American mother, Cindy Sheehan. Palestinian mother, Umm Nidal.
These women are not opposites. They are negative images of one another. Sheehan’s world view says nothing about America is worth dying for. Mamma Nidal says she saved her sons for Allah by making them jihad suicide killers. Hers is only nationalist on the surface. Scratch a little off and you’ll see a world wide ummah.
Do you see the perversion of absolutes in each world view?

One sacrifices nothing because there is nothing worth sacrificing for. She refuses to honor her son’s decision to serve his country and put his life at risk for his country. He went against his mother's Absolute: there is absolutely nothing in America worth that sacrifice. Her world view could not sustain her son so he rejected it.

The second deliberately inculcates in her sons the wish to die for her belief, and to take others with them, others she sees as evil. If women and children die along with her sons? An Islamic shrug — Allah wills it. Their glory is all the greater in Paradise. Jihad is their absolute, taken in with their mother's milk and spilled out for all eternity.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Each woman has sons who died in battle. Each of them is running for office based on their sons’ deaths.
Is this picture perverted or what?

Cross-posted at
Infidel Bloggers' Alliance
Sheehan running for office? I had not heard that. Something to look forward to or not.
It would be neat to see them both run for office and then become so perplexed as they met eachothers destinies. THAT would be good media.
What a hellspawned mess.
Amazing how "I hate America crowd" inversely reflects those that wish us to die, though both with the same aim.
Sheehan is RUNNING for something?
Goody .. I want to be there with a camera as Moveon helps ...or better yet, perhaps we can get them in the same room to 'organize' something in Crawford ..maybe a new reality show ...
Imperalist Shahada fear factor .. can you run away before you get blown up by the guy/gal/child with a special piece of apparel you are trying to spot?
I like your blog and the name of your blog is cool too.
This piece is spot on, but it proves one more, possibly unintended thing: Wackos are U-G-L-Y.
LOL, El Jefe. They also like to wear hats!
Cindy Sheehan should accept the loss of her son for the liberation of the muslim ummah of Iraq. She needs to realise that by sacraficing the life of her son President Bush is helping the ummah become free and that to support this mission is the duty of every patriotic American mother.
What is especially repellent in both women is the manufactured quality about them. They are unnatural and seem forced: I don't mean their views per se, but rather their certitude in their views. How have they managed to banish all doubt? I suspect they have not, really, and that their certitude is the result of advocacy. Over their children's dead bodies. Now that is cynical.
Hello, Dymphna:
This is what the Palestinian has said (I do not know if you know it):
Ooh, by the way marvellous post as always.
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