This is an Enricher vs. Enricher incident with a twist: the victim was a tiny child who had absolutely no idea what was happening to her.
Our Danish correspondent Signe has translated a newspaper report about the affair. Here’s what she says by way of introduction.
Along with Muslim immigration, acid attacks seem to be on the rise. In uncivilised cultures, where a girl’s only recognised asset is her sex appeal and ability to carry babies, attacking her appearance is obviously very effective.
As usual, the newspapers (among which only two thought this extremely violent attack on a small child was relevant for the public) do not find it appropriate to mention the ethnic origin of the perpetrators. However, I think every single reader has formed an opinion on this matter despite the lack of information:
The translation below is from BT, and there is a shorter version in Jyllands-Posten:
Boy gang wreaks havoc in Copenhagen
Acid bomb against little girl- - - - - - - - -
By LARS FOGT — Sunday August 16, 2009
Copenhagen is plagued with a boy gang that uses acid bombs. Yesterday, a little girl was burned by acid in a playground in Nørrebro.
A little girl was Sunday at 6 in the afternoon admitted to Rigshospitalet with significant burn wounds after acid had been poured over her at a playground in Nørrebro.
The girl, who is only a few years old, had crawled into the playground at the corner of Guldbergs Plads and Tibirkegade, when what appeared to be a water balloon exploded and drenched her with alkaline fluid.
“The girl began to scream. The fluid had covered her legs, which was significantly burned. Just imagine if it had hit her eyes, then she would have been blind today,” says the spokesperson for the central police in Copenhagen, Søren Viborg.
This evening the girl was admitted to Rigshospitalet, where her legs are being drizzled with water for eight hours to neutralise the damage. The fire department has been out to spray the playground this evening.
Copenhagen Police say that they are currently plagued with a boy gang that experiments with acid bombs — and the police assume that this is the latest example. There have been incidents earlier with acid bombs in Nørrebroparken.
“We must put a stop to this unpleasantness or someone will get seriously hurt. This is not something to play with,” says Søren Viborg.
Signe adds this note:
Meanwhile, the newspapers reported extensively on an incident in which a man beat his 13-year old daughter to death. The media and police found it imperative to mention that the family is “pure Danish”. Well, thanks for reporting that it was a case of insanity, because everybody I talked to could have sworn that it was another case of cultural enrichment. When do the media realize that they have to start consistently telling the truth about who causes most of the violence in our country — and delve into the motives?
As I write, Danish politicians are debating whether or not to ban the burqa — a nasty mobile prison, but still only a symptom of our demise. Please, start addressing the core of the problem.
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
Acid bomb against little girl
The girl, who is only a few years old, had crawled into the playground at the corner of Guldbergs Plads and Tibirkegade, when what appeared to be a water balloon exploded and drenched her with alkaline fluid. [emphasis added]
Ummmmm ... either it's "alkaline" or it's "acid", but it can't be both as they would tend to precipitate and neutralize each other. But that is mere mouse nuts compared to the heinous crime of dousing a toddler with an aggressive chemical substance.
Copenhagen Police say that they are currently plagued with a boy gang that experiments with acid bombs — and the police assume that this is the latest example. There have been incidents earlier with acid bombs in Nørrebroparken.
“We must put a stop to this unpleasantness or someone will get seriously hurt. This is not something to play with,” says Søren Viborg.
The official seems to shrug this off as a "boys will be boys" sort of incident, which it most certainly is not. This is more low level jihad and it is difficult to imagine that these jackals meet with much reproof of their thuggery at home.
As to speculation about what ethnicity the attackers were, what other culture is more justly infamous for disfiguring females with acid attacks? [WARNING: EXTEMELY GRAPHIC COVERAGE OF ACID ATTACK VICTIMS] (Hat tip: GoV)
Finally, there are few more damning aspects to Islam than how it devours young children, be it their own or those of others. Whether it is retarded kids stuffed into remotely detonated bomb vests or babies left strapped into their carrier seats to die in a car bombing, Islam is a modern-day furnace of Baal into which infants are hurled by their own parents.
“We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”.
