The European Union, as an official and publicly-proclaimed policy, wants to import more Muslim immigrants.
EU told to accept 20m migrant workers
Europe must relax its immigration controls and open the door to an extra 20m workers during the next two decades, the European Union’s justice chief will say on Friday.
Franco Frattini, justice commissioner, is to tell the bloc’s immigration ministers in Lisbon that the EU should stop erecting barriers and instead build safe pathways for Africans and Asians who risk their lives heading to the continent to find a job.
“We have to look at immigration not as a threat but — when well-managed, and that is our new task — as an enrichment and as an inescapable phenomenon of today’s world,” he will say.
And if this serves to exacerbates the existing problems associated with immigrants in Europe, what do the mandarins of the EU propose to do? Why, they won’t call them “immigrants” anymore!
That’ll solve the problem.
“Europe has to compete against Australia, Canada, the USA and the rising powers in Asia.” He will suggest the word immigration and its “dark side” should be dropped in favour of “mobility”.
We’re not just talking navvies and taxi drivers — the EU needs people with skills:
“All skill levels are required. The challenge is to attract the workers needed to fill specific gaps,” he will say. That runs counter to attempts by countries such as Britain to restrict access to prized skilled workers.
Germany, Italy and Hungary, with their ageing populations, are most in need of immigrants, he will say.
OK, so they need doctors, nurses, engineers, chemists, and so on. Where are they going to look for them?
- - - - - - - - -
The Commission is about to establish a €10m information centre for Mali. Locals will be able to apply for jobs in Spain and France through a deal signed between the countries. It will be the first of several such centres in Africa.
Mali! How many immigrants with modern technical and professional skills can be found in Mali?
And here’s the understatement of the year:
Mr Frattini is aware of the sensitivities of national governments, who will have to back his reforms.
So what do the mavens of Multiculturalism see in Europe’s future?
The reforms could lead to a more than doubling of the EU’s foreign-born population by 2030. So he will also stress the importance of finding jobs for indigenous workers and cracking down on illegal immigration.
This is prima facie evidence of insanity on the part of the leaders of the EU.
And that last line is laughable — the distinction between legal and illegal immigration in Europe is about to become irrelevant.

Hat tip: Steen.
“We have to look at immigration not as a threat but — when well-managed, and that is our new task — as an enrichment and as an inescapable phenomenon of today’s world,” he will say.
Inescapable you say? The sun rising and setting is inescapable but immigration? The scary part is that there are thousands of elite fools and their minions who will buy this nonsense.
Dumb down education until the only doctors you can have will be immigrants... of course who needs healthcare in a socialized world? Waiting in line for a terrorist doctor will no doubt cure all of your ailments.
Dhimmie Union.
Kudos to Slovenia!
To the continent of my forefathers: Unless you're willing to fight (figuratively and literally) to remove the pestilence of the EU from your midst it's...
goed tot ziens, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, arrivederci, adeus and
adios tothe birthplace of Western Culture.
What strange days are these.
"He will suggest the word immigration and its “dark side” should be dropped"
He's correct! I dropped the words immigrants and immigration recently as well, at least for the muslim variety; I dropped them in favour of colonists and colonisation.
It's typical leftist to replace a perfectly normal, meaningful word by something meaningless, that, after a short while, becomes just as 'offensive' as the original term.
You can use a beautiful cloth to cover a pool of manure, but it will spoil the cloth and the manure will still be manure.
Counter-jihadist said "au revoir, auf wiedersehen, arrivederci". - Exactly!
(I have a slight suspicion, though - do you really know the meaning of these words?)
HAha what a joke! The scum of New Labour threw me and 3 other aussies out of the UK in 2003. They forget history we helped them in ww2! I remember them kicking out a Brazilian as well. The EU is a joke and needs to be dismantled. Hopefully the jackboots on the flemings will kick things off!
These guys are really searching for trouble.
First the Left got all the 13 year old's on the pill. Then they destroyed the family. Fashion wear did the rest for sperm counts. Now that replacement figures reach danger levels they're importing 3rd worlders with vicious religions and totalitarian ideas. They will not rest before the culture that spawned them, is no more. Upon that conclusion, may they rest in peace forever on the eternal hunting fields of free available cannabis. Amen.
@ Cassandra
There is a say in my country we can aproximately translate by:
They will not take it with them to hell.
Complete madness! I'll never understand this elite need to 'compete'. Compete for what? To see who can produce the most trinkets, gadgets, cars, machines, etc? Who cares? Western culture will disappear if we continue to import the 3rd world en masse and then what will we be left with? What of competition then? I'd rather be an economic also ran with a cultural future than an economic powerhouse without a cohesive national culture and a population that is considered nothing more than another factor of production by the elites.
The reduction of man to 'economic man' by globalization is just as insidious a force as multiculturalism and can even be considered a driver of multiculturalism. Who hasn't heard the PC nonsense about the need for "diversity" at work?
