Friday, June 23, 2006

“Telling the Rest of the World to Go to Hell”

Concerning the murder and mutilation of American soldiers by the mujahideen in Iraq, Bill, as usual, cuts to the quick:

I am, unlike George Bush (or any male of the Bush family, for that matter) a Jacksonian:

The whole point of Jacksonianism is “You leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone. You play fair with me and I’ll play fair with you. But if you f**k with me, I’ll kill you.”

I believe that, at core, America is a Jacksonian nation. And when America finally realizes with what loathing we are regarded by the rest of the world, the result will not be what the rest of the world thinks will occur. There will be no sudden American need to apologize and submit ourselves to the world’s judgment. We are a nation founded on telling the rest of the world to go to hell, and shedding our blood to send it there.

When Americans realize that much of the rest of the world is not our friend, then they will regard much of the rest of the world as our enemy. And I can guarantee you that the rest of the world really does not want a Jacksonian America as its enemy.

Donnah would undoubtedly ascribe this characteristic to our Celtic blood. And the great thing about the Celts in this country is that they tend to have large families and don’t object to exogamy, and thus have spread their bloodline around.

Haggis, Guinness, leeks, and an Andrew Jackson attitude — what a combination.


Ryoushi said... 1

Oh if only it were so. Americans are more concerned with Brad and Angelina's Baby and how Jen is dealing with all that, than the recent murder and mutilation of Pfcs Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker.

I finally realized this all back in April of 2004 when Bush called off the Marines instead of burning Fallujah to the ground then turning feral pigs loose to forage amonge the ruins.

Baron Bodissey said... 2

ryoushi --

Well, if Bill is right -- if, mind you -- we simply haven't been pushed past our limit yet. Presumably that will eventually happen, and then the Jacksonian scenario will unfold according to its own inner logic.

The interesting thing is that there are a lot of Americans who say more or less the same thing. I read and hear it everywhere -- "we just haven't been pushed past our limit."

We'll see.

niall said... 3

Are they planning to name their future offspring Antietam and Chickamauga? Sheesh.

Ryoushi said... 4

nial, you must be Jacksonian through and through. Long before the Battle of Shiloh, the obscure word was variously interpreted to mean "the sent" (John 17:3), "the seed" (Isaiah 11:1), the "peaceable or prosperous one" (Ephesians 2:14)--that is, the Messiah (Isaiah 11:10, Romans 15:12)

Dymphna said... 5


i can sympathize with your Kim du Toit take on things. However, your prescription doesn't come with directions. One is led to ask, how did the men let this happen in the first place, hmm?

A point of view that assigns blame to one side without assessing responsibility for both sides ends up with simply another extreme.

I do not want to return to the reality I lived as a child,where my father was the only legal owner of our home while it was my mother who paid the mortgage. That's not an equitable situation and I'm glad that law is gone.

Prescriptions, please, and not descriptions which dehumanize either sex. I'm as tired of the women bashers as I am of the men haters.

Time for a new song and dance, Mr. Stanley.

Bobby Coggins said... 6

I, for one, have been pushed past my limit. I have searched out information like that provided here and elsewhere on the net, and select talk radio shows.
The Legacy Media will not report the news. I have taken to printing and distributing, even leaving material copied from the internet so more people can read it for themselves.
I also plan on copying to DVD several videos shot by imbeds showing good works done by our troops; and those distributed on the net by our enemies showing decapitations of helpless hostages.

I may not have the financial resources to tell many, my hope is that I will ignite others to do the same and more.

If I have gone over the line, feel free to edit or remove this comment, this is your house and I understand. I am so VERY mad at the enemy, the media, AND our gummit.

Papa Ray said... 7

Jeez, that we even have to discuss this mess is an indication of how screwed up the majority of the population of this Republic is.

I have talked before about the "bubbles"that Americans live in. The little bubble that is their home life, job and hobbies (wasted time on recreation, instead of getting in practice shooting weapons and protecting their families).

