The authorities often find it helpful to use the AFA/Antifa organizations — anarchist groups that call themselves “anti-fascists” — to do the scuffling and breaking of heads, and thus permit official law enforcement to keep its hands fastidiously clean. In Britain the most prominent “anti-fascist” group is UAF, “United Against Fascism”. Their primary mission nowadays is to suppress the anti-jihad activists of the English Defence League, the Welsh Defence League, and the Scottish Defence League.
The latest confrontation occurred yesterday in Edinburgh, where the SDL planned a peaceful demonstration. If you depended upon the local media for your news, you’d conclude that the admirable anti-fascists of Edinburgh had done their civic duty in suppressing the neo-Nazis of the SDL:
THOUSANDS of people marched through the centre of Edinburgh on an anti-fascist protest this afternoon.
Supporters of the Scotland United rally gathered in Princes Street Gardens to hear addresses from politicians including Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill and city leader Jenny Dawe. They then marched up The Mound and along George IV Bridge to The Meadows.
A breakaway group gathered at the bottom of the Royal Mile close to the Jenny Ha pub, where members of the right-wing organisation the Scottish Defence League were believed to be drinking.
A heavy police cordon closed off the street around the pub to keep protesters at a distance, with officers at times lining up against the pub doorway to prevent anyone stepping outside.
Despite the stand-off, violent outbreaks appear to have been avoided.
There you go! Fascists were stymied, and violence was avoided. Well done, John Peel!
But that’s not quite what happened. Through the magic of the Internet, we can present to you another version of yesterday’s events. Then you’ll be able to see who the real fascists in Britain are. All the familiar elements are in place: a huge police cordon, the refusal to allow the demonstrators to gather, mass arbitrary arrests, tacitly condoned violence by the “anti-fascists”, and raids on the homes of peaceful civilians.
Many thanks to Gaia for sending the following report from the UK:
The SDL (Scottish Defence League) planned a peaceful protest against extreme Islam in Edinburgh yesterday, Saturday 20th December, Many of their English associates in the EDL made their way to join their Scottish counterparts, but according to reports coming from Edinburgh:- - - - - - - - -Supporters who arrived at Waverley train station were forced back onto trains heading away from Edinburgh by the Police. Those travelling by road were stopped; some had their vehicles damaged by aggressive Police officers.
In the City itself, the Police threatened anyone who attempted to protest with immediate arrest. Meanwhile, far-left so-called ‘anti-fascism’ protesters were allowed to wander the streets without any Police opposition. These same protesters made numerous attempts to attack EDL and SDL supporters, while nearby Police officers turned a blind eye. It is clear that today’s Police actions were politically motivated and that the Police Force as a whole can no longer be considered to be politically neutral. They have chosen their side. No further confirmation is needed other than the statement of the Scottish ‘Justice’ Minister, Kenny MacAskill (SNP — Scottish National Party), when he said that the “fact that the SDL didn’t make it out of Waverley Station is testament to good policing”, though this comes as no surprise as this is the man who, just last year ordered the release of the Lockerbie Bomber, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi. The word “Dhimmi” springs to mind. [emphasis added]
The EDL issued the following statement at the end of the day’s events: EDL Leadership Team Arrested for “incitement to commit a breach of the peace”
Official Statement
Today, members of the English Defence League were arrested and denied their civil liberties when attempting to join the Scottish Defence League for a peaceful protest in Edinburgh. The EDL Leadership Team were detained without cause and arrested for “incitement to cause a breach of the peace”. Supporters who arrived at Waverley train station were forced back onto trains heading away from Edinburgh by the Police. Those travelling by road were stopped; some had their vehicles damaged by aggressive Police officers. In the City itself, the Police threatened anyone who attempted to protest with immediate arrest. Meanwhile, far-left so-called ‘anti-fascism’ protesters were allowed to wander the streets without any Police opposition. These same protesters made numerous attempts to attack EDL and SDL supporters, while nearby Police officers turned a blind eye. It is clear that today’s Police actions were politically motivated and that the Police Force as a whole can no longer be considered to be politically neutral. They have chosen their side. No further confirmation is needed other than the statement of the Scottish ‘Justice’ Minister, Kenny MacAskill (SNP), when he said that the “fact that the SDL didn’t make it out of Waverley Station is testament to good policing”.
