Westerner officials do not realize the significance of opening an official Muslim cemetery within their jurisdiction, but the Muslims do: they know that by doing so they have carved out a little piece of Dar al-Islam within Dar al-Harb, in perpetuity.
Our Austrian correspondent ESW has translated an article from Der Standard about the opening of an Islamic cemetery in Vienna:
Islamic cemetery to be opened after end of Ramadan- - - - - - - - -The long-planned opening of the Islamic cemetery in Vienna is to take place after the end of Ramadan, says Omar Al-Rawi, member of the Vienna city council (SPÖ) and in charge of integration matters at the Islamic Religious Association.
The cemetery was to have opened in 2003, but financial problems delayed the project. The OPEC Fund as well as Qatar were the main financial contributors; many small contributors offered money at the last moment, and others contributed in kind.
As a result, the inauguration will be ceremonious. “We will not open the cemetery quietly”. This memorable event will be celebrated with an elaborate ceremony. The entire Islamic leadership as well as local and foreign representatives, e.g. from Qatar, but also Austrian political representatives are expected to attend. The celebrations should include Muslims as well as non-Muslims.
The lead time for this project was a considerable. It took almost twenty years for the city of Vienna and the Islamic Religious Association to finalize the plans for the cemetery. There were many reasons for the delay: archeology (artifacts were found on the site), bankruptcy (of one of the construction companies), arson attack (by unknowns).
The city of Vienna provided the site for the cemetery; the Religious Association was in charge of construction. The plot’s size is 3.4 hectares and provides for 3,000 deceased who will be buried facing Mecca. Although no reservations have been made so far, there have been many inquiries. Many older Muslims still possess insurance in order to repatriate their corpses for burial in Turkey. Al-Rawi is confident this will change once the cemetery is in operation.
Ah, yes: No more need to be buried in Turkey, because Turkey has returned to the Gates of Vienna.
Only this time the Viennese have simply opened the gates and said, “Würden Sie bitte besuchen Sie uns im Inneren?”
"Would you please come inside?"
Indeed. How utterly foolish.
There are only two possible explanations for this behavior on the part of the Viennese social and political "elites": profound, if not deliberate, ignorance on the one hand or treason on the other hand.
Westerner officials do not realize the significance of opening an official Muslim cemetery within their jurisdiction, but the Muslims do: they know that by doing so they have carved out a little piece of Dar al-Islam within Dar al-Harb, in perpetuity.
The notion of "in perpetuity" only applies if Islam is still around to collect on the bargain. That may not be the case for much longer, especially at the rate which Islam is antagonizing all comers.
The West is confronted with one simple fact: It is time to begin killing Muslims. There are two ways of doing this:
1.) From the bottom up
2.) From the top down
We are currently engaged in the "bottom up" process with a bare sprinkling of "top down" action against al Qaeda.
Either we change that and begin the Top Down elimination of a few thousand of Islam's clerical, financial and scholastic drivers; Or we face the eventuality of a true Bottom Up Muslim holocaust.
There can be no accommodation with Islam and, due to that, our alternatives are limited to those listed above. Even containment, in the long run, will not work. The foregoing article is but one more sterling example of Islam's comprehensive style of predation upon all other cultures. Those who think it can be tolerated for any duration, short or long, are suicidal.
Zenster, truth well spoken.
Perhaps it is time to take measures that would make that infamous austrian Hitler proud, to go for a permanent solution. If the world is raged by an aggressive virus, then you need an antidote to wipe it out. What better solution than making sure islam will never ever again posing a threat to mankind? Yes, it will get messy but so it will also if they get their ummah. And I rahter see them go than us, it's that simple.
I would prefer not to go the genocide route.
Every time some imam calls for jihad, kill him. Make it clear that teaching Muslims to attack westerners results in immediate deadly retaliation.
This will cause Islam to have their own enlightenment.
Zenster wrote: Those who think it can be tolerated for any duration, short or long, are suicidal.
True. Unfortunately our leaders, and some Western people seem to think that national suicide is better and a more compassionate option.
A war of such magnitude that will destroy Muslims enmasse, is not really required. Containment worked quite well in the last few centuries, and should be given a try once more before contemplating a total war option.
