time. What's the Latin for "ungrateful wretches"?
KahaneLoyalist: The solution is not to keep killing terrorists until a more peace oriented leadership emerges, since any such leadership would exist temporily at best, the solution is to drive the Arabs out of the Jewish homeland. They are a foreign people who are colonizing Israel as part of the Islamic Jihad, they have no right to be there and there will never be peace so long as they are occupying parts of Eretz Yisrael.
Let's call elimination of the terrorist leadership "Phase One". I definitely agree that Phase Two should involve the expulsion of all "Palestinians" from Israeli territory. Those in the West Bank can migrate to Syria or Lebanon. Gaza's population can be flushed into the Sinai for Egypt to deal with. All of the Arab nations surrounding Israel have been dishonest brokers in this intentionally futile "peace process" and should be made to pay for their perfidy.
More than anything, so many of the despotic Arab leaders have made any reforms in their own houses contingent upon resolution of the Palestinian issue. Taking this festering diplomatic sore off of the table would force an end to their stalling and put the onus upon regional tyrannies to begin practicing more enlightened governance. This interminable conflict has been used to red-rag the Arab masses as a distraction from how incredibly corrupt and malign their own leaders are. Far better that they be exposed to greater scrutiny by their own populations so that some real reform can begin.
By referring to them as "palestinians" the author implies that no people are entitled to name themselves. Unless, of course, he does not consider the displaced Arabs of Palestine to be fully human.
Jew's ancestral homeland was what today we call Israel. Many Jews left, mainly to Europe after the Romans had smash their State. Many stayed in Roman-Byzantine Israel.
In the VII and VIII centuries Arab invaders conquered Israel and throughout time they became the majority, Jews became dihmis in their own homeland.
As the place was known as Palestine, the Arabs living there became known as Palestinians as Americans living in California are known as Californians.
Therefore, we can conclude that Palestinians and Arabs are the same.
Jews went to Europe and become personas non gratas, being expelled from every country in Europe. Despite all this, Jews made it to the top of the society and became even more a target.
Because they were the ones who killed Christ, God on earth, because they were powerfull foreigners in a place that were not their own, because they usually got "most desirable woman" than the general population (woman who usually belonged to that same general population, which meant that Jews were getting the more desirable women from the low classes. Such women should be reservated to low class men, which triggered anger against the Jews), because they were powerfull and they mantained a great solidarity among thmselves which kept the "lower class than the jew" native European even more away from power, and because many minor offenses Jews comitted against Europeans throuthout history.
These culminated in the Holocaust during the heat of World War II and finally, Europe cleaned itself from the Jews as the Jews went towards their ancestral and new born country, Israel. They found the Arabs and the tensions began.
I am all for a Jewish Israel but I think America shall not atack Iran. Iran will not nuke Israel (maybe Tel Aviv, but I don't think so) because even if Teheran got the bomb, Israel is holy to muslims too.
It gets utterly ridiculous how the European left hate Israel and try to divide Israel. For exemple, recently I saw a French made, left wing documentary on how the Jews were mistreated in Israel.
The documentary showed how the "Semitic-Jews" who stayed (the rigthfully owners of the land) were opressed by the White-European-Jews (I guess a stormstrooper would love this version of the Aryan-Jew, can you fell the absurdity of all this?). I remind how one of the Jews said: When I speak Arabic near the "new-arrived's" they look at me as like if I am a terrorist.
I just wonder how Jew was that Jew whose mother tongue was Arabic, despite the fact that the Jews who have always stayed in Israel have never stopped speaking Hebrew and Aramiac among each others and during ritual practices. Israel is there for 60 years, the Jew could try harder to intgrate.
I've mentioned this booklet from Terrorism Awareness Project before:
The Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism
It has a very interesting account of the roots of the hatred. This is a battle we've fought before and thought we had won.
The Palestinians are a chimera. even Arafat admitted as much. They are not a separate nation different from the Syrians or Jordanians but the arabs of the region. They could have had a state in 1948 if it was not for the perfidity of their leaders who boycotted the UN deliberations.
I am sick of their perfidity. I'm not suggesting that we drop the aid but that we tie it to obligations. They are kept artificially alive by European funds but what's in it for us? There's no thanks.
Devorgilla: I'm not suggesting that we drop the aid but that we tie it to obligations.
Palestinian aid has been tied to obligations for some time now. These lying, thieving scumbags have backed down on every promise they've ever made. Through endless alphabet soup proxies and sub-proxies they've made plausible deniability into an art form. The way they play "good cop", "bad cop" makes the New York police look like total pikers. The only problem is, there's no such thing as a "good terrorist", no matter what Europe or Abbas cares to think.
Notice how bomb vest attacks are way down ever since the wall went up? It's because only one thing works with human trash like the Palestinians and that's isolation. Why do you think their loving Arab brethern in Lebanon and Jordan keep them confined to "refugee camps" instead of integrating them into their societies? Of course, they'll all tell you its to preserve their precious "right of return" but does anyone see them offering a similar right to all the Jews who were forced out of Arab countries? Nobody wants the Palestinians. They are nothing but gangsters. Why do you think Saddam used Palestinians as some of his most ruthless killers and enforcers?
This revolting charade has gone on for far too long. BILLIONS of dollars have been pumped into the Palestinians' false economy and what do they have to show for it? They were handed free of charge a total economic boon in the form of a sustainable turnkey greenhouse agricultural operation. What became of it? Looted and smashed into rubble out of hatred for the Jews who built it. Foreign aid organizations build them houses so they can use them as ammunition dumps, command centers and sniper outposts that the Jews rightfully come and bulldoze. Then the Palestinians whine about how they have no homes. They were given civilian infrastructure in the form of piping for waste processing that they then stole and turned into qassam rockets to launch into Israel. Then they bleat about their richly deserved sewage tsunami that those pipes were intended to carry away. In their haste to destroy any geological record of Jewish occupation on the Temple Mount, they are excavating irreplacable archaeological treasures only to smash them into flinders. This reckless digging threatens to undermine their own revered Dome of the Rock. When al Aqsa Mosque comes tumbling down do you doubt that they will blame the Jews for it?
Hamas and Fatah blubber on about harsh treatment at the hands of Jews even as they torture each other and throw living prisoners off of highrise buildings. They routinely depict the Jews as Nazis even as they admire Hitler and lament how he did not "finish the job" of killing the entire world's Jewish population. Read Henrik's excellent article if you doubt this.
Now, please remind me once again exactly why we're supposed to give these bloodthirsty terrorist gangsters one more thin dime. By rights, Israel should shut down all power, water and transit corridors to Gaza and the West Bank so they can slowly starve to death due to their own lack of productivity. The Palestinians are a moral cancer upon our world just as Islam is a cesspit of thuggery and human suffering. The sooner we are rid of both the better off we will be.
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