The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.

I have heard some people say that Western popular culture will destroy Islam. That is possible, but we need to remember that this is not a one-way street. What if the opposite happens? Sometimes the barbarians also influence the civilized people, and there is a disturbing amount of “understanding” for terrorists in Western movies and media these days. Creeps come crawling out of the woodwork, more or less cheering for the terrorists who are trying to bring society down. There are probably always people who are drawn to blood and mayhem. They would like to destroy the current political order, but aren’t capable of doing it themselves, so they end up as cheerleaders for those who are attempting to do so. Let’s call them “terrorist groupies.” I’m not just talking about the Oscar-nominated suicide bomber film Paradise Now. There are others examples of this mentality.
“V for Vendetta” is a recent movie made by the Wachowski brothers, the men behind the modern sci-fi classic “The Matrix.” It is set in Britain about a generation from now. The USA has dissolved into chaos and civil war after its involvement in a prolonged war in the Middle East. Great Britain has become a Fascist state. The protagonist, a “freedom fighter” named V, wants to ignite a revolution and brags about how blowing up a building can change the whole world. He is wearing a Guy Fawkes mask to conceal his identity, and proclaims that he wants to finish at November 5th what Fawkes tried to do in the so-called Gunpowder Plot in 1605: Blowing up Parliament. He gets an accomplice in this task, a young girl named Evey, played by Israeli-born actress Natalie Portman. Portman cites a popular British rhyme that is often quoted on Guy Fawkes Night:
”Remember, remember, the 5th of November The Gunpowder Treason and plot; I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot.”
During the movie, we see a gay man keeping a 14th century Koran in a secret room in his house, because he enjoys “the beautiful poetry and imagery” in it. He is later executed when the authorities discover this, as the Koran is now banned and Muslims are oppressed. What beautiful imagery we are never told. “And slay them wherever ye catch them”? “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them”? At the same time, the Church is shown to be a place of filth, corruption and hypocrisy. Islam is good and “misunderstood,” Christianity is bad and oppressive. In the final scene of “V for Vendetta,” the British Parliament is blown up, with hundreds of thousands of people in Guy Fawkes masks watching and Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture” blasting from loudspeakers, fireworks crackling and Natalie Portman smiling.
In Hollywoodistan, gays admire the beauty of the Koran. In real life, gays are physically attacked in increasing numbers by Muslims in Europe, and death squads are targeting gays in Islamic countries such as Iraq. A gay man, Pim Fortuyn, was de facto executed for criticizing Islam, after having been demonized by Dutch media and the Dutch establishment for “Islamophobia” and “hate speech”. In Hollywoodistan, the Koran has been banned on pain of death in Britain. In real life, British PM Tony Blair has called Islam “progressive” and praised the Koran for being “practical and way ahead of its time in attitudes to marriage, women and governance.” In Hollywoodistan, Muslims in London are ruthlessly persecuted. In real life, London has become the Islamic terrorist capital of the entire world, as demonstrated by writer Melanie Phillips in her book “Londonistan.” In Hollywoodistan, native Fascists kill British civilians to spread fear and terror and soften them for their goal of overthrowing democracy. In real life, the only Fascists trying to do this are Muslims, following the example of their prophet Muhammad who bragged about how he had been “made victorious by terror.”
After the Jihadist terror bombings in London in July 2005, not a single Muslim cleric has been expelled from Britain. Historian David Starkey warned that Britain was in danger of sleepwalking into a new era of religious intolerance, as in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. What today might be described as thought crimes, such as expressing any sympathy for suicide bombers, would in previous eras have been termed heresy, he said. The right response to the bombings was that Britain should become more tolerant towards Islam. A Chester professor, Ron Geaves, has stated that the attacks that killed 52 people were not the acts of terrorists but “just an extreme Muslim demonstration” and that “the word terrorism is a political word which always seems to be used to demonise people.” Muslim immigration continues unabated, and open hatred towards the West continues to be preached in mosques. The BBC is busy as always in campaigning against “Islamophobia” and reminding everybody that Islam is rich in diversity and that Western civilization would have been impossible without huge Islamic contributions, which we should be eternally grateful for.
For an outsider, it is sad to see the nation that once faced down Hitler and Napoleon slowly succumb to these barbarians. It is good that smaller nations such as Denmark and maybe the Netherlands are at least starting to confront the Islamic threat, but this isn’t enough. For the sake of Europe, we need some of the larger countries to do the same thing. France is sinking into a quagmire of problems of her own, and has been leading the creation of Eurabia in the first place. Maybe the Germans could do the job, but they are still restrained by their guilt complex from WW2. We need the British on board, and so far, there are few signs of this happening. Will Britannia forever be enslaved, or will she rise to the occasion as she has done in the past?
Luckily, even though Hollywood won’t tell the truth, there are still a few people who will. Mullah Krekar, an Al Qaeda-linked Islamic leader who was granted refugee status in Norway told an Oslo newspaper that there’s a war going on between the West and Islam. He said he’s sure that Islam will win. Muslims could indeed win this, if they could just sit tight, remain quiet and continue the demographic Jihad. But too many of them behave so, well, Islamic, boast and brag about their plans. Listening to Mullah Krekar talking is like watching one of those old James Bond movies, where the villain just has to tell Bond everything about his evil plans, just in time so that 007 can prevent it. “I’m so smart and evil, you can’t stop me, bwuahahaha!” Then again, given the state of things in Al-Britannia these days, James Bond would probably have been working for the other team. “There’s a nasty case of Islamophobia going on at the Telegraph newspaper today. Take care of it, will you, 007. How do you want your Koran, Mr. Bond?” “Shaken, not stirred.”
