Since then, the Antifa thugs have succeeded: the conference has been cancelled.
A reader named Aviel left this comment on my earlier post:
I am sitting in my hotel now after a long day in Cologne I was attacked on Eibahnstrasse by Antifa thugs as I tried to make my way to Heumarkt where we were slated to meet for our conference. My friend Michael Kucherov was beaten up yesterday. I am utterly shocked by the behavior of the police who seem to be acting as a surrogate of Antifa. I am not writing a very coherent post because I am exhausted, in pain and just bewildered by how far gone Europe is at this point.
And here’s a news report from Reuters:
COLOGNE, Germany (Reuters) — German police cancelled an anti-Islamic congress planned for Saturday in Cologne after leftist opponents of the rally clashed with its right-wing backers.- - - - - - - - -
The group Pro-Cologne called the rally to oppose a decision by local authorities in Cologne, Germany’s fourth largest city, to allow the construction of a mosque with a high dome and minarets.
It invited like-minded nationalist groups from around Europe to join the “Stop Islam” rally to fight what it called the “Islamisation and immigration invasion” of Germany and Europe.
“The rally has been cancelled,” a police spokesman said. Many protesters cheered the announcement. A spokesman for Pro-Cologne said they were surprised by the cancellation and would hold a news conference later on Saturday.
Police said 40,000 people protested against the rally. It had been expected to attract 1,500 people but only dozens made it.
Most of the protesters were peaceful, although roads and rail lines leading to the centre of Cologne were blocked by demonstrators in sit-down strikes.
But a Friday evening gathering of Pro-Cologne participants on a Rhine River pleasure boat turned violent when stones hurled by leftist protesters from the shore broke windows. There were further clashes between small numbers on both sides on Saturday.
Three thousand police were on duty to keep the two sides apart. One police officer was injured.
Left-wing demonstrators blocked a rail line which a group of 150 right-wing activists were using to travel into the city centre from the airport, police said.
Some of the protesters carried placards reading “Nazis out of Cologne” and “Temples, synagogues, churches and mosques — everything’s okay.”
“We’re here to show racism the red card,” said Cologne mayor Fritz Schramma. “Racists and extremists aren’t welcome.”
The congress has also sparked anger in Islamic countries. Earlier this month, Iran called on the French presidency of the European Union to stop it.
Construction of mosques has met opposition in some European countries. Some critics equate them with “Islamisation” while others worry they could be used to recruit militants.
About 3.2 million Muslims live in Germany, more than half of whom are of Turkish origin.
“It had been expected to attract 1,500 people but only dozens made it.”
So this is what free speech has come to in Germany — which now joins Sweden, Belgium, the UK, and the Netherlands in the European Hall of Shame.
The further Islamization proceeds, the more illiberal and violent the suppression of dissent will become. Wait and see.
Hat tip: Aeneas.
I would like to say that I was beaten on Einbahnstrasse for trying to get to Heumarkt. The police would lovwe to report that "only dozens made it" when in fact, they sat and watched as I was dragged about and beaten for trying to get to the conference. They sat and allowed the Antifa to attack another man, well into his sixties, who also tried to cross through their (Antifa)illegal street blockades. The police aided the violence, they did not stop it.
Oh, so people, including several Jews, are beaten up by totalitarian thugs with pro-Islamic leanings. And what has Little Green Footballs, who never miss an opportunity to denounce "Fascists" in Europe, written about this? So far, absolutely nothing, from what I can tell. There are indeed people who behave like Fascists in Europe, and they receive tacit support by LGF.
"So this is what free speech has come to in Germany — which now joins Sweden, Belgium, the UK, and the Netherlands in the European Hall of Shame."
Add France and make it top of the list.
If you're not convinced, just go to France and try to open your mouth in public on this topic.
What this means is that the streets in Germany, the largest country in Europe (outside of Russia,) is now ruled by a Marxist-Islamic totalitarian alliance, with at least tacit approval by the authorities. In other words, Eurabia. This doesn't surprise anybody reading this blog on a regular basis, although I must admit that these people are moving faster than I anticipated a couple of years ago.
prepare for civil war,you know it's going to happen
Look I dont find it all that usual Fjordman. I mean for those of us who have been in this fight for years, and read these articles on a regular basis, still would be shocked to see and be in the middle of the violent circus I have been in these last 24 hours. It has truly gone bezerk here. I love the way the report talks about "a few stones" hurled at our boat. It is really interesting around here and it is sure to get more interesting as the night goes on. As I said before, these bastards are not going to be satisfied with just halting our conference. I beleive they are looking for a bit more action.
