The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.
For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.

Sweden is in the midst of the worst rape wave in Scandinavian history. Judging from numbers from neighboring countries Norway and Denmark, this is probably intimately related to recent mass immigration, especially from Muslim countries. Now, if you have a problem that you suspect may be largely caused by immigration, but you have already decided that these policies shouldn’t be questioned, what to do?
Well, you can blame it on… the weather! According to this article from Aftonbladet, with the title “Summertime — rape time”, the huge spike in rapes during the summer is caused by the nice, warm weather, which brings out all those hormones. The official number of rape charges has more than quadrupled in the space of just one generation, and Swedish women in some areas of the country are increasingly afraid to move around outdoors. If this is because of the warm weather, I suppose the Scandinavian rape wave is caused by global warming?

Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden
- - - - - - - - - -
“It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably f***ked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will have problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity until she marries.” It was no coincidence that it was a Swedish girl that was gang raped in Rissne. “It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. “Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they get a proper woman from their own culture who has never been with a boy. That’s what I am going to do. I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get f***ked to pieces.”

A note from Baron Bodissey
When I was searching for photos of Helle Klein, I found the interesting one shown below on a website called Sweden’s Young Muslims. It was taken at a demonstration from last November (I think).

The sign reads, approximately: “A Sweden for All! Stop the Nazistic Violence!”
The header on the “About Me” sidebar on Ms. Klein’s Aftonbladet page says, “Political and personal but never private.”
Time to become a clergywoman!
This Helle Klein some 20 years ago studied theology at the Lund University. She might perhaps also have sniffed on Gramscian ideas about cultural hegemoni, because she broke off her studies to become employed by the social-democratic newspaper Aftonbladet where she finally was promoted chief editor. Having urgently indoctrinated the readers all these years, she might now be of the opinion that the plimsoller Sweden is on the right course for the multi-culti-paradise and a future as prospective state in the ummah. This year she has finalized her pastoral education and in November she is starting her new vocation as a clergywomen in one of the Stockholm congregations. Strange that this ostensibly spiritually talented woman has not been attracted by the delights of Mahound and converted, as other female members of the Scandinavian intelligentsia nowadays do. However, she is not leaving the newspaper for good, she plans to do some writing every Monday and she will remain a member of the board - her former daily 'duties' will be taken over by a well established gramscian boy, one of the prominent grave-diggers of the Swedish society, Olle Svenning.
One of the nice things about the Swedes is that they publish there crime statistics on the web here is the link
Click on the button (ÅRS OCH PERIODVIS) and it brings you into the program by which you can extract the statistics. I know it is all in Swedish, but with a little effort you should be able to get it to work. I have just this minute pulled out these statistics concerning all the cases of rape of children under 15 in the last four years. Well I think that is what it means and I don't think my Swedish is that bad. There is nothing like cultural enrichment.
Våldtäkt inkl. grov (se även sexualbrott)
Mot barn under 15 år;
2003 466
2004 479
2005 733
2006 1,134
When I see these kind of figures, I have a tendency to go balistic, but as I don't live in Sweden and I can't attack this stupid idiot with a basball bat I will go and make myself another cup of tea until my blood pressure returns to normal. I keep thinking to myself I wonder what the parents of these children are feeling now.
"Now, if you have a problem that you suspect may be largely caused by immigration, but you have already decided that these policies shouldn’t be questioned, what to do?"
A person has a moral right to self-defense if the government won't provide it. One rapist dead from multiple gunshot wounds will change the debate quickly. 20 will create a media firestorm. 50 and you'll see new policies.
You have no idea how happy I am not to live in Europe.
BillT: "A person has a moral right to self-defense..."
There may be a moral right but not a LEGAL one in most of Europe. My stepson-in-law is a police officer in Sweden. If you defend yourself there you will be prosecuted.
"A person has a moral right to self-defense if the government won't provide it."
Indeed. Unfortunately in most of Europe if you actually exercise that moral right and shoot the bastard, you'll be jailed for decades.
Self-defence is increasingly considered more of a crime than rape or murder; the left want it that way to ensure people are more and more dependent on overbearing government.