In another movie, “Good Night, and Good Luck,” directed by star actor George Clooney, CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow is shown standing up against Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy during his intense anti-Communist movement in the 1950s. I assume Clooney’s motivation for making this movie now is insinuating that the ongoing War on Terror is “just like” the paranoia of the 50s. First of all: Although there is no doubt that Senator McCarthy went too far and destroyed the lives of many innocent people, the Communist threat to the USA and the West was in fact very real during the Cold War. And second of all: Whoever decided that a new “political witch hunt” necessarily has to come from the Right?
“McCarthyism” is sometimes defined as “the use of unfair investigatory or accusatory methods in order to suppress opposition.” Some would claim that this describes very well how critics of Muslim immigration in the West have been demonized during the previous generation, especially by Leftists. Carl I. Hagen, leader of the right-wing Progress Party, was for several decades virtually the only Norwegian politician of some stature that warned against the madness of the current immigration policies. And he was hated for it by the establishment, denounced as a racist pig, Nazi and subject to every insult in the dictionary. During the 1990s, when there were still many people who took the “Oslo Peace Process” seriously, he went in demonstrations in support of Israel and with the slogan “No money for Arafat.” The public now understands that he was right, which is why his party has grown from being a tiny protest party to being at the brink of replacing the Labor Party as the largest political party in Norway, for the first time in 80 years. Why doesn’t Mr. Clooney or other Hollywood personalities make a movie about Carl I. Hagen, Pia Kjærsgaard of the Danish People’s Party, Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands or others that have been warning against the madness of Muslim immigration? They are the real victims of the “new McCarthyism.”
Glorification of anti-democratic fanatics has penetrated Western popular culture in other ways than movies. Che Guevara’s face is cropping up everywhere, from posters to t-shirts. Che is famous for helping Fidel Castro shape the Cuban revolution. Later, he was in charge of La Cabana prison, where he oversaw a military tribunal which condemned scores of counterrevolutionaries to death without trial. “Hatred,” he said, is important. It makes you, he reflected, “into an effective, violent, selective and cold-blooded killing machine.” He helped set up a police state in Cuba, and negotiated the stationing of Soviet nuclear weapons on Cuba in 1962. He later became furious when Moscow removed them following the Cuba Crisis. “If the rockets had remained, we would have used them all...” He spoke of “unimaginable destructiveness to defend a principle.” Yet this murderer and symbol of an ideology that killed 100 million people during the 20th century is treated as a pop icon in the democratic West.
Michel Foucault is one of the best known and most widely read philosophers of our time, familiar to hundreds of thousands of Western University students. During and after the 1978-79 revolution, Foucault visited Iran twice and also met with Khomeini in Paris. Much of Foucault’s work is grounded in the problems of modernity in Europe. Thus he became fascinated with the Iranian revolution because it “challenged the Western model of progress.” He wasn’t the only Western intellectual who was seduced by the “revolutionary energy” displayed in Iran. The age of marriage for girls was reduced to 9 years, tens of thousands of political opponents were arrested, tortured and killed, young women were raped in prisons as a matter of routine to prevent them from entering Paradise as virgins, and barbaric, medieval laws were re-enacted for tens of millions of people. Apparently, for some Western intellectuals, anything is excusable as long as you are anti-Western and have a “revolutionary cause.”
Phyllis Chesler writes about the Culture War in academia, where both Western leftists and Islamists employ a systematic misuse of language, writing about “insurgents,” not “terrorists,” whom they describe as “martyrs,” not “killers, and as “freedom fighters,” not as “well educated evil men.” Meanwhile, hateful anti-American and anti-Israel demonstrators are described as “peace activists. She believes that Western academy has been “utterly Palestinianized.” Our Islamist opponents have turned out this propaganda non-stop around the world. As propagandists, they are “far more sophisticated than Goebbels, and far more patient.”
Yale University in the US admitted a former Taliban spokesman, Rahmatullah Hashemi, as student. He was the chief translator for Mullah Omar in Afghanistan. Female Afghan parliamentarian Malalai Joya said Hashemi was one of the Taliban’s top propagandists and called his status as a student at Yale “disgusting” and an “unforgivable insult.” Yet people at Yale fired back and said it was the critics of Yale and Rahmatullah Hashemi who were the real Taliban, and that excluding him would “ takes us one step closer into the Taliban-like suppression of views that challenge the party line.”
Robert Fisk is a veteran British foreign correspondent. During a visit to Australia, Fisk said: “I see this immense world of injustice . . . and I must say given our constant interference in the Middle East, I’m amazed that Muslims have been so restrained.” In fact, so “restrained” are they that Fisk wasn’t sure how much they can be blamed even for the terror attacks of 9/11. He often spoke in the US, he said, and “more and more people in the audience believe the American administration had some kind of involvement”. “ …the worst I can envisage is that they know something was coming and they preferred it to happen so that their strategy could be put into place.”
Ironically, it seems as if some of the chief defenders of democracy and Western civilization now are immigrants. Britain’s first black Archbishop made a powerful attack on multiculturalism, urging English people to reclaim their national identity. The Ugandan-born Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, said “that too many people were embarrassed about being English.” “Multiculturalism has seemed to imply, wrongly for me, let other cultures be allowed to express themselves but do not let the majority culture at all tell us its glories, its struggles, its joys, its pains,” he said. He said that the failure of England to rediscover its culture afresh would lead only to greater political extremism. “What is it to be English? It is a very serious question,” he said. “When you ask a lot of people in this country, ‘What is English culture?’, they are very vague. It is a culture that whether we like it or not has given us parliamentary democracy. It is the mother of it.”