By the way, I forgot to add that the Police have removed the air cover which had been present for most of the day and a large number of the police have pulled back to the right side of the Rhine. This in spite of more and more Antifa pouring over the bridge towards te left side. In fact, the only arrests of leftists I have witnessed is when the Police themselves were personally aggressed.
This is madness. Sheer madness! The ANTIFA crowd is now emboldened at the tacit complicity of the police and government and we can expect to see this on a much more regular basis.
It is clear that mere words will no longer work. Hell, they are not even allowed! I hate to say this but the only way to fight these ANTIFA thugs is to use their tactics. But alas there is a problem. Correct me if I am wrong but it seems that most of the folks in OUR camp are older where as ANTIFA is almost entirely made up of angry YOUNG men.
I hope I am not crossing the line on this thread although I may be coming close. If you delete this comment I will understand.
What else is there left to say? These Antifa thugs are
the Brown Shirts of our day.
It is really disturbing. This dhimmi mayor, who is voting him in? Cologne's Livingstone. I think Denmark may be the only country that a session could occur, but even there they have problems with the thugs. Of course, the universities are the center of the poisoning of the young Europeans.
The major state-sponsored "anti-racist" organization in my country links approvingly to these Antifa organizations. Nobody in the media has ever confronted them with this. It's a non-issue, just like when the "respectable," state-sponsored organization Expo in Sweden co-published a book with AFA about their political opponents. These groups are a prolonged arm of the state, make no mistake about it.
Why has this not happened in Italy? Where the Lega Nord and Berlusconi actions have not been beloved by the Multiculturalists?
Because the Camorra would have killed them. That simple.
Why has this not happened at various Republican rallies in the US? Because Republicans are gun owners, and can call in various biker organizations if needed. Besides, the Police in the US will not allow this -- when they do (Crown Heights) Republicans are voted in.
Europe is a classic one-party state. Sadly, only organized crime which has it's own concerns about being muscled off turf is going to be Europe's savior.
Try holding it in Copenhagen next time. Don't forget to hire Hells Anagels as bodyguards just in case. If we do nothing it is just a matter of time before peaceful demonstrations lead to riots and violent deaths of protesters.
While things on this side of the pond could certainly be better, it must be acknowledged that they're a damn sight better than in Europe. I've attended counterjihad conferences in Las Vegas and New York City over the last couple of years and not seen a speck of trouble. And when anarcho-goons tried to stage an offensive at the recent GOP convention in St. Paul, the cops not only thwarted them with hundreds of arrests but made pre-emptive raids on three houses being used as staging areas, confiscating cables, locks, tools, chemicals, edged and blunt-force weaponry, and sundry other toys. The anarcho-goons' lawyers (from the radical-left National Lawyers' Guild) have yelped and yowled, but these creatures should actually be grateful they were opposed by professional police officers instead of grouchy locals whose tactics would likely have been rather noisier, messier and conclusive than theirs.
As the comments on Politically Incorrect indicate, it is after this day no longer possible to say that Germany has a functioning democracy. Of course, you could argue successfully that the democratic system really died in Western Europe the day the unelected oligarchs of the EU got legislative powers and promoted more Muslim immigration. The rise of pro-Islamic Eurabian totalitarianism was inevitable after this.
"As the comments on Politically Incorrect indicate, it is after this day no longer possible to say that Germany has a functioning democracy."
Come on, the German Federal Republic never was a democracy, it was created a republic. Its constitution never gave the power to the people. Most countries that we call democracies are republics and call themselves that. And even regimes that call themselves democracies are far from deserving of the name anyway.
I give the anti-Islamists in Europe the same advice I give to Jews.
Get out. You have no hope of surviving.
If you stay, you die.
Take a lesson from Ayann Hirsi Ali.
Then when the Islamists slaughter the leftist useful idiots who got them into power, you can laugh and say "I told you so."
You are damn right on this!
By the way, the Camorra just started to kill African immigrants because they were playing with their businesses in Southern Italy.
