Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated a couple of articles on the topic. First, this overview from the Vlaams Belang website:
The confession of guilt by a multiculturalist
For many years in this country — and elsewhere in Europe — an immigration policy has been pursued about which hardly any criticism was possible, at least if one did not want to end up to being smeared as a racist. Over and over again we were told that integration was a matter of time, and with the years — and of course with even more understanding on the part of the natives — all would turn out just fine. A statement that, to say the least, does not withstand a reality check.Even someone like Luckas Vander Taelen has arrived at this insight now, the same Vander Taelen who is a prominent Flemish MP for the Green Party [“Green!”]. Writing in the newspaper De Standaard, in a pointed opinion piece entitled “The ghettos of Brussels”, about the misbehavior of young “New Belgians” who (threaten to) make certain neighborhoods — “they have really become ghettos” (i.e. no-go zones) — totally unlivable and prove the total failure of the supposedly smooth process of integration.
“Twenty years ago I was convinced that the young New Belgians would be quickly assimilated. But now there is a generation in Brussels that has grown up like rebels without a cause, who always feels wronged. Never being responsible for anything, it is always the fault of someone else: the government, those racist Belgians,” says Vander Taelen. Further on, he even comes to the conclusion that many “New Belgians” (do not want to) have any connection whatsoever with this country, because “almost all the young immigrants have the Belgian nationality, still they lack any identification with this country. On the contrary: ‘Belge’ is a smear word…”
We hardly could have said this better ourselves. The analysis of Vander Taelen makes is quite something. It is only to be regretted that it has come a little late.
The sobered-up “multiculturalist” not only sums up the state of affairs, but has at last actually come to the conclusion that tolerance does not mean that we should ignore their own social values: “Maybe we should ask ourselves how it is that we have accepted that principles like artistic freedom and equal rights for men and women do not apply to everyone in this country. Why do we not dare to stand up for what is in fact essential: respect for the laws and values of the country we live?” Good question, indeed…
According to Vander Taelen it about time now that we abandon the fear to call things as they are — yes you read that right — and get the debate going. A call that sounds somewhat strange coming from a corner that for years has done everything possible in order to stifle any debate. But perhaps Vander Taelen — despite his noticeable disenchantment — wanted to show that he did not lose his sense of humor.
Anyway, the statements of Vander Taelen may at least be taken as a confession. But to make a confession is one thing. Whether any practical consequences will be attached to it, remains the question.
The original opinion piece by Luckas Vander Taelen from De Standaard:
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The ghettos of Brussels
Should we be afraid to enforce our values?
Luckas Vander Taelen is tired of living next to a ghetto where young immigrants treat him as though he is trespassing on their private property. “Why do we not dare not stand up for what is really essential: respect for the laws and values of the country in which we live?”
I live near a neighborhood in Brussels-Vorst, from the Mérodestraat to the train station Brussels South, which even with your utmost multicultural bias can not be defined as anything but a ghetto.
My daughter has since long given up going into that district. She simply has been abused too often with many not very nice things shouted at her. I cycle every day through it and time and again experience a new adventure. Double parked cars in the way, drivers who block an intersection just to have a chat with each other, youngsters hanging around staring at you as if you have invaded their private property.
Above all, try not to respond when you have nearly been knocked off your bike again: the last time I did it, I was abused by a bystander of barely sixteen years old, who ended his abusive tirade with a message I will not translate here: “Nique ta mère.” [go f*** your mum —translator]. This was a little less serious than last time, when another young Maghreb driver was offended by my behavior: I had the courage to take my right of way. this violated his honor in such way that he apparently could only correct this by spitting straight into my face…
Therefore above all: keep your mouth shut. Because if you try to explain that 70 km/h is a little too fast in a 30 km/h zone, you are immediately subjected to a confrontation with the honor of a young New Belgian who cannot stand anyone prohibiting him anything and is willing to run you down over it.
Twenty years ago I was convinced that the young New Belgians would be quickly assimilated. But now there is a generation in Brussels that has grown up like rebels without a cause, who always feels wronged. Never being responsible for anything, it is always the fault of someone else: the government, those racist Belgians. And even within their own families, those young men from the Maghreb remain untouchable. When the police picked up a boy in Brussels-Molenbeek, the father immediately organized a demonstration because his son “would never even steal an apple.”
The efforts of the government in the troubled neighborhoods have ensured that the youngsters do not feel the need to leave it, a ULB [Université Libre de Bruxelles] study showed last year. This way you create the narrowness of a village in the big city.