And in that it becomes a bit of a vicious and ever-narrowing spiral. People are told the trust the state, which fails in its job of protecting them simply because it can't be everywhere all the time. In reply the supporters of this position call for more power to be handed to the state so that it can beter guarantee the safety of the citizen. Rinse and repeat. It's an insidious position to be in, because any movement to try and reduce the power of the state is portrayed as trying to reduce the protection the state supposedly offers. The fact that it fails so miserably at this doesn't matter. People become accustomed to the idea of the state protecting them.
This situation is not self-sustaining. More and more now I understand the Nazis rise. To me this smacks of the decadence of Weimar, and the appeal of the SA as the only force able to provide a middle-class security to the nation.
In Sweden you have a large class of Swedish women and girls who fear rape and go to great lengths to avoid looking blonde and Swedish.
Just across the Baltic you have large groups of young men in East Germany who have no women (East German women have left in amazing numbers to seek higher status men elsewhere). As many as 25% of East German women 18-34 have left. Predictably Der Spiegel reports, the men have joined Neo Nazi organizations.
There exists no real state, military or armed forces that can deter violence. If the Swedish state can't prevent rapes against it's own people, it can hardly prevent anything else.
I'm astonished that some group in Sweden has not called out to the East German neo-Nazis "come protect us." For the East German men, the advantage is obvious. Go to Sweden. Kill the enemy (Muslims). Get a girlfriend or wife and status. Have a place through military action where before you had none.
Who will stop them? The German State? The Swedish State? Neither exist anymore. If they can't use force against Muslim hate-crime rapists the conclusion the Neo Nazis will make is that they can't use force against them either.
Lost in all the discussion about how the lack of available women causes violence among young Muslim men (polygamy, etc. reducing many Muslim men to enforced bachelorhood) is that the same forces work on European men. Feminists HATE HATE HATE the beta males, those with less status, and believe with enough talk they will just go away and die. However these men like the Muslim counterparts have no intention of simply crawling away into a hole. Just as Muslim men see violence and jihad (those 72 Virgins doubtless all Muslim women) as a way for sexual fulfillment, so too is the way of fighting off the invader/monster to get the girl a standard feature of the West.
From Theseus, to Sigmund, to Arthur, to Beowulf, to Die Hard, fighting-killing the bad guy has been the one sure fire way culturally to get the girl for a low-status male.
I am shocked the neo-nazis are not there already. And when they do the whole Continent will go up in flames. Muslim men feel their oats, but there is a corresponding class of European men without women who are itching to kill them to get the girl.
"Who will stop them? The German State? The Swedish State? Neither exist anymore. If they can't use force against Muslim hate-crime rapists the conclusion the Neo Nazis will make is that they can't use force against them either."
They would be mistaken then - I'm sure the Swedish state is happy to use extreme measures against German Neo-Nazis, just as they will crush any attempts by native Swedes at self defense. It is a mistake to think that these Western European states are powerless; they are still extremely powerful. That they do not act against these Muslim rape gangs is because they are essentially on the same side in a war of cultural annihilation waged against the native Swedish people.
European states are great at passing laws, but for enforcement they rely on the vast majority of people quietly doing what they're told. If a million Britons marched on Parliament tomorrow determined to burn it to the ground, I really don't see how the police would stop them... or whether the average cop would even want to stop them; we can forget the Army, because they're almost all 'peace-keeping' abroad.
I agree that we're likely to see the rise of neo-Nazis across Europe in the next decade or so, which is another reason why I'm emigrating. Sooner or later, people are going to turn to anyone who promises to protect their lives, property and culture if their own governments fail to do so or are actively determined to destroy them. If and when it happens, it won't be pretty.
And, thanks to the idiot left pushing their police state measures, any new EU-wide neo-Nazi movement that comes to power will have surveillance and control powers that would have had Hitler creaming his pants. No-one who's still here at that point will be able to escape.
Vol --
Suppose a group of say, 10,000 Neo Nazis decides it will arm itself, charter boats, and land in Sweden to "defend Swedish women" or somesuch. Perhaps invited by some Swedish neo-Nazi group (I'm sure they have some).