The images I saw, however, were of a Napoli controled by African savages.
PLEASE, SEE THIS. This happened today (or yesterday?) in Napoli, Southern Italy.
I unconditionally support the Camorra, Berlusconni and Bossi, because these people have no right to be in Europe. Civil War, that's into what we're heading too... I just hope the Europeans awake from this and I only pitty the good immigrants. They also exist...
Denmark and Italy seem to be the most sane, but don't ilude themselves, they are almost as mortally injured as all of us. Norway and Switzerland look like they're better because they're out of the E.U. and Russia is where my hopes and dreams lay on.
Viva Italia!
Zerosumgame: Well yes, these hardcore Leftist enablers will deserve everything that's in store for them, but many others do not. Muslims would also destroy European civilization in the process, which I do not see as something that would cause me to gloat. And where should we move to? The entire Western world is faced with similar problems, if less advances yet, and much of the non-Western world is hostile to whites.
The truth is that we are rapidly running out of places where whites can live in dignity and peace. The situation in the USA is better as of right now, but it won't last. The demographic trends will lead to the end of the United States in any recognizable form. Young white people pay expensive money to get an "education" where they are taught to hate themselves, only to find that when they have a degree, the jobs will be awarded to Mexicans who came to the country illegally.
The USA will most likely disintegrate into civil war and be split into several countries. The idea of a "universal" nation is a lie. All other ethnic groups in the US vote overwhelmingly along ethnic and racial lines. The only ones who don't do this are the white majority. As soon as that situation ends, the USA will cease to function.
You don't necessarily need Islam to ruin a country, it just helps a lot.
“Racists and extremists aren’t welcome."
O.K. No problem. Create this sentence:
“Islamo-racists and islamo-extremists aren’t welcome.
Babies, there is some lack of balance. Are you scared of the balance? Yes, you are.
If you promote "dialogue" with totalitarian islamo-extremists all the time, must...somehow...promote a "dialogue" as well with those alleged "nazis"!
Do not fear democratic tools, babies. Involve them in democratic discussion! Find out who is who. Listen! If you do not listen, maybe you are not democrats.
Is it a problem? Why? You indulge in a "dialogue" all the time with people who can blow their own people - hundreds of them or more in a second...ehmmm they are somewhat "nazi"...maybe? Islamabad as a comment to your greatness...just today.
...and suddenly NO "dialogue" with people you do not know personally?
Suddenly...a fit of "sweeping generalisation"? Prejudice or what?
Does it mean, they are not altogether evil...i.e. not worthy your attention? You are simply scared to use you alleged democratic gave up today cowardly for some extremly strange reasons.
Scared to think, scared to debate?
What is wrong with you? Scared to expose someone or something in a debate? Ridiculous! You miss an opportunity to speak up and show your greatness! No way. You must be weak and crazy! Antifas et al, go back to your nazi hell!
Zerosumgame, I will not run with my tail between my legs. This is my country and the muslims has no right to it whatsoever. As Fjordman said, there will eventually be no place to run anyway. Better then to make your stand and if necessary at least die with some dignity and have the pleasure to take as many of them with me when I go. Let me just point out that I'm in no way a sadist and take no pleasure in killing and torture. Just understand that as a protester of the islamization I could very well end in the situation where I have to suffer having my head sawed off by these thugs.
Food for thought:
For the Europeans: Who are financing these hard left organizations? Name names! Every organization needs money.
Publicize the names of individuals with money and the organization skill who are behind all this. Without naming your enemy the battle is lost.
For the Americans: We do now who is who in the this fight:
ACLU, Soros, Moveon, La Raza, Southern Poverty Law etc.
Do we have the resources and determination to counterattack?
Yes or no?
I doubt it. We are prohibited even to name "The Religion of Peace" correctly by order of Bush.
In response to your post.
As for Europeans who don't "deserve" the enslavement by Islamofascists - well,
1) If they cannot fight, cannot rise up against their present day Marxist enslavers, who are less ruthless than the Islamists, then they deserve what they get.
