This Swedish couple encountered a culturally-enriched doctor in their national health care system. The doctor spoke Swedish so badly that they failed to understand him, and — since it was an emergency situation concerning their baby — they requested a Swedish-speaking doctor.
For this they were officially noted as “racists” by hospital employees.
According to The Local:
Couple Dubbed Racists in Son’s Health Records- - - - - - - - -
A woman has reported a hospital in western Sweden to national authorities after discovering she and her husband had been described as racists in their son’s medical records.
The woman filed a claim against Norra Älvsborg municipal hospital to Sweden’s Medical Responsibility Board (Hälso- och sjukvårdens ansvarsnämnd — HSAN), a national authority that assesses medical negligence, after discovering that she and her husband had been described as racists in their son’s medical charts, reported TTELA newspaper.
Three years ago, when the son was five months old, the woman rushed the boy to the hospital in an ambulance. At the hospital, they encountered a foreign doctor whom the woman was unable to understand. She asked to see a Swedish-speaking doctor, and her request was granted.
When she recently requested her son’s medical journal, she read that she and her husband had were described as racists in the notations.
Hospital management is also of the opinion that the notation was inappropriate.
The woman has also reported the doctor to the police for slander, and submitted a request to the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) to have her son’s medical journal destroyed.
“We are not racists; we just didn’t understand what the doctor said,” the mother told TTELA, adding that the notation had absolutely nothing to do with her son’s medical condition.
You didn’t understand what the doctor said?? You WAYCIST!
So what if your son’s life was at stake? That’s just too bad; you can’t make a multicultural omelet without breaking eggs.
Just think of Sweden — filled with all those vicious racist Swedes, speaking their vile racist language to one another.

Hat tip: TB.
Sound like some nominees for "Nazi of the week" to me. Actually it should be the baby. It had the nerve to get ill in the first place.
It appears that the correct way to spell "racist" is with a capital "R" and an exclamation point: "Racist!"
Racist! Racist!! RRrraaaassiissttt!!!
Has anyone ever seen that episode of ER featuring a hispanic woman being rushed to the hospital because of an accidental medication overdose? Once she's been checked in and doctors and nurses are rushing to treat her, her husband shows them a bottle of pills with directions saying "take once a day", and tells them that she "followed" those directions... And then the doctors realized that she probably thought she was supposed to take eleven ("once", in Spanish) pills a day...
A non-Swedish-speaking doctor could be on the "misunderstanding end" of such a situation, but in real life... And I suppose that if a doctor decides to treat someone for a stroke when, say, they might need to have their arm put in a cast, the consequences of such a mistake could be quite serious. But those charging that couple featured in this story with racism wouldn't bother to think about such possible problems, would they?
Isn't the point that the foreign doctor was taught in Sweden to think that racism, even the fictional kind is worse than the risk of death for a Swedish native?
Why did Swedish authorities allow him to practice medicine before his Swedish was intelligible? He was not practicing veterinary medicine where communication between patient and doctor is not expected. In human medicine, the majority of diagnoses are made by talking.
His entitlement was so massive, that instead of admitting his own language barrier, he actually had the nerve to label the people he could not serve adequately as the dirtiest word in the PC dictionary.
Distracting from your own language inadequacies by calling a native speaker a racist, now that's true bigotry.
It never ceases to astonish and to dismay that the peoples of so many countries have become irrevocably fixed on national suicide.
Surely, the Weltgeist has been taken over by demons. One suspects the nefarious presence of the Asutra.
It might be interesting to start screening foreigners whether they are racists or not.
Looking at the Swedish PC fanaticos, they would clearly exclaim "total idiots" and the guys might be send safely back for being racists.
Always think how a Monty Python sketch might be perfected.
Sweden might be saved, find sort of balance, if they start seriously digging in the non-white racial materia. It will be rich.
"Why did Swedish authorities allow him to practice medicine before his Swedish was intelligible?"
The fear of being labeled racists trumps everything else. Even if they don't in the worst case scenario gets fired, they could get socially stigmatized. Their careers stops dead in their tracks. They could get transferred to another hospital e t c. Besides, the foreign doctor/nurse could also sue the system or accuse them of... yes, you guessed right, racism. Either that or discrimination. That's why so many keeps their mouths shut. And then I haven't even touched the subject of what happens when swedish MSM get their hands on a story including swedish "racists".
For those of you who don't read Jack Vance's fiction: Cugel is another refugee from Jack Vance books. Except that he has the advantage of being an actual character -- Cugel the Clever, hero of The Eyes of the Overworld and Cugel's Saga -- as opposed to me, a mere literary reference in the footnotes and chapter headings.
"The Asutra" is a reference to the eponymous final volume of "The Durdane Trilogy".
There is a very good Chinese film called "To Live" which documents one families life during Mao's China. In one scene during the "Cultural Revolution" a character rushes his wife to the hospital as she is having a difficult labour. He is horrified to find that all the Doctors are being beaten, killed or otherwise "Indisposed" and is left with militant and inexperienced nurses and med students. Of course his wife dies from something any OBGYN worth his salt could have fixed. This is the outcome of the thought processes in what we have just witnessed in this story.
For the little I've heard, Swedish sounds very racist.
All those rrrrs... and rrrrs... like a dog who's willing to attack you, like... Arabic and Semitic languages!
But really, this is a good story because the couple was not ostracised by the stablishment. However, it shows the multicultural madness.
"Has anyone ever seen that episode of ER featuring a hispanic woman being rushed to the hospital because of an accidental medication overdose? Once she's been checked in and doctors and nurses are rushing to treat her, her husband shows them a bottle of pills with directions saying "take once a day""
Excellent example, Jedilson.
On an adittional note. I find it very hard to describe my ills to a doctor generally. And the doctors are learned persons. I can imagine how awfull that situation would be.
I only had been in contact with one foreign doctor: She was from India and I have nothing to point against her.
But I've had some difficulties talking to foreign nurses.
It would appear to be a failing on the part of that Swedish family. They are simply not multicultural enough and worse, they are arrogant to assume that everybody in their homeland speaks their language! They are cultural imperialists!
Well, ladies and gentlemen, this has also happened in Malmö. However, it didn´t make such headlines.
It was an arabic doctor(also a children´s doctor) whose swedish was so lousy the parents couldn´t understand him properly. They also requested an interpreter but of course got another doctor.
How I know? I was told about it from one of his colleagues. BTW a person I know more than well and have no reason to mistrust.
I believe this is a lot more common than we think and in all fields of medicine.
And of course, to not risk being called a waycist, I must admit that I´ve met a lot of highly competent doctors who speak fluent swedish with an accent.
"And of course, to not risk being called a waycist, I must admit that I´ve met a lot of highly competent doctors who speak fluent swedish with an accent."
Yes, sometimes they are but almost never from the mahoundian culture. I have noticed they have a few iranians in Folktandvården (public dental service) so maybe there are some more secular people from that country than others. But mostly all other mahoundians are lousy,
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