I have much more diverse interests than how much money I can earn and how many "things" I can buy, yet we are bombarded daily with advertisements prompting us to spend! spend! spend! as if our lives have no other purpose than to keep our economies growing and our GDP steadily inching up. It's madness! Our elites are leading us all down a path to cultural annihilation and we have to find a way to stop it for the 3rd world vastly outnumber us.
Allow me slightly allay your slight suspicion. I knew the all the foreign expressions for 'good'bye' except for the Dutch. Had to look that one up.
FWIW, I was just trying to explain to my wife why it is that the EU feels it needs 20m more 'mobile' workers from places like Mali in light of the problems mass immigration is already causing in EUrope. For the life of me I could not find a rational explanation. I'm incredulous.
And this is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.....
To Charlemagne
To compete with us!
They saw we are awakening and want to flush us before being completely wide awake
You know, the more I thought about this, the worse this plan got.
Obviously it'll be disastrous for Europe. But what about the African and Asian (I'm sure they're talking Middle Eastern & South Asian here) countries where these immigrants will be coming from? The West is always sending economic/developing aid to the countries -- why create a brain drain from these very same countries then?! It just doesn't make sense. If we really wanted to help these countries, we'd be helping them to keep their brightest people there.
Disastrous on all sided. :-|
If you think about it, 20 Mio over 20 Years, that would make 1 Mio per Year, is actually not a lot. Frattini offers here some kind of McCain/Graham Idea. While cracking down on illegal immigration – which is around 1.5 Mio per Year – the EU would grant working permits to more qualified people. That could make it less attractive to pay mafia like groups, to smuggle one to the new host country, while still provide a possibility to come to Europe on legal means.
The question is also if illegal immigration can be ever stopped at all. The new high tech fences in Ceuta and Melilla where able to protect these two small Spanish enclaves on African soil. (Click on the links to get details about these fairly unknown European border fences). But the European states will never be possible to secure the thousands of kilometre long combined coastline.
Today the population of the EU and Africa is roughly the same. But while Africa dies every day from AIDS, Malaria, civil war, genocide, insurgencies etc. the population is still exploding. Sub-Saharan Africa grows around 3% per year, North Africa around 2.6 %. To compare: South East Asia grows around 2.2% while the world as a whole grows by 1.6% including Africa and Asia of course. (Numbers from Robert Kaplans The Ends Of Earth 1996 – so today they are maybe even higher)
That means, that while Europe’s population will decline Africa’s population will roughly triple around 2050. (In percent: Today Europe and Africa each account for ca. 12% of world population – 2050: Europe 7%, Africa 20%) - so todays situation is laughable what will come to us in the very near future.
And I agree with Jun, by creating an every bigger brain drain in these countries, we surly won’t help them develop.
But what to do? To me controlled immigration sounds a lot better then the situation we have today.
For readers who would like to see how it looks like when the Europe builds a fence:
Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4
Note: These are older pictures, as i am informed, the new EU sponsored ones are equipped with tear gas dispensers, detection wires and cameras.
When you use a long URL, please turn it into a link, or use tinyurl. Here's a repost of your comment:
Jun said...
Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.
And this guy wants to start with Mali?!?! With an estimated national IQ of 68-69 [in other words, below 75 which is considered mentally retarded]...
...and ranking 99 [out of 163] in Transparency International's corruption index...
...well, unless they're not going to be really, REALLY selective about who they take (which they're not going to be), this is just a recipe for DISASTER.
Which must be what they (TPTB) want -- "electing a new people" I guess -- divide & conquer....
When you use a long URL, please turn it into a link, or use tinyurl. Here's a repost of your comment:
Jun said...
Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.
And this guy wants to start with Mali?!?! With an estimated national IQ of 68-69 [in other words, below 75 which is considered mentally retarded]...
...and ranking 99 [out of 163] in Transparency International's corruption index...
...well, unless they're not going to be really, REALLY selective about who they take (which they're not going to be), this is just a recipe for DISASTER.
Which must be what they (TPTB) want -- "electing a new people" I guess -- divide & conquer....
Very nice fences.
When you use a long URL, please turn it into a link, or use tinyurl.
Will do. Sorry about that!
BTW -- when I quoted the national IQ from Mali, I should've said that is the average IQ for that population. Of course, there are many people in Mali with higher IQs than 68-69 (also, presumably, many with lower).
To openplaza
UE dont want ilegals to go to Ceuta or Mellila. That is still Africa and then transporting them to Europe may be a bit disturbing. You know, people may start raising questions.
So they build fences in Africa and have reception comités in Spain, Italy or else.
This is why I say that the left is insane. And by insane I mean having a good direction at first, like, "let's prevent skinheads from beating up immigrants because of their skin color", but then going 1000 steps off the cliff into "let's import millions of social security recipients" territory.
“Europe has to compete against Australia, Canada, the USA and the rising powers in Asia.”
The funny part is that one of the reasons why they need skilled immigrants to compete against Australia, Canada and the US is because so many of us skilled workers are fleeing the EU and Australia, Canada and, to a lesser extent, the US are eager to take us in.
What a colossal mess they've created.
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