Writing about the Muhammad cartoons controversy, author Ibn Warraq quoted the great British philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote in On Liberty, “Strange it is, that men should admit the validity of the arguments for free discussion, but object to their being ‘pushed to an extreme’; not seeing that unless the reasons are good for an extreme case, they are not good for any case.”
“The west is the source of the liberating ideas of individual liberty, political democracy, the rule of law, human rights and cultural freedom. It is the west that has raised the status of women, fought against slavery, defended freedom of enquiry, expression and conscience,” Ibn Warraq stated. “How can we expect immigrants to integrate into western society when they are at the same time being taught that the west is decadent, a den of iniquity, the source of all evil, racist, imperialist and to be despised? Why should they, in the words of the African-American writer James Baldwin, want to integrate into a sinking ship?”
These are encouraging words, but they cannot conceal the fact that there is a very powerful undercurrent of self-loathing and guilt-obsession in the West at the beginning of the 21st century. Where does it come from?
Lars Hedegaard, writer and columnist for newspaper Berlingske Tidende, has, together with colleagues Helle Merete Brix and Torben Hansen, been one of the leading forces behind making tiny Denmark into a frontline country in the battle against Islam. In his book “While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within,” Bruce Bawer gives an account of a meeting with Hedegaard and Brix in Copenhagen:
“Hedegaard was of the view, however, that the Danish establishment’s benign neglect of Islamic extremism must have deeper causes than snobbism or hippie nostalgia. After all, he said, the Islamicization of the Nordic countries was “the most fundamental transformation” they’d experienced in a millennium. Something so monumental, in his opinion, could not be explained simply by a few people’s foolishness or class snobbery. “Heavy consequences,” he insisted, “must have heavy causes.” The surrender of Denmark to Muslims had to be the result of some deep-seated compulsion. (…..) His theory was that Western Europe’s ongoing surrender to radical Islam had its roots in the psychic devastation of the First World War. For while that conflict marked America’s ascent to the rank of Great Power, Europeans took it as a devastating proof, Hedegaard said, “the our culture was worthless. It was basically destroyed. And that prepared the way for two sorts of totalitarianism” — Nazism and Communism — and for “atrocities of a magnitude that is hard to imagine.” Those atrocities, in turn, placed upon Europeans an unbearable burden of guilt. The Nazis, he said, “made Europe think it is doomed and sinful...and deserves what it has coming.”
Lars Hedegaard’s view seems to mirror that of French philosopher and cultural critic Alain Finkielkraut, who thinks that “Europe does not love itself.” Finkielkraut says that it’s not forces from outside that are threatening Europe as much as the voluntary renunciation of European identity, its wish of freeing itself from itself, its own history and its traditions, only replaced by human rights. The European Union thus isn’t just post-national, but post-European. What characterizes Europe today is the will to define itself, not from an ideology, but by dismissing any sense of identity. Europe is now built upon an oath: Never again. Never again extermination, never again war, but also never again nationalism. Europe prides itself in being nothing. According to Finkielkraut, Auschwitz has become part of the foundation of the EU, a culture based on guilt. But this is a vague ideology saying that “We have to oppose everything the Nazis were for.” Consequently, nationalism or any kind of attachment to your own country, including what some would say is healthy, non-aggressive patriotism, is frowned upon. To remember is to regret. Europe rejects its past. “European identity” is the de-identification of Europe. Of the past, we are only to remember crimes. This didn’t just happen in Germany, but in all of Europe. “I can understand the feeling of remorse that is leading Europe to this definition, but this remorse goes too far. It is too great a gift to present Hitler to reject everything that led to him.” This is said by the Jewish son of an Auschwitz prisoner.
Finkielkraut says that Europe has made human rights its gospel, to such an extent that it threatens European history and culture. This creates a Europe without substance. “When hatred of culture becomes itself a part of culture, the life of the mind loses all meaning.” Finkielkraut reminds us that the multiculturalists’ demand for “diversity” requires the eclipse of the individual in favor of the group. The abdication of reason demanded by multiculturalism has been the result of the subjection of culture to anthropology. “Under the equalizing eye of social science,” he writes, hierarchies are abolished. The disintegration of faith in reason and common humanity leads not only to a destruction of standards, but also involves a crisis of courage. “A careless indifference to grand causes,” Finkielkraut warns, “has its counterpart in abdication in the face of force,” and weakens the commitment required to preserve freedom.
What, in fact, is replacing assimilation? Anyone who doesn’t want to assimilate, French culture assimilates into his identity. Children aren’t speaking French, but rather a jargon composed of Arabic words and meager French. “There is always a culture that emerges victorious. In no society is there a vacuum.” Another thinker, Pascal Bruckner, agrees that Europe has made repentance for old sins, perceived or real, the central point of its identity, and something close to an obsession. And this is unhealthy, according to him. “If somebody hits you, you will think: This is for something I have done.” “Never again” and the belief that dialogue will take care of all problems are the guiding principles. We are filled with regret, but cannot fill Europe with anything positive.
This idea that Auschwitz has defined the modern identity of Europe is reflected by Spanish journalist Sebastian Villar Rodriguez in his piece “Europe died in Auschwitz:”
I was walking along Raval (Barcelona) when all of a sudden I understood that Europe died with Auschwitz.
We assassinated 6 million Jews in order to end up bringing in 20 million Muslims!
