Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Whose Country?

The following report was sent by our English correspondent (also regular reader and occasional commenter) Bewick from somewhere north of the Mersey.

His account is a reminder that although Cultural Enrichment is most pernicious when the enrichers are Muslims, mass immigration to Western countries from any part of the Third World is not something to be desired. Replacing native Europeans with Sikhs, Hindus, Taoists, or animists from Uganda may bring on cultural death more slowly, but it is cultural death nonetheless.

Here’s what Bewick had to say:

I have Sikh friends in the village where I live, both born in the UK. They run the village shop. Mostly totally fine and totally integrated.

The wife is usually OK but seriously moody. This last weekend she — and her kids, but not hubby — followed Indian custom (intended purely for visiting the next village — easy) by driving for five hours each way from Newcastle to London (not easy) to visit the intended wife of a nephew, on Jubilee weekend no less. Serious traffic problems. Since the youngest is just four I find that hard to contemplate. I wouldn’t have done it to my kid at that age. How wonderful is culture! Village custom extended to global world however inappropriate.

I visited the shop today to be confronted by a seriously unresponsive and moody woman. Asked her if she watched anything of the Jubilee, to be told, “What use are they? The monarchy should be abolished. The country is broke, and we spend on this!” I’m a monarchist, so I was seriously affronted, but kept my temper. (The very idea of a political president seems totally wrong.) I regret to say that I actually thought “who the hell are you to tell me? I’m English.”

I think I just became a racist.

Generally, though, she is lovely — but not today, and now I’m wary.

I then asked if she intended to watch the concert tonight. No. If Eastenders (crap soap) wasn’t on, then she’d be watching the Indian channels.

That told me! She does make sure that her kids can speak Punjabi. Her mother-in-law, more than forty years here, still hardly speaks any English.

The interesting thing is that she has only visited India once, for two weeks and to the ancestral village. Other, indigenous English, people in the village have visited India many times and for far longer overall, and visited far more places. It seems that you can take the woman out of India (except she was never in India) but you can never take India out of the woman.

She claims that the Crown Jewels were “stolen” from India. That may or may not be true of the Koh-i-Noor Diamond, but that is only featured in the Crown of the deceased Queen Mother.

David Cameron is reported to be looking to return it anyway. Why? Surely sixty years of aid should have been compensation, plus the billions leeched from Britain to India/Pakistan by families in the UK. They earn the money here, but send it to be spent in India, and so disbenefit to the UK economy.

The rest of the stones were either gifted or date somewhere before the 19th century, and so not stolen from India. Koh-i-Noor? Well, once owned (stolen) by a Muslim ruler so, for all time the property of Islam. (Did I get that right?)

They regularly complain that “this country is crap” (perhaps we all do that to some extent). I routinely respond by asking how India is better. No answer, except to wrongly claim that income tax is not payable in India. They do admit, though, that roads and education and much else are defective in India, and that maybe Britain is better. But it doesn’t change their overall view.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

As a matter of interest, I researched the cost of the Royal Family.

£40m a year = 66p per person per year (roughly $1). That cost includes all the costs of state and similar visits which would, without a Royal Family, have to be hosted by a President. The Italian President alone costs every Italian £1.24 a year. Our 66p covers many Royals, so I reckon we get value and without corruption.

Some years ago the Queen “temporarily” surrendered all Crown Estates to the Government in return for the “Civil List” which is part of the £40m. The Government makes £200m a year from the Crown Estates, so are well in profit. Quite apart from the estimated £400m to £1b generated to the country from “Royal-related” tourism.

UK aid to India is, at £280m a year, seven times as much as the cost of the Royal family, and costing every inhabitant of the UK £4.90 a year. Didn’t win us an order for fighter jets, though — that went to the French. I know what I get for my 66p a year; I see no return from the £4.90 to India.

The very idea of a politician as Head of State, someone like Blair, is abhorrent to me. Give me the political neutrality of Her Majesty any day. My Sikh friend sneered at the idea that the Queen does any work. A full twelve-hour day in an office or in meetings and visits isn’t “work” in her opinion. It seems only stacking shelves and standing behind a counter chatting to customers is work.

