The French Defence League has released another video. This one is about the halal food scam, and the way it imposes a hidden tax on halal meat (which is not even marked as such).
The tax, of course, is the mandatory sharia-imposed zakat, which is a compulsory “charity donation” used to fund jihad, among other things.
Many thanks to Bear for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling. To avoid the Blogger problem, I’ve placed the video below the jump, followed by a complete English transcript:
00:00 | ||
00:04 | ||
00:08 | ||
00:12 | ||
00:16 | Is presenting | |
00:20 | The organizations that certify halal | |
00:24 | ||
00:28 | There exists diverse organisations that certify halalaution: | |
00:32 | They all take a hidden fee, the Islamic tax | |
00:36 | In the best of cases, it will be used for construction… | |
00:40 | of new mosques, maintenance of new mosques, and the maintenance of existing ones. | |
00:44 | To build koranic schools where sharia will be taught. | |
00:48 | Per kilo of halal meat the Islamic tax… | |
00:52 | is 10 to 15 centimes on the Euro. | |
00:56 | ||
01:00 | Tax on Dhimmis. AN ISLAMIC TAX IN FRANCE! halal… | |
01:04 | An Islamic tax in France paid by YOU | |
01:08 | ||
01:12 | ||
01:16 | Worse yet, some organizations are affiliated with the Islamic Brotherhood (Ikhwan) | |
01:20 | …and this money is used for other cruel … | |
01:24 | joyous acts from an intolerant sect, that is violent and … | |
01:28 | dominating. | |
01:32 | ||
01:36 | ||
01:40 | By buying halal, you become … | |
01:44 | Complicit in Islamic terrorism. | |
01:48 | ||
01:52 | ||
01:56 | ||
02:00 | and you participate in murders to our compatriots in Iraq or Afghanistan. | |
02:04 | ||
02:08 | ||
02:13 | ||
02:17 | ||
02:21 | ||
02:25 | ||
02:29 | ||
02:33 | Ask yourself this question: | |
02:33 | Ask yourself this question: These soldiers, did they fall under a bullet or under a bullet of halal? | |
02:37 | ||
02:41 | ||
02:45 | Impose the mandatory marking of Halal products and its derivatives. | |
02:49 | SIGN THE PETITION! | |
02:53 | ||
02:57 | ||
03:01 | ||
03:05 | ||
03:09 | French Defense League | |
03:13 | ||
03:17 |
It is difficult to describe the sense of relief, no matter how fleeting, experienced whenever these Defense League vidoes surface.
It is a modern form of samizdat:
Samizdat began appearing following Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953, largely as a revolt against official restrictions on the freedom of expression of major dissident Soviet authors.
They don't call it the EUSSR for nothing! And we are not in an age of modern samizdat by accident. Just as the Internet helped to spread truth and bring down the Soviet Union, now − in an irony to end all ironies − it may well help save the very culture that invented the digital computer and built the World Wide Web.
Equally ironic is that, even as politically correct leadership cripples America's military, DARPA's ARPANET − itself ironically labeled by Dr. J.C.R. Licklider as the 'Intergalactic Network' − should be standing us in good stead. Thus did the military spin off the Internet's grandfather and so may it protect us in a unique manner that few ever anticipated.
It is especially heartening to see the French counter-jihad spark into life at this crucial hour.
Vive le LDF!
A SITA action against hidden tax on halal meat (in French; you can use Google to translate).
Topic: bullet "halal"
Motto: buying halal products is paying a bullet that will kill a French soldier in Afghanistan
bullet halal
I don't know who is making these videos but they are doing a lot of good, I pray that there are more then a couple of collage students making them. I hope that they have a lot of members.
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