Our Norwegian correspondent PN has translated an article about the controversy from VG.no. The translator includes this note:
The comment board — which requires you to be logged in on Facebook, posting with full name — is full of rage from parents and people of all cultures and religions, excepting the odd troll and religious nut, of course.
And his translation:
Fifth-graders at Øren school in Drammen were invited to a Christmas celebration to end the school term, but ended up with “Winter Marking” and were not allowed to wear red caps [nisselue, traditional/national red cap symbolic of Norway—translator].Thursday last week the fifth graders at Øren primary school were invited to Christmas celebration [Tradition, Santa Clauses come and hand out small packets of candy, oranges etc.; children walk around the tree, and sing songs — translator].
Several of the children had dressed up with red caps and Christmas dresses. This did not go down well.
“The pupils were informed by the teacher that they were not to wear red caps. My daughter and several other children decided not to listen to that order and came wearing a red cap. She was then told to remove the cap as she had to consider all those with a different culture and faith,” says Vibeke Alm Thoen to VG Nett.
Winter Marking
After everyone arrived and the teachers had welcomed them, they clearly stated that from now on it would no longer be called a Christmas celebration, but should be named Winter Marking.
Several of the children had dressed up with both caps and red freckles, and were of course greatly disappointed when they were told there would be no Christmas carols sung.
“I think this whole thing is strange and the message came as a surprise to most parents. It’s surreal that they sang Trond Viggo Torgersen’s “Tenke sjæl” [song title: Think for yourself — translator]. There is nothing religious behind Santa Claus; the school should know that,” says Alm Thoen. To VG Nett she says that she has had children at the school for fourteen years, but has never experienced anything similar.
“I think its straight up nasty that the kids are told to take off their caps. This doesn’t belong anywhere,” says Alm Thoen.
Not censorship
School principal Tove Fredriksen at Øren school rejects that they are censoring away the Norwegian Christmas traditions from the school content.
“I wasn’t there myself, but according to one of the teachers this was a completely ordinary Christmas celebration. The teachers and students had in advance agreed that this was not to be a nissefest [Santa Claus celebration — translator],” says the principal.
The leader of the parental advisory board Tone Mette Pytte thinks it’s up to each class how they choose to celebrate end of term before Christmas. She herself is the mother of a pupil in the 5th grade, and think it was a nice celebration.
“Now i think we should focus more on the children’s performance during the celebration, instead of whether or not there were red caps,” she says.
Is it just coincidence that the same assaults on the Western tradition are occurring at the same time throughout Western nations?
"he was then told to remove the cap as she had to consider all those with a different culture and faith,” - no chance of the imported cultures being considerate of Norwegian culture then ?
Isn't multi-culteralism wonderful! I still say when in Rome do as the Roman do or go back to where you come from.
Absolutely disgusting. These norwegians are despicable cowards and traitors.
It is enough to drive a person insane..
If Norwegian traditions are not practiced in Norway, then they will cease to be Norwegian.
A nation abolishes itself-- throws the content of its culture on the ash heap of history.
That's what I see happening here, and I see the Norwegian people, the indigenes, as being directly responsible.
Have they always hated themselves?
Or is this a new trend?
These spoil-sport teachers and school administrators may claim to be acting for the benefit of The Other, but they are not.
They are polishing their halos for being oh-so secular and "inclusive". Maybe they envy the French for being constitutionally secular, and have to compensate by being politically pious kill-joys.
This is one of the strange fruits (pun intended) of postmodernism.
Herman Robak, Oslo, Norway
My girl is in the junior choir at school, and in the lead up to christmas, she's learning Surfin' Safari and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.
I was livid this morning at the idea of no christmas carols being on the list, but all it really means is that I will be playing carols non-bloody-stop for the next few weeks at home.
Of course, the number of english-language songs she's learnt this year is quite small. All part of the wonderful diversity of school in the Bogan District of 93 ethnicities that is Dandy.
She sings in some african dialect, in chinese, and other languages. Some english, just not as much as I'd prefer.