We burnt in Auschwitz the culture, intelligence and power to create.(...) Because it is the people who gave to humanity the symbolic figures who were capable of changing history (Christ, Marx, Einstein, Freud...) and who is the origin of progress and wellbeing.
We must admit that Europe, by relaxing its borders (…) opened its doors to 20 million Muslims, often illiterates and fanatics(…), the poorest of the nations and of the ghettos, and who are preparing the worst, such as the 9/11 and the Madrid bombing and who are lodged in apartment blocs provided by the social welfare.
We also have exchanged culture with fanaticism, the capacity to create with the will to destroy, the wisdom with the superstition. We have exchanged the transcendental instinct of the Jews, who even under the worst possible conditions have always looked for a better peaceful world, for the suicide bomber. We have exchanged the pride of life for the fanatic obsession of death. Our death and that of our children.
But why does this guilt complex also apply to Britain, which defeated the Nazis, or Denmark, which saved most of its Jews? Why do we detect some of the same currents even in the United States? And why on earth can’t Europeans give stronger support to the survivors of the Holocaust in Israel?
Yes, we have been sold out by our elites through the creation of Eurabia and the wiping out of our own cultures through Multiculturalism. But this is only half of the story. In democratic societies, even if sometimes flawed ones, this would never have been possible if there wasn’t a profound undercurrent of self-loathing present in the general public already. The trauma caused by the events of 70 years ago is clouding our judgment this time, since any talk at all about the threat posed by Muslim immigration or about preserving our own culture is being dismissed as “the same rhetoric as the Nazis used against the Jews.” Europeans have been taught to be so scared of our own shadow that we are incapable of seeing that darkness can come from the outside, too. Maybe Europe will burn again, in part as a belated reaction to the horrors of Auschwitz.
V.S. Naipaul has called India “a wounded civilization.” But maybe it’s really Europe that is the wounded civilization, the difference being that India’s wounds were inflicted from the outside, whereas Europe’s wounds are largely self-inflicted. Islam isn’t destroying Europe, Europe is destroying itself. Just as a patient with AIDS may formally die from flu or even a common cold, the real cause is the long, slow decay of his immune system. It resembles euthanasia on an entire civilization: Europe is tired of living. Islam just puts it out of its misery.
It is almost fascinating to see how self-loathing and West-bashing make scores of people in the media and the academia misunderstand and misrepresent the threat we are facing. The good guys become the bad guys and vice versa, or alternatively, we’re all equally good and bad, since all cultures are equal. Some would say that I am reading too much into a few simple movies. Perhaps. But these are the same people that claim that popular culture will destroy Islam.
Pop culture matters. It both reflects and shapes the values of a civilization. Judging from the message in too many films, almost five years after 9/11 we have hardly even begun to understand the scale of the Islamic challenge. On the contrary, many Westerners are busy demonstrating “understanding,” even sympathy, towards the enemies of civilization.
Britain in “V for Vendetta” is a totalitarian state where the authorities promise peace in return for total submission. Peace for submission, where have we heard this mantra before? I know: Islam. “Islam” means submission, and comes from the same root as “salaam,” which means “peace”. It is curious to notice that in the previous movie by the Wachowski brothers, “The Matrix,” people are turned into slaves and passive tools by living in a make-belief reality designed to pacify them and keep them in chains. In the real world, one fifth of humanity are proud to proclaim themselves “the slaves of Allah,” and consider it their mission in life to make the rest of mankind share their mental bondage.
Islam is the Matrix. Somebody better give the Wachowski brothers their red pills.
Killer, Baron!
I'll be linking to this, if you don't mind...
FF -- Link away!
But please be sure to credit Fjordman, the actual author.
"Islam is the Matrix."
Yes, yes, and a thousand times YES!
*knock* *knock*
Wake up, West
Bingo! The ship takes itself apart one bolt and rivet at a time. But then I went to a high school talent show last night where three soloists sang about their lord and saviour.
Next we get the them-vs-us from the Christianos, who allegedly have their weapons oiled and ready.
The concept that "It's not terrorism; it's a jihad, stupid" will be slow in coming, by which time the balance will be pretty even and the effort needed to push Islam back into it's neolithic place will be doubled.
Efficiency isn't an evolutionary counter-pressure. Something that every coppertop would know, if every coppertop could unplug themselves from the glass teat.
And then who'd make the movies?
Great post. But you asked why so much self-loathing in the west? It's their moral code of sacrifice. If one believes suffering is virtuous, one will look at an American and see someone who is not suffering and therefore cannot be virtuous. If one is American then one will feel a guilt.
Axis of Islam........I have a goddamn stomachache. Listening as I write to the leftarded MSM and the demonization of Bush.
WTF is it gonna take to smack the the American people upside the head? 9/11 wasn't enough.Moussaoui laughed as Giuliani wept on the stand Thursday.
atlas shrugged -- go see Shrinkwrapped on the topic of getting the Jews out of Europe while there's time.
Shame, Agression and Demographic Suicide
Anti-nazism as a disease - it not only goes against nationalism, but any expression of the the will (to power), or of the military as a positive image, or of any positive from an authority figure.
In any case, the that the people in general have very little actual understanding of the history of nazism, fascism or WWII at all. The understanding of that time ad what actually happened, and why, is limited to the Spielberg/history channel version.
I mean like : how many people kwno who Anne Frank was? OK, but how many know who Hans Frank was? And who of the two is historically important? (HINT : its not Anne)
Not to worry about nonsense like V for Vendetta turning our lot into good terrorist groupies. Speaking for my own shamefully wasted youth (a, to be a teenager again, and to do it right!) I was a metal fan, and thus cheered on the worst of humanity.