WHO will stop them? The German Navy? It likely does not exist. The Swedish Navy? Likewise. The Police or Armies?
What Muslims have done is shown that the European states have no means of responding to violence. Muslims inflict violence with impunity (also the Anarchists) and THAT lesson has not been lost. Respectable people who obey the law are penalized, but those who trade in violence and back it up live in impunity. Any large and armed group in Europe can do what it wants.
The Muslim bombing campaigns in Britain also have doubtless raised unhealthy thoughts among many other groups. IF they can get away with it (and largely they have) so can others. Other groups need only be sufficiently violent and large enough to intimidate the Government.
Moreover ordinary people who see lives and persons and property threatened by Muslim groups and the Government unable and unwilling to respond, as noted above will move to neo-Nazi groups, including doubtless members of the police, army, and other branches of Government frustrated by PC. At some point the Government will call out the police and/or Army against neo-Nazis and find they won't respond or will mutiny.
Man, you are on a roll tonight.
Between your posts and one I saw the other day on Belmont Club (I don't remember if it was yours or not), I feel like I have a greater understanding of just why the Nazis rose to power in Germany.
The parallels between then and now are bone-chilling. Governments had better get their f*cking acts together or the people will take matters into their own hands. And that's not something any of us should want to see.
The above commentary also goes for the United States government, by the way.
There may be a moral right [to self defense] but not a LEGAL one in most of Europe.
Ah, might this then explain the knee-jerk, anti-Israeli animus so flagrant in much of Europe?
Is there a connection? (Or need there not be, as long as Jews are concerned?)
LN: Don't be to harsh on Olle Svenning! Lately he made HUGE progress; he actually wrote that the Palestinians themselves, Fatah and Hamas are to blame for something in the Middle-East conflict. Before he wrote that, he wrote excactly as his fellows Aftonbladet/Carin Jämtin/Anna Wester - you name 'em - "everything is Israel's fault!"
Helle Klein will never swallow her pride like that...
"Suppose a group of say, 10,000 Neo Nazis decides it will arm itself, charter boats, and land in Sweden to "defend Swedish women" or somesuch. Perhaps invited by some Swedish neo-Nazi group (I'm sure they have some).
WHO will stop them? The German Navy? It likely does not exist. The Swedish Navy? Likewise. The Police or Armies?"
Yes - you're talking about a disorganised unarmed civilian rabble of 'Nazis' (very unlikely to number 10,000, but ok). Under the controlling cultural Marxist dialectic it's permissible to use any and all force against 'Nazis', so Sweden's minimal-but-armed military and police would fire on the Nazis, with the approval of the Swedish authorities, whereas they would NOT be permitted to fire on a similar hostile crowd of Muslims or non-whites.
I expect here in London in the years ahead there will be clashes between Polish (Christian) immigrants and Muslim immigrants; I'm quite sure the police will be instructed to side with the Muslims at all costs. The authorities always side with Muslims against white non-Muslims; the only problem for them is when Muslims clash with black non-Muslims as the c-m 'victim' hierarchy isn't so clear, but I expect the tendency will be to favour the Muslims, just as in the US the authorities increasingly favour the interests of Hispanic immigrants over those of black Americans.
"At some point the Government will call out the police and/or Army against neo-Nazis and find they won't respond or will mutiny. "
Neo-Nazis are officially demons, it's ok to kill them. So this isn't going to happen with guys in Swastika armbands chanting Sieg Heil. You do have a point though; the BNP in Britain have Fascist roots but they have worked hard at becoming 'post fascist' and able to appeal to ordinary working class Brits (well, English); there are similar nationalist parties throughout Europe. The European countries' militaries will fire on perceived 'Nazis' but probably not on perceived 'ordinary people'. Not sure about police though - they receive far more vigorous indoctrination.
Ricki -- thanks. I never really understood how and why the Nazis rose in Weimar until now. It's horrible to see the same dynamics repeating. There must be something within modernity that leads to abdication of power.
