Monday, August 20, 2007

The Islamic Brotherhood Academy

Kahlil Gibran International AcademyWith the Kahlil Gibran International Academy (KGIA) in Brooklyn scheduled to open in ten days, controversy over the Arabic-language high school continues to burn white-hot in New York City.

The longer the issue stays out in the open, the more telling are the details that emerge about KGIA and its supporters. With each rock turned over by Stop the Madrassa, a new succession of grotesque creatures emerges.

The latest discovery to see the light of day is a member of the KGIA Advisory Council, Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid, who hails from the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood in Harlem. Daniel Pipes has this to say about Abdur-Rashid and the MIB:

The MIB’s logo shows a sword with the words “There is no deity but God and Muhammad is his prophet.” Yet more alarming, however, is the Muslim Brethren slogan, devised by Hasan al-Banna himself, printed right on the “About us” page:

Allah is our goal
The Prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah is our leader
The Qu’ran is our constitution
Jihad is our way
And death in the way of Allah is our promised end.

Abdur-Rashid’s bio also lists that he is a member of the “N.Y.C. Dept. of Education Chancellor’s Interfaith Advisory Committee to the NYC Dept. of Education,” pointing to the deeper state of rot in the whole of the DOE when it comes to Islam. That this man is on the KGIA board offers further confirmation of the school’s Islamist quality.

The Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood logoAbdur-Rashid is fond of some of the trendier “Afrocentric” versions of American history, including the assertion that black Africans arrived in the New World long before Columbus. He also disapproves of the “so-called Thanksgiving holiday” as a racist Eurocentric institution. I don’t suppose any of the students at KGIA will be dressing up in pilgrim hats and putting up turkey cutouts on the wainscoting come the middle of November.

The Stop the Madrassa Community Coalition has announced three back-to-school initiatives for this fall at KGIA:
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First, the Stop the Madrassa Coalition demands the resignation from the KGIA Advisory Council of Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid, Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, Harlem. The Imam is unfit to serve in any capacity in a public school system, since he insists on teaching that Muslims came to America before other explorers and derides any other history as “European imperialistic notions of history rooted in White Supremacy,” as well as opposing celebrating Thanksgiving as “European colonial misguidance.” The Imam’s mosque, the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood, Harlem has a logo that is a sword with the words “There is no deity but God and Muhammad is his prophet.” The Mosque’s slogan on the “About” page at their website is, verbatim, the Muslim Brotherhood slogan: “Allah is our goal, The Prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah is our leader, The Qu’ran is our constitution, Jihad is our way, And death in the way of Allah is our promised end.”

This radical Imam’s participation in the design and governance of the KGIA is yet another proof that this school should be stopped before it opens…

Second, the Stop The Madrassa Community Coalition calls on the New York City Department of Education to begin the planning process now for the 2008-2009 school year, to increase by at least 300% the number of secular high school Arabic language instruction classes from the number now available in the 2007-2008 school year. Only two high schools — Stuyvesant and Fort Hamilton — now offer classes in Arabic language instruction, according to a May 7, 2007 letter from New Schools Executive Garth Harries. Since July 27, 2007, we have urged the NYC Department of Education to provide more Arabic classes. The Department of Education can move on from the debacle they have created with the KGIA fiasco, by developing a specific plan for increasing the number of elective, non-religious, non-Islamic, non-ideological Arabic classes, to be taught according to college preparatory standards and by background-checked teachers, with additional curricula criteria to be determined by experts in the field.

Third, we are launching today the American Patriot Youth Library (APYL). We want the students currently scheduled to attend KGIA to have a special library of books about America, to counteract the kinds of Islamist propaganda KGIA Advisory Council Imam Al-Hajj Talib ‘Abdur-Rashid teaches. We hope that when KGIA is closed — and it will be, sooner or later — the books can go with the children to their new and better schools, or home for them to keep. Think of it as America’s Back-To-School resistance to radical Islam in our schools.

We want them to have the kind of books we would buy our own children and grandchildren, especially if we thought they were at risk of being exposed to this kind of propaganda. Books about American History, Biography and Geography that aren’t filtered through the philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood (on the website of KGIA adviser Abdur-Rashid) and CAIR-NY (a founder of the American Muslim Association of Lawyers, KGIA partners listed in the “KGIA Executive Summary”).

These are very good ideas. Preventing KGIA from opening would be the best outcome, but since that is almost impossible, a good stopgap is to force it to adhere to standards that the vast majority of New Yorkers approve of and consider normal.

The outcome of the KGIA issue will demonstrate how thoroughly entrenched and intractable Multicultural ideology is within our institutions. If ordinary citizens can close the school or turn it around, then there is hope yet for the rest of the country.

It has become increasingly evident that Multicultural ideology is simply the vector for the coming epidemic. The Islamist bacillus is carried behind the baseboards of our culture by the PC rats and their Multicultural fleas.

The Kahlil Gibran International Academy and Imam Adur-Rashid are just some of the earliest symptoms of what is to come.

Previous posts on this topic:

Bringing the Jihad Back Home
Shaking Off Dhabah Almontaser
A Tale of Two Principals


spackle said...

My God, what is it with these multiculturists! Its like some weird form of Stockholm syndrome. After 9/11 the leftists went nuts and were snapping up Korans at Barnes & Nobles like hot cakes. They felt they must learn and appreciate everything possible about their destroyers. Now they have their noses so firmly up the a***s of the Muslims they feel they must train us all to become suicidal with a smile on our face. If this same thing were done with nazism in ww2 we all would have lost our collective minds. An all German school teaching Mein Kampf with Goerings brother as the school principal. Little Hitler youth uniforms for all the little darlings. I understand learning about your enemy in order to defeat him. But learning about your "enemy" to defeat yourself is just plain crazy. But whoever said the left was sane? Man am I angry right now.

David M said...

Trackbacked by The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 08/21/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the check back often.

Anonymous said...

Abdur-Rashid is fond of some of the trendier “Afrocentric” versions of American history, including the assertion that black Africans arrived in the New World long before Columbus.

I've heard claims that the Chinese were here before Columbus, but never Africans... source on this?

After 9/11 the leftists went nuts and were snapping up Korans at Barnes & Nobles like hot cakes. They felt they must learn and appreciate everything possible about their destroyers.

Reading and being familiar with the Koran fits your definition of "nuts"?

spackle said...

Reading and being familiar with the Koran fits your definition of "nuts"?

If you read the rest of my comment you would see what I was trying to get at. But I think you picked up on that already.