One of my daughter’s Moroccan friends has a Belgian boyfriend. She never goes in the neighborhood with him, because she will immediately be shouted at. Because although almost all the young immigrants have the Belgian nationality, still they lack any identification with this country. On the contrary: ‘Belge’ is a smear word…
You hardly ever see young women in that district. And certainly not in the cafés: there are not even “tolerated” there. When a female employee of the municipality asked for a coffee once, it soon became clear that she should not expect to be served. When I cycle through the Brussels-Merode district, I know that a ways beyond the train station South, not a woman can be seen at a terrace of a café. And then I did not mention the double sexual morality of those young immigrant women, who are still expected to prove their virginity on the wedding night, even though everyone knows that the hospitals in Brussels where a simple operation restores their hymen…
A renowned French-Moroccan artist last week exhibited a remarkable artwork in Brussels: a series of prayer mats with shoes. The art gallery immediately received threatening phone calls, the window was spit on and damaged. The fuss came up because on one prayer mat stood a set of lady’s shoes. The artist in this way wanted to raise the issue of “the place of women in Islam”. But that is not possible anymore in Brussels: a few days later, the artwork was removed.
Maybe we should ask ourselves how it is that we have accepted that principles like artistic freedom and equal rights for men and women do not apply to everyone in this country. Why do we not dare to stand up for what is in fact essential: respect for the laws and values of the country we live?
The headscarf ban is not a solution. But perhaps we should think about an assertive way to make clear that we dare to defend what we consider important.
It has been to the credit of the left to ask that more attention be paid to discrimination and social disadvantage. The problem, unfortunately, lies deeper than that: we have always been afraid to push our values onto immigrants. These values are too dear to me for me to lose them.
— by Luckas Vander Taelen
Who? Flemish MP for “Green!“ [Left wing eco-fascists]
What? We must teach young foreigners to respect our values.
Why? Some Brussels neighborhoods evolve into ghettos with their own laws.
Great. He had me going until he destroyed his own argument with this:
"It has been to the credit of the left to ask that more attention be paid to discrimination and social disadvantage.
He still doesnt get where the fruit of the poisonous tree comes from. Old habits die hard I guess.
But now there is a generation in Brussels that has grown up like rebels without a cause, who always feels wronged.
I think they do have a cause.
Another tipping point reached.
"Rebels without a cause." What a bloody joke. They don't even look like James Dean.
Crocodile tears this type set about to destroy the people of Europe and its culture and were(are) more than willing to attach the hate label, crimilise and imprison people for dissent.
They should be greeted with cries of hypocrite and treated with disdain.
Funny, they seem to have the same default-insults no matter where they settle down. Here it is "ska knulla din mamma".
Yes, this is a pretty sobering article..coming from a leftie, but I could just not ignore his utter cluelessness:
"Twenty years ago I was convinced that the young new-Belgians would quickly be assimilated. But now a generation of rebels without a cause grew up in Brussels who always feel offended and wronged."
So the guy, a highly educated person, thought that 20 yrs ago the muslims were going to integrate into the belgian society. He had no clue what means to be muslim and to follow the Koran, he had no clue about the islams history of 1400 of wars, he had no clue with what ideas these people were moving in his neighborhood, or even if he did, he was too brainwashed into multiculturalism to be able to formulate a common sense thought. Now, 20 yrs later, when he and his daughter can not walk safely on the street, he sees that it was all a mistake but he still has NO CLUE about the reason why this is happening. But common sense will be slowly imposed on him by force.
He is slowly awakening, I think he still has a long way to go but he has taken the most important step..the consequences of the mistakes he made until now made him realize even id he did so way too late, his country being full of enrichers like the ones he describes. And I they wont go away. No way!
I have read the translation of this article a week or so ago on the blog Islam in Europe. Baron, I'm sure you know it, but I put the link, so if you don't know, you need to check it out.
"A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged."
This character only sounds halfway mugged.
Maybe some "rebel without a cause" will smack his girlfriend for being a "whore" or stab him for his iPod and that will finish the all-too-slow awakening.
Clueless about Islam, still.
Which is the world's oldest and most malignant continuing CAUSE.
Of Terror.
They want your frikkin' empty heads!
Ah yes, now that it is just him and the crocodile, he regrets his cheering for the new Belgians as he threw the OLD Belgians to them. Now that he realizes his own little world is being eaten, he has a change of mind.
I agree he is still totally clueless about Islam and why it makes the New Belgians so hateful and disdainful toward the OLD Belgians.
John Sobieski: Ah yes, now that it is just him and the crocodile ...
Le Bingo!
I would compare this case to that of Greenpeace founder, Patrick Moore and his belated turnaround about clean nuclear energy.