Until those bubbles are busted, nothing in "America" is going to change, least of all the attitudes of those that think if we are nice to our enemies they won't kill us.

This is nonsense of course, they only haven't done it yet because some have understood the threat. But be sure of this, they will kill us again in large numbers.

Then we will see who will stay in their fantasies and who will understand the threat, and demand revenge and carnage.

Papa Ray
West Texas
Papa Ray

Exile said... 8

"We are a nation founded on telling the rest of the world to go to hell, and shedding our blood to send it there."

Sounds like Khomenei and Ahmedinejad, doesn't it?

Does that make them Jacksonian?

Charles Martel said... 9

Brandon is, of course, correct. We USED to be a Jacksonian nation. But 50 years of public school education, cultural indoctrination and uncontrolled immigration have destroyed that which used to unmistakably define us as Americans. There are Americans still residing in the United States but we are in a small minority. The left has worked its magic. Love of country and American ideals is now sneered at as jingoism. But the world has faced much much worse and the ideals of liberty have survived. But not without a HUGE cost. The Reconquista of Europe and yes, even the United States, will be VERY painful and VERY destructive. I pray that the Muslim savages strike hard and strike soon before the demographic tsunami, socialism, relativism, and multiculturalism destroy us completely from within. God Bless America!!!

Oengus said... 10

papa ray: "Until those bubbles are busted…"

Well, papa, I have always contended that it will take losing three cities before Americans finally, collectively wake up and realize that we really are at war.

X said... 11

Sounds like Khomenei and Ahmedinejad, doesn't it?

Inasmuch as they're also willing to shed our* blood in order to send themselves to hell, I agree, but I think you've rather missed the point. This jacksonian way of thinking is literally live and let live, but also a quite literal interpretation of the biblical principle of an eye for an eye. In other words, reacting according to how you are treated. If someone attempts to kill you, you attempt it right back at them. If they want to live in peace with you, you are peaceful right back at them.

Ahmedinejad doesn't want to live in peace. He's an active aggressor (which means that he goes first rather than waiting for someone to piss him off), whereas the united states is primarly a reactive aggressor. That's the difference. That's why your comparison is a big pile of dung.

cakreiz said... 12

Brilliant post. I'd say Bill's more than half right- at least in Red States. The Jacksonian world view still has much play out here. It's the nationalistic extension of "don't mess with Texas."

cakreiz said... 13

Akin to "Don't Tread on Me" as well. Note: non of the foregoing sayings mentions getting UN permission as a condition precedent.

M. Simon said... 14

Let me tell you about my ancestors. They came over on the boat in the early 1900s from Russia (my dad's side) and Romania (my mom's side). Nary a Celt in the family tree by intermarriage or any other method (AFAIK).

And yet, here I am, Jacksonian to the core. My children as well (my mate is of Italian and Finnish origin).

Do not despair. Remember, Lincoln prevailed over the South AND the Democrat Copperheads. FDR prevailed over the Germans, Japanese, the Italians, AND the Republican fifth column. In other words our internal difficulties are more about the ins vs the outs than party.

Once a Dem gets elected Pres and suffers some attacks we will be united again. Which is why (other than socialism) Hillary doesn't scare me. The logic of events will drive her to the correct conclusions. I'd prefer Lieberman, but by the time the Dems come to their senses he will be too old.

unaha-closp said... 15

When Americans realize that much of the rest of the world is not our friend, then they will regard much of the rest of the world as our enemy. And I can guarantee you that the rest of the world really does not want a Jacksonian America as its enemy.

This takes the cake - a "Jacksonian" who wants to be loved.

When the world loathes you, this is leaving you alone. When the world calls you a bunch of fat useless slobs, this is playing fair. But this is not enough, you want to be loved.

You value your feelings and how others feel about you. You want the world to say only nice things about you. Feelings, love, pretty bunnies.

One piece of advice - You need to realise that it is by your actions that you are judged and that it is not important what the world says about you.

Second piece of advice - learn to tell the difference between someone who calls you fat & ugly and someone who kills 3000 of you.