V for Vendetta is a despicable film. But when this war intensifies, people will conveniently forget that they liked it. Human nature.
Fjordman writes in the Gates of Vienna :"I’m a Terrorist Groupie, Hear Me Roar! ".
The astute blogger Fjordman shows us ''just how far the Islamist rabbit hole goes''.KGS
My Title
The AIDS analogy is absolutely perfect. I want to see more leaders step forward and a rally among the people of Europe, but I too see the desperate decay there that leaves so many EU citizens so frustrated. Trapped, as well, between their countries' laws and decay on one side and the encroachment of Islamic immigration on the other. I wish that one of the great campaigns of our ancestors would reawaken and take hold, driving this menace off and giving the Continent some new purpose. When I see rallying points appear and then fall, I am grieved enormously. Hence my name here.
Thanks for writing this one, Fjordman! Good to see your work.
Dan--Atlas has already been Babe of the Week, but I'm sure she could be again. She's got my vote.
War is inevitable. Islam must be Islam and as such will continue its attacks on the West. It will not be subdued peacefully. It never has been and never will be. Liberal pluralistic democracy is incapable of defending itself against Islam. The rot and nihilism of multiculturalism has already set in.
Slobodan Milošević will be posthumously vindicated as his "atrocities" will be seen as small potatoes against the measures that will be forced upon those fighting to survive in Europe.
Islam is a civilizational perfect storm. Islam is not a religion but a fascist supremacist ideology that must be eradicated. Short of that, the only possible solution is absolute containment and separation. That will entail the forcable removal of all Muslims from Europe and the United States. As utterly impossible as this may see it will come to pass.
Charles, I won't even bother to link, I mess it up so badly! But Pim Fortuyn wrote an intersting article on both Milosevic and the need for a "Cold War On Islam". This article was translated in part in Bawer's excellent book, While Europe Slept, and I have the full translation on my site What Would Charles Martel Do? in the March Archives now. It is an excellent example of his work, I think, and fabulously translated by fellow blogger Herr Winn of the blogger site Klein Verzet. As I said, I am horrid with links, so I apologize if you must now follow a trail. But if you are interested, I recommend this piece in full and not just the excerpt that Bawer gives, though that is wonderful. In fact, I believe that Bawer's book is the first in English that really discusses Fortuyn at all.
pim's ghost,
Thanks. I did follow the trail you described and found the article you alluded to. Here is the text of that article from your own web site. Thanks.
The Cold War With Islam
Pim Fortuyn
If it’s up to the Kok II cabinet (Labour, Liberal and Social-liberal cabinet of 1998 – 2002, HW) the Netherlands is once again going to be the Crazy Harry of the world. Our boys and girls of the army are going to be sent on a mission to Macedonia to disarm Albanian rebels there. A preposterous mission. Those rebels won’t let themselves be disarmed, just like the Albanian UCK-rebels wouldn’t and calmly continued the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and territory in the south of Serbia. All this under the watchful eyes of NATO. The underlying thinking of the rebels is as simple as it is clear. As soon as the south of Serbia and Macedonia are conquered and Kosovo and Bosnia are cleansed of hated (orthodox) christians, the ideal of a Grand Islamic Albania can be made reality, thanks to a naive NATO, US and EU! Then Europe will have a large islamic state on its borders, ready overrun the EU.
Without our heartfelt cooperation these warlike and ruthless rebels would not have come this far, but our brainless cooperation put them far along the road. Who is going to blame them if they don’t give up on their ambitions and calmly continue their armed struggle against innocent civilians when they are in view of the great prize? Those who don’t obey, must experience [the cane], after all. For the grand goal an innocent mortal victim more or less does of course not really count. Neither does the destruction of house or economy, rape of women or torture of those for whatever reason kept alive. The peacekeeping force and the non-governmental organisations stand by, looking on, but can’t do anything to help.
Ex-president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, is jailed in Scheveningen (UN Yugoslavia Tribunal –HW) and may appear before the tribunal of the victors later. The leaders of NATO, Jacques Chirac, Gerard Schröder, Wim Kok and (then) Bill Clinton will not be asked to defend their actions: Bombing of Serb targets without any formal declaration of war of international treaty, civilian targets knowingly and willingly among them. Victor’s justice is applied to Milosevic, a concept having nothing to do with impartial justice, rendering international justice one ambition too high. For real international justice we live in too evil a world. One in which too often, also and more often then not on the part of the US, might makes right. That is jungle justice, not civilized justice.
The trial against Milosevic will be sour times for us and will go into history as a day of shame. The villain Milosovic – because he is that – will eventually come out on top. He should have been made to stand trial in Serbia, where he committed his crimes. That nation allowed him his actions and that nation will have to come clean with itself. An impartial trial in Belgrade could have done that, with the Yugoslavia tribunal garnering the facts. Serbia could thus have made a huge step forwards.
In the mean time the free and civilized West is extraordinarily naïve. We should get over our self-imposed shyness and articulate – and more to the point act upon – the fact that the greatest threat to world peace is Islam, bearing in mind that the difference between liberal and fundamentalist Islam is only relative. In Indonesia, for instance, complete disintegration looms large, with daily murders accompanying, as a result of the claims made by an islam that doesn’t tolerate contradiction, let alone room for those of different opinions. Of course the vanguard is made up of murdering and plundering fundamentalist youth. The reward is honor for the family and direct access to a heaven with and abundance of virgins. What else could you wish for!