Thank you, raygood. None of these conclusions are paticularly comforting. Especially so in light of how both Islam itself and Western politicians—through their respective action and inaction—are literally assuring the Bottom Up scenario.
All the more so in the case of Islam. Through an incredibly destructive convergence of intransigence, calcification and near universal intolerance, Islam is forcing a reluctant Western hand into administering what will be an utterly lethal coup de grace, if only for the sake of its own survival.
Please, never forget that this is, in no way, any fault of the West. No matter how spineless our leadership is, it is Islam alone that bears the blame for levering this entire situation over into crisis mode. Most stunning of all is how Muslims, almost unanimously, ignore the lethal implications of this forced showing of hands.
Robin Shadowes: Perhaps it is time to take measures that would make that infamous austrian Hitler proud, to go for a permanent solution.
I doubt Adolf would take much pride in knowing that his biggest fan club got snuffed one and all.
If the world is raged by an aggressive virus, then you need an antidote to wipe it out.
That Islam's predominant form has such an overwhelming similarity to the Ebola virus lends a degree of uncomfortable truth to what you say. Lawrence Auster—in a recent appearance here at GoV—nearly wet himself over my own use of similar terms. None of it changes that fact that Islam—like the Ebola virus—is something that any organism intent upon survival cannot make accommodations with.
What better solution than making sure islam will never ever again posing a threat to mankind?
Few, if any. That still does not alleviate the moral obligation for Western powers to pursure a Top Down approach in crippling Islam.
Far better that even 1,000,000 high ranking Islamic propagandists and financiers perish than 1,000,000,000 less complicit Muslims pay the ultimate price.
I would much rather experiment with demoralizing Islam by way of scraping away its top echelons of command and control than simply begin eradicating all Muslims. None of this changes how Islam must be eradicated, but I would sooner see the fight/jihad taken out of the ummah by attrition from the top—as in Top Down—than having to erode Islam's power base from the Bottom Up.
kbarrett: Every time some imam calls for jihad, kill him. Make it clear that teaching Muslims to attack westerners results in immediate deadly retaliation.
You have just echoed my call for a Top Down elimination of all Muslims who propagate the meme of violent jihad.
Change will come only when jihadis must first look over their shoulder before shouting, "Death to America!". Please correct me if I am wrong.
We are in a situation of having to kill enough Muslims whereby other Muslims will no longer seek to harm the West. Which shall it be, lots of low-level relatively innocent believers assuming room temperature or a far more exclusive, responsible and influential top tier of enablers, programmers and facilitators taking the dirt nap?
I can only hope that my own position in this is vividly clear.
Yes, it will get messy but so it will also if they get their ummah. And I rahter see them go than us, it's that simple.
As I have stated so many times before: The Muslim world has so little to offer that even the loss of a single Paris, Venice, Washington D.C., New York, Amsterdam or other major Western cultural center represents a prohibitive loss compared to immolation of the entire MME (Muslim Middle East).
DP111: Unfortunately our leaders, and some Western people seem to think that national suicide is better and a more compassionate option.
Gah! Even reading such a dispassionate and accurate evaluation of the current situation make my gorge rise.
A war of such magnitude that will destroy Muslims enmasse, is not really required. Containment worked quite well in the last few centuries, and should be given a try once more before contemplating a total war option.
Even a mere fifty years ago would have seen your proposition borne out. In an age of WMDs, such optimism no longer carries any weight. Unless you are willing to ruthlessly patrol the entire "Containment Area" for signs of WMD development—an exceptionally costly idea, at best—such a suggestion has no workable aspects to it.
Pakistan is ample proof of just how dangerous it is for Islamic radicals to get within spitting distance of nuclear weapons.
Islam must be crippled. Either we do it by capping its aristocracy or by decimating—in the best of scenarios—its ummah. Your choice.
Cemetery/dar ul Islam - Dhimmi Watch reports that similar moves are taking place in Finland.
Finland: Muslims want their own graveyards
I can understand your impatience with the problem that Islam has become. However, your option has to be the last one. It makes strategic sense to leave the last option to the last.
Containment is a very drastic option, and is very far from being politically feasible at the moment. It is humane - in this context anyway.
