Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gates of Vienna Has Moved

Time to go!After being taken down twice by Blogger within a single week, we got the message:

It’s Time To Go.


Gates of Vienna has moved to a new address:


Not everything over there is fully functional yet, and the internal links still point to this blog, and will for the indefinite future. So all the old material will be left here for archival purposes, with comments turned off.

Gotta get down to it
Blogger is cuttin’ us down
Shoulda been done long ago

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Seduced by Palestinian Propaganda

The following op-ed by Hanne Nabintu Herland concerns the Norwegian government’s persistent soft spot for the Palestinians. It was originally published in Aftenposten, Norway’s largest newspaper, on January 15th, 2013, and has been translated by the author.

Hamas, Jonas Gahr Støre, and Jens Stoltenberg

Naïve Checkbook Diplomacy
by Hanne Nabintu Herland

Torgeir Larsen, a junior minister for the Norwegian Labor Party, admits in Norway’s largest newspaper Aftenposten on December 28, 2012, that Norwegian authorities closed their eyes to the realities of the Middle East. Too often they thought they were in the service of stability, but later found out that was not the case.

Regardless, this acknowledgement of Norwegian naïveté must lead to tangible changes in foreign policy in order to be of real value.

The junior minister asked me what I meant by my leading article on December the 20th (“In bed with the enemy”) in which I stated that Norwegian checkbook diplomacy is de facto supportive of terrorist organizations that display significant intolerance towards Christians, Jews, gays or other minorities who are not considered “sufficiently Islamic”.

Let’s take a look at the statistics: Norway is one of the smallest countries in the world, and one of the largest contributors to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and others, with annual donations of over 700 Million NOK. Especially since the current left-wing Labor government took office in 2005, the donations have exploded. What are these sums spent on?

Recently the remuneration for suicide bombers was tripled. The Hamas terrorist who killed 30 Israelis in 2002 by now receives 20,000 NOK a month, according to The Times of Israel last September the 9th. Those who have carried out the worst attacks against innocent civilians receive the highest pay.

Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center figures from 2005 show that Palestinians have conducted 25,770 terrorist attacks, 147 suicide attacks leading to 1,100 dead Israelis and 7,500 wounded between 2000 and 2005. Fatah conducted 214 acts of terrorism in 2003-2004 alone, according to 2005 Terrorism Review.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/18/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/18/2013Many more foreign hostages than originally reported were taken by the Al Qaeda terrorists at the Amenas gas plant in Algeria. The Algerian government says that 100 out of 132 were freed, and some sources say that 30 or more hostages were killed. The British government offered the Algerians manpower, equipment, and expert assistance to expedite the resolution of the crisis, but was refused. American, British, and French nationals are thought to be among the dead.

In other news, the latest figures from Angola indicate that at least 250,000 Chinese nationals have migrated to the country. The Angolan government says that work permits were issued for the Chinese to assist with development projects.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, DS, EG, Insubria, JD, KGS, Mary Abdelmassih, Paul Green, Steen, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Babel on the Danube

Cultural Enrichment News

As a follow-up to Tuesday’s post about the majority-minority public schools in Oslo, the following brief account reports the latest statistics on the cultural enrichment of schools in Austria. Vienna is the most fully enriched location, and seems to be in roughly the same situation as Oslo.

Many thanks to Hermes for the translation from Unzensuriert.at:

Austria — The number of German-speaking primary school students has declined dramatically

The number of pupils with a first language other than German has doubled from 1995 to 2011. This is what the recently-issued “National Report on Education” shows. During this time, the percentage of “monolingual German” children at primary schools dropped from 88% to 76%.

The doubling in the number of multilingual students is evident in virtually all provinces in Austria. In Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg, the rise is a little lower, in Upper Austria is a bit higher, and in Burgenland it remained on average. The Styrian province is the only outlier, where the number of children with a different native language has tripled from about 5,000 to 16,000.

Multicultural classroom

Barely any students with German as mother tongue in Vienna

The nationwide statistics conceals the dramatic developments in Vienna, because German is hardly spoken in the primary schools of the federal capital. The district in Vienna where this is most blatantly visible is Margareten, where the proportion of immigrant children has risen to 89 % — that is, 924 out of 1038 children have as their mother tongue something other than German. The districts Rudolf Fünfhaus and Ottakring have a proportion of 80%, Brigittenau 79% and Meidling at least 70%.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

Here We Go Again

Note: The following post accompanies Takuan Seiyo’s latest piece. Both are being kept “sticky” until tonight. Scroll down for other posts that have appeared since Wednesday.

Entrance to Auschwitz

Certain posts at Gates of Vienna, among them those by Takuan Seiyo, tend to attract the attention and comments of people who are preoccupied with the Jews. They frequently refer to “Holohoax” in World War Two, often supplementing their scornful references with obscenities or derogatory epithets.

I generally delete such comments without publishing them. One of them came in this morning, the second or third such screed submitted on Takuan Seiyo’s latest post. Before I deleted it, I sent it to Takuan, just to show him what was coming in. He suggested that I go ahead and post it, followed by his response.