At least she's not asking about Eid as she did a few years back when Eid fell in the same timeframe as Christmas.
@ goethe...
I see the Norwegian people, the indigenes, as being directly responsible.
Have they always hated themselves?
If you read the article, you might be led to understand that the destruction and hatred of Norwegian culture is being imposed on the most susceptible: the school children; and that many parents are compelled to follow along after the fact.
"Quislings" is the most appropriate and ironic term to use in relation to these western traitors.
JENNY SONESSON dr.ph. and New Swedens leading queen of GENDER SCIENCE (genusvetenskap) propagetes for male Lucias.
No more Sancta Lucia - Sanct Lucifer insted?
Swedish SANKTA LUCIA, the Queen of Light, is celebrated Dec 13. Each town's voted "Sankta Lucia" wears a crown of candles and, escorted by girls in white with a red sash and "star boys", she brings light and song (and saffron buns!) to homes and workplaces.
This stupid, uncorrect ca 300 years old custom will have to change, according to Ms Jenny Sonesson. The light-queen must not be performed by females only, also males shall be given the possibility to weare a candle-crown and being light-queen.
Best of all, if the light-queen could be a black boy whose woice is breaking?
Sankta Lucia, ljusklara hägring,
sprid i vår vinternatt ljus av din fägring.
Drömmar med vingesus under oss sia,
tänd dina vita ljus, Sankta Lucia.
Kom i din vita skrud, huld med din maning.
Skänk oss, du julens brud, julfröjders aning.
Trollsejd och mörkermakt ljust du betvingar,
signade lågors vakt skydd åt oss bringar.
Stjärnor som leda oss, vägen att finna,
bli dina klara bloss, fagra prästinna.
Drömmar med vingesus, undret oss sia,
tänd dina vita ljus, Sankta Lucia.
- - - - -
In English (the translation is poor):
Saint Lucia, bright clear mirage,
spread in our winter splendor of your beauty.
// Dreams with wings rustling, over us prophesy,
light your white candles, Santa Lucia. //
Get your white robe, gracious with your call.
Give us, you Christmas Bride, an idea of Christmas.
// Dreams with wings rustling over us prophesy,
light your white candles, Santa Lucia. //
Can be seen and heard here:
The Santa Lucia pageant at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco
This is Norwegian authorities fighting a war against their own children, taking away the right of these children to their own cultural heritage.
And the Norwegians, but for a few, are silent. Sad.
Not only Germany "schafft sich ab".
If you read the article, you might be led to understand that the destruction and hatred of Norwegian culture is being imposed on the most susceptible: the school children; and that many parents are compelled to follow along after the fact.
School principal Tove Fredriksen at Øren school rejects that they are censoring away the Norwegian Christmas traditions from the school content.
Sounds like a Norwegian to me.
A Norwegian who decided to censor his culture.
Don't ask for kudos, sir.
The leader of the parental advisory board Tone Mette Pytte thinks it’s up to each class how they choose to celebrate end of term before Christmas. She herself is the mother of a pupil in the 5th grade, and think it was a nice celebration.
“Now i think we should focus more on the children’s performance during the celebration, instead of whether or not there were red caps,” she says.
Even the parental advisory board is joining in.
I hope they're not asking for any praise for this either.
They won't get it from me.
These people are not from the outside.
They're not from any elite.
They are independent individuals who have decided to behave a certain way and do certain things.
They are anti-nationalists, and have decided to censor and repress their historical culture in favor of something artificial and ugly.
Yes, I've read the article.
Norwegians are abolishing their own nation and
Norwegians are directly responsible for the consignment of their historical culture to the ash heap of history.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Norwegian wife shot dead on holiday in Northern Iraq 2004
Husband sentenced to lifetime in jail, in Iraq
Husband now back in Norway, claims innocence and his right to the insurance money.
- What is he doing back in Norway in 2011?
- How could they go to Iraq on holiday, when it is to dangerous for mullah Krekar to go there? It was decided that Krekar be expelled in 2003. He is still living in Norway under the protection of Norwegian taxpayers.
