Monday, December 10, 2007

Countering Islamophobia

A conference on Islamophobia sponsored by a group of Islamic countries has just concluded in Istanbul. The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference gave the opening address on Saturday. Below is an account of his speech taken from the OIC website:

The Secretary General Addresses the Opening of the International Conference on Islamophobia, Istanbul, December 08, 2007

Prof. Ekmeleddin IhsanogluThe Secretary General of the OIC, Prof Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu addressed the opening session of the international conference on Islamophobia opened on Saturday December 08, 2007 in Istanbul, a two day conference organized by the Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW).

In his address at the occasion, Prof. Ihsanoglu commended the UNIW for organizing the conference and informed the participants of the various endeavours of the OIC in countering Islamophobia.

Prof. Ihsanoglu mentioned that causes of Islamophobia are many and rooted in historical animosity, and currently it is the principle of freedom of expression that is being used as a cover to foment the phenomenon in the West, although many international and national legal instruments do not allow incitement to religious hatred. He also advocated the importance of moral and ethical responsibility in practicing democracy.

So Prof. Ihsanoglu considers that freedom of expression is being used as a “cover” for Islamophobia.

Well, I’ll confess to it: I’m an unabashed Islamophobe.

I know, I know — a “phobia” is an irrational fear, and there’s nothing irrational about a fear of Islam. Just ask Daniel Pearl — oh, wait a minute; that’s right: you can’t.

But until someone comes up with a better and more concise term, it will have to do: I’m using freedom of expression to cover my Islamophobia. I’m cowering behind the First Amendment in order to insult, denigrate, dishonor, and defame the Legions of the Prophet.

Mea culpa.

The goal of the OIC and the other participants in the Istanbul conference is to get that pesky ol’ First Amendment out of the way so that they can cut the throat of put a stop to Islamophobia.

The Secretary General stressed that dialogue initiatives should propose a specific path and have a well-defined ultimate goal. He welcomed the dialogue calls from some Western countries but requested that those countries should undertake a preliminary internal or domestic dialogue among the different trends in their own societies to clarify their stands.

Presumably Prof. Ihsanoglu means that the other countries of the West should emulate the EU in their approach to the principle formerly known as “freedom of speech”. The EU, as you may recall, has put together the framework decision on combating racism and xenophobia, which lines up nicely with what the OIC is calling for:
- - - - - - - - -
Racism and xenophobia will mean belief in race colour, descent, religion or belief, national or ethnic origin as a factor determining aversion to individuals.

Certain forms of conduct outlined below committed for a racist or xenophobic purpose will be punishable as criminal offences:

  • public incitement to violence or hatred;
  • public insults or threats;
  • public condoning of genocide or crimes against humanity as defined in the Statute of the International Criminal Court;
  • public dissemination or distribution of tracts, pictures or other material containing expressions of racism and xenophobia;
  • directing of a racist or xenophobic group (by “group” is meant a structured organisation consisting of at least two persons established for a specific period). [emphasis added]

This may not quite rise to the standards envisioned by the OIC, but it’s a good start. It doesn’t take a crystal ball to foresee a good working relationship between the anti-Islamophobes in Istanbul and the mandarins of the European Union.

But back to Prof. Ihsanoglu:

He expressed his firm conviction that what unites Islam and Christianity outweighs what keeps them apart based on their common beliefs and common ancestry and that it was on this premise that he had frequently called for a “Historic Reconciliation” between Islam and Christianity.

This is one of the trendiest memes of 21st-century ecumenism: the “reconciliation” between Islam and Christianity. I don’t have the time or the inclination to go into the details, but suffice it to say that the burden of compromise is intended to rest more on the shoulders of Christians than it is on Muslims.

Or, to paraphrase Mephistophilis in Doctor Faustus, the surest way to reconciliation is for Christians to repudiate the Scriptures and their Saviour Christ, stoutly abjure the Trinity, and pray devoutly to the Prince of Hell.

The OIC Secretary General also alluded to the efforts of the OIC Islamophobia Observatory and heralded the forthcoming release by the Observatory of the first ever Annual Report on Islamophobia. He invited the participating experts and NGOs to cooperate with the Observatory in order to enhance the document. He also mentioned that in addition to combating Islamophobia, humanitarian assistance and relief works was the other important field where OIC General Secretariat would like to benefit from the experience of NGOs.

I picture an “Islamophobia Observatory” as a huge astronomical installation atop Mt. Ararat or someplace similar, with telescopes directed towards the infidel world using special sensors to root out opposition to Islam wherever it may be found.

And finally:

The conference, with the participation of more than 150 scientists, scholars and NGO representatives from different countries have discussed the causes and manifestations of Islamophobia as well as the ways and means of combating it.