- Golda Meir -
"We must put a stop to this unpleasantness", says the police. This certainly sets a world record for understatement.
Islam is a mass indoctrination cult of death or dhimmitude for all non-Muslims. That's the bottom line.
If moderate Muslims exist, they are mostly rolling over for totalitarianism like the French corroborators did, afterwards claiming they were all in the "Resistance". Unprincipled silence is no resistance.
As one can see from the thousands of pictures of Palestinian toddlers dressed in terrorist garb and children playing "Kill the Jew", hatred of the infidel is injected with mother's milk and at the programming centers called mosques.
Next is a kind of freelance practicing by Muslim "youths" of any assault on infidels and their property that their feral brains can devise - gang raping young girls, throwing corrosives at toddlers, burning thousands of cars, mugging and otherwise terrorizing seniors, and who knows what additional crimes that do not get reported? You'll note that no Muslim parent is ashamed of his child's behavior, but justifies it. Many if not most of the parents are "teaching by example" by avoiding work on false pretenses and sucking the host state dry like parasites. All family members are putting into practice what is preached in their mosques/indoctrination centers. They are the civilian armies of Islam, acting like locusts behind enemy lines.
Liberals who had no trouble condemning Hitler Youth live in total denial about Muslim Youth with similar programming and supremacist aims even when a nest is discovered as in Toronto that planned to set off bombs and behead the Prime Minister. Most of them even wear uniforms or at least make their women wear them.
They are treated as over-reaching nuisances until they are plugged into a 9/11 enterprise which would have sounded like just another goofball effort until it resulted in astonishing mayhem.
I was listening to DR P4 last night and on every hour on the hour there is a short break for news. On those news appeared some apologist who claimed that the boys was bored and thus explained their behaviour. This kind of PC apologizing makes me sick to my stumoch! People like these scum should simply been expelled for life along with rest of their families. They do not belong in a cilvilised country whatsoever!
If being bored excuses crime, then the world's population would be decimated.
These youths have not been taught by their parents or culture to value education or any kind of training other than religious indoctrination. When put in a real educational setting, too many glower, not bothering to learn the local language and dropping out at the first opportunity.
Someone mentioned again the inbreeding with cousin marriages, also between young girls and old men, both of which contribute to damaged DNA and increased risk of retardation. Such kids would be doubly frustrated in a school setting, feeling stupid compared to their non-Muslim peers and finding it pointless to study anything when the state already supports your parents for doing nothing. What earthly motivation do these entitled oafs have to get off the dole?
According to their belief system, they are going to get their reward from Allah in heaven and their fate on earth regardless of whether they lift a finger or not. This insh'allah (if allah wills it) fatalism is a drag on any initiative.
Honestly, if western elites had tried to pick the most ill-fitting, non-productive and troublesome immigrants, they couldn't have done any better than Muslims, especially certain variants like Pakistani and African. Iraqis were sold as the best of a bad lot but that looks to have been bad intel. They are not exactly covering themselves with glory either in or outside Iraq.
I have seen an article about mountain kurds so heavily inbred that their are four or five siblings in one family who can only walk on all four! That is what our elites has in mind for our future, inbreeding us to total compliance and stupidity. Maybe they want people to walk on some sort of gymnasium room bands to store up energy? Those who survives the wars and flus that is.
"We must put a stop to this unpleasantness" – the Danish term was "uvæsen". I’m not sure unpleasantness is the best possible translation, but "uvæsen" certainly is a very mild expression in this particular context. I wonder if the police officer would have been quite so nonchalant if it had been his daughter.
I don’t care if it is boys or men, who run around throwing chemicals at children – catch that creepy gang! No wonder Danes are losing confidence in the police, stop reporting offenses and turn to HA (the lesser of two evils…)
I guess police officers, like doctors and nurses, generally favor a kind of cynical, understated form of communication. It is important that they do not appear emotional or subjective. However, if the police used stronger terms, they would raise people’s expectations that criminal actions actually had real consequences for the criminals. But the police do not have the resources to catch the gang and build a case, and the judge would let them off anyway. That is probably the main reason why they use such soft, apologetic terms.
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