2) Second, and this is peculiar to me, given that I am one of the few Jews who post here -- Europe exterminated 6 million Jews who were peaceful and law abiding and wanted to integrate. These Jews were their intelligentsia, their entrepeneurs, their generators of technological innovation and cultural innovation. Europe has been a shell since then -- a bunch of Marxist adolescents hanging on the coattails of the United States, whose help they have repaid by spitting on it. Since WW2 Europe has invented nothing, seen almost no great scientific discoveries, and its culture has degenerated into little more than a continual repackaging of Marxist propaganda and hate (sadly, America has followed suit on this last one.)
Not only do they replace these dead and still hated Jews with 25 million Muslims who want to destroy Europe, they then aid and abet those Muslims in trying to exterminate the Jews of Israel. Europe seems gripped by an irrational hatred of Jews that so consumes them, regardless of nationality, regardless of political stripe, that they pursue it even though in the end, it damages, and will ultimately destroy Europe.
As others have said in the blogosphere, Europe got the semites it deserves. Let them deal with it.
As to your predictions about the future of the USA, you may very well be right about our impending balkanization and the creation of Spanish "Quebecs" that will eventually break up the country.
Hopefully, I will be dead and gone by that point. But if it gets to the point where the USA is finished, then even I must admit that rather than enter an eternal dark ages dominated by Islamofascists, European Marxists, and Russian and Chinese fascists, I would hope the nukes of a broken up America end up with Endtime believing Pentecostalists willing to bring it about.
(Yes, I know how ironic that sounds -- a Christian flipside to Ahmedinejad, but in my nightmarish vision, it would only be used when our culture is irrevocably destroyed and all hope is lost).
Yesterday I tried to join the Anti-islamization demonstration that was announced to start at 1200 o clock. And naively enough, I believed that I could simply show up at the Heumarkt and join the rally. Since I live in Strasbourg, I took the train from Strasbourg at 0654 o clock and the train was scheduled to be at Cologne Hauptbahnhof at 1005 o clock. However, due to sabotage on the train signal system, which blocked the railway from Frankfurt to Cologne that morning, the train was delayed with one and a half hour, so I was in Cologne at 1130. I tried to reach the Heumarkt, but all entrances were closed by counterdemonstrators and police. At several occasions, I observed people trying to join the demonstration being attacked and chased away by the leftist counterdemonstration. In one case, an old woman carrying a lot of anti-islamization posters was attacked by a gang of antifa activists. The rest of the crowd shouted "nazis raus" when these criminals attacked the old frau and took away from here all her posters, and then order her to leave or risk more attacks. Another woman tried to capture the event with her digital camera, but she was stopped by the antifas.
However, I have quite long hair and was taken by the counterdemonstrators as just another leftist, so I was able to sneak between the outer ring of counterdemonstrators until I met the inner ring of policemen. These policemen did not ask if I was a demonstrator or a counterdemonstrator, they simple did not let anyone pass. So although I passed the outer ring of all the leftists, I was not able to pass the inner ring of the policemen. And now I am probably counted in the mainstream media as just another counterdemonstrator.
Robin Shadowes:
Better then to make your stand and if necessary at least die with some dignity and have the pleasure to take as many of them with me when I go. Let me just point out that I'm in no way a sadist and take no pleasure in killing and torture. Just understand that as a protester of the islamization I could very well end in the situation where I have to suffer having my head sawed off by these thugs.
How are you going to take any of these people with you? Not only is it impossible to get a gun in most of Europe, they are even looking in the UK to take your knives away. Meanwhile, the Islamists will get guns, bombs, rockets, and eventually chemical and nuclear weapons from Iran.
Even making a last stand in Eastern Europe will not work. Poland and company will be surrounded by an Islamic EU on one side, and a Russia on the other side that is not only increasingly belligerent (and nuclear), but is Islamicizing even more quickly thatn Western Europe. There is no way you can hold out.
I would suggest either planning your escape to Brazil, or making sure you have plenty of painkiller so it does not hurt when the Islamists saw off your head.
There are times you just have to realize that you are beaten, and it is either time to leave, or time to surrender and face your death, no matter how horrible the mode of execution.
As you well know, more and more Europeans, especially Brits and Dutch, are opting for the emigration route.
The mighty Hunnic, Turkic, Arab and Mongol warriors all tried to conquer Europe. Their final faith was all the same... do you think that these poor immigrants will succeed?
Europe is accostumed to suffer, otherwise would not accept such a Semitic religion as Christianity.
