The “English teacher” Sayef ul Islam, the leader of Islam4UK Anjem Choudary, and the leader of Sharia4Belgium Abou Imran. In the background is the flag of the jihad for the Islamic Caliphate.
Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated an article from the Flemish newspaper Het Nieuwsblad about last weekend’s planned demonstration in Brussels against the burqa ban. The demo was cancelled at the last minute, but Anjem Choudary and his cronies say that they’re not done with Belgium just yet:
“Burqa ban will lead to violence”- - - - - - - - -
by Steven De Bock
“I warn Belgium. When the burqa ban is maintained, that will be a path that will lead straight to violence.” Anjem Choudary, leader of the in England banned Islam4UK, sounded very threatening in Antwerp. “We will only rest when the flag of Islam flies everywhere.”
The [Muslim] extremist Anjem Choudary was in Belgium on Saturday, May 22, at the invitation of the organization Sharia4Belgium, which came into the public eye when the members [violently — translator] disrupted a lecture of author Benno Barnard a few weeks ago. The reason for the visit of the British extremist was a planned demonstration against the burqa ban, which was scheduled for May 23 in Brussels. Choudary however, was not the only foreigner who had come to Belgium for this reason. Also a group of young radical Muslims from Denmark and England had made the trip.
However, the demonstration was banned by the Mayor of Brussels. Abu Imran, leader of Sharia4Belgium, therefore decided to cancel the action at the last minute. “Temporarily,” he said yesterday, during a hastily organized press conference. “We could not accept that kuffar [the article says: “unbelieving”] police officers might tarnish our sisters during the action. But we will not let it go like this. We are not slaves or house-negroes who let things being done to them. Our response will still follow. Because we are Muslims and thus we are victors, who are here to dominate. And those who cannot accept the dominance of Islam will have to leave. For my part, to hell.”
It was the start of a press conference full of threatening language and insults directed at all non-Muslims. And in “De Shelter”, a community center of the Borgerhout Community Development, which was created as “a meeting place where local residents from different backgrounds can get to know each other better.” Saturday, however, radical Muslims used precisely that community center for their very threatening language with which they rejected the entire Western society.
The message at the press conference was clear: the Western society must disappear and give way to the supremacy of Islam. “Your freedom and democracy belong in the garbage can,” Sayef ul Islam said, who calls himself “an English teacher”. […]
Not just Abu Imran spoke, but also Choudary and a further unknown Sayef ul Islam, who calls himself “an English teacher”. Sitting in the room were a dozen young Muslims from different countries, who occasionally let it be known that they fully supported the messages.
“I have a warning for Belgium,” Choudary said. “If you take away our sisters’ burqas, you walk a path that will lead to a physical confrontation. I like to be clear. Then afterwards nobody may say he was not warned. We are not like the Christians. If someone hits us, then we do not offer our other cheek.”
But to him it was not only about the burqa in Belgium, or about the ban on minarets in Switzerland. His ambitions reach much further. “We will continue until the flag of Islam flies over Europe.”
Choudary is thinking of settling in Belgium, as he also said. In England, where he comes from, he does not feel welcome any longer. His organization, Islam4UK, was banned early this year by the British government, because it violated terrorist laws. Organizations can also be banned if they glorify or encourage terrorism. “Great Britain is more intolerant than Belgium,” according to Choudary.
The most extreme statements came yesterday from the “teacher” Sayef ul Islam, who radically dismissed Western society. “Your freedom and democracy belong in hell. And the Catholic Church, what is that? The pope and his gang of pedophiles? The law of God is the law of the Muslims. And the terrorists, that’s you. But there will come an end to your secular extremism.” The message at the press conference was clear: Western society must disappear and give way to the supremacy of Islam. “Your freedom and democracy belong in the garbage can,” Sayef ul Islam said, who calls himself “an English teacher”. Islam, according to him, offers beauty and protection. Western values would only produce alcoholism, pornography, addiction and crime. “You live like animals. Like pigs and monkeys. But we will bring civilization, because our values are superior. Now the debate is still about whether our sisters are allowed to cover themselves. One day we will say that your women must cover themselves.”
Abu Imran, from the Flemish village of Boom, also let know that the opposition to the burqa ban will continue.
How many supporters Choudary, Abu Imran and Sayef ul Islam have is unclear. By the Muslim community they are often described as “exceptions who enjoy little support”. But those who were present yesterday found the statements of the three “very inspiring”.
