Thursday, June 29, 2006

Danish Subversion

Minut posterA Danish guy emailed us yesterday with a tip about his website, “Minut”. Since it’s mostly in Danish, it’s largely mysterious to me. I can see that it has a blog (also in Danish), and an articles section. It also features a comic strip, which is tantalizing, because (based on the images) it’s probably quite amusing, but I’ll never get the joke.

Minut posterThe reason he emailed us was to offer us the use of some of Minut’s excellent posters, which are found in the Propaganda section of the site. The tag with the link says, “Konservativ propaganda lige til at printe ud.” Almost makes sense, right?

I’ve reproduced a few of the English-language examples here (click one of these small images to bring up the full-sized poster). Some of the Danish-language posters are very good, too, even if I don’t understand all the text. One of them features Abu Laban in a clown suit as a part of the “Arabiske Statscirkus”.

Minut posterAnway, I recommend that all our readers, Anglosphere and otherwise, drop by Minut and take a look around. Use the contact page and send those guys a note (English is OK — that’s how they wrote to me).

These Danes may be boring from within, but they’re certainly never boring.


Exile said... 1

Hi Baron.
This is a site tightly weaved into the Young Conservative movement, as far as I can see.
I'll have good look around, and if there is anything of value, I'll do the necessary.

Mr. Spog said... 2

The site is slightly less mysterious when put through a machine translator, but it's still pretty heavy going trying to decipher the results...

Zerosumgame said... 3


(And others)...

Do you think it is proper that people like this who run this Danish weblog (or perhaps even more so, those who run such weblogs in the EU outside of Denmark) are considered "dissidents"?

I use the term in a positive sense, since Soviet era dissidents were brave defenders of democratic ideals who paid a huge price.

Is the EU getting so repressive that the term is proper? I look at how the Belgiams harass Paul Beilen of Brussels Journal, and his treatment seems to have the feel of the treatment of 1970s dissidents and refuseniks.

You might want to consider using the term. Although the EU bureaucrats openly espouse hard leftism, I can only imagine how upset they would get if the blogosphere actually began to refer to harassed pro-American, pro-WoT and pro-Israeli Europeans as "dissidents". That alone would make it worth doing.

John Sobieski said... 4

I think dissident makes sense for rational blogs in Europe. Their media is so deep into dhimmitude only blogs deal with reality.

Fellow Peacekeeper said... 5

"treatment of 1970s dissidents and refuseniks"

You mean like sane people condemned to asylums, horrific physical torture by the secret police, occasional extrajudicial killings, travel bans, exclusion from any employment, expulsion from university?

No, if we are honest and not hyperbolic the EU is still a long long long way from the USSR.

Michael said... 6

Thank you for your support, I am sorry we are not in english, even though most people in Denmark speak english, it takes som time to translate, so we gave that up, but you can go to danish blogs who wrights in english. MINUT

X said... 7

"No, if we are honest and not hyperbolic the EU is still a long long long way from the USSR."

True, but it's showing the first signs. It's become customary for EU employees to be dismissed for having "psychiatric problems" if they disagree with the EU hierarchy.