The fact that he’s attempting to act as a hostage broker between Israel and Hamas is no big deal. In this instance he may be a bit more overt than usual, but shilling for Hamas has long been a part of the job description for Jimmuh from the Ummah.
However, the interesting thing about this news story is that Jimmuh is advising Hamas not to expect Barack Hussein Obama to deliver the goods for “Palestine”. According to Israel National News:
Carter Advises Hamas on Shalit, Says ‘Don’t Count on Obama’
Former United States President Jimmy Carter reported that he advised Syrian-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal on what price to demand from Israel for the release of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, who was abducted more than two years ago. He said that Hamas is “relatively satisfied with the status quo.”
Carter’s visit to Lebanon and Syria earlier this month follows a trip to Damascus several months ago in the face of American policy against establishing direct contact with the outlawed terrorist organization.
Carter wrote on his website that he spoke with Mashaal about “formulas for prisoner exchange to obtain the release of Corporal Shalit,” who has since been promoted to sergeant.
“What price to demand from Israel” is INN’s wording for the subject of negotiations. Jimmuh prefers the more tactful “formulas for prisoner exchange” to describe Hamas’ required ransom for Sgt. Shalit.
Israel is consistently reviled by the Left and the Muslim world — and even much of the mainstream press — as vicious totalitarian thugs, no better than the Nazis. In contrast, Fatah and Hamas are portrayed as valiant freedom fighters.
Yet Hamas doesn’t even adhere to basic international humanitarian norms, and won’t allow the Red Cross to visit their high-profile prisoner. As is often the case, when Jews are involved, the usual rules don’t apply:
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However, he probably is not aware of the promotion because the International Red Cross has not succeeded in convincing Hamas to honor the Geneva Convention and allow its officials to visit him. The Red Cross also has rejected Israeli citizen’s demands that it stop visiting terrorists in Israeli jails until Shalit is seen and confirmed to be alive and in good health.
But Jimmuh is cautioning the Keffiyeh Mafia not to rely on the Messiah of Hope and Change. It seems that a major change in the “peace process” is not yet in the offing:
Carter also stated that Hamas, “like the Syrians, [is] relatively satisfied with the status quo and [is] putting all their eggs in Obama’s basket.” He added, “We had to caution them about expecting too much of an immediate change in U.S. Middle East policy.”
The presence of Rahm Emanuel — widely seen in the Arab world as an ardent Zionist — as Obama’s chief of staff may have something to do with these lowered expectations.
The New New Deal turns out to be the New Same Old Deal, at least for the time being.

Hat tip: Abu Elvis.
The pals should never have a state, they obviously do not understand what a state is about: no free lance violence.
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