An excerpt from a second article in Het Nieuwsblad:
Islamic threats from an Antwerp community center
by Steven De Bock
“A meeting place for different population groups in the neighborhood”. With that purpose the community center “De Shelter” in the heart of Antwerp-Borgerhout was opened. A meeting place “where local residents from different backgrounds can get to know each other better.” Saturday, radical Muslims used precisely that community center for their very threatening language with which they rejected the entire Western society. All those in positions of responsibility were flabbergasted.
Despite asking a lot of questions afterwards, nobody could explain how an organization like Sharia4Belgium — against which Antwerp mayor Patrick Janssens [SP.a, Socialist] was some planning a legal battle weeks ago — could have been able to rent space in exactly that place.
“Anyone can express his views. But calls for hatred, those of course are not allowed,” the Antwerp alderman for Community Development, Loan Verbist [SP.a, Socialists] said yesterday in a comment. But that the community center “De Shelter” had been the scene of such statements, she knew nothing about. For that she referred us to Monika De Coninck, president of the OCMW. “A question of respecting a authority.”
De Coninck in turn forwarded the matter to the autonomous Community Development Antwerp. “Because we as a city we have nothing to do with ‘De Shelter’. All we do is occasionally rent space there.”
Serge Spoelders, the communications coordinator for Community Development, could also only forward us. “Though ‘De Shelter’ was started by us, it is now a privatized project. The president of that separate non-profit organization is someone in Community Development, but we have nothing to do with ‘De Shelter’ itself.”
Griet van Baarle, president of the privatized association, yesterday afternoon was totally flabbergasted. “Sharia4Belgium in ‘De Shelter’? This is the first I’ve heard of that,” she responded. “The rental is in the hands of a special administrator, who regulates that. But there are clear rules. And it is clear that these kinds of organizations should never be able to rent space there.” Still, how had that been possible? “That I must find out the next in few days.”
The speakers this Saturday have expressed themselves in clearer language. Choudary, for example, said that to him it was not only about the burqa or the right to build minarets. Although he officially proclaimed a peaceful message — “an invitation to everyone to become a Muslim” [which in itself already is a threat — translator], as he called it himself — the threatening language cannot be misunderstood. “We will only be satisfied when the flag of Islam flies everywhere.” In reality, how many supporters of the speakers there were is not clear. They are often described as “eccentrics with a small number of followers”. But the mixed group of Danish, English and Belgian Muslims who attended the press conference on Saturday were remarkably enthusiastic.
“I warn Belgium. When the burqa ban is maintained, that will be a path that will lead straight to violence.” Anjem Choudary, leader of the in England banned Islam4UK, sounded very threatening in Antwerp. “We will only rest when the flag of Islam flies everywhere.”
Choudary seems to have a genuine knack for making threats of violence. It might be a good thing for local law enforcement to take him at his word and arrest his belligerent Islamic arse for making those threats.
Choudary is thinking of settling in Belgium, as he also said. In England, where he comes from, he does not feel welcome any longer. His organization, Islam4UK, was banned early this year by the British government, because it violated terrorist laws.
Doesn't feel welcome, does he? In a land where he constantly agitates for overthrow of the government and subjugation of its native citizens? Fancy that!
Perhaps he needs to be made to feel a whole lot less welcome in the very near future.
Organizations can also be banned if they glorify or encourage terrorism. “Great Britain is more intolerant than Belgium,” according to Choudary.
Which just might be the signal for Belgium to become a whole lot less tolerant if terrorists like Choudary find its environs to be so attractive.
The pope and his gang of pedophiles?
Priceless. This from someone who regards as the "perfect man" a pedophile of even greater fame.
The message at the press conference was clear: Western society must disappear and give way to the supremacy of Islam.
It is this sort of garbage that erodes my personal opposition to the first use of nuclear weapons. I'm sure that other people probably have similar feelings and it might be a good thing if Muslims around the world were made aware of just how dangerous it is for them to allow their jihadists to spew rubbish like this.
“You live like animals. Like pigs and monkeys. But we will bring civilization, because our values are superior. Now the debate is still about whether our sisters are allowed to cover themselves. One day we will say that your women must cover themselves.”
Says someone who probably could not perform even the most basic automotive repairs even if his life depended upon it.
My only reply is that this sort of trash is what has convinced me to become a gun owner.
