Here’s what the Lurker said in his latest message:
- - - - - - - - -After I e-mailed you my comment about the end of the United States, I had intended to send another entitled “The Last Free Election”.
However, numerous essays at Gates of Vienna sidetracked me.
When I read El Inglés’ essay about the UK, where he said “Islamization”, I read “Husseinization”.
The part in his essay that stuck out to me was the comment about “if the police were so old-fashioned as to actually do their jobs”, but what I saw was “if the election commission would just do their jobs”.
The analogy of the fear of race riots applies as well. No one wants to touch the birth certificate issue because now that he has been elected, can you imagine the race riot that would ensue if someone said, “you’re not legal”?
One of your essays sidetracked me from thought. It was the essay about boycotting Durban II. The ending of the essay hit me like a sack of bricks. Both the current and future occupants of the White House out-sourcing the running of the country. It is as though we are going to get the third Bush term after all. Hussein said it would occur if McCain were elected, but now he is going to give it to us instead.
Zenster’s essay sidetracked me as well.
Then came the Mumbai issue/tragedy along with the ensuing media cover-up.
My intent was to say that the last free election in the US was in 2004.
Everyone would have thought I was speaking of 2008. However, I think what we have just seen is the true advent of the legacy media age. The only reason they did what they did in 2008 is because they saw that they couldn’t just sway an election like what happened in 2004, they had to come out and campaign for a candidate openly. Not to mention that McCain turned out to be a wet rag as a candidate, even endorsing Hussein in one of his rallies. I forget which one. This past election would have made Saddam Hussein proud, and I’m sure that Hugo Chavez is ecstatic.
That was the real reason I didn’t write the second e-mail, I guess. I’m not a true essayist. Couldn’t get all the details straight or all the dates of occurrences down in order.
As for this Hussein birth certificate thingy, all the inactivity on the part of what I see as the mechanisms of our government seems to point to a sort of de facto appointment to the office.
You would think that the Republican National Committee is on vacation.
But the most bizarre aspect of all is Hillary.
If anyone was going to call Hussein out on the birth certificate issue, it would have been her. She had the cojones to do it. If anyone could dig up dirt on someone and use it, it would be a Clinton. I include Chelsea in this as well.
The prize was hers for the taking. Why would she not use that issue? Did she think McCain would win? Boy, did she blow that gamble. Going all-in with nothing.
I would like to end this e-mail by pointing out what one of your commenters said in one of your news feed summaries. She said that when she speaks to people about the birth certificate issue, no one can believe it’s not in the media.
This is an information gap that has been caused by Gates of Vienna.
Don’t try to pawn it off on the alphabet media.
I have the same issue as your other commenter. I try to talk to people about things I read here, and people look at me like “what in the hell are you talking about?” I don’t have anything specific to reference, just the general abundance of information transfer here and the roar of yammering chowder heads elsewhere.
— Lurking in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Lurker from Tulsa,
This past election would have made Saddam Hussein proud, and I’m sure that Hugo Chavez is ecstatic.
I agree with most of what you say but I think the above statement goes too far into hyperbole.
Ah, but you miss the point, Mr. islam o' phobe.
The point being that hyperbole is suited to this kind of rhetoric.
Behind his "aw shucks, I'm just a simply boy from Tulsa" schtick is a smart dude.
Hypberole fits the Lurker's style to a T...
"No one wants to touch the birth certificate issue because now that he has been elected, can you imagine the race riot that would ensue if someone said, “you’re not legal”?"
Well, when you take up counter-jihadism,among other politico-cultural activities, you MUST be prepared for ANYTHING at ANYTIME.
You ARE prepared, right?
No sane person WANTS this sort of thing, but if enough political nut-jobs and criminal dirtballs INSIST upon it, then shouldn't we prefer it to happen when we are prepared for it?
(Hey, "Abraham"...them's the orders you wanted hoss.
You're on "24 hour Stand-By".
And I shouldn't have needed to tell you that, right?).
This past election would have made Joseph Goebbels proud, and I’m sure that Hugo Chavez is ecstatic
Here, I think it's less hyperbolic this way.
"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Ah, but you miss the point, Mr. islam o' phobe.
The point being that hyperbole is suited to this kind of rhetoric.
Behind his "aw shucks, I'm just a simply boy from Tulsa" schtick is a smart dude.
Hypberole fits the Lurker's style to a T...
In that case I hereby baptise the President-elect Barack Saddam Hussein Obama.
Joking aside though Hugo Chavez is, amazingly, willing to concede losing an election when it happens. When the Lisbon Treaty got voted down the EU oligarchs didn't miss a trick. They're more seasoned than your standard Latin American dictator, if only in arrogance.
At least the American people got cheated out of their interests fair and square. The EU can't even rig an election properly (media and all), so they have to nullify it instead.
aha,Mr. islam o' phobe!
You can indeed carry hyperbole in your own bucket.
In that case I hereby baptise the President-elect Barack Saddam Hussein Obama.
It resonates.wonderfully in the halls of power, does it not?
Lurker from Tulsa: Zenster’s essay sidetracked me as well.
Moi, distract someone else from indulging in hyperbole? Please pardon me while I promptly faint.
"If anyone was going to call Hussein out on the birth certificate issue, it would have been her. She had the cojones to do it. If anyone could dig up dirt on someone and use it, it would be a Clinton."
Therefore, since she did not make this an issue, she didn't have airtight proof, which is the minimum required to deal with the huge political and national turmoil which would result. And if she couldn't dig up the proof, there probably isn't any.
The thought of him not being a citizen disturbs me profoundly. But because of the lack of airtight evidence, there's no point in letting the thought occupy my mind much.
What, black people are above the Constitution of the United States? Give me a break. Let the people riot - laws are laws.
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