Many thanks to JLH for translating this brief piece from Europe News about the ordeal that Polish girls have to go through in certain culturally enriched German schools:
Berlin: Girls With Hijab Go Off On Polish Blondes- - - - - - - - -
Polskaweb January 23, 2010
In Neukoelln, the head covering debate is getting a “Berlin-brutal” dimension in a new culture war. Girls with head coverings are suddenly going after other schoolgirls, preferably blondes. School administrators and school committee members are very concerned.
It happened on the way home from school. “Two times already girls with hijabs hit bare-headed girls with their fists, knocked them down and kicked them,” says Volker Steffens, principal of the Thomas Morus secondary school in Neukoelln.
The proportion of foreigners in the approximately 500 students is more than 80%, representing 41 countries. The rector says: “Once one of the headscarf girls tried to set a blond girl’s hair on fire. Most of the victims are Polish girls.”
Rita Hermanns of the school committee: “Fundamentalist tendencies are increasing in Berlin schools too. More and more girls wear headscarves. More and more Muslim parents forbid their daughters to participate in class trips, swimming classes and sex education.” Principal Volker Steffens is on the front lines and feels the consequences. “Islamist tendencies and direct, racist attacks by girls are conspicuous.”
Polish blondes are the victims because they are Catholic and nevertheless liberal and therefore embody everything the headscarf girls reject. The basis of the conflict is often envy. Steffens: “In strongly religious homes, much is forbidden. In school, the girls see other girls who are allowed more. They become envious and hit the girls from liberal families…”
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
In school, the girls see other girls who are allowed more. They become envious and hit the girls from liberal families…”
Envy? That's surely the problem here. It couldn't be anything else, like Islamic imperialism.
Sounds like strangers in their own land. An almost unbelievable thing. But I see this happen in this country where blacks are in a great majority in certain schools here in the deep south. Nothing but racism and jealously. Sadly the authorities will do nothing.
And again, Muslims misbehave with impunity.
For the simple reason they have, long ago and frequently renewed, fielded an effective threat of violence and disorder in case anyone dares set them right.
Not even the girls are innocent. I think that this story illustrates why western policy should in no way give in to humanistic compassion for supposedly persecuted Muslim women who are often equally hateful of western liberty.
rebelliousvanilla --
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rebelliousvanilla said...
The problems come from this:
1)Islam and Muslims shouldn't exist in the West.
2)Parents can't take their children out of the schools were Muslims put their children in.
3)This is why I want schools to have mandatory uniforms.
And in a way, I agree with the Muslim girls. I reject liberalism too and its non-discrimination b******t and this is why I think Muslims have no place in the West and need to be sent back home. This article misses the point:the problem isn't what Muslims do in the West, the problem is that they are here.
"The proportion of foreigners in the approximately 500 students is more than 80%, representing 41 countries. The rector says: “Once one of the headscarf girls tried to set a blond girl’s hair on fire. Most of the victims are Polish girls.”
The behavior described here is inconceivable on the Arabian Peninsula where I live. Arabian ladies and girls are never violent in the unoccupied countries.
Outside of Saudi Arabia, expat females from the west and from other Islamic countries are not compelled to wear headscarfs, veils or the full length black outer dress favored by the majority of indigenous Moslem ladies.
Pious Moslem ladies do wear headscarves.
Even in Saudi Arabia expat females are not required to cover their hair in public.
Until the ethnicity of the "headscarf" wearing females in this school is revealed, I can make no sense out of this news item.
This may be a "racial" not a religious issue at all.
Suffering to the conquered
How much time before the Polish girls (and other kaffir girls) and their relatives/friends decide to strike back, given the ineptitudes of the government to keep law and order?
Per: Not even the girls are innocent. I think that this story illustrates why western policy should in no way give in to humanistic compassion for supposedly persecuted Muslim women who are often equally hateful of western liberty.
Herein lies one of the deepest ironies of all with respect to Islam's seeming success and its dire need for correction.
Western feminists ought to be up in arms at even the least hint of shari'a law, with its Abject Gender Apartheid, seeking to dictate their behavior and treating them worse than sapient brood mares.
By all lights, one would think that Muslimas represent the most sure avenue of implementing both reform and overall equality of rights within Islam.
Instead−despite the misogyny, rape, so-called "honor" killings, institutionalized abuse and second-class status of women in Islam−both parties remain largely silent if not outright supportive of the horrors that Muslim dominance entails.
Worst of all is that both parties enjoy a unique position in how they could combat this menace. Feminists are one of the West's "protected species" and, as such, their views are given more creedence than they otherwise might deserve.
Similarly, Muslimas raise the children of Islam and could plant the seeds of change like few others might be able to. There is also the plain fact that Muslimas also could rise up against male abuse−via spousal violence in the manner of Lorena Bobbitt−and strike fear into the very core of every Muslim male on earth.
Again, so many possibilities that are, instead, left to wither on the vine as Islam encroaches further each and every day.
As for the Polish girls in Germany: Form gangs (per extropolitca), and deal physically with any further bullying by these Muslima thugettes.
How much time before the Polish girls (and other kaffir girls) and their relatives/friends decide to strike back, given the ineptitudes of the government to keep law and order?
If their schools are anything like ours, retaliation is often punished more harshly than the original crime.
randian, I'm glad that here you can wait for someone 100 meters away from the school and the school can't do anything about it.
What I'd do is pick a cup of water and pour it in a Muslima's head. She'll either stay with the wet bedsheet on her head or take it off. lol. I wonder when Europeans won't take it anymore and start throwing these idiots out.
The feminists' disinterest in Muslim misogyny puts me in mind of the animal rights people's disinterest in the barbarity of ritual slaughter.
thll, feminism was never about women. At least from the 1960s it wasn't about women. It was just one of the ways to overthrow traditional culture. I won't really go into it since it won't fit 500 words. Feminism just cares about it's narrative - white men are oppressive and need to be done away with.
Feminists are only good for cooking, cleaning, and making babies. And even this they fail. And they know it.
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