I know one thing for sure: she would crumble if faced with the same workload. She gets stressed (really stressed) if a lighting strip blows and moans that “nothing works in this country”.

— Bewick


wheatington said... 1

Thank you for such a well written and well reasoned post.

We have the same ungrateful immigrants in Canada with a hand full of gimmee and a mouth full of complaints.

Nemesis said... 2

While our governments may welcome the third world hordes into all our nations, those from the grass roots are forced to bend to accommodate their odd behaviour and cultural norms which are so evident and out of place within our own cultures.

At first, we may be forgiving of those who believe their culture is superior to ours without demonstrating the tiniest example of why, but as the arrogance of our 'cultural superiors' becomes more evident, we then become a little less enthusiastic to their presence. And as we remain mute to their continuing and ever increasing arrogance, because we are told to remain so, our resentment increases and our desire to share with them all the bounties that our own cultural superiority can provide, and for which they have presented themselves to us, retreats into the darkest recesses of our minds to be replaced with a desire to be rid of their arrogance, their culture and them!

Sabrina said... 3

Yes, I hate South Asian immigrants like this who bring the worst of their country with them. There should be better screening.
I am an ex-Muslim but, I think, a credit to my adopted country (US).

Anonymous said... 4

I had to do a few shifts with a Pakistani Muslim, who's all smiles to your face, but if you push his buttons, what's underneath is not pretty.

Rants about how "your" country does this wrong, or does that wrong, (conspiracy theories about sex education in schools)' how "your" country invaded Afghanistan & Iraq, etc.. never "our" country or even "this" country. Always "your" country.

Yet this guy freely admits that he's over here to get a British passport.

Anonymous said... 5

I do not mean to go off on a tangent here, but--

Indian immigrants to England and the United States are probably the most hateful people I have had the misfortune to meet*. Though they flood the West, they believe the narrative popular among the media that Indians possess unparalleled genius, now pointing to the number of (quota-benefiting) Indians, now, by referring to themselves as Asian, soaking the glory of academic and political achievement that belongs not to "Asians" en masse but to East Asians--Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. They refuse to dress as Westerners, refuse to speak English amongst themselves. Their vindictiveness confines itself to very cowardly acts, such as walking towards you as a group and forcing you either to yield the sidewalk to or collide with them. They do not dissimulate their scorn for you Europeans, yet, by never confronting you directly, they force you either to become the aggressor or to suffer their abuse.

I remember how in Marco Polo's aTravels he mentions that the natives of India are unmatched in their spitefulness. And I remember Orwell's wonderful essay "Shooting the Elephant," in which he recounts his how desire to help the colonized Indians conflicts with his hatred for their diabolical manners.

They might not be as violent as Muslims, but they hate Europeans just as much, if not more.

*Standard disclaimer: I'm not saying all Indians are like this or even all of those whom I've met.

Anonymous said... 6

this is a guy who despite saying that if any more complaints were made about him, he would play the race card to try to get off, went on to show people pics of dead children & made a blood libel against all Israelis.

Anonymous said... 7

I am an Indian and have lived in the United States (I live in India now). I follow this blog every day.

You have pointed it out right - Indians living in western countries want to continue living there, but many of them feel that west is not for them. However, things back in India are worse, so even though they say that west is "not good", they still know that they are at the best place they could be.

The thing though, about Indians (Hindus/Sikhs/Christians) in the west is that they DO NOT want to change west and its civilization to make it like India. Muslims in the west want to change the west to make it like the third world country they came from.

We in India are doing our best to make India like the west, but we face a huge issue of "cultural enrichment" from Muslims and corruption, that is a huge drag on the nation.

Another problem is with the educational system. India has been ruled by liberal left (The Congress Party - though they do not call themselves Liberal Left) since the independence - and they have manipulated all educational material to show that British rule on India has been the cause of all ills of the country. These are the lies fed to Indians, whereas British actually liberated India from centuries of backward Muslim rule!

Indians are waking up to the reality, so you will see less of such comments in the days to come. India will always be thankful to the British for having saved her from complete Islamization in the hands of brutal Muslim rulers.

