Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan confirms what VH referred to earlier today: the new panel of judges in the Wilders case is a left-wing fix, and Mr. Wilders is being set up again. Let’s hope that Bram Moszkowicz has been taking his mega-vitamins, because he’s going to need them.
Here’s what H. Numan says, under the subject line “Yup, it’s a kangaroo court”:
Dear Baron,
To confirm your suspicions: All new judges in the coming Wilders case are left-wing activist lawyers.
Rechter G. Janssen, bijbaan: Voorzitter Stichting Rechtsbijstand Asiel Amsterdam te Amsterdam vanaf 01-01-2000
(Chairman of Foundation Juridical Support for Asylum Applicants, since 1-1-2000)
mevr. mr. J.C. Boeree, rechter sector Vreemdelingenzaken Rechtbank Amsterdam geeft samen met dhr. mr. M.F. Wijngaarden, advocaat bij Böhler Franken Koppe Wijngaarden Advocaten, Amsterdam cursussen “Vreemdelingenrecht voor strafrechtadvocaten”. Bohler zijn die advocaten voor krakers e.d. actief links volk. Stonden de slachtoffers van Geer bij in de rechtszaak.
The other judges present courses in Laws for foreigners for lawyers of the court. Both are active in left-wing circles. Earlier they supported ‘victims’ of Geert Wilders in other court cases.
The show must go on…
— H. Numan
Hang on to your hats, folks — we’re in for another wild ride.
Has anybody discovered whether the new panel of judges includes people who were at the dinner party where Judge Schalken tried to influence a leading defence witness?
This case has hardly featured in the mainstream media in England. There is widespread anger here about the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) and even Europhiles know that the system is corrupt in Eastern Europe. But nearly everybody still feels that things are decent in the Netherlands, a country with many similarities to our own traditions.
After all, we even once invited a Dutchman to come and be our King and it worked out quite well!
I have passed the facts about Schalken to the editor of our local paper who responded with genuine surprise - but still nothing in the paper. He recently published an article of mine about the EAW with a passing reference to the case
@Edward, I imagine the UK judiciary will quietly follow the Dutch; that is why they wont bother to publicise this!
What crazy conclusions "All are left wing activist lawyers". JC Boeree, who isn't even a lawyer and under asylum lawyers is known as a tough cookie judge in residency review cases happens to have taught a practice workshop at a faculty where a leftwing lawyer acted as the leftwing lawyer and she the judge acted as the judge. And that makes her leftwing by association over this? Sometimes you folks have to check your tunnel vision methinks, or all the world is a leftwing complot...
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