Sunday, April 10, 2011

March to Al-Aqsa by Land, Sea, and Air

Bulent Yildirim is the head of IHH, a Turkish Muslim Brotherhood front group, which sponsored last year’s convoy to Gaza in an attempt to break the Israeli blockade. In the following video, Mr. Yildirim discusses the next attempt to run the Gaza blockade, and promises that a land convoy and an airplane will also be included in the operation. He explicitly indicates that his ultimate goal is not Gaza, but Jerusalem.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for subtitling this video:


Zenster said... 1

Israel should consider the entire operation a live fire exercise. Sink all vessels, down any planes and strafe any convoys. Consider it a practice round in preparation for excising all non-naturalized Palestinian presence from within Israeli borders prior to any potential UN declaration of statehood for "Palestine".

The Israelis must not permit the statehood declaration to have a shred of legitimacy. Their only way of doing this is to evict all of the "Palestinians" from Gaza and the West Bank. This entire event is long overdue and under no circumstances can the least pretense be made available for any outside intervention to happen.

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said... 2

In hoc signo vinces†

... under no circumstances can the least pretense be made available for any outside intervention to happen.

Dhimmi David Cameron's low threshold military intervention in Libya has made it almost impossible for a sovereign nation to defend its territorial integrity without the risk of triggering outside military intervention.

The conundrum, is Cameron an idiot Dhimmi or a deliberate Dhimmi? Ethier way a dangerous actor for the U.K. to have on the world stage.

IHH - classify as complicent combatants and destroy at will.