Politically none of this is likely to happen unless Muslims overplay their hand. What we have to do, that is what bloggers can do, is to continue to educate the public of the threat that Islam poses - an existential threat. Only when there is nationwide acknowledgement of this, will any such options be considered.
I disagree, killing muslims won't help anything. Get the muslim immigrants out, close the borders, stop doing business with them, and they will become a completely meaningless backwater we'll never hear from again. All of this can be done peacefully and without firing a shot. However dumb their religion is, without the immigrants 'inside the gates' or the oil money artificially inflating their influence and military strength, it all becomes the squallings of a 2 year old rather than a menace to the west. No one kills a 2 year old when they throw a tantrum, they just spank them or ignore them or send them to their room.
Hello infidels,
Non of you infidels have the courage or the power to stop the rise of Islam in Europe and in the west.
A Muslim so much as says "boo" in your direction you fall over like a tree being ripped out by powerful winds.
Keep you "Killing Muslims" comments to a minimum before I take this up with the others infidel haters bloggers.
be careful as to what you say.
DP111: ... your option has to be the last one. It makes strategic sense to leave the last option to the last.
How is a Top Down strategy supposed to be the "last option". In case you did not read me clearly, I maintain that targeted assassinations of Islam's aristocracy by Western militaries is the single most important strategy that can AVOID a Bottom Up Muslim holocaust. Capiche?
Containment is a very drastic option, and is very far from being politically feasible at the moment. It is humane - in this context anyway.
Humane? Yes. Feasible? Barely, and the existence of WMDs simply makes it unworkable without maintaining concentration camp conditions inside of the containment area.
Politically none of this is likely to happen unless Muslims overplay their hand.
The one single most prominent hallmark of Islam is that it ALWAYS overplays its hand. By poking at the nuclear armed Western dragon with pointed sticks it is doing so already. Muslims will stab harder and harder until the dragon twitches once and crushes millions with a flick of its tail.
What we have to do, that is what bloggers can do, is to continue to educate the public of the threat that Islam poses - an existential threat.
I could not agree with you more. We must change the world one mind at a time. The Internet is a force multiplier of incalcuable worth in this effort. It is precisely why I am posting these comments.
Only when there is nationwide acknowledgement of this, will any such options be considered.
infidelkafirwatch: Non[e] of you infidels have the courage or the power to stop the rise of Islam in Europe and in the west.
A Muslim so much as says "boo" in your direction you fall over like a tree being ripped out by powerful winds.
Keep you[r] "Killing Muslims" comments to a minimum before I take this up with the others infidel haters bloggers.
be careful as to what you say.
Whassa matter hot shot? Don't like people openly and honestly discussing how to deal with the threats people like you are so fond of making against us?
Keep this crap up and you will be astonished at just how fast America can take apart Islam like a rag doll. The Imperial Japanese thought just like you do and look what happened to Japan. Prepare yourself for similar treatment if you cannot quit the jihad garbage. When history closes the books on Islam, Osama bin Laden's name will be cursed five times a day by those Muslims who are still left alive to do it.
Remember Iran and Iraq? Between them they killed nearly a MILLION Muslims over the course of EIGHT YEARS only to reach a bloody stalemate.
America walked into Iraq and rolled up its sidewalks in a FEW SHORT WEEKS. We did it to Iraq and we can do it to every other Islamic cesspit there is on the face of this earth.
So keep making your threats, infidelkafirwatch. All you will do is make more people aware of what a barbaric, Neanderthal and cruel heap of ideological trash Islam always has been. It is fated for history's scrap heap of failed ideologies and your belligerence only speeds it to that well deserved destination.
Infidel: HAHAHAHAHAHA. You live at our mercy. We could wipe out your entire worthless civilization in a matter of minutes and we wouldn't lose a single man in return. I don't fear you, no one here does. Only a misplaced pity keeps a single soul of your wretched religion breathing on this earth.
Soon, you will fear us. The white race will not lay supine forever. We have genocided others, far less deserving than you.
O/T: I've decided to start posting on my own blog longer, more involved, and 'too hot to handle here' topics. I encourage everyone to come see, but remember, every single post goes way further than anything you're used to. I love Gates of Vienna and respect the intellectual climate here, and will of course try my best to contribute to it, but I feel there's a great deal more to learn and say over the horizon, if we just moved forward.
