Here’s more on the Islamic Saudi Academy, from Frank Gaffney:
Welcome to Faisal County- - - - - - - - -
At this writing, the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia are poised to make a momentous decision. After a hearing tonight, the Supervisors could well accede to demands by the House of Saud to change the name of their jurisdiction to Faisal County, in recognition of the contributions the late Saudi king and the virulent strain of Islam promoted by his government in Northern Virginia and elsewhere.
Just kidding. No, for the moment at least, the Saudis are only seeking that the supervisors approve the use of a fraction of the county as a Wahhabi beachhead in America. They want a prime piece of undeveloped real estate to effect a sizeable expansion of the kingdom’s school here known as the Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) so as to enable it to enroll 1,200 students.
Never mind that this school has become notorious in recent years for the association of a number of its faculty and students with terrorism. As David Stokes has documented in an excellent article posted over the weekend at Townhall.com, the perpetrators have run the gamut from those implicated in plots to assassinate a sitting president of the United States, to casing the structural supports for a major bridge to trying to smuggle a butcher’s knife aboard an airplane.
Such behavior is not exactly surprising, given the Islamic Saudi Academy’s intolerant and violent pedagogy. The problem starts with the textbooks supplied by the government of Saudi Arabia which have repeatedly been found to be anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and inciting of hatred against non-Muslims more generally.
Read the rest at CSP. Also, see Saudi Watch for further information on the ISA and its attempts to enlarge its sharia footprint in Northern Virginia.
What are you doing America? Havn't you learned anything at all about the serious case of EURABIA? Wake up!! Throw out the mahoundians before it is too late!!
If the Saudis were smart they'd move to one of those rural Virginia counties where bedrock values and Obamahatred go hand in hand. God's country, according to the Baron and Dymphna.
Why? Because in such counties zoning is a communist plot, and thus the Saudis would not need to get any zoning permits like they do in Fairfax county.
Wrong again, Nodrog. Even our county -- one of the most benighted backwaters in this sovereign Commonwealth -- has zoning laws. I'm not sure, but there may well be no zoning-free counties left in Virginia.
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