When the Scottish Defence League attempt to reassert their civil right of freedom of association, we, the English Defence League, shall once again support them. Today’s actions by the police are nothing short of a travesty for democracy, how can the police take action that flies in the face of the European convention of human rights? How are they allowed to act with impunity to subdue the right to freedom of speech and protest as outlined in the universal declaration of human rights. We have duly noted the following contraventions of this declaration that are as follows….
Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 30.
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
We seek the government and the police to examine article 30 in particular as the actions of today are in serious breach of the universal Declaration Of Human Rights.
We cannot stand idly by and allow the forces of fascism to take over our country. Our ancestors fought for their civil liberties and we shall do the same. When we return it will be in greater numbers. If we are again denied our civil liberties and our basic freedoms, by fascist forces, we will not give up. We will return again and again and again. We will keep returning until our rights are acknowledged and restored. If freedom is denied to us now, it can and will be denied to anyone and everyone else sooner or later. We will never surrender our freedom to fascists, whether they call themselves ‘ministers’ or call themselves ‘police’ or call themselves ‘anti-fascists’! Indeed, Winston Churchill said that the next wave of fascists would call themselves ‘anti-fascists’; today, to Britain’s shame, Churchill was once again proven right.
The EDL and our sister Defence Leagues will be gathering in London, at the Houses of Parliament on Friday the 5th of March (2pm), to show our support for another great man who is fighting against modern-day fascism: the Dutch MP Geert Wilders. All are welcome to join us. Our righteous forces of freedom will always triumph over those who support tyranny.
Long live freedom!
No surrender to fascism!
The EDL Leadership Team
Meanwhile, on their way to join their Scottish associates, the leaders of EDL (English Defence League) were arrested at Luton airport and held in custody for seventeen hours for questioning. Their homes and those of their families were raided by armed police, were searched and computers and mobile phones were removed.
Today they have issued a further statement regarding these arrests and later this evening will be posting videos on Youtube about the current state of affairs:Official Statement Regarding
The Arrest Of The EDL Leadership Team
On Saturday 20th February 2010 Members of the leadership team of the English Defence League were arrested as they traveled to Scotland to support the Scottish Defence League demonstration.
While in custody the team members homes and families homes were raided by police armed with automatic machine guns which terrified the leaderships family which included small children and other older family members. Computer equipment was seized during the 3 hour raid.
Leadership team members were banned from attending any meeting with more than 3 edl members then bailed to return to a police station in Sheffield in the near future.
We are asking every member of the EDL to be available to protest outside the police station when the team has to answer bail. (date to be confirmed).
We need to get the message across that we will not be silenced by being bullied by the authorities and our struggle against muslim extremism will continue.
We have agreed to cancel the Bradford demo as a small concession but will be announcing further protests as a result of the disgraceful treatment of our leadership team.
This is a call to mobilization.
We need every single person who supports the EDL to stand up and be counted and when required we need you to take to the streets in a peaceful and law abiding manner to support our leadership. More details will be released regarding demonstrations in the very near future.
If any EDL Members are arrested by the police please let EDL Media know as soon as possible as we are forming a group action and will be making an official complaint to the authorities in the near future.
Thank you in advance for your support.
A video statement will be released within 24 hours of this notice.
Released on Sunday February 21st @ 13.21
You really have to have a good insight in to Scots politics to understand what is going on here, this is a state disguised as a democracy run by a cabal, everything is controlled from the media to the legal system, we have a professional (apparatchik) class that has a tight grip on society.
Alex Salmond is a revolutionary communist and was a leading member of the socialist republican organisation within the SNP, 79 Group. Their support for nationalism is only based on bringing about the destruction of the British state they are not true nationalists.
For many reasons which I will not state here the Edinburgh SDL march had a massive impact.
Scottish Parliamentary business is ride-and-tie with a camel as the Scots donkey is sent to the knackers yard.
In hoc signo vinces
British authorities are getting increasingly desperate. Just like Belgian authorities, Swedish authorities etc. they are clamping down more and more on the natives while immigrant gangs get away with virtually everything. In the long run this will only lead to further polarization, as the natives can see clearly that their authorities do absolutely nothing to protect their interest but rather act like enemies.
The soviets and their useful idiot tools always considered themselves "anti-fascists", too.
Nothing has changed except the flag designs.
The hammer and sickle becomes an "A" with bolts of lightning tips, or some such deceptive silliness.
