Those bloody limeys -- at least the leftists ones, whose hatred of America obliterates their common sense. Take a gander at this interpretation of Hamas' win in Palestine:
Hamas's triumph in Wednesday's Palestinian elections is the best news from the Middle East for a long time. The poll was a more impressive display of democracy than any other in the region, outstripping last year's votes in Lebanon and Iraq both in turnout and the range of views that candidates represented.Good Lord and His Blessed Mother! Where do you even begin to dissect this man's ideas?
Whereas in Iraq parties that opposed the occupation had to downplay or even obscure their views, Palestinian supporters of armed resistance to Israel's expansionist strategies were able to run openly. It is true that Hamas candidates did not make relations with Israel the centrepiece of their campaign. They focused on reform in the Palestinian Authority. But few voters were unaware of Hamas's uncompromising hostility to occupation and its record in fighting it.
Wednesday's election was remarkable also in owing nothing to Washington's (selective) efforts to promote democracy in the Arab world. Instead, it was further proof that civil society in Palestine is more vibrant than anywhere else in the region and that Palestinian politics has its own dynamics, dictated not by outside pressure but the social and economic demands of ordinary people in appalling conditions. Providing a forum to freely express hopes and fears, debate policy and seek agreed solutions is, after all, what democracy is about.
How about the first sentence: Hamas's triumph in Wednesday's Palestinian elections is the best news from the Middle East for a long time. Because...why? Because the better terrorists won?
Or perhaps this bit of ummm...wisdom? Wednesday's election was remarkable also in owing nothing to Washington's (selective) efforts to promote democracy in the Arab world.
This piece drips with scornful envy. Is he mad because the sun set on the British Empire before he had his chance to be king of the hill? Mr. Steele continues:
In Israel and Washington reaction to Hamas's victory has been predictably negative. European governments should take a more sensitive view. The first watchword is caution. Applaud the process but don't take issue with the result. While the dust settles and Hamas works out its own priorities for government, Europeans should calmly analyse why Hamas got so much support.Now why do you think Hamas got so much support from a culture which celebrates suicide bombers?
You may send your cluebags to Mr. Steele here:
Send prayers to the usual place.

Hat tip: Epaminondas from Villagers With Torches. His site is well worth a visit.
Um Nidal, the mother from he&%, won a seat. Eleven of their other "representatives" are behind bars. That tells me all I need to know about their so called elections.
My own interpretation of the consequences of a Hamas win may be found here...
The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to lose the 1948 war all over again.
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