Cleanup on aisle 17!
I’m glad we agree on the last two points.
Targeted assassinations -the “Top Up” option, is always a possibility. However, if governments are engaging in this, and I’ve no information we are, one never speaks openly of it. Mmm is the word.
On the point of blogsites such GoV educating people about the threat of Islam, i.e., the only thing we can realistically do, and have done quite successfully so far – we should always bear in mind that we are not the target audience. The audience are people who do know of Islam, and wish to know more, and generally do not put any comments up. Any allusion to selective murder or mass murder, is likely to give the site a reputation that is counter-productive to our objective. Softly-softly is the way to persuade.
PS: Does “Zenster” have any meaning – historic or allegorical.
You do realise that "Infidel/ Kafir" are highly derogatory names that Muslims/Islam have given to those who are not Muslim - that is 85% of humanity has been given a derogatory epithet. This designation also allows Muslims to kill Kafirs without having a pang of conscience.
Now if this situation were simply the work of a tiny minority of Muslims, it would be just about acceptable. Unfortunately, this is not the case. It is deeply ingrained in the culture and ideology of Islam.
It is this type of ingrained prejudice, that occasionally provokes an intemperate response from "Kafirs". The difference is, that it is not ingrained or systemic in Western culture.
I'm shocked that you use such blogName for your comments, when you know full well its meaning and consequence viz, for Christians and other "Kafirs" in Muslim countries.
You wrote: Keep "Killing Muslims" comments to a minimum before I take this up with the others infidel haters bloggers.
be careful as to what you say.
Oh yes, I agree with you on the first. However, your statement itself is a murderous threat, of great weight and credibility - given that Theo Van Gogh was brutally murdered in his native Netherland by an immigrant Muslim.
Threats, particularly credible ones, are not the way for civilised people to discuss issues, such as the West faces at the moment.
I look forward to your response.
DP111: ... we should always bear in mind that we are not the target audience.
I know that preaching to the choir seemds to be of limited value. However, there is still some real worth to it. Not all who sing in the loft know these words by heart. Quite a few able voices do not yet have the right memes down pat. There can be just as much, or more, worth in training a willing participant as there is in pampering some novice.
The audience are people who do know of Islam, and wish to know more, and generally do not put any comments up.
That's as may be but we must still make an effort to tutor our more advanced students and that won't happen by couching all discussions in blandishments. This site isn't just an anti-jihad kindergarten, it is also a finishing school for those of us who are capable of taking the fight to our online enemies.
Any allusion to selective murder or mass murder, is likely to give the site a reputation that is counter-productive to our objective.
Before the 9-11 Atrocity, yes, that was definitely true. After 9-11, Bali, Beslan, Bali II, Madrid and London, picking off a few influential imams doesn't seem so out of place. Especially so when other seasoned members of this site express consenus regarding targeted assassinations.
Softly-softly is the way to persuade.
Softly-softly catchee monkey, but we're dealing with a 500 pound gorilla and no fruit-in-the-vase is going to trap this sucker. Any way you slice this, a big hurt will need to be put down. Upon how many Muyslims is the only issue left to determine.
Does “Zenster” have any meaning – historic or allegorical.
My wolf hybrid (think 75# half-sized white arctic wolf) is named "Zen". Ergo, I am the Zenster.
PS: Don't expect a response from infidelkafirwatch. His type are usually all turban and no goats.
The 500lb gorilla is not the catch that blogsites such as GoV are after. Need to concentrate on what we do best. The rest of the game is not in our hands as individuals.
I don’t expect a response from InfidelKaffirWatch, though I would be pleased if he did. He is similar to Iftikar Ahmad who has been trolling anti-Jihad sites. Regardless of his response, my comment to him is also addressed to the wider audience that I referred to.
