One Muslim Nation Is Sending Help for Haiti After All
Turkish Red Crescent will send 20 tons of relief aid to with two Turkish Military cargo planes on Friday [January 15th].
Turkish Red Crescent said the aid consisted of tents, blankets, food stuff and a field kitchen.
Turkey announced earlier that it would also dispatch a mobile hospital, two check-up devices, 20-member relief team, 10 tons of medicine and medical equipment to Haiti.
Hat tip: Sean O’Brian

Some of our readers pointed out the omission by the Sydney newspaper of any assistance from Israel. Commenter Ashan helpfully gave us a link to Israel’s efforts:
An Israeli aid delegation landed in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince on Friday night. Around 220 soldiers and officers are in the delegation, including 120 medical staff that will operate an emergency field hospital. An IDF plane loaded with equipment was expected to land shortly after the staff.
[..]Jewish organizations - including the American Jewish World Service and the Joint Distribution Committee - are working with partners on the ground in Haiti. The JDC is working with Heart to Heart to bring medical aid, equipment and services to victims of the earthquake. It also is working with the IDF’s medical corps, and purchased equipment including infant incubators and orthopedic devices.
Chabad sent four trucks of vegetables, as reports came that food and water were scarce and looting had begun. “We see people on the road, asking for food,” Rabbi Shimon Pelman, Chabad’s emissary in Santo Domingo, told The Jerusalem Post by telephone Friday he traveled by car from the Dominican Republican to Haiti...
Regarding the omission of Israeli aid on the list compiled by The Sydney Morning Herald: until our readers in Oz email or comment on this, let’s presume the mistake was simply that: an inadvertent omission. The world is paranoid enough without adding to the problem.
For that matter, should you see mention of a Muslim country sending aid, please let us know.

Remember when Saudi Arabia said it was going to need financial aid in this ailing economy? The world snickered.
Now comes Haiti's horrific earthquake. The world is putting money, supplies, and manpower (not to mention dog power — cf China) into the pot to help Haiti recover from this disaster.
But look at the list (below the fold). See any Muslim countries? I don’t either. Haiti is just a bunch of miserably poor infidels anyway.
![Burqa Trash [from TROP]](
But there’s not a Muslim entity in sight. This is because they’re so poor, you see. Poor Saudi Arabia, for example. Lots of money for jihad but not a penny for infidel suffering. I guess they have their own trash to clean up?
I don’t believe in Hell. If there were such a place however, I know a particular group who’d have their own special circle in The Inferno, one reserved just for them…which is just as well since they don’t mingle with the dirty kuffar, even amid the fire and brimstone.
- - - - - - - - -
From The Sydney Morning Herald:
World Bank
$US100 million ($108.2 million).
International Monetary Fund
$US100 million.
European Commission
€3 million ($4.7 million).
World Food Program
15,000 tonnes of food.
Medicins sans Frontieres
Inflatable field hospital, including two operating theatres, 100 beds, medical staff.
International Red Cross
40 tonnes of medical supplies.
$US100 million.
Washington is sending ships, helicopters, planes, rescue teams, a floating hospital and more than 5000 troops.
The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was to arrive later in the day with destroyers and more Coast Guard ships were en route and 5000 troops on standby.
$10 million.
$US5 million.
50 Chinese soldiers, who brought three sniffer dogs with them, and a rescue team, plus 20 tonnes of aid.
Willing to match its citizens’ donations up to a combined total of $C100 million ($105 million). Ottawa also readied two warships, helicopters and planes with supplies, as well as a large relief and rescue force. Rescue team and relief supplies.
Close to $US10 million, rescue team and relief supplies.
Two teams of firefighters with trained dogs, rescue team and relief supplies.
Rescue team and relief supplies.
Rescue team and relief supplies.
Rescue team and relief supplies.
The Netherlands
Rescue team and relief supplies.
Rescue team and relief supplies
Rescue team and relief supplies.
Rescue team and relief supplies.
Rescue team and relief supplies.
Rescue team and relief supplies.
30 doctors.
$US10 million.
Dominican Republic
Rescue team.
Rescue team.
Promised help.
Promised help.
Promised help.
Promised help.
Promised help.
Offered aid.
South Korea
Offered aid.
New Zealand
Offered aid.

