British Prime Minister David Cameron was forced to return early from his holiday in sunny Tuscany in order to deal with the sudden descent of several major English cities into violence, looting, arson, and anarchy.
Yesterday, when he spoke to members of Parliament about the crisis, this is what he said about the members of the English Defence League who defended their communities:
“The hon. Gentleman speaks not only for his constituents, but, frankly, for the whole House in deprecating the English Defence League and all it stands for. On its attempt to say that it will somehow help to restore order, I have described some parts of our society as sick, and there is none sicker than the EDL.”
The EDL has understandably taken exception to the Prime Minister’s characterization of them. Below is a statement posted at the EDL website:
No Mr Cameron, It’s You Who Are Sick
Yesterday, in Parliament, after MPs were hastily recalled from their exotic holidays for emergency “jaw jaw” following the worst rioting England has seen for decades. Over a thousand of the scummiest criminals around have been arrested, with hundreds more expected to follow. Rioters attacked police, burnt down businesses and homes (some with people still inside), violently mugged innocent people, stole tens of millions of pounds worth of goods and even killed people. Yet David Cameron, the supposed ultimate representative of the public, chose to lie and attack the EDL.
In a hate-filled speech full of inaccuracies, he stated,
“I think the honourable gentleman speaks not only for his constituents but quite frankly for the whole house in deprecating the EDL and all they stand for — and their attempt to somehow say that they’re going to help restore order is…. sick, and there’s none sicker than the EDL”
All we stand for? Have you read our Mission Statement lately? We suspect not. No sane person could say it is sick to oppose terrorism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism while standing for integration and equality. How are you feeling, Dave? Better check your private health insurance policy, you’re looking a bit peaky.
Firstly, the minor disturbances in Eltham last night were NOT the EDL, according to the police that were there, and as they communicated to BBC Radio 5. David Cameron is now actively ignoring the police force of this country, in an attempt to further demonise the predominantly white working class people of this country.
People are entitled to protect their homes and businesses from severe attacks. The police weren’t protecting the people of these areas, so local people went onto the streets to make sure they wouldn’t become the latest victims of such horrific attacks. Be they the Sikhs of Southall, the Muslims of Birmingham, or the English of Eltham.
When it comes down to it, the only thing we are all forced to rely on is the government for its protection from violence and crime: we’re actually prohibited from arming ourselves, so we’re helpless. If a government presides over civil war as we saw, it has failed totally in its most important duty.
What is clear to see from the media reports and reactions of journalists and politicians is that they simply do not care about the proud English folk of this land. Many communities came together on Tuesday night, regardless of colour, with Black and White from numerous backgrounds, uniting to force away the rioters:
One particular group on Tuesday did have some EDL in it, and patriotic songs were sung. The locals were delighted that they were now being protected after police failures and shortcomings [Guardian Video]. The media were quick to jump on this and heap praise on the group as the spirit of England was on show, but once it came to light that some EDL may have been involved, the story was turned to imply they were racist and violent. This despite the presence of black men in the group and despite the lack of any violence whatsoever.
The same journalists gave a different account of the Sikh and Muslim groups who bravely defended their areas. The Sikh groups were publicly brandishing swords and weapons, something that would have resulted in the immediate arrest of any EDL member, we’re sure. No, these groups were lauded with praise and branded as heroes. Where is the equality?
Don’t get us wrong, we do endorse the use of self defence, in particular when rioters intent on using all manner of violent acts (which will include the carrying of weapons and the intent to use them) have to be met “head on” in times of abject police and government failure. They have allowed Anarchy to rule our streets, something the militant left have been provoking for many years now. We must pay particular attention to the case in North London, whereby locals have had to endure more than five nights of continued violence on the streets. Is it any wonder the locals are turning to people who do stand up for the love of their country and their communities in times of civil unrest?
Wednesday night saw similar scenes across the country, with vigilante groups protecting their streets once again. Obviously, because these groups were peaceful, law abiding and predominantly white English, the police were now miraculously able to find officers to over-police the peacefulness and intimidate people. In Manchester and Birmingham, the police had the numbers and time to surround hundreds of unmasked, peaceful citizens and issue them all with section 6s and 27s (orders to disperse well known to many EDL members from football crowd policing). Why were the groups of rioters not dispersed at early opportunities, when they were masked and intent on violence?
