Here’s the report from De Telegraaf, as translated by VH:
Geert Wilders: “Fatima Elatik is super dumb goose”
Geert Wilders made mincemeat of the Amsterdam PvdA district mayor Fatima Elatik [the appointed leader of the Amsterdam district council of Zeeburg, and a fellow party member and fan of the Muslim Brotherhood supporter Ahmed Marcouch[1]], who compared the politics of the PVV member with those of Adolf Hitler. “What a super dumb goose she is,” Wilders replied yesterday.
The Moroccan-Dutch Elatik has worked herself into a lather over the questions in Parliament of the PVV, which wants to know how the Muslim population will develop in the Netherlands over the coming decades. “Just give it a while and they will analyze our DNA to show that we are no good”, Elatik twittered. “I think there was once another politician in Europe, some 60 years ago, who did the same thing to another Semitic people.”
In response, Wilders fought back with: “The demonization by the Labor Party (PvdA) keeps going on. I hope they realize where this may lead.”
Comment posted at The Daily Standard (De Dagelijkse Standaard):
Well now, there we have the PvdA alderman Fatima Elatik once again making a remarkable statement on Twitter. Where only a while ago she wanted to expel the entire PVV electorate from Amsterdam, today she creates a beautiful dummy so as to become “bon ton” [all okay] in left-wing circles by making a Wilders-Hitler comparison.
Soon she realized that as a politician — and particularly one of a party that is on the verge of collapsing, like the PvdA (Socialists) — she really cannot say such things. But she still quickly adds a clincher to it: “that we sometimes forget that Hitler was also democratically elected”. Who “we” are and what Elatik wants to say with this is not quite clear …
The goose, calling herself “ÜberTwitter”, twittered:
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3:03 PM Aug 12th from ÜberTwitter in reply to SamielG
They (the PVV) also want to investigate how many Muslims there will be extra annually. Just a while and they are going to analyze our DNA to show that [3:05PM] we are no good. I think there was another politician in Europe about 60 yrs ago that did the same with another Semitic people. [3:06PM] oops, but I can not say that all of course. Hitler was also democratically elected. We forget that sometimes. [3:21PM] yes my dear that is simply part of populism. Appointing problems is one, but appointing problem oneself is cheap and dangerous [3:22PM] politics. I am curious about what the other parties are going to do with this. [3:23PM] I expect more e-mails tomorrow from angry people because I compare this policy [PVV] to the policy of Hitler.
1:54 AM Aug 13th from ÜberTwitter in reply to SamielG
For all the followers of I did not say that Wilders is Hitler. That really goes too far. But that the policy and politics [1:54AM] do have many similarities. Categorically demonizing a group and problematizing it is in the manual. [1:56AM] I actually compared his policy, not him. The policy scares me and worries me. I believe in unity and peace.
2:16 PM Aug 13th from ÜberTwitter in reply to A. Buon [All About Life]
Cleaned house again, now i can finally can enjoy law and order and “as the world turns”. Is Dusty really dead? [2:18PM] Darling, I feel nothing for a reply. I am very concerned about our great country. It is not going well this way. [3:19PM] Categorically demonizing a religious group and filing them away does not offer solutions, but only increases polarization. When is this? [3:20PM] I mince no problems, but demand adequate and effective solutions, which I don’t hear. [3:21PM] Indeed, and we have already been appointing problems for seven years[2], I am sick of it. How are we going to give form to our society? [3:22PM] Off to bed after a long day and exhausted. Sweet dreams my friends. [3:35 PM] Indeed, I am not going to leave it with this. The hate/fear that that prevails at present must be unmasked. And you also have a role in that.
2:42AM Aug 14th from ÜberTwitter in reply to Marcel Duyvestijn of the PvdA in Amsterdam [Liefdevollid]
You can not continue analyzing. You should also speak out to Marcel. Is this the atmosphere in which you want to raise your kids? [2:43AM] You also cannot close your eyes and hide behind politically correct analysis. Yes yes we know that Hitler [2:48AM] was a mass murderer. But that is not the way he started. He started with collecting figures and data on Jews. [2:49AM] He began to blame the problems on Jews in Germany. He limited their civil rights, sounds familiar… [2:50AM] Enough about Wilders, now to Zeeburg (the neighborhood in Amsterdam of which she is district head), help my sweet and wise residents. […] I have one question for all well-thinking people: “how must your Holland look? And what role are you going to play in it?”

[1] Listening to Marcouch on Radio [11:39 AM Aug 14th from ÜberTwitter (Fatima Elatik)] [2] Seven years ago Pim Fortuyn was murdered.
Problem is not collecting information (nor was Hitler the inventor of data collection). Problem is who is doing the collecting, on what grounds, for what purpose, to what end.
Restoring western liberal democracy to Holland is worth the trouble.
My sincere respect and admiration to Geert Wilders, but it this case (mayor Fatima Elatik [the appointed leader of the Amsterdam district council of Zeeburg, and a fellow party member and fan of the Muslim Brotherhood supporter Ahmed Marcouch], who compared the politics of the PVV member with those of Adolf Hitler) I feel Mr Wilders missed an opportunity (“What a super dumb goose she is”).
I'd not have the patience for politics and I can imagine my mind soon becoming fogged by anger, so I'm not really one to talk, but in my (very humble) opinion I think it would have been more beneficial to his (our) cause had Mr Wilders made better use of this opportunity to state his case. Unless there's some Dutch meaning to 'dumb goose' that I am not aware of (and if there is kindly allow me to wipe the egg from my face) I think Mr Wilders would have gained more had he countered Ms Elatic's jibe with reference to the Hitlerian behaviour of both Muslims and socialists/communists.
PS - Ms Elatic writes: "Just a while and they are going to analyze our DNA to show that we are no good." Sounds like Muslim double-talk to me... which came first, the DNA or the religion? I think Ms Elatic knows the answer.
We don't need to analyze their DNA to know they are no-good. Their behaviour speak volumes comes to that...
The definition of chutzpah must be a Muslim like Elatik who knows full well Muslims were on the side of Hitler to pretend Muslims are now persecuted as a "sister" semitic tribe once was:
“I think there was once another politician in Europe, some 60 years ago, who did the same thing to another Semitic people.”
...egged on by the Grand Mufti no less, Ms. Chutzpah.
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