How about we start dilluting muslim celebrations too into a multi-culti nothingness, see if they like it? What's the worst that could happen, I mean isn't it supposed to be the religion of peace?
This is appalling. To say that natives need to respect others says nothing about non-natives respecting native culture of which there is no similar expectation and as such, that it is not reciprocal, makes those expectations upon natives utterly void of legitimacy. To imply that expressing one's own culture is disrespectful is pure nonsensical observance of emotionalism. Society is not governed with emotionalism, it is governed with reason. Some have deliberately chosen to interpret natives as offensive simply to empower themselves and they have been enabled which perpetuates the phenomenon by encouraging it. "Quislings" are reprehensible enablers of these attacks on native culture.
i don't get it. Why are any of you guys pissed about this ? I mean , from what i understand , in the name that is "all good", in the name of "diversity" , Norwegians have decided to eradicate their culture. So what ?
Isn't it their choice afterall ? Maybe they see this as something positive ? If they didn't , they'd all vote for far-right nationalist parties , or better yet , you'd have gangs of norwegian youths rioting in the street , asking for massive deportations , or hell , there'd be civil wars.
But it's not the case. Nobody is moving a finger. Everyone is silent. So , they're probably enjoying this change. Maybe their final goal is to become a minority in their own country.
Why not ? i'm not kidding here , maybe it's their goal. It sounds insane , but it's not far fetched.
Think about it. Nobody is forcing the Norwegians to vote for political parties which allow massive , third world immigration/invasion. Nobody is shoving down "multiculture" down their throat.
They seem to enjoy it. If they didn't , they'd vote for a far-right party , or regroup , form militias or something... But they don't.
I have to say that I can't agree to the idea that "Nobody is shoving down "multiculture" down their throat." It's pretty clear that there is a substantial propaganda effort backed by force here.
At the same time...no.
The choice to resort to open warfare is not to be taken so lightly. I cannot regard someone as having "freely chosen" something just because they have not yet been willing to sacrifice their lives in order to reject it. I've put my life on the line for a number of things, but there are other things that I just haven't gone that far over. I definitely prefer chocolate to vanilla, but I'll never start a war over it. If all the cocoa/cocau producing nations of the world banded together and announced that they were going to destroy their crops and forbid growing more, I would be very upset.
But I'd regard anyone willing to go to war over it as a lunatic or just plain evil. Chocolate may be the greatest food product ever discovered, but it's not worth killing anyone over...let alone fighting a war.
And if all the candidates who suggested that perhaps we could do something to ensure that there would still be a supply of chocolate from somewhere were relentlessly portrayed by the media as favoring a war to secure it...I could forgive my neighbors for failing to see through that deception. I would stake my life on facing down the state in their quest to silence all opposition, but I'd voice opposition on some other grounds than chocolate if I could.
Cause chocolate isn't something I'm willing to kill or die over. And anyone that knows me knows that is a pretty significant statement.
Chiu Chun-Ling.
You said:
"I have to say that I can't agree to the idea that "Nobody is shoving down "multiculture" down their throat." It's pretty clear that there is a substantial propaganda effort backed by force here."
Again , nobody is actually forcing anyone. Yes , there's constant attacks on indigenous europeans , but no matter how you twist it. No one is actually pointing a gun to their heads , nobody is forcing europeans to vote for pro-multicultural ) pro-islamic , pro-immigration (3rd world invasion) political parties.
Who voted for the likes of Cameron or his predecesors ? (Brown , Blair etc..) , who voted for Sarkozy ? Merkel ? Zappatero ? etc..In a nutshell , who voted for the traitors ? Europeans themselves.
Swedes , and most nordics pride themselves as an ultra-tolerant , peaceful , ultra-altruist nation.
They wanted altruism ? self-sacrifice ? (at the expense of their own people) , all in the name of "peace" , "diversity" , "liberty" , "human rights".
Well , they have it ! Why complain ? I don't understand the mentality of the people who deplore the effects whose causes they cherish.