There is nowadays hardly a conflict in the world, whether it be a civil war or a war between two or more countries, where Islam does not play a large role. The Middle-East, Indonesia, the Balkan, India-Pakistan, Chenchnya, Turkey, numerous African countries. During the Cold War the West knew exactly who threatened our value system: communism from the Soviet-Union, Eastern Europe, China, North-Korea, North-Vietnam, Cuba, etcetera. In hindsight history proved us right. Communisms role is all but played out, but taken over by Islam.
In the free West we have rarely gone so far as to outright forbid communist parties and organisations. A sign of strength! But we kept a close eye on them anyway and in hindsight rightly so. We should be doing the same thing to Islamic organisations and [mosque communities] in our countries. We as a small nation have no business in Macedonia, except maybe to stroke the egos of Wim Kok (PvdA), Ad Melkert (PvdA), Hans Dijkstal (VVD) and the innocent little sheep, VVD-minister of Defense Frank de Grave.
-- Mullah Krekar, an Al Qaeda-linked Islamic leader who was granted refugee status in Norway told an Oslo newspaper that there’s a war going on between the West and Islam. He said he’s sure that Islam will win. --
Present trends continuing, he's right. Nor is it entirely a matter of demographics, though that is a principal weapon in the Muslims' arsenal.
The central fact of this clash is that over the long haul, optimism and determination will defeat any combination of lesser forces. Muslims are more dedicated to the imperatives of their creed than Europeans are to the preservation of their cultures. They've "got God on their side," which is a tremendous motivator. To the extent that it realizes its danger, post-Christian Europe lacks the strength of conviction to defend itself. The dominant mindset among Europeans today is essentially a hope for terms of surrender that aren't too painful to bear.
What frightens this all-American Curmudgeon is the rising tide of voices clamoring for special privileges for Muslims on this continent. For the moment, the clamor is almost entirely within Canada, but never think it can't migrate here. Ponder the Islamic concentrations around Detroit and in northern New Jersey, and ask yourself whether it might not have happened already, de facto.
Keep your powder dry. We're going to need it.
pim's ghost,
No wonder that Pim Fortuyn was killed. The world cannot tolerate the unvarnished truth particularly when that truth runs afoul of the sacred cows of the left. I do not know enough of Slobodan Milošević's actions and their context to comfortably draw conclusions. I do know that in a 911 world I would have reflexively denounced him. But today, with the West on the precipice of cultural and religious annihilation by the Islamic savages I can now begin to understand the necessity for heretofore unimaginable measures.
As Islam pushes us further and further along the road towards war more and more in the west will embrace anti-democratic, anti-pluralistic, and nationalistic ideas unheard of in most of our lifetimes.
Charles Martel wrote:
War is inevitable. Islam must be Islam and as such will continue its attacks on the West. It will not be subdued peacefully. It never has been and never will be. Liberal pluralistic democracy is incapable of defending itself against Islam. The rot and nihilism of multiculturalism has already set in.
Slobodan Milošević will be posthumously vindicated as his "atrocities" will be seen as small potatoes against the measures that will be forced upon those fighting to survive in Europe.
Islam is a civilizational perfect storm. Islam is not a religion but a fascist supremacist ideology that must be eradicated. Short of that, the only possible solution is absolute containment and separation. That will entail the forcable removal of all Muslims from Europe and the United States. As utterly impossible as this may see it will come to pass.
You are correct. As long as the false prophet and his god from hell's "revelations" are considered divine, the faithful will have to fight.
Fjordman's synthesis of the big picture in Europe is stunningly insightful; I would add two thoughts:
First, Europe's self-loathing and rejection of its past is a symptom of a greater disease: the rejection of the "faith once for all delivered to the saints."
It was Christianity that provided the foundation for the glories of the West cited in the article. Not the least of these are the codifying into Law of the Equality and Dignity of Man and making possible the wonders of modern Science by means of free intellectual inquiry into a well-ordered Creation.
Second, as Europe's treatment of Israel was noted I was reminded of the promise of (the true) God: "I will bless those who bless you [Israel], and I will curse those who curse you."
How can one who has known the blessings of Christ expect good from rejecting Him? In the face of "the Scourge of God" (we know it today as "Islam") five centuries ago, Martin Luther noted that a proper response to the evil upon us is repentance and a return to faith.
Will Europe reclaim what made it great? as it continues to believe in nothing, Europe leaves itself defenseless against Islam. Some will convert to the faith of the oppressor out of persuasion, others out of fear. It is up to those who believe, as it always has been, to fight back.
On a side note, your and Pim Fortuyn's references here to NATO's treatment of Yugoslavia are timely, since I recently made a brief post at my site entitled, "Bill Clinton, the first Muslim president."
Great post. I just want to take issue with your assertion that:
"...there is no doubt that Senator McCarthy went too far and destroyed the lives of many innocent people..."
Actually, the evidence is that he didn't harm ANY innocent people. Coulter's book has proved to be bulletproof on this.
The question is whether people who had dabbled in in the Communist party should have had to suffer social consequences if they refused to "name names." I think they should have had to suffer prison. This was a criminal conspiracy that penetrated every level of the United States government. It was of utmost importance that it be uncovered (as it only partially was). And there is not right not to incriminate others.
We acted like panseys in the McCarthy era, backing off from taking the obviously necessary steps to root out Communist comspirators, because Democrats cried "have you no shame?" There was no more merit to these objections than to that idiot who called on President Bush to be ashamed the other day.
