Earlier this month Erick Stakelbeck posted his videos interviews with Muslim extremists and Al Qaeda sympathizers who live unmolested in London, many of them at public expense.
One of the British Salafists he interviewed is named Saad al-Faqih. Al-Faqih has been designated a terrorist by the U.S. government, and is wanted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but the British government has declined to extradite him. Al-Faqih refused to appear on camera, but he did consent to be interviewed. Mr. Stakelbeck paid a visit to the terrorist’s home, and has posted an account of the occasion at CBN. Some excerpts are below:
I had come to London to interview men the U.S. government considers extremely dangerous; Islamist ideologues with intimate knowledge of al-Qaeda’s inner workings. And according to intelligence sources, al-Faqih surely fits that bill.- - - - - - - - -A former medical surgeon, Al-Faqih now makes a living as one of the world’s most vociferous enemies of the Saudi regime. He wants to see the Saudi royal family removed from power (by peaceful means, he says) and replaced with an even more extreme Islamic government than the Saudi Wahhabis currently operate. The Saudis, naturally, do not like this, and have been pressuring Great Britain for years to deport al-Faqih back to Saudi Arabia to stand trial. But the Brits, as I explained in my recent CBN News report and in an appearance with Sean Hannity on Fox News, refuse to extradite al-Faqih and other wanted Islamic terrorists back to their home countries over human rights concerns. Basically, they fear the Saudis will torture al-Faqih and the others, most of whom gained asylum in the UK during the 1980’s and 90’s and now walk the streets of London and other cities as free men.
Al-Faqih has built up a dubious reputation during his time in Britain. He was designated by the United States and UN as a global terrorist in 2004 for his links to al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Among the charges against him is that he paid for a satellite phone that was later used by bin Laden to help carry out the 1998 Africa Embassy bombings. Here’s more on that, from PBS’s Frontline:Saad says he’s never met bin Laden, but he is connected somehow. For one, the satellite telephone that bin Laden allegedly used to plan the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam bombings was purchased from a merchant in Columbus, Ohio, on Saad’s own credit card.
Al-Faqih made clear from the outset that he did not want to appear on camera and was highly suspicious of CBN’s Christian orientation. But he got over his initial misgivings quickly enough and in a wide ranging, hour-plus interview, went on to answer my questions about a variety of topics. Here are some of the most intriguing observations I took from our interview:
Al Qaeda “Can Never Collapse”
Al-Faqih told me al-Qaeda’s structure “can never collapse.” He says it consists of three circles. Inside the first circle is what he calls “the real al Qaeda team who have given homage to Osama bin Laden or other leaders.” Inside the second circle are those who have trained with al-Qaeda but have not formally been accepted into the group. The third, and largest circle, according to al-Faqih, is made up of Muslims who are ready to join al-Qaeda and are looking for the means to enroll in the group (there is no shortage of this type on U.S. soil). Al-Faqih stressed that there are “always new recruits” eager to link up with bin Laden and co. He attributed al-Qaeda’s popularity to there being “no movement in the middle that can satisfy the Muslim world’s hunger for dignity” after years of being, in his words, humiliated by the West. In short, he believes Al Qaeda is the vanguard of Muslim resistance to the hated West, and that there is no other credible alternative to the group. “There has been a failure of Muslim leaders to channel their people against America,” Al Faqih said. ‘But bin Laden has shown people that he can do it.”
Al Faqih blasts America’s longstanding support of the Saudi regime and Israel and labels it as the main cause of Muslim rage against the U.S. This is essentially the same screed we hear time and again from Bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in their audio and videotapes. Sadly, it is often enticing to the ears of the Left, many of whom seem to believe that if we just ditch our support for Israel, the terrorists will leave us alone. This ridiculous, naive view discounts 1400 years of Islamic jihad and military conquest against the West, most of which, obviously, occurred before Israel was reborn as a nation in 1948. But I digress.
