Luckily I’ve just learned that the following article is outdated, and skipper Phillips is a free man. Thanks to the Seals of the mighty US Navy — God bless them all.
And here’s his translation:
Brutality- - - - - - - - -
By Søren Pind
Sunday, April 12I am no humanist. To me that is no shame. Nor is it a confession. But a proud declaration. Humanism means that you love all humans on the planet. I do not. I’m not that good a person.
I don’t think it was a shame when the Romanians, after a swift trial, executed the ‘Genius of the Carpathians’, The Working Romania’s Great Leader, and whatever else they called him; the tyrant Ceausescu. Or, for that matter, when the Iraqis hanged Saddam Hussein. My tears are dry. May they fry in Hell for their evil deeds.
The fickleness of Danes became clear in a poll showing a huge majority against capital punishment while at the same time a similarly huge majority lauded the fact that Saddam Hussein found his death at the executioner’s hand.
Do I support capital punishment? No, I do not “adorn” the death penalty. But I am no opponent of the fact that those persons got the fate they got. So, now I’ve said it. Just as I left Amnesty International on September 11th 2001 — for what fate will await Osama Bin Laden if captured by the Western World? After some years in jail, will he be at large and walk freely among us?
Then we find ourselves at sea off Somalia. Four pirates hold a captain of a Danish ship hostage. And demand a ransom of 2 million dollars. All around them the entire Western World circles its warships, some of them armed with nuclear weapons. Impotent…
This farce has been going on for too long. Back in the old days Danish navies fought piracy. And with pirates, it was just hang ’em from the yardarm. Done. We can’t do that today, of course. The very same fact that makes Hillary Clinton talk pathetically about “a response for the 21st. century”…
But the ever-increasing exhibition of impotence and lack of will just leads to further nuisance. Pirates, terrorists, and all kinds of scum make the rules. And no one says stop. Over and over the UN demonstrates why the organization belongs in the 20th century rather than the 21st. And so do we.
If the Western World is to survive it must demonstrate its will for survival. Its will to defend itself and its people. The present situation will lead to nothing but anarchy, violence and war.
It’s time to show brutality. Hard, consistent, and unconditional.
If the Western World is to survive it must demonstrate its will for survival. Its will to defend itself and its people. The present situation will lead to nothing but anarchy, violence and war.
It’s time to show brutality. Hard, consistent, and unconditional.This is something I've been saying for some time now and, brickbats or no, I will keep on saying it.
Islam must be given a taste of the Total War it keeps on calling for. One sincere demonstration of what a true declaration of war holds for the Muslim majority country of our choice.
Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia all top the West's Christmas list. It is long past tea to make sure that Muslims damn well understand what sort of conflict awaits them in Dar al Harb.
I agree, and would like to add that I believe one reason why the Muslim world keeps calling for Total War is the fact that they have no idea what they are talking about. The wars they have fought all have been extremely limited, either with regards to the affected territory or the loss of life and property. We, on the other hand, have been conditioned for sixty years with the pictures of WW2 and the Great War.
hi there,
nice effort
check this blog.
The death penelty--I've always favored it for those who deserve and have earned that ultimate form of punishment. The powerful ships of the U.S. Navy did circle the pirates and seemed impotent--the impotent ones are always the politicans and not the soldiers in the field--they feel the unrush of events, they see the face of evil, they know the life and death stuggle, they more than any of us feel the hot breath of the enemy and they know their task. I'm thinking now of Tennyson's, "Charge of the Light Brigade" and these few lines from that poem: "Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Someone had blunder'd: Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.
This farce has been going on for too long. Back in the old days Danish navies fought piracy. And with pirates, it was just hang ’em from the yardarm. Done. We can’t do that today, of course. The very same fact that makes Hillary Clinton talk pathetically about “a response for the 21st. century”. [emphasis added]
"A response for the 21st century"?!? What in Holy Hell is this moron talking about? Given her background, it cannot be nuclear weapons.
We are dealing with a 7th century mentality that desperately needs a 7th century response in the form of irreversible and overwhelming military force.
I don't know if Hillary Clinton is foolish, lunatic or simply just stupid beyond all measure. Maybe she should go undercover to spend some time with these scumbags up close and personal in order to obtain a better idea of how to deal with them.
Keelhauling and walking the plank is two other old fashioned methods of dealing with this scum and in a traditional way too. Then they can feel honoured meeting a traditional pirates demise. This seems to be a symptom of our time, treating scumbags with kid gloves always.
I couldn't agree more. Accountability means doing awful things to scum who more than deserve it. I second Zenster's calls for giving Islamists a taste of what total war would really entail for the Muslim world. For a start a Dresden-style firebombing of several Muslim cities, tens of millions dead. Total war. Lets roll. We're fighting for our survival.
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