Malcolm Smith said... 8

Return the Koh-i-Noor? Why? Have the royal families of Afghanistan or the Sikhs been asking for it back? Both of them have a claim on it, but not the Republic of India. Indeed, one would have thought that Pakistan had just as much a claim as India.

vince said... 9

Dont want to keep bringing my race up, but I feel in some way its appropriate in this case. in short: Muslim Grandfather, all other descent european, danish, english, irish and some germanic.

Now I again dont know if the only reason behind my solid integration is because my ancestry is mixed? I imagine if both my parents and grandparents were muslims, my outlook on life would be different.

But for the record I do not particularly care for the monarchy. Its not that I particularly dislike them,and can see the benefits they bring, as well as the historical significance but I don't see all the fuss this weekend. Its like the King dude had a urinary infection, and that was major news. Theres far more important news stories such as little girls with cancer.Its not just the monarchy but the whole celebrity culture Im against.

Now two observations, 1 positive and 1 negative. Firstly the negative. I live near a culturally enriched neighbourhood. And when driving past the majority of the houses had no, flags outside which can assume were non english. But the few that did can be assumed to be the very few English people left in the area. Quite often they are old ladys that were born and live in the same houses all their lives. Another odd thing was the only non visibly english people with a flag outside was an afro carribean food store...

The positive from it were the scenes I saw on tv. The fact that it brought neighbours and communities together. And despite my earlier complaint about the old phillip being ill, it was quite moving to see such unity in the crowd regarding the matter. Infact the positive of the weekend is it brought out the British spirit. And it was in a way nice to see people brought together for something other than football.

gsw said... 10

"but as the arrogance of our 'cultural superiors' becomes more evident"
I have emigrated/immigrated, and now live in a country not of my birth.
Actually, I was only in the country of my birth for a few years before being packed off as a baby to the 'country of my youth'. I am now living in the 'country of my children's birth'.

I have been known, in conversation, to make derogatory remarks about my new home - the difficulty of obtaining a decent cup of tea, for example. The assumption by school teachers that every mother works for them. They in turn make comments about other countries. It balances.

And that is the real problem! When people insist that their country is better, not only in occasional small things (like the southern sky!) but also always and indisputably the best, then we can be excused for wondering why, if this is so, they are not living there?
But even wondering that out loud is racist in 2012.

We will accept anything, when is mutual - we are happy to discuss and exchange ideas. We are happy to weigh cricket against ice hockey, monarchy against republicanism, but it must be mutual - anyone wishing to criticise must be able and willing to accept criticism in turn.

Professor L said... 11

Indeed, in my local parish, we have two priests preparing to take over (one is being groomed to become parish priest, so he's not quite there yet). We also had an assistant parish priest earlier of whom I am quite fond (he was actually the first priest I got to know after starting to practice my faith).

But India and Australia have had problems. Attacks on Indian students in Melbourne, motivated most likely by opportunity (late night travel on public transport), was deemed racist and set off an enormous media firestorm in the Subcontinent. Indian entitlement largely reflects the general attitude of post-colonial entitlement much of the world now endures. I do hope, with the Anonymous above, that such an attitude will pass in the days to come. Alas, however, we must, for now, endure, and perhaps, with a well placed remark, poke holes in this modern day's most venerated theory of holiness - the indulging of this attitude.

Robert Marchenoir said... 12

So it's not only Islam which is a problem after all.

"Racism" is a good thing, inasmuch as it means opposing mass immigration, and thinking that planting an alien culture in the middle of another is a recipy for social disaster.

This blog has come a long way (as many of us have).

Anonymous said... 13

I cherish very much having been colonized by the British and for that matter the Portuguese. The
ex-colonial subjects who are grossly guilty of the vice of pride should pack up their bags and return to their own under- developed countries made of their own making and choosing.

bewick said... 14

Thank you for all your comments. To the anonymous Indian, now living in India.
We Brits, of a certain age, also appreciate the help of Indians during 2 World Wars. I'd like to think that, apart from freeing you from muslim rule, we also provided you with some basic infrastructure and procedures during less than 100 years of the Raj. We may well have done that in self interest but it still serves you well.
I DID have an Indian aunt who I never saw in traditional dress. Baked the best apple pie I ever tasted and no curries. She may have been Hindu. Just don't know.