Al-Faqih’s highest praise, however, was reserved for Yemen-based Al Qaeda cleric/recruiter, Anwar al-Awlaki, a man who has captured numerous headlines in the U.S. over the past few months for his relationships with both Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan and the Underwear Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
“I highly recommend that you read him in English,” al-Faqih said of al-Awlaki, who lived in New Mexico for a time and also attended college in the U.S. “He is a jewel for you. He is very impressive and sophisticated, very linguistic. He is very powerful. His message is that America must change its entire foreign policy. You cannot defeat him.”
I found Al-Faqih’s glowing praise of al-Awlaki very significant. It’s obvious that the 38-year-old Awlaki is moving into the top echelons of Islamic ideologues in terms of global influence. This ascension has serious ramifications for the West. As mentioned, al-Awlaki spent significant time living in the U.S., is fluent in English and knows American culture and customs very well. This has increasingly made him the “go to” cleric for radical young Western Muslims who are seeking to join al-Qaeda.
Al-Faqih closed our lengthy conversation by calling us a taxi. As we got up to leave, I asked him how he saw the conflict between the West and the Muslim world playing out over the next few years.
“No matter what Muslim leaders do, there will be more friction with the West—regardless of al-Qaeda,” he told me. “There will be more confrontation between the West and Muslims, with attacks even bigger than in 2001.”
Read the rest at Erick Stakelbeck’s blog.
But the Brits ... refuse to extradite al-Faqih ... over human rights concerns.
In the process, Britain's sob-sister moron politicians neglect to consider the "human rights concerns" of some 25 MILLION Saudi subjects who would be ground even more harshly beneath the boot heel of this extremist's favored form of government.
Clearly, the suffering of MILLIONS is merely an incomprehensible statistic compared to the palpable agonies that a SINGLE Saad al-Faqih might suffer for holding some of the most intolerent and misogynistic views in existence.
One just as easily imagines these same Oxford-bred bleeding hearts giving asylum to World War II Nazis for holding similarly "unpopular" beliefs that might meet with a wee bit of retribution elsewhere abroad.
Al Qaeda “Can Never Collapse”
WRONG! Enough well-targeted nuclear weapons can collapse anything; a pertinent lesson that the West continues to disregard with respect to Iran. Fortunately, in the case of al-Faqih, a much smaller critical mass of high velocity depleted uranium can accomplish quite a lot.
Al-Faqih stressed that there are “always new recruits” eager to link up with bin Laden and co.
Serving up bin Laden's head on a platter before live video cameras and routinely ensuring exceptionally early and mandatory "forced retirement" for all al Qaeda participants would go a long way towards dampening the enthusiasm of those who are "eager to link up with bin Laden and co."
He attributed al-Qaeda’s popularity to there being “no movement in the middle that can satisfy the Muslim world’s hunger for dignity” after years of being, in his words, humiliated by the West.
The sort of "dignity" that far too much of the Muslim world continues to "hunger for" seems best served by a "dignified" − or not-so-dignified − burial.
Sadly, it is often enticing to the ears of the Left, many of whom seem to believe that if we just ditch our support for Israel, the terrorists will leave us alone. This ridiculous, naive view discounts 1400 years of Islamic jihad and military conquest against the West, most of which, obviously, occurred before Israel was reborn as a nation in 1948. But I digress.
The author digresses NOT ONE BIT. This is the central point with respect to Islam. NOT "Fundamentalist Islam". NOT "Radical Islam". NOT "Extremist Islam". NOT "Terrorist Islam" (a redundancy). NOT "Islamism", nor "Islam" of any other stripe which you might care to name.
His message is that America must change its entire foreign policy.
Here, we agree. America's foreign policy "must change" so it includes a program dedicated to ensuring that people like al-Faqih discontinue their constant theft of oxygen from more deserving life forms like scorpions, lice and cockroaches.
You cannot defeat him.
Only because there are those among us who quail at the thought of victory.
“There will be more confrontation between the West and Muslims, with attacks even bigger than in 2001.”.