All this after spending over thirty years intentionally ensuring that the American public conflated nuclear reactors with nuclear weapons.
By forcing the USA to remain dependent on Arab oil, instead of generating abundant nuclear power, this one Leftist maroon managed to help empower America's very worst enemies while defeating a technology that might also have reduce atmospheric pollution and abated some of the "climate change" that Moore is currently wetting his pants about.
As is so often the case with these kneejerk Liberals, the Law of Unintended Consequences™ has returned to bite him on the arse. Unfortunately, he has also inflicted his stupidity upon millions of innocent Americans who would have been a lot better off with a supply of nuclear power that might have left a majority of Muslims eating sand and drinking their damn oil.
So, here we see Luckas Vander Taelen lamenting having infected his nation with the most persistent and deadly cultural virus of the last fourteen hundred years. Way to go, you gibbering idiot.
Most wretched of all is what he has to offer as a solution:
The headscarf ban is not a solution. But perhaps we should think about an assertive way to make clear that we dare to defend what we consider important.
It has been to the credit of the left to ask that more attention be paid to discrimination and social disadvantage. The problem, unfortunately, lies deeper than that: we have always been afraid to push our values onto immigrants. These values are too dear to me for me to lose them.
This lily-livered poltroon can't even bring himself to admit that making his country Islam-unfriendly by way of a headscarf ban just might be a good place to start. He is still too bleeding-heart sensitive to the perpetually aggrieved jackals he invited into the Belgian fold. This despite knowing the fact that they would like nothing more than to eviscerate one or more of his various appendages.
I'm sure you all remember that young parisian on the bus who was brutally beaten by enrichers last winter. He sure as hell didn't experience "Le Bingo". Half a year later he was even more fanatical multiculturalist than before. These people will not change whatever happens to them. They will go to their graves praising bloody hallellujah to the multicultural society. Don't bet your last dime on that belgian. He will never awake.
It won't be long till the elites call upon the rabble to save them from their own handiwork.
"DOUBLE PARKED CARS in the way, drivers WHO BLOCK AN INTERSECTION just to have a chat with each other, youngsters hanging around STARING AT YOU as if you have invaded their private property.
Therefore above all: keep your mouth shut. Because if you try to explain that 70 km/h is A LITTLE TOO FAST in a 30 km/h zone, you are immediately subjected to a confrontation with the honor of a young New Belgian who cannot stand anyone prohibiting him anything and is willing to run you down over it."
Anyone who's ever been to the open sewers of mahoundistan (any of them, there's simply no exception to this rule anywhere in Dar al-mahoundianism) knows that this is just the norm in those cesspools (a little web search for videos of traffic in Cairo, Ankara, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Istanbul and Dhaka, among other cities, can show you what I'm talking about even if you fortunately haven't had the misfortune of having been forced to go to such places by your employer, or your spouse's.) Traffic signs in those places are roadside decorations, and laws are never ever enforced at all. And, everywhere in the West where mahoundians live and mosques exist, traffic laws have increasingly been made more and more "flexible", so that those camel-jockeys can keep driving and parking cars as though they were actually their grass-chewing sexual partners for when their multiple wives are on their periods.
Oh, and I forgot one thing about traffic "rules" in mahoundistan... I didn't mention the ONE pedestrian right that exists in its cesspools: the right to run for their lives when they cross a street; and, if they get run over or hit, it's never the driver's fault, believe it or not.
Videos featuring traffic in mahoundian countries will show you more about that (and also about how, just as Lord Cromer said that disordered mahoundian minds cannot make sense of how to use sidewalks, way too many of those idiots would rather walk in between cars, literally in the middle of the street, than use a sidewalk where one is available.)
Wormwood: It won't be long till the elites call upon the rabble to save them from their own handiwork.
And so it is that Ralph comes begging to Piggy.
The elites, in Europe specially, the EU elites, with their grossly high salaries and inflation proof expense accounts and pensions, have not encountered the "enrichers" - they live in leafy suburbs, surrounded by the likes of their own. Though not literally, they live in walled enclosures and cities. But as people in the past found out, you can't build a wall high enough, that evil will not climb over.
I'm not sure the "rabble", who have suffered the most financially and spatially from the "enrichers", will come to the help of the elites. More likely it will be like the French revolution.
What about the professional and middle classes - I suppose they will direct the whole affair- someone has to.
Luckas Vander Taelen wroteThe problem, unfortunately, lies deeper than that: we have always been afraid to push our values onto immigrants. These values are too dear to me for me to lose them.
Note the "me". It is only when it gets close and personal, to him or his family, does this innocent realise the gravity of the threat.