They are anarcho-syndicalist communist pimps for chaos, which the disruptive effects of of Islam infiltration serves nicely.
Until their own hollow noggins end up on a Muslim chopping block.
Or, maybe they'll then simply convert to Mohammadism.
As a new form of tribal communalism.
They're nuts enough to rationalize any outrage.
Clearly, the Islamification of Europe and the United States is a plan rather than an accident. As far as I can tell, the atheistic progressives' plan appears to be to use massive Islamic immigration to take the West and the world to the brink of an all-out war between Christians and Muslims. Then, the atheistic progressives will do us all the favor of stepping in to save us by concluding that all organized religion causes conflict and therefore is bad for humanity and by outlawing religion in favor of science - and we have seen how well that has worked with the global warming hoax. Becoming the new religion, distant governing bodies filled with non-elected bureaucrats will cite junk science to justify excessive and non-disputable taxes which will amount to a form of slavery - but your right to say that will have long ago been eliminated - most especially on the internet.
The atheistic progressives' plan to jettison organized religion from humankind is as follows: First, the atheistic progressives will inure Westerners to losing their constitutional and human rights through a thorough submission to Islamic dhimmitude as a result of increased Islamic immigration. Non-Americans are already inured to lacking constitutional and human rights. Fundamental will be the disarming of the American citizen. Second, the atheistic progressives will RFID chip every product in the world. Then, using projects like nationalized health care (you don't really think that the health care debate is about your right to health care do you?), the atheistic progressives will RFID chip every person in the world. Once people and products are RFID chipped, both will be easily monitored and controlled from as far away as outer space. Get a copy of the book Spychips by Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre if you want to see your future in stark black and white.
The only question is how many people will have to die before the atheistic progressives implement this New World Order. However, you should be aware that the atheistic progressives think that the world is overpopulated anyway, so losing a few billion here or there just conserves the limited resources of the planet for the rest. Now that carbon dioxide has been classified as a pollutant, every human being is simply a polluter who needs to be stopped. To the atheistic progressives, you are just excess biomass.
Given the following two choices, the atheistic progressives eliminating organized religion and controlling humankind through RFID chips appears to be the better short-term scenario for humankind. The nightmare scenario is that the atheistic progressives would lose control of the situation, and the Muslims would create a worldwide Islamic caliphate perpetuated by using RFID chips to control the masses. Under the second option, we infidels will be converted, enslaved or eliminated in numbers and by methods that make Hitler look tame. After all, it was Islam that inspired and informed Hitler how to handle the Jews.
Labeled as infidels by the Muslims, most non-Muslim Westerners are as the Jews were before World War II - unaware, innocent, and unwilling to believe that fellow humans could be supremely savage to us.
copyright 2010 - all rights reserved
Egghead, in case you didn't figure it out, AGW works just like a religion. It's not real science because that involves more than a bunch of idiots saying something - it's proof that governments shouldn't meddle.
4Symbols, democracy IS the problem. And by democracy, I mean one vote for everyone(this is part of the ethics that will disappear). On the other hand, the state always does what it wants if people surrender their power over it and prefer security to freedom.
Human rights! How dare these fascists demand such things - surely they know that no fascist is human.
[End sarcasm]
Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. When rights to assembly, thought, association and belief are denied, we are all losers. Churchill is almost certainly turning in his grave.
The Government will ignore any violation of the Defence League's rights. Only the courts could possibly do anything, and even then, there wouldn't be much.
I must wonder, however, how the police got the search warrants for the EDL's homes. I wonder what they told the judge.
And perhaps a certain patriotic song needs to be taken up again:
Rule Britannia,
Britannia rule the waves!
Britons never never never
Shall be slaves!
A better hymn for this movement I really can't think of.
I agree with Egghead, this is not happening by chance at all. This has been planned for a very long time. With the purpose to exterminate 70-80% of the world population to bring it down to more managable numbers. The rest will be enslaved by the global elite. The real question is if they are capable of controlling the muslims. Either way it will become a nightmare for the rest of us.
The islamization is all part of the New World Order, guys. Honestly I've been researching this for quite some time!
What the media is doing is nothing but CoIntelPro.
Islam is not the ultimate evil, but the Bilderberg Group and the Internation Banksters who are importing the evil ideology of Islam to collapse the western world and bring in a new totalitarian system with the excuse of "protecting" us.
Don't dismiss this! The politicians and the media aren't stupid, thy're on an agenda.
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