In Eltham, some news stations were reporting 1000 riot police and 80 riot vans, not to stop the rioters, but to surround a small group of 100 locals. A bottle or two was thrown, a sign of the frustration that these police who were nowhere when wanton destruction and theft were occurring, were suddenly appearing in mass numbers to intimidate and provoke a groups of previously peaceful people. No damage was caused and the locals went back to their homes, safe in the knowledge that police were finally on their streets, even if it wasn’t to stop the mindless criminals. This didn’t stop media outlets from lying about events, with The Telegraph criticising the EDL in depth for the whole incident and ending with… Local police denied the group were comprised of EDL members.
A massive police over-reaction to deal with non-criminals, a scene we see far too often these days, with the white English population seemingly viewed as fair game and an easy target for the police. Anyone remember the horrific police brutality at Rochdale? Police officers assaulted young women and sent dogs into the crowd to attack people, who were peacefully standing on the grass as ordered by the police. At the same time allowing the Muslim group opposite to wreak havoc and attack them. Well, perhaps if the police were to use such brutal tactics on criminals, for a change, then the wanton destruction and theft might have ended days earlier, negating the need for vigilante groups and preventing the murder of the three young Muslims in Birmingham (our thoughts and prayers go out to the families).
There is no issue here, especially no issue with the EDL. The English Defence League are here to DEFEND England when no-one else is willing to. On this occasion the police weren’t willing to defend and protect the streets and residents of some parts of England. The public needed help, so they turned to the EDL, as we are increasingly seeing, naturally, EDL supporters took to the streets, peacefully supporting local residents and businesses.
There is nothing extremist, far-right, criminal or wrong about doing that. It shows the community spirit and big society that Mr Cameron keeps banging on about, expecting people of England to volunteer to help their communities. This is exactly what you saw Mr Cameron, your BIG society, and now you are attacking the volunteers? Why is that? These volunteers showed tremendous moral courage doing what they did, unlike the criminals.
How about showing some respect to ALL who deserve it, rather than slamming innocent people who were only standing up after your disastrous handling of the situation. A few more days in the sun, more important than the safety of Britain and its people? You are one disgusting creature, Mr Cameron — when will you wake up and realise that the government has repeatedly let down the British folk of this country, and that people are turning to us, rather than the authorities with their concerns because the authorities are too weak-willed to confront the causation of civil unrest. We listen to people’s concerns and give them a voice, rather than dismissing them and ignorantly shouting “racist”, when it’s nothing of the sort. Mr Cameron, you are out of touch with the British public, it’s about time you started listening to us rather than blaming us for YOUR failures.
Time to get a grip of the situation, we think!
Police helicopters circling overhead in Camberwell, not good .......
I stand with the brave members of the EDL! Bravo! Never give in!
"... miserable England!
I prophesy the fearful'st time to thee
That ever wretched age hath look'd upon."
-- Richard III, Act III, Scene iv
The whining will get you nowhere.
You are already disarmed, and now you are being vilified by your own gubmint and the media whores.
Next: Britain Considers Social Media Shutdowns
And then this:
Telford: home secretary bans EDL march
The Home Secretary Theresa May has this morning banned tomorrow's planned marches in Wellington in a move that has been welcomed by Telford & Wrekin Council.
As they say: if you turn guns into plows you will end up plowing for those who have guns.
Non violence is a nice concept, but there comes a time when you can't scream loud enough.
cameron=bho-(LCOP=lower case on purpose)-
EDL=TEA PARTY (which may have to brandish arms some day)-
EDL vilified by media hacks-and cameron -
Tea Party- vilified by media hacks and bho
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_Connor] Police tactics in England sound reminiscent of tactics used in the civil rights era, with the exception that it is white English people being denied their rights. its a sad thing to see.
The authorities are wilfully misinterpreting the EDL, ànd the situation - it is impossible they are this dense or this gutless. They are provoking things to come to such a head that they can declare martial law and clamp down on everyone who stands in their way.
I'm afraid they are doing it all over the place, and actually that they are in sync
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