And thus does al-Faqih blithely spell out Islam’s death knell for all and sundry. Whether it be America, Russia, China, India or Israel that does the deed, enough “attacks even bigger than in 2001” will see the MME (Muslim Middle East), glassed, Windexed™ and converted into a glow-in-the-dark parking lot. There is no contradiction of this calculus and it presages the most dire possible outcome for Islam, care of al-Faqih and company.
I don't remember if this guy al-Faqih is on your hit-list but I'm sure more can be added should the ne arise, right?
Robin Shadowes: I don't remember if this guy al-Faqih is on your hit-list but I'm sure more can be added should the need arise, right?.
Some individuals beg to be made an exception of and al-Faqih certainly qualifies on that count. To my amazement, this scum bag wasn't on the "Top 40 List".
1. Ayman al-Zawahiri
2. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
3. Ayatollah Kahmeini
4. Mullah Muhammad Omar
5. Abu Bakar Ba'asyir (Bashir)
6. Moqtada Sadr,
7. Abu Hamza al-Masri,
8. Fateh Najmeddin Faraj — Mullah Krekar (AKA: Abu Sayyid Qutb)
9. Khaled Meshal
10. Sheikh Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
11. Ismail Haniya
12. Mohammed Abbas
13. Yusuf al-Qaradawi
14. Tariq Ramadan
15. Sheikh Taj al-Din al-Hilali
16. imam Omar Bakri Muhammed Fustuq
17. imam Abdel-Samie Mahmoud Ibrahim Moussa
18. imam Sheikh SyeSyed Mubarik Ali Gilani
19. Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal
20. Sheik Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi
21. Dr. Mahmoud al-Zahar
22. Prince Sultan Ibn Abd al-Aziz
23. Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz
24. Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz
25. Muhammad Taqi Usmani
26. Yasin al Qadi (Saudi terrorist financier)
27. Sheikh Abdullah bin Jibreen — top Wahabbi cleric
28. Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan — top Wahabbi cleric
29. Sheikh Nasser Al-Omar — top Wahabbi cleric
30. Sheikh Essa
31. Abu Waleed Ansari
32. Abu Yahya al-Libbi
33. Maulana Ilyas Kashmiri
34. Sheikh Abu Yahya al-Libi (al Qaeda CEO)
35. Sheikh Abdel-Aziz Al al-Sheikh — Saudi Grand Mufti
36. Ramadan Shalah — Islamic Jihad leader
37. Ali Abdullah Saleh – Yemini President
38. Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Ghaith — head SA’s Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.
39. Imad Mugniyah — Iranian master terrorist – Killed 2/13/2008
Substitute: Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu — OIC Secretary General
40. Ahmed Abu Laban — DEAD unfortunately of natural causes— January 19, 2007
Substitute: Nour al Maliki or Hamid Karzai
My above statement about Iran may have seemed a bit ambiguous.
Enough well-targeted nuclear weapons can collapse anything; a pertinent lesson that the West continues to disregard with respect to Iran.
This point was made in the context of Iran obtaining a sufficient number of nuclear weapons to lead however much of a short but ultimately successful series of terrorist nuclear strikes against Israel or The United States.
A reminder for those who are prone to forget. Regardless of Ahmadhinejad's avowed hatred of Israel, the Jewish state has a far more potent deterrent in place than does America. I refer to the "Samson Option", which would see even a single major NBC (Nuclear, Biological or Chemical) attack upon Israel result in the entire MME (Muslim Middle East) being annihilated by way of response.
In light of this totally viable threat by Israel it is, in fact, America that stands the most likely chance of undergoing terrorist nuclear attacks. The Chosen One™ being in office only increases our vulnerability.
The United States need not go through a barrage of terrorist nuclear attacks in order to be maimed or crippled. Less than a handful of strategically detonated devices could stagger the American economy in ways that might take DECADES to recover from.
The pathetic and anemic response to Iran's continued pursuit of nuclear arms is nothing short of criminal. Remember:
This scumbag calls for traditional wetworks operation.
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