My Sikh friend? Well, perhaps embarrassed, she phoned today to see if I was OK (I'm old Father William) . The curtain though already had been opened. I KNOW their imported attitude to tax which means that the shelves and till are raided for food and clothes and other small value items. They pay approx half what I need to pay for similar items - considering tax. This was explained to me a couple of years ago when I questioned as " The money in the till is OURS since WE earned it". Punjabi village reasoning unfortunately. No tax payable in the Punjab (they believe) so why here? It is also massively "cheaper" in India they claim so the UK is "marked down". It certainly IS cheaper in rural India but income is massively less.That is never taken into account. Relativity doesn't come into it. Charities plead for funds on the basis that "these people have to exist on $1 a day". Ignores that $1 there buys rather more than in the US.
I understand that Greeks take every step they can to evade tax and many retire, on full pension, by the age of 50. Where on earth did they get the idea that such attitude was acceptable? Mmmmm. Weren't the greeks conquered by Islam?
Italy. Mafia. Protection rackets. Where on earth did THEY get that idea. A pattern emerges.

Anonymous said... 15

The problem with many, (maybe most?) non-Western immigrants is that they want to have all the material things made possible by Western civilization, but they want their own culture to be dominant over Western culture as well. It never seems to occur to them that maybe their own culture is not capable of sustaining the comfy lifestyle that Western Civ provides them with?

They are encouraged in their delusions by the white leftists/multiculturalists who constantly tell them that they can have **both** their "rich" Third World cultures and comfy Western standards of living at the same time.

Anonymous said... 16

Here here!
Tell your "friend" that if she's not happy to live in the 1st world, the exits are well marked!

Despicable backstabbers.

Bobo said... 17

"........a hand full of 'gimme', and a mouth full of gripes."

Well said!!!!!

Anonymous said... 18

This blog is degenerating to the level of Stormfront. What happened to freedom of speech? Right wing people love freedom of speech when it is for their point of view. Left wing people love freedom of speech when it it their point of view. But what about freedom of speech that offends your point of view. That is freedom of speech. It is upsetting and not to your taste, but get used to the bad side of freedom of speech. That way you can get used to the most precious thing in Civilization and believe me it is not the Queen. It is freedom of speech.

Professor L said... 19

@ Anonymous 6:48,

This isn't so much free speech as a matter of consistency. People who say "Oh, everything is so much better in my homeland" might be asked why they aren't there then. That's the issue.

If you want to make Australia like Saudi Arabia, I have merely to ask why you don't live in Saudi Arabia. You are free to demand the change, but I am free to question why you wish to change my country into another country, and why you instead don't go and live in that country.

Almost always, the end result is a sort of sheepish retraction of the proposed changes and moderation of the criticism, which is wishy washy, no good and a waste of time.

Sure, criticise Australia, and I shall defend her. Say you want her to change, and I will ask you why and to what. But for Heaven's sake, don't just criticise because it's not your homeland. Criticise it because it's actually doing something wrong (late trains, little sense of community, etc).

And to do that requires standards, which is the one thing we struggle to affirm in our culture of relativism. So let us have free speech, but let us have standards by which we might speak.

Anonymous said... 20

Muslims mistakenly think that their countries are terrible because of lack of resources rather than lack of morals.

Muslims believe that, with all of the West's resources, then Muslim countries with Sharia Law will be ideal.

Muslims are mistaken. Muslims will just turn Western countries into terrible countries without resources.

Then again, Islam does instruct Muslims to colonize the entire world, so that's another reason that Muslims move into Western countries whilst criticizing.

The primary complaint seems to be that Muslim CRIMINAL behavior is discussed and prosecuted under Western law. It is so much easier for Muslim fathers to guarantee cheap and easy girlhood genital mutilation, and it is so much easier for Muslim geriatrics to marry their 12 year old girl cousins in Muslim countries, etc.
