Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ain't No "Free" Speech in the EUSSR: It's Going to Be EXPENSIVE

The following is a comment that Yorkshire Miner left in a recent post, “Italy’s Plan to Shut Down the Internet.”

He says:

Stop worrying about Italy start worrying about the E.U.

What you read below are just a few snippets I clipped out of proposals for new regulations from the supreme soviet in Brussels. These proposals are to combat the rampant xenophobia and racism that is such an integral part of the white man’s makeup.

Read them and cry, because if they become law we are screwed. The devil is in the small print. I think the buzz word to describe the paragraph below would be “proactive”.

Put in plain language, it means that “we decide what is racist and xenophobic and if we don’t like what you have to say we will prosecute you.”

Look out Vlaams Belang and the BNP, the end is nigh.

(8) It should be ensured that investigations and prosecutions of offences involving racism and xenophobia are not dependent on reports or accusation made by victims, who are often particularly vulnerable and reluctant to initiate legal proceedings.

If you can disentangle the legal jargon in the following (Article 10) it means “if you are a European Blogger and post on an American server we can still get you”:
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Article 10


1. Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to establish its jurisdiction with regard to the conduct referred to in Articles 1 and 2 where the conduct has been committed:

(a) in whole or in part within its territory; or

(b) by one of its nationals; or

(c) for the benefit of a legal person that has its head office in the territory of that Member State.

2. When establishing jurisdiction in accordance with paragraph 1(a), each Member State shall take the necessary measures to ensure that its jurisdiction extends to cases where the conduct is committed through an information system and:

(a) the offender commits the conduct when physically present in its territory, whether or not the conduct involves material hosted on an information system in its territory;

(b) the conduct involves material hosted on an information system in its territory, whether or not the offender commits the conduct when physically present in its territory.


4. A Member State may decide not to apply, or to apply only in specific cases or circumstances, the jurisdiction rule set out in paragraphs 1(b) and (c).

This, by the way, is the most disgusting part of the proposals.

These sanctions are nothing more than Draconian. They not only turn you into a non-person but they punish your family as well.

I presume (that a judicial winding-up order) is nothing more than a posh name for forced bankruptcy to pay for the inflated compensation to the dress- wearing camel herder you decided I had insulted.

Article 6

Sanctions for legal persons

1. Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to ensure that a legal person held liable pursuant to Article 5(1) is punishable by effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions, which shall include criminal or non-criminal fines and may include other sanctions, such as:

(a) exclusion from entitlement to public benefits or aid;

(b) temporary or permanent disqualification from the practice of commercial activities;

(c) placing under judicial supervision;

(d) a judicial winding-up order.

2. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that a legal person held liable pursuant to Article 5(2) is punishable by effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions or measures.

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As I was reading these amazing legal provisions that Yorkshire Miner sent -- these utopian "protections" for non-ethnic Europeans -- I thought of China’s draconian internet rules. It made me wonder: will Google have a new customer in the form of the Soviet EU? It certainly has done a good job in killing free speech for China. I'm sure it would have no qualms about stuffing the gag in Europe's mouth either.

Maybe it’s time to buy Google stock…again…


Fellow Peacekeeper said...

"Legal person" is not a good translation - it means a legal subject like a business or NGO (as the same root as the British "incorporated"). Still terrifying though.

Panday said...

“if you are a European Blogger and post on an American server we can still get you”

And if you're an American blogger on an American server, then a big F-U to the EU. :-D

CarnackiUK said...

This topic is a good segue to the 'Democracy in the EUSSR' video that keeps getting removed (undemocratically) by persons unknown....

Werner George Patels said...

The EU is extremely dangerous and undemocratic. Just look at Austria, for example, where close to 90% of people want a referendum on the fraudulent new treaty, but the (communist/socialist) prime minister says he won't hold a referendum (while also stating, just yesterday in fact) that he "isnt't afraid of the voting public".

The sooner the EU falls apart, the better it will be for European democracy (and the sovereignty of every single state).

John Sobieski said...

Deja vu - Germany in the 30's. You don't dare criticize the Nazis.

Anonymous said...

Guess we'd better start stocking up on carbon paper.... :-/

Fellow Peacekeeper said...

Look on the bright side, it shows they're nervous to propose such foolish restrictions. The internet (and blogs in particular) contradicts the MSM narrative that the permanent parties have used to establish the current faux left-right political spectrum. That will spread as the internet savvy youth cohort advances and becomes a majority in the coming decade. Blogs are the new samizdat.

Anonymous said...

Since when is xenophobia a crime in Europe? It's not in Canada.

History Snark said...

"investigations and prosecutions of offences involving racism and xenophobia are not dependent on reports or accusation made by victims".

On the bright side (and I'm trying to find some sort of bright side to this fascism) does this clause mean that a rapper could be prosecuted if he calls someone "nigga"?

Which I guess isn't as much of a bright side as I first hoped.

Dymphna said...

Xenophobia is not a crime in Canada because Canada is already dhimmified...though there is some hope now with Harper in charge.

carnackuik --

I can get that video to load...maybe it's down again.


Hibernia Girl --

That link to samizdat is just what the Baron thinks is going to happen. So paper products are bound to go up in the stock markets.

Werner George Patels said...

Unfortunately, xenophobia is a crime in Canada -- you can be pulled in front of a human rights panel by any jerk who doesn't like what you're righting on your blog and the panel, made up of brainless bleeding hearts, will impose a fine on you of several thousand dollars.

One example:, which has been the victim of several attempts to silence them.

Cindi said...

It's time to hammer your plowshares into swords with barrels.

Metalshops awaken.

Dymphna said...

Oh, if you do that, they'll hear the noise.

Rather, I think samizdat time may be coming. Quill pens and carbon paper don't make any noise.

Maybe monasteries will return?

Henrik R Clausen said...

"Rather, I think samizdat time may be coming."

'Samizdat' = 'Self-publishing'

We're already doing this. And it has impact.

The Remittance Man said...

Time to set up a Free Blogistanis in Exile organisation methinks.

In a perverse way it shows how terrified the buggers are of bloggers and the new media. Not much of a silver lining, I know, but the best I can think of right now.