What Muslims such as InfidelKaffirWatch do not understand (though I think he does), is how deeply insulting, and deadly offensive are the epithets that Islam designates to non-Muslims. And it is Islam, and not just Muslims. It has the consequence of de-humanising non-Muslims, and thus allows Muslims to kill Kafirs in the most gruesome manner, without any compunction or guilt, as in their belief system, it pleases Allah. It is this belief that makes Muslims gleefully tear apart the body of Americans or British in Iraq, and hang them from a bridge, decapitating defenceless reporters such as Daniel Pearl, and thousands of other barbaric instances. Killing is not enough - the humiliation of the "kafir" is far more important to show the supremacy of Islam. Thus the kill and then the spectacle of dragging the body around and other unmentionable barbarities, is a show for the whole community - men, women and children.
We have been accepting these epithets without making a fuss, as they have become common usage, but the sheer malevolence (literally) that follows from this belief and mindset, is hard to beat.
I'll just add how I feel a sense of urgency that others may not. Too many people at GoV and other anti-jihad websites have literally resigned themselves to seeing one or more American cities immolated in terrorist nuclear attacks.
This is one reason why I might seem less cautious than others, because I will do just about anything to see the West avoid such a scenario. All of us deserve better, including the millions of Muslims who would most likely die in the wake of such a thing.
That feeling of urgency and needing to do something that will save this civilisation from a catastrophe comes to everyone who has given the situation any thought. In those moments, the temptation to vent one's frustration is high.
What distinguishes us, particularly Anglo-American-Aussie societies, is the ability to keep a cool head (ice cold in Alex), even when the going gets tough. This is what makes our societies so lethal in war, and charitable in victory.
I don’t believe that our politicians are totally ignorant of Islam and its ambitions. They are after all politicians, who have been cunning enough to fool most of us, most of the time – else they wouldn’t be in power. Islam has been given the approbation of the RoP, but at one time both George Bush and Tony Blair stated of the fascist nature of Islam. I think they flew that once and realised that it was counter-productive. So now we have the parroting of the RoP mantra. It puts me in mind of a dog owner who has to put down his dog, as it has become a danger to the family. What does he do? He puts the dog at ease with a "good dog, good dog" routine, while the vet prepares a humane cocktail.
I hasten to add, Muslims are not dogs but misguided humans, in the deadly embrace of Islam. They cannot leave Islam for fear of gruesome murder. There is no doubt that we will win, and in so doing will release the billion Muslims from slavery. Just as we destroyed slavery and those slaves became Freemen, so it will be for Muslims, they will become Freeabdullahs.
Change topic:
Is Zen very good with people?
I have to say that I'm in general agreement with PD111.
Because none of this will be resolved during my lifetime, I look at what I do here as a legacy operation for my grandchildren. That means I want to contribute what seems the most likely to be effective over the very long term.
Venting and yelling "nuke the ragheads!" may be satisfying right now, but will it achieve our goals?
In groping for the best strategies, I may find it necessary not to state all my opinions and not to reveal everything I know. That's simple prudence.
But one thing that I do believe will have a good effect in the long term will be to let the discussion here range fully and freely.
Sometimes I see opinions here that I vigorously disagree with, or that I consider ill-advised over the long term to voice publicly. I'm strongly tempted to hit the delete icon, but I don't, because we need all voices.
DP111: Is Zen very good with people?
With kiddles and wimmenfolk, just fine. People who show fear and act like prey really tweak him out, though, Especially so with tall males.
Baron: Venting and yelling "nuke the ragheads!" may be satisfying right now, but will it achieve our goals?
For anyone in their right mind, such lunatic ranting shouldn't even be satisfying. I continue to maintain my adamant opposition to any first-use of nuclear weapons in the MME (Muslim Middle East) for one very good reason.
Were America to so foolishly abdicate the moral high ground by doing such an ill-advised thing, it would open the door for nuclear reprisal by every loose Islamic cannon there is (and that's a whole buncha loose artillery, eh?).
Any large scale destruction that is required can be achieved through deployment of our conventional weaponry, thank-you-very-much. Anyone who advocates the "nuke-'em-all" meme has already left the realm of rationality.
One of the only things that could change all of this is the potential exit of Musharraf from Pakistan. Should that country's atomic arsenal fall into the hands of Taliban terrorists, I'd just as soon see the whole place glassed and Windexed™ as have those monster raving loons start handing out nuclear party favors to their radical buggermates.
Just the fact that Pakistan even exists is a very disturbing notion.
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