The Psychopath’s Argument: Free Speech Kills People
by Dr. Nicolai Sennels
“But she’s asking for it! She knows I’ll beat her if she says things like that. And still she says it — it’s like she’s begging me to hit her!”
This is the typical psychopathic husband’s explanation for domestic violence, and as an experienced psychologist I can smell this kind of sick logic from miles away. Unfortunately, far too often this is also the explanation given by the media, politicians, and not least violent Muslims when they explain the Islamists’ aggressive reactions to cartoons and Quran-burnings. We are even responsible when Muslims run amok and commit terror after we create art or satire based on their prophet and religion. Either we cease to tease and criticize, or we must accept the consequences.
Jyllands-Posten and Kurt Westergaard have been held responsible for more than a hundred deaths — often trampled by their fellow Muslims — in the wake of the publication of the famous Mohammed cartoons. The same accusations now hit Terry Jones and his minister colleague Wayne Sapp, as eleven UN staff in Afghanistan were killed by Muslims in response to Jones’ and Sapp’s Quran-burning event. Several of the UN staff were beheaded.
But drawings and Quran burnings do not kill. They do not trample people to death and they do not chop their heads off. Only people do such things.
Jyllands-Posten, Westergaard, Jones and Sapp are not mass-murderers — and not in any indirect way, either. No artist or non-violent activist should be ashamed or feel guilty about the violent actions that others take in response to their peaceful actions. Those who believe otherwise can go and talk to the psychopathic wife beater, because they have something in common. Socialist analysis especially often victimizes dysfunctional people, and categorizes their aggressive behavior as natural and automatic reactions — and thereby supports the psychopath’s argument.
A rewrite of the U.S. National Riffle Association’s famous slogan would read: “Free speech doesn’t kill people. People kill people.”

Nicolai Sennels is a psychologist and the author of “Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologist’s experiences with the Copenhagen Municipality”.
Previous posts by or about Nicolai Sennels:
When the Afghan Buddhas were destroyed, what should the Buddhists have done? When the Afghan Bibles were burnt, how should the Christians have reacted? And were any Muslims to die in the "aftermath", would anyone be saying that the Muslims were to blame - or worrying about the "rise of extremist Buddhists and Christians"?
Surely with all certainty, we can answer that question. This is not about Koran-burning. This is about double standards of giant proportions...
A rewrite of the U.S. National Riffle Association’s famous slogan would read: “Free speech doesn’t kill people. People kill people.”
This is an inept formulation. Since only Muslims kill over free speech, it should read:
“Free speech doesn’t kill people. Muslims kill people.”
The sturmtroopers are here. It is now the war starts, slowly but safe! 250 million young muslims in the islamofacistic world without work, without future! There is written WAR all over the place!
Why don't we realize that now, and then take our percussions? Then we can let the world move on afterwards.......
Hans Erling Jensen
I don't see anything wrong with burning some political play-book from Hell. Back to hell, they should return.
Muslims are the only group of people who are not held fully responsible for their own actions.
Could it be because our politicians assume that they are, unlike everybody else, somehow lacking a free will, and hence unable to bear responsibility for their own actions?
Good points, Green Infidel.
So, WHY aren't Muslims held accountable? WHY the double standard? Political correctness married to relativistic multiculturalism run amok.
Can I logically say that Chinese Communists did not kill people.
Mao's speeches did.
IF there are no jews (or other non-believers) in the neighborhood, it is then most likely that muslim-on-muslim murders will be par for the course.
Honor killing of daughters for perceived "sin", public stonings of young girls & women...
It's a 1400 yr old kill-culture, wrapped in piety...and the longer we tolerate it, the faster it grows.
___ ___
Fredrik said... "Could it be because our politicians assume that they are, unlike everybody else, somehow lacking a free will, and hence unable to bear responsibility for their own actions?"
Sort of. But what the more intelligent politicians really understand is that while the have free will, they choose not to act on it. It would be politically incorrect for anyone to actually say that, so we come up with all manner of reasonings and excuses for it.
Hesperado -
"Free speech doesn’t kill people. Muslims kill people."
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