Hat Tip: Winds of Jihad
I'm sure regular readers of this blog aren't surprised in any way shape or form that no Muslim country has even offered to help. You, see, Allah is only The Most Mercyfull when Muslims are involved. No surprise the Religion Of Hate, Misery and Suffering has nothing to offer the poor people of Haiti.
Surprisingly Israel is not on that list. Israel is one of the first nations to send help. It has sent A medical team and a field hospital. Food and other medical supplies are allso to be sent to Haiti.
FrogBrigade: Surprisingly Israel is not on that list. Israel is one of the first nations to send help. It has sent a medical team and a field hospital. Food and other medical supplies are also to be sent to Haiti.
Well then, there's your explanation, all nice and tidy.
Clearly, an Israeli cabal has already taken global control of providing disaster relief in order to lend further prestige to the cause of Zionism and put them in line for yet one more humanitarian Nobel prize that the Muslims will not win for another several hundred years. Even if the Muslims did win such an award, it would only be after the Jews had won several of them already, like every other Nobel prize you can name.
So, what's the use of trying? Clearly, all attempts to give succor will be a sucker's bet that can only burnish Israel's reputation while diminishing the Glory of Allah the most merciful. Far better to continue installing solid gold toilet seats in some sand infested Saudi palace rather than waste a single riyal trying to compete in what is already a fixed game run by the Elders of Zion™.
Israel belongs to the list. I think they sent a team of 40 doctors without hesitating.
Jews are a shining example for Muslims to follow.
Yes, Zenster, yes! Because Allah reveals to us whoever is wicked and in need of jihad, we all know that it was the Mossad that caused the earthquake! And the CIA!
Whaddya mean, no Muslim countries ? Have a better look at the list : Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands...
Israel's help to Haiti is much larger - Aid groups struggling to reach thousands of injured Haitians:
"The IDF's aid mission to Haiti left Israel overnight Thursday with equipment for setting up an emergency field hospital. Around 220 soldiers and officers are in the delegation, including 120 medical staff that will operate the hospital in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.
Jewish organizations - including the American Jewish World Service and the Joint Distribution Committee - are working with partners on the ground in Haiti. The JDC is working with Heart to Heart to bring medical aid, equipment and services to victims of the earthquake. It also is working with the IDF's medical corps, and purchased equipment including infant incubators and orthopedic devices."
Oddly enough the Israely contrybution was not mentioned in the list ,probably mislaid..
So , just for the fun of it :
Israel contributes a complete fieldhospital , which is already on the ground and operating at full capacity . A rather experienced one. Selfcontained.
Charity to them begins at home---they help their own and the rest of the world can take a flying leap. Israel always steps up to the plate in times like this.
As a regular reader of the Sydney Morning Herald and well aware of its biases, I think I can explain the Isreali's absence - SMH is left of centre out here (as are all Fairfax papers). More conservative media is The Australian (owned by a certain Rupert Murdoch). You can try them if you want.
Thanks, LAW Wells, I was going to suggest that the SMH "accidentally" left Israel off the list.
Along with the Aged in Melbourne, it's a useless waste of carbon.
Turkish Red Crescent to send 20 tons of relief aid to earthquake hit Haiti
ANKARA (A.A) - Turkish Red Crescent will send 20 tons of relief
aid to with two Turkish Military cargo planes on friday.
Turkish Red Crescent said the aid consisted of tents, blankets, food stuff
and a field kitchen.
Turkey announced earlier that it would also dispatch a mobile hospital, two
check-up devices, 20-member relief team, 10 tons of medicine and medical
equipment to Haiti.
An earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale hit Haiti on January 12,
The International Red Cross estimates 45,000 to 50,000 people were killed in
the devastating quake.
Thank you, Mr.O'Brien...
Just saw your comment, Obviously, another update is due.
LAW Wells...will certainly look into the Australian...started to last night but was tired and lost track. Once more with feeling, eh?
I love commenters. I'd never have found all this info by myself.
Well, as an FYI, here's the basic rundown of the Australian papers.
Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney) and The Age (Melbourne) - Fairfax media (owned by family of the same name)
The Australian (national, our only one), The Daily Telegraph (Sydney only, I believe) - News Ltd (owned by Rupert Murdoch).
Fairfax - progressive. News Ltd - conservative.
That's it in a pinch (DT is a tabloid, the others are... mostly broadsheets, but the Herald is moving to a tabloid format ever so slowly).
I don't think any government has the right to use taxpayers' money for foreign aid - that's not what governments are for and it's not what taxpayer's money is for. Any aid given should come via voluntary contributions and not out of monies governments collect compulsorily.
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