Those who didn't name names should have stayed in jail until they did name names, even if it was for the rest of their idiotic lives. Do people forget what the Communists were? It would be as if people who had met with terrorists were refusing to name them. That is NOT A RIGHT under our Constitution. Anyone who acts that way should rot in jail forever.
"Liberal pluralistic democracy is incapable of defending itself against Islam. The rot and nihilism of multiculturalism has already set in."
Absolutely. There will be no concerted defence against radical islam by the West. The academy and the media have made it impossible.
This war is already lost because whole generations here at home not only will not fight, they're accomplices in the murder of Western civilisation.
How could it be otherwise, after decades of brainwashing by the Left?
The dream of the West finally rising to crush islamofascism is just that--a dream.
This is an excellent discussion, and one all too rare on our sites these days! Of course, the article which has brought the discussion into being is an excellent catalyst. I'm just happy that this is going on, and that Fjordman touched on so many relevant topics such as the current "guilt complex" syndromes plagueing the West, the trouble with Hollywood, the heroes who have emerged to try and fight, and all following his excellent piece og FaithFreedom.org. I have enjoyed all of this reading.
Dan, I do understand what you are saying, and I too love Hanson and treasure his writings. This is a good rallying point, the fact Hanson has frequently made that the "Western Way of War" when aroused can be completely lethal. But we cannot fail now to be vigilant, lest all be lost by the time there is a rally of sorts. As for prophecies, there is also the Prophesy of St. Malachy which names every Pope to exist after his time, and the last one is to be the one following the current Pope. As for me, I would rather focus on Pope Benedict's strong stands that he continues to take. He is a great leader, and we need to be listening to him, whether we are Catholic or not. He keeps rather handing the Muslims their hat every time they start trouble in Europe. I hang on his words, and hope that Malachy's "Petrus Romanus" does not come too soon, or anyone else. Ratzinger is a genius.
Regarding the Pim translation, just don't give me the credit for it. That translation was written by our fellow blogger Herr Winn of kleinverzet.blogspot.com whose English language blog is an excellent source of news and analysis out of The Netherlands. He deserves great credit for all of his work, including the two Pim translations he has done for me.
Dan-the Atlas picture from the Babe of the Week is I believe the same as her profile pic, so you can still see it, if she has not changed it. :)
Thank you for posting this, Gate-Keepers!
I'm glad so many people liked the piece. I notice there are some Dutch readers here, too. I would be interested in some material in Dutch. From Pim Fortuyn's writings, of course, but I have heard of a book written by a former Muslim calling himself "Abou Rasul" or something similar. He wrote it in Dutch in the early 90s, and argued the Dutch were naive idiots who allowed Muslims to destroy their country. The book was banned as "racist." I believe that is the best case I have seen against "hate speech" laws. Is this book available online, in English?
IMHO, you should continue to post your contributions that you make at other sites on your own blog. Sort of a clearing house for your thoughts. I for one do not wish to miss any of what you have to say.
Fjordman--that is quite an interesting question. I myself have not heard of this book. Actually, I am not Dutch, just a devotee of Fortuyn, and dedicated to having his works translated into English. I can, however, refer your question to some of the Dutch fellow Bloggers around who are rather politically astute. It would not surprise me if the book was banned. These "incitement" laws are quite horrific, IMO. But I am American, so I don't have experience "on the ground" there in Europe.
Ah yes, were a civilized nation such as Britain, or America to become a fascist state as portrayed in the film, we should all just fall in line and live with it. Here, here!
Fahrenheit 451, 1984...these are just more examples of preposterous works of fiction. Who reads such rubbish?
I know of no English translation of the book by Mohammed Rasul. Mohammed Rasoel in Dutch spelling. "The downfall of the Netherlands - The land of gullible fools"
Rasul is a Pakistani. The book was prepared by him in bad English and translated in Dutch by René Kurpershoek. Perhaps Mr. Kurpershoek maybe of your assistance. I wrote my take on the story of Rasul here.
I had started this post pointing out Snoucks timely and fortuitous post about Mohammed Rasul, but I see he's already done so. Never mind!
It's nice to see the translations of Fortuyns columns getting the attention they deserve.
I would like to add though, that (as Fjordman also noted) I really believe Islam is a 'secondary infection' preying on the spinal sclerosis suffered by Europe at the moment. In that sense I believe 'Extreme Left' (http://whatwouldcharlesmarteldotm.blogspot.com/2006/03/pim-fortuyns-extreme-left.html)
is more pertinent.
Having said that: I am firmly convinced the current 'assertively Islamic' forces are going to overstep their bounds within now and very soon (Ahmedinejad, anyone?). And when that happens there'll be a massive slide in European public opinion (which is currently only held in check by a media that is more and more looked upon with ditrust). It is only so many times you can say Islam is a RoP, when evidently bombs are going off all over the planet in the name of that same religion.
The question now is: how large is that backlash going to be? It is already at a stage that is would get really ugly if it were unleashed tomorrow. Every month that goes by without our (meaning Euro) political classes facing cold, hard facts will only add to the fury. And I fear the fury *will* be blind, making a lot of unnecessary, undeserved victims.
I've been rereading 'The guns of August' lately. Whereas I could not imagine governments being so obstinate to deny the truth staring them in the face when I first read it only 15 years ago, I have no trouble seeing how it could've happened, taking the present day as an example.
PS Thank you, Pims, for the kind words.