How many supporters Choudary, Abu Imran and Sayef ul Islam have is unclear. By the Muslim community they are often described as “exceptions who enjoy little support”.
Support? Who gives a rip about any "support"? WHAT ABOUT SOME OPPOSITION?
It's long past tea for Muslims to start belaboring these terrorist scum about the head and shoulders. Anything less deserves to be construed as tacit support. Full stop.
Poor, poor Anjem Choudray. He always seems to have to cancel his pro-Sharia demonstrations. And yet he claims such support for it!
/End sarcasm sphere self-test.
Zenster - you hit the nail on the head. It is no longer enough for Muslims to simply "not support" these people and claim to be moderate. One is defined by what one is not, as much as they are defined by what one is.
Let them prove what they are not by opposing it with the rest of us.
When so many innocent people are killed by the hand of criminals it would be of great benefit to the world if two paths were to cross and Anjem Choudary was on one of those paths.
"The pope and his gang of pedophiles"
That's exactly one of the themes French Leftists constantly use.
The similarity between Muslim and Leftist propaganda is stunning. They work hand in hand.
Also, why this gang of thugs was not immediately arrested afer making their public threats ? I'm sure Belgian law has ample provision for that.
Robert Marchenoir: The similarity between Muslim and Leftist propaganda is stunning.
This is a theme I am currently basing a new essay upon. It was also addressed rather well in a Canadian Free Press article titled, Modern Liberalism & Islam: An Uncanny Resemblance.
Also, why this gang of thugs was not immediately arrested after making their public threats ?
This remains a principal question. With all of their haste to silence political opposition by SIOE and other similar organizations, the lack of interest in Choudary et al is conspicuous in its absence.
Eventually, such inaction must be found actionable as dereliction of duty or malfeasance of office, preferably both. Additionally, the following quote is certainly tantamount to hate speech:
“You live like animals. Like pigs and monkeys. But we will bring civilization, because our values are superior. Now the debate is still about whether our sisters are allowed to cover themselves. One day we will say that your women must cover themselves.”
Yet, those responsible for operating the center where these statements were made have no response to such blatant thuggery. Despite making the following claim:
“Anyone can express his views. But calls for hatred, those of course are not allowed,” the Antwerp alderman for Community Development, Loan Verbist [SP.a, Socialists] said yesterday in a comment. But that the community center “De Shelter” had been the scene of such statements, she knew nothing about. For that she referred us to Monika De Coninck, president of the OCMW. “A question of respecting a authority.”
De Coninck in turn forwarded the matter to the autonomous Community Development Antwerp. “Because we as a city we have nothing to do with ‘De Shelter’. All we do is occasionally rent space there.”
Abject buck-passing and little else in the face of pure hate speech. One is led to suspect that since similar "pigs and monkeys" passages of text appear in the Qur’an, officials are reluctant to prosecute public instances of such conduct for fear of then being obliged to apply identical enforcement against the Qur’an itself.
All of which points back to the monumental hypocrisy of these spineless bastards when they continue to persecute anti-Islamists solely for quoting the Qur’an and its endless torrents of bile.
"You live like animals. Like pigs and monkeys. But we will bring civilization, because our values are superior."
If this came out of the mouth of a white native Englishman, he would be arrested and charged with a racial offense. But when a Muslim spouts this drivel, the liberal elite invoke tolerance, multiculturalism and the virtues of freedom of speech, or give some toothless platitude about being against "hate speech". We are living in Animal Farm, where "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."
“Your freedom and democracy belong in the garbage can”
In the name of freedom, tolerance and democracy, the powers-that-be in the Western world persist in bringing these violent genocidal jihadists to our shores, who will destroy freedom and democracy. This reminds of Lenin quote, "the Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them."
I just wonder how this will end. These jihadists are like the Borg of Star Trek. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated into the caliphate. Western liberals are already the drones hastening the fall of Western Civilization to a new dark age.
The migratory flow is relentlessly East-and-Third-World to West, for reasons about which everyone directly involved is either in deep denial, or lying through their teeth, about these two primary points:
1. The West is a BETTER PLACE TO LIVE (easily demonstrated: if it wasn't, the migratory flow would be in the opposite direction)
2. The West is a better place to live PRECISELY BECAUSE it doesn't behave like the East-and-Third-World (also easily demonstrated: just take a look around the world).
Conclusion: the West will only go backwards if it is made more like the East-and-Third-World.
The solution to this impasse is now a matter of will - and tactics.
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