I'm sure you're not against "human rights" correct ? And you're probably for the freedom of religion , correct ?
It is because of these ideals , that europeans are destroying themselves.Since europeans don't make any difference between themselves and someone from pakistan or Congo etc..Since everybody is treated "equally". And since the 3Rd worlders do not share any of are views , they're simply taking advantage of our failed system. Why not ? I'd probably do the same if some country would say amen to all my demands.
Never forget:
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
Europeans want to be the champions of tolerance , they want to set an example for the entire planet , they want to live in this magical land , where all races , cultures , religions can co-exist without any problems. (even though it's a historic fact , that it's a perfect recipe for civil wars).
Well ? They now have their utopian paradise! Think about it ! Nobody is threatening anyone. Europeans youths could do something , but they don't.
When was the last time europeans rioted , showed their concern , or showed any signs of rebelion , after one of their own was killed or raped ?
In 2005 , blacks and arabs rioted in france because 2 of their own were killed by the police. But there's no such reaction with the passive , ultra-individualist , hedonist white european.
When an indigenous european is killed , attacked , raped , humiliated. Nobody cares. It's part of the norm. As a matter of fact even the media is generally indifferent to anti-white (anti-indigenous ) attacks. But as soon as the roles are reversed , the media is all over it.
The last time (as far as i can remember) , indigenous whites rioted in the street when one of their own was murdered , was in Russia (last year). But that doesn't count , because it's frankly hard to compare the mentality of a russian person to that of a french , british , german etc...(they don't hate their own culture as much as westerners do).
But as far as western europe is concerned , when was the last time something like this happened ? I'm telling you , people don't care.
Maybe it started after WW2 , maybe decades of brainwashing did the job , maybe that's why europeans are indifferent to their own extermination , i don't know. But the reality is that nobody is forcing anyone. All you see is acceptance , indifference , passivity. That's IT.
You yourself make the point that indigenous Europeans face the (unequally applied) threat of police force and mass media denigration should they make any significant protest.
Yes, they are choosing not to resort to the level of protest that will bring the anger of the state down on their heads. I'm simply pointing out that this is not a "free" choice. It is still a choice, but one that has been (deliberately) made quite expensive.
Of course people should be willing to pay the price for freedom. But the people in the developed Western nations still have quite a bit to lose. Of course, when they have lost all or most of it, then it might be too late.
But it isn't therefore useful to disparage what they stand to lose by acting now. They must be persuaded to look into the future and see that, if they do nothing, they will lose all that and any hope of freedom. And they must be instructed in the best ways to use what they now enjoy to secure their freedom.
Rioting in the streets...if it were really the most effective way to secure freedom, I would advocate it in a heartbeat. But it isn't. There must be calm, deliberate, clearly reasonable efforts to prepare combined with an effective and logically compelling advocacy of freedom that can endure even the most determined assault by the organs of totalitarian propaganda.
I do not claim that freedom can be secured and defended at no cost, just that there are more efficient ways than rioting. I don't blame anyone for perceiving that there must be a better way to live free than by resorting to violence in the streets...because in fact there are better ways.
For example, store food and vital necessities sufficient to endure a period of isolation enforced by the police. If an entire town did that, and then kicked out the authorities, it would be some time before they could be starved out. The impact would be immensely greater than a short-lived riot, and it wouldn't necessarily involve anything like the same kind of personal harm or loss of property.
A modest example, to be sure. But the mere act of people starting to prepare for such possibilities will exert pressure on the government, which is thereby losing one of their most potent weapons of totalitarian control, the ability to quickly starve out protesters. And what can the totalitarians say in response? Storing food and vital necessities is an essential form of preparation for any kind of disruption of services, such as may be caused by natural disasters. It is also a good way to live more economically, since one can thus buy food when it is cheap and consume it when it is dear. How is storing a bit of food in case of a loss of services hurting anyone else?
One example. Just one. There are a host of others that can be tried before resorting to violent protest, and which may well make that protest far more effective if it becomes necessary.
Chiu Chun-Ling.
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