Vol --
You still haven't answered my question which is:
IF violence deters Government action, i.e. burning cars, killing people with bombs, etc. then the violence will work as a lever for ANY group. ANY group at all. Terrorism will not be confined to Muslims any more than the general pillaging of the Roman Empire was confined to the Visigoths.
Neo-Nazis can buy small arms quite easily, from friends in Russia and elsewhere. Do you honestly think if threatened with violence, the government will order the Army, Navy, and Air Forces (since they don't exist anymore but largely paper organizations anyway) to fire upon the Neo Nazis? Particularly since quite a number of them could blow up parts of Berlin and Sweden? Blow up government ministers? Claim large numbers of police and the military are with them (which might or might not be true, but hard to check and better not to force the issue).
If Muslims can intimidate the Swedish Government through violence so too can neo-Nazis. What, will a Swedish Government bomb it's own capital? The Germans their own? Particularly if they gave orders they weren't sure would be obeyed? Certainly the lesson of blowing things and people up to force a surrender on policy has not been lost on the neo-nazis. Power not exercised ceases to exist.
The deeply feminized, pacifist, "soft power" elites in Weimar and now could not use force against anyone. Even when it came down to it, the Nazis. What makes you think that Europe's elite is willing to see great parts of their capital cities blown apart, to kill and die, to stop neo-nazis? Do you honestly think a woman like Segolene Royal if threatened with neo-nazi violence would do anything but surrender? That is Europe writ large. A force of no more than 20,000 men properly armed and led could conquer Sweden in a week. You don't honestly think anyone there has the will or ability to fight and kill do you? They'd sit quietly like Cho Seung Hui's victims at VT (this problem is not confined to Europe either).
WRT England, we've already seen riots in Winchester between English and Muslims over who will rule there. Many Britons have no where else to go, particularly those on the low end of the economic scale who know in the Muslim order they will be slaves, and those with property which will be seized by the Ummah that they cannot sell. Gordon Brown and his successors can give orders as they wish, but so what? Gun bans mean that guns can be found easily and cheaply from organized crime. You will not see unarmed people against a solid police, but a desperate mob that someone will use as their own Freikorps. To become ... Cromwell? Lord Protector?
Working class Britons have nowhere else to go, see foreign threats, their country disappearing, and don't have much to lose either, while much to gain if they overturn the elites. The British National Ballet Ballerina (a respectable woman in her mid thirties, living with a man of Asian-Cuban descent with whom she had a son) is instructive. She joined the BNP over immigration issues. A "journalist-leftist" got a hold of the BNP membership list and published it. The Left and the journalists tried to get her fired. That failed.
whiskey 199:
"IF violence deters Government action, i.e. burning cars, killing people with bombs, etc. then the violence will work as a lever for ANY group. ANY group at all"
But I think it's your premise is mistaken - it's not that western govts are incapable of taking action against those who use violence; they are incapable of taking action against groups designated as 'victim groups' under the prevailing cultural-Marxist dialectic - eg Muslims. Taking action against victim groups is prohibited, but action against Nazis is mandated. There's no equivalence.
"There must be something within modernity that leads to abdication of power."
whiskey 199 -
depending on one's tolerance for toxic thought,i came across this
excerpted eBook today that might address your question(s):
Paranoia And Modernity: Cervantes to Rousseau - Google Book Search
re: abdication of power(ie "agency")
read the opeing bits of
Part 1 -
"The Paranoid Temptation"
- "Agent and Other"
it has to do with deep seated ideas about personal responsibility for one's voluntary actions,,
morals,when and how to ACT,etc.
when you hear younger people fishing around the idea that "free- will is illusion"(a co-relate of "all is permitted"),and dredging up determinist and behaviourist thought that should have died off by now,you know something's not quite right.
the fact that topic threads like this one cause posters to anxiously comment about dubious status of THE RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE,is truly frightening...
it is the harbinger of totalitarian gov't policies as you have noted in your recent comments.
as i said ,i just found the book online today,and cannot vouch for it's author or contents,but it certainly fits the topics your posts have been addressing in this regard.
best regards-
now that explains everything...
funny ass website makes no sense
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