I had to go away overnight, and have just returned home. Dymphna had intended to put up a post last night to explain the absence of a news feed, but became to ill to do so.
I’m beginning to wade through the email now. I’ll get a news feed together for tonight, but there may not be much else before tomorrow.
You two should take a break - we will talk among ourselves.
Get well soon.
A very good article, 100% right,
suggesting the author understands
Islam. A lot of the comments are
rather out of touch with reality.
The question is, will there be a
strong counter movement or will we all subside into lethargy, in the
nonsensical expectation that 'somebody will do something soon'.
Certainly this struggle will have to have a physicality which means a lot of us will have to drag our backsides off those couches and away from the 'lying box'. I am an optimist but also a realist, sadly my bet is on a long and excruciating death for Europe.
You're both in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon Lady Dymphna!
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