Now a letter to to Luckas Vander Taelen
We've been trying to shove our values down Islamic throats even at the point of a gun, for heavens sake, with no effect.
1. The USSR made a concerted attempt to shove Marxist ideas down Afghan throats, and they did it with all the rigour that a communist state employs - FAILED.
2. The US tried again in Iraq, by killing the "radicals", and making Iraq safe for democracy. They tried to win "hearts and minds", showing how good and kind Americans are, bribed them with huge amounts of money, built power stations, sewage facilities etc etc - what we got is a sharia state where most of the Christians have been ethnically cleansed.
3. Ditto Afghanistan - and same result- Sharia state, and death penalty for apostates. Now under Obama, the same "hearts and minds" approach but with the slight difference that our troops have been ordered to get close to the people. The Taleban will love this, as this will give them the opportunity to strike coalition forces, where previously they could not so easily. Watch the casualty figures go up.
The Obama Who Would Be King
and there is a Queen.
Jedilson Bonfim
The Trash of Islam
Scroll down for the article
Another thing I have noticed when it comes to mahoundians and automobiles. They love the HORN. They love to honk and honk and honk and honk. I read somewhere that they do it because here in the west they cannot shoot their kalashnikovs in the air. I don't know the truth in this but they do love to honk that horn. That and blasting arab disco from their car stereos. And indeed they are the lousiest drivers on the planet. And the most ruthless too.
It pays to remember that their backward culture could never have invented the automobile.
I hate to admit it but this sounds like driving in Boston. Or in L.A.
The traffic move called "making a Boston left" involves pulling out into traffic coming from your left hand side (in the US, this is the driver's side) and daring the oncoming traffic to hit you broadside. They start honking at you while you look determinedly the other way, watching for an opening in the further lane. These latter drivers notice you're causing a big back-up so one of them stops to let you in.
IIRC, red lights were considered optional. Just because the light had turned green five seconds previously didn't mean that someone wouldn't come barreling on thru the red light on his side...so the first driver off the block usually entered the intersection gingerly...of course, making those behind him honk frequently and very loud.
Virginia is different. Very polite drivers, except in the part near D.C. There is simply too many cars for too little space. Ugh.
When I worked in Charlottesville, I was in the poor neighborhoods. There, the natives like to play pedestrian chicken. Knowing that I’d stop rather than run over them, they’d perform the perp walk in front of my car. In fact, I often saw them wait just for a car so they could get in place to do their sullen saunter from one side of the street to the other.
Sometimes I played the game back. I'd stop when I saw them waiting; I'd simply wait for them to start across. But that was a spoiler, so I'd have to move the car forward again to get them in motion. They were not about to let me just drive down the street in their territory.
Once I started to move again THEN they could congregate in front of my car, almost brushing the hood. I'd make eye contact with several of these oh-so-cool dudes and wave sweetly.
A game I only ever played in daylight with the doors locked. It’s not anything a guy could get away with, though.
Word is now out in the islam umma that Europeans pay the jizyah tax willingly and submissively, as the Qur'an demands, giving it many names: benefits, Unterstüzung, security payments.
The crowds of youths in Calais shouting - we will go to Britain where they have benefits!
These youths are spoilt parasites, who consider all non-muslims as their slaves.
Even nice polite, moderate muslims consider themselves superior and feel they are entitled to special privileges.
DP111, thanks for the linked article. It truly shows how mahoundianism is unable to create anything, and how destruction of everything it touches is inherent to its murderous nature.
While learning, working and studying seem to be what most Westerners choose to do when they want to better themselves and their societies, mahoundians' insh'allah fatalism presents them with only one choice: if they live in shit and are stuck in it up to their necks, more allah, more sharia and more Mein-Qurampf are the way to go; for those tapeworms truly believe that, by doing that, their imaginary allah will shower them with wealth, development, progress, comfort and everything they'd need to spend their whole lives sitting on their asses like the Saudis will do so long as they still have their oil.
And, when a whole country turns mahoundian, and there is no wealth, no comfort, no progress, no development to speak of, they'll turn on each other as a means of continuing to try to obtain favors from mahound's imaginary alter-ego. In addition to counter-jihadist efforts in the West, Hugh Fitzgerald has written a few times that such facts about those inbred bedouin savages should be rubbed in their pig snouts as well, so that perhaps they'd start waking up to the fact that illiteracy, ignorance, superstitions, pedophilia, abject poverty, misogyny, racism, bigotry, economic and social and intellectual failures, diseases, barbarism, inter-tribal and inter-clan slaughter are simply everything they can expect from their sick little cult (and absolutely nothing else.)
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