I think that the backlash will be enormous eventually, but "eventually" seems to keep getting moved to a later and later date still. Of course, here in the U.S. we are rather diverted in our attentions to a different immigration debate altogether. I still assert though that the crux of the issue is the issue of national sovereignty, a concept that has become almost foreign in the West.
Herr Winn, you are very welcome of course, but my kind words are the least I can do in return for your tremendous and beautiful work on translating Pim's columns for me. Thank YOU, and I hope that you are well!
And thus not by any single event will Europe reach a breaking point, but by the constant and daily horrors occurring in their own countries.
Well, yes. But there'll always be a last drop, the last straw. And we are slowly reaching that point. It could very well be that last straw is some inane incident or even maybe a stupid accident. But that won't matter. It'll be the one that broke the camels back.
You can just feel it. Governments and media are still pretending multi-cultural society can work, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
The sad thing is: It *was* working. It still is working with those groups that aren't predominantly Islamic. It's the Islamic minorities in the Netherlands and Europe that are encroaching on the rest ever more aggressive.
Governments and media refuse to analyse it in terms of Islams relation to the Judeo-Christianity and Humanism. Yet in the street (as you rightly observe) they are and tension between groups is rising.
In the Netherlands even muslims are scared. In an interview I read the muslim communities in Amsterdam pretty much closed up shop for a couple of days after the van Gogh murder, because they were convinced there'd be trouble.
Unless we get leaders that are able to face facts and take positive steps to deconstruct multi-cultural society in such a way that muslims of good will still have a place in society, that tension is bound to come to an (ugly) head.
Not speaking about the problems, killing discussions before they even begin, certainly won't make it go away. Things are far too far along for that to be a remedy (if it ever were).
I still assert though that the crux of the issue is the issue of national sovereignty, a concept that has become almost foreign in the West.
YES! That is exactly what Fjordman means when he says Islam is a secondary infection. It might kill the patient, but it is not the cause.
The most telling symptom IMHO is the fact that for all the suits against jihadist around the western world, not one has looked into the idea to indict suspects on sedition and/or treason charges. Especially Islamic nationals indulging in jihad should be charged on the basis of (high-)treason legislation. But apparently that is all a bit too nationalistic at the moment.
The issue of national sovereignty has been the one thing that has been fundamental to me and has been a guiding principle throughout my struggles against the enemies of Western Civilization. The denial of this as a value and the abuse heaped upon the notion of sovereignty has been far and away the most detrimental problem we have faced, and which I was concerned with quite before 9/11. The continued ignorance of this central value of nations continues to do great damage in the immigration debates both in the US and in Europe. But then, I'd better not get started on this here. I'll end up writing all day. Though I have written quite a bit on this already, and mean to continue in this vein.
Astute and incisive as usual, Fjordman. Thanks!
The British writer/philosopher Colin Wilson dug into this "fallacy of insignificance" that threatens the West (self-loathing/cultural amnesia), many moons ago, in his slim volume "The Stature of Man", arguing that the consciously "heroic" figure is a human necessity in the face of all anti-individualistic, totalitarian impulses. (Still worth a read, because things have only gotten worse since his original analysis.)
The essence of the ongoing "artistic" failure to oppose intolerant, mind-locking Islamic Imperialism, especially in modern Europe, appears to be a deadly mixture of ahistorical laziness merged with an economically-comfortable cowardice, wavering in the face of a global despotic challenge to their existence, their meaning, their civilization and any free future.
What impels the film-makers, etc. to invert the current threat (as in "Vendetta", which, ironically, was the Muslim tyrant Mohammad's own raison d'etre) to the free world from the minions of the pedophile warlord, and why they would wish to sympathize with the tyrants (who play the 'victim card' more expertly than the Nazis played "the Poles invaded Germany, so we must attack them in retaliation" card in 1939) rather than ally with their victims (gays, women, and freethinking humanity in general), is only explainable by way of a failure of these self-satisifed people to have ever read the goddamned Koran.
They blindly assume it is something along the lines of the Beatitudes, the Songs of Solomon, the Psalms, Proverbs, and similar lovely religious writings, while, in reality, it is the playbook of a desert Attila, the strategic plan of a paranoid "prophet" cum Ghengis Khan, and reads more like "Mein Kampf, the Early Years" than a work of inspired holiness.
Until the current crop of "creative" types crack a Koran, we're doomed to their self-defeating, delusional imbecilities.
And unless Europe rediscovers its Muslim-invasion history, and Churchillian testicluar fortitude, they will be subsumed into an EU Capliphate by the end of the century.
Know thyself.
Or bow to the despotic definitions of another.
Good one, it's in!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe likes
left-wing insanity...
I linked to you from my article Fewer Rapes in Muslim Countries
I must admit, after reading this text, that i by now is ready to sign up in the local Defence League. If we all could stand together with pride in our spirits we could defeat "the3rd world posse"
It's a great column, but:
He often spoke in the US, he said, and “more and more people in the audience believe the American administration had some kind of involvement”. “ …the worst I can envisage is that they know something was coming and they preferred it to happen so that their strategy could be put into place.”
I must admit I'm with Fisk on this one. Several of the attackers had CIA or Verfassungsschutz handlers and given that, it boggles the mind to think that the usually abysmally incompetent Jihadis could pull 9/11 off right under their noses.
And Fisk is also right about the Moslems having good reason to hate the West. Just because they are barbarians doesn't mean they can't be wronged, and they have been taking it in the keester from Westerners for the last 500 years.
Good man, Fisk. He epitomizes some of the best aspects of Western civilization: the critique of power. Journalists like him are vital to the health of the Western political discourse, and he's no mindless appeaser.
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