Expect the “ways and means of combating Islamophobia” to focus primarily on the United Nations. This is part of the run-up to the next Durban atrocity coming up in 2009.

The infidels are being softened up. Watch for a full-court press in the UN in the next two years.

Hat tip: TB.


Papa Whiskey said... 1

As noted here, the "final statement" of this confab stresses that the anti-Islampohobia witch-hunt "must be carried out 'politically, legally and economically both in the national and international arena and in a systematical and strategical way' and is 'a basic duty for ... every institution and every government.' " The time to fight for the right to free expression is now.

Sodra Djavul said... 2

Note to the OIC.

If you want me to stop being an Islamophobe, stop your followers from.. say... MURDERING my countrymen.

Until you do that, I'm personally of the opinion to send the enlightened ones back to YOUR countries to help YOU climb your way out of your civilizational cesspool.

It's nothing personal, really. The U.S. stopped hating Germans after the Nazis stopped killing, and the Japanese too. And we even tolerate a general mistrust against the Russians when only a handful are caught up in the killing these days.

But until you clean up your own house, don't bother to criticize ours.

- Sodra

Homophobic Horse said... 3

Do they work this hard against terrorism and "extremism" as well?

Alexis said... 4

If the OIC were serious, it would set a good example by telling al-Jazeera to stop broadcasting al-Qaeda videos and telling Muslim newspapers to stop printing anti-Jewish cartoons. The OIC has no intention of doing this, of course, because the OIC's agenda has nothing to do with reciprocity. Instead, it is an attempt stifle our dissent.

KGS said... 5

Actually Baron, you're on solid ground using "Islamophobia" to describe your fear of Islam.

Looking up the term "phobia" on the online dictionary, one finds the following:

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.

2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

The second explanation offers validity to those of us who use the term "Islamophobia" to explain our fear of Islam.

Exile said... 6

I do not fear Islam. I detest it. To call me an islamophobe is therefore incorrect.

Go to the greek, instead of the latin root. "Misos" is the Greek for detestation.

Call me then, islamomisoic. Meaning "I detest islam".

Mr. Smarterthanyou said... 7

Perhaps he can explain why Saudi Arabia insisted on treating the Israeli's like dhimmis at Annapolis. Perhaps he can tell us why we have nothing to fear from Islam.

Anonymous said... 8


I like where you are going with that term...

The words misogyny and misanthropy both incorporate that word as a prefix...

So, I propose the term misomohammedan to describe those of us who detest Islam.

Charlemagne said... 9

Islamic Trojan Horse:

I recently wrote to my Senator regarding the resettlement of Somalis into the US and the disruption they are causing in the small towns (targets) they are settled into.

His response:

Thank you for writing to me regarding the resettlement of Somali refugees in the United States. I appreciate hearing from you.

As a party to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, the United States has agreed to help provide protection for persons obliged to flee their country because of persecution, and not to return refugees to a situation of serious risk. Annually, the United States admits a limited number of refugees from all over the world. Refugees are distinct from economic migrants, since to qualify as a refugee the person must be fleeing his or her country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

Since the 1991 civil war in Somalia, the United States has provided refuge to thousands of Somalis who were displaced as a result of the atrocities in their home country, where they have often lost home, family and career. As resettlement agencies try to place refugees in places where they already have family or acquaintances, it is common for sizeable ethnic communities to develop at resettlement sites. Many Somali refugees have been resettled in states such as Minnesota and Maine.

I understand and share your concerns regarding the problems experienced by local communities as a result of the resettlement of refugees and their integration into our society. I believe that cultural diversity has been one of the strengths of our nation and that we should continue to be tolerant of all beliefs. However, I agree that we must remain vigilant to protect the values that we hold dear. Furthermore, I believe that resettlement should not be allowed to negatively affect the economy and living conditions of existing communities.

Please be assured that I will do my very best to represent the interests of the people of Arkansas and this great nation. While I am not a member of the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security, I will continue to closely monitor problems associated with the resettlement of refugees from Somalia and elsewhere. Should the Senate consider these important issues, I will be sure to keep your thoughts and concerns in mind.

Thank you again for contacting me. I welcome your input. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my office about this or any other matter of concern to you.

Sincerely, Mark Pryor

This Trojan Horse is dangerous and needs to be fought.

GM Roper said... 10

Baron Bodissey: "The EU, as you may recall, has put together the framework decision on combating racism and xenophobia, which lines up nicely with what the OIC is calling for:"

Seems to me that the list you give is a perfect definition of the islamo-fascists. So, I guess the islamo-fascists are islamo-phobes?


GM Roper

Charlemagne said... 11

Contact our UN ambassador and urge that we not fund Durban II.