And by the way. You know what happened to our other immigrants, the Jews. They did only a fraction of this new immigrants have been doing.
In long term, can't you really see what will happen?
Are you familiar with the word Radicalisation?
Also, how many times in its History have the majority of Europe been in p peace for more than 50 years?
Are you familiar with "potential probability"?
You can also look to Bolivia and see how radicalised are the 5-15% Europeans there and the hell of the fight they have given to the Bolivian government and people. You know, that Spaniard blood does make wonders...
"The truth is that we are rapidly running out of places where whites can live in dignity and peace. The situation in the USA is better as of right now, but it won't last. The demographic trends will lead to the end of the United States in any recognizable form. Young white people pay expensive money to get an 'education' where they are taught to hate themselves, only to find that when they have a degree, the jobs will be awarded to Mexicans who came to the country illegally."
Fjordman: You are an erudite fellow and a writer from whose work I have learned much, but this passage is simply not a realistic description of my country. Have you ever been over here? I live in peace and dignity wherever I go, because of a largely competent corps of police, the personal weapons I carry, and the fact that America is not nearly so full of sociopaths as the mass media would have you believe. In Arizona, the illegals do not take jobs that require degrees; they pick crops, plant shrubs, put roofs on houses, and do other manual labor, often in temperatures of 100-110 degrees Farenheit. Moreover, because of a newly enacted state law penalizing employers for hiring them, many are now finding it hard to get work and are returning to Mexico.
"The USA will most likely disintegrate into civil war and be split into several countries."
This is sheer fantasy. Nothing like this is likely to happen in the foreseeable future. I highly recommend that you come and spend some time in the U.S. (and I don't mean New York City) before you write about it again.
Paul Green: I live in Northern California, and I agree with Fjordman. White people are already fleeing California. I've lived in the same town for 20 years. When I came here from New York it seemed quaint, old-fashioned, very small-town American. Now it's a playground for roving bands of teenaged thugs from every third-world country in the world, and the natives are afraid to say anything.
Small towns everywhere are being taken over by foreign criminals, even in places like Idaho and Oregon. There's hardly any point in moving, because no matter where white people run, Mexicans follow them for the jobs.
If the U.S. were split into several countries, that would be good, because there might be one country for whites. I don't think that will happen. I think whites will be marginalized, but white dhimmi/progressives will help run a strong central government, along with non-white elite immigrant groups. In order to keep the peace, ordinary people won't have civil liberties or guns.
""The USA will most likely disintegrate into civil war and be split into several countries."
This is sheer fantasy. Nothing like this is likely to happen in the foreseeable future. I highly recommend that you come and spend some time in the U.S. (and I don't mean New York City) before you write about it again."
Ignorance. Just ignorance. Two~three years ago I was the normal leftist and thought everything was okay and that, even when reality was in front my eyes,
there was always a way to escape it...
Then I started making one independent research, and another, and another. No, we're not in the 1930s, we are in the 1920s waiting for 1929... that's where we are. We, Europeans, wherever we are...
This naive, but I bet he is also a good and intelligent America look like the Communists of the ex-Yugoslavia, presenting Sarajevo as the model multicultural city of the world in the Winter Olympic Games in the mid 80s... everything was okay. In the mid 90s...
P.S. The 1929 crash will not happen before 2012, after that... and by the way, maybe, maybe, when it comes Russia passes incolume once more. The Russian market has already crashed so, they will take their lessons. The truth is that the crash did not shook Russia as it will shake the "West".
"For the Europeans: Who are financing these hard left organizations?"
In Germany, most "Antifa"-style organisations are massively funded (and often initiated) by the state (Bundeslaender) governments, so in the end, by the normal tax payer, who often doesn't have the slightest idea (or control) of how their money gets abused.
a disillusioned German
intrr: is it official government funding you're talking about?
unfrench: Yes. A random collection of examples:;art270,2330804
"At least 250.000 EUR yearly for the state of Brandenburg" from the federal government
"47.000 EUR for the first 6 months" from the federal and state governments
Or, a good general overview:
24 million (24.000.000) Euros anually from the federal and state governments for the 'Fight against right-wing extremism'
Danke für die interessanten URLs, intrr! I think a number of GoV visitors know enough German to read the stories you linked to.
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