So here’s the comment by “Anonymous” [typos in the original]:

Some interesting points, a lot of waffle and some errors. Your stated view that the WW2 ‘Holocaust’ resulted in the old 6 million dead Jews is well past its sell-by date. Top class, modern historians now regard that figure as grotesquely disproportionate. The Red Cross AND the German Government counted less than 150,000 for ALL deaths in ALL camps other than those behind Russian lines. It’s now commonly called the HOLOHOAX. It is one of the most successful internationsal businesses of all time.

A response from Takuan Seiyo:

You have the temerity to post this kind of Nazi apologist garbage in a comments thread of an article by a writer whose gentile grandparents had been murdered in a concentration camp and whose gentile mother spent two years in a labor-extermination camp, was a state witness in the post-war trial of its commandant, and relayed her wartime experiences to this writer directly. Moreover, a writer who was born and grew up one hour by car from Auschwitz and three kilometers from the plant where the firm Hoch und Tiefbau AG had built the crematoria for that camp. In which, alone, 2.5 million people were murdered, 1 million of them Jews. And that’s according to the testimony its commandant Rudolf Hoess, based on data from SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann.

Moreover, you desecrate the memory of Witold Pilecki plus other Polish officer escapees from Auschwitz who produced written reports, e.g. Jerzy Tabeau and Kazimierz Piechowski — all of them of impeccable “white” credentials way beyond what you and other White Nat lunatics may ever aspire to. I am omitting here reports by Jewish escapees, for example the Vrba-Wetzler report, as well as the fate of the Jewish part of my family during the war, so as to skirt the whole specious Joooos-tainted-it aspect of your comment.

It’s true that legitimate modern-day attempts to calculate the number of the Holocausts’ victims produce a range of numbers. The lowest for Auschwitz, for instance (by the Polish historian Franciszek Piper), cites 1.1 million victims, in contrast to the 2.5 million estimate — interesting, however, that even in that much-reduced number the Jewish victims component remains the same 1 million as in the bigger total-victim figures. The highest figure cited for Auschwitz is 4 million.

The Bee and the Lamb, Part 9 (Continued)

Note: Takuan’s post (which was originally published last night) is to remain at the top for a while, so I made it “sticky”. However, much has happened since it went up, including the Blogger outage. Scroll down for a report on that.

See also: Two forthrightly anti-Semitic Islamic leaders in Norway, Judicial coddling in Germany, and Part 3 of the Imran Firasat interview.

More new posts will be added below this one. Oh, and don’t mess around with JIM.

The essay below is the conclusion of the ninth part in a series by Takuan Seiyo. See the list at the bottom of this post for links to the previous installments.

Left: Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, 1876
Right: George Grosz, Metropolis, 1916/17

The Bee and the Lamb
Part 9 (continued)

By Takuan Seiyo

A Whole New Road to Serfdom

That Which is Not Seen


For over 60 years, White mea-culpists have had a firm grip in all fields of cultural mind imprinting: education high and low; paper media, then electronic, then digital media; all forms of entertainment, the plastic arts and music high and low, and religious instruction and worship too. Their main endeavor has been to enforce their compulsory (e.g. K-12) and discretionary (e.g. television) self-flaying on account of long-ago Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism, Male Supremacism, Racism, Antisemitism, and so on.

It’s the evils of the Iberian Inquisition — which were evil — but not the evils of the Japanese equivalent in which, in the 40 years up to 1597, 50,000 Christians were publicly crucified, burned or beheaded. Nor the evils of the worldwide Islamic Inquisition which — not in the 16th century but now, in the 21st, condemns Muslim apostates to barbaric execution. It’s America’s destruction of the snail darter but not Mussulmanism’s destruction of the Bamyan Buddhas or its proposed destruction of the Sphinx and the Pyramids, let alone its obliteration of all the pre-Rome cradles of Christianity but for remaining ruins in the Middle East and dust of the desert in North Africa.

It’s the evils of feudalism and industrial workers’ exploitation in Europe and America, but not the strict Confucian evils of Northeast Asia. There, a member of the ruling class in China had, essentially, a free hand with anyone of the lower classes, a Japanese samurai could test his sword by cutting down an insolent peasant, and farmers were so squeezed by their fief holders that they habitually sold their daughters to bordellos for the few coins it provided for next season’s seed.

Feminism, Socialism and anti-Antisemitism should have arisen in Saudi Arabia or Yemen, Algeria or Peshawar, for good reasons. Instead, aggressive White androphobes of all genders which I can no longer count are decimating the philogynous and egalitarian West. Equality psychos are tearing down the most egalitarian society that ever existed (except for initial communist experiments, before they turned bloody). American Jews, at the apex of the greatest fortune and philosemitic tolerance their long diaspora has ever bestowed on their kind, are busy supporting all the ideologies and policies that demolish their safe harbor and build up their Muslim, Black and Third World enemies. They will come to rue their tacit assumption that better the antisemite you don’t know than the few hundred imputed and real ones catalogued at ADL.

One would be hard put to find a nation not based on the invasion of another people’s territory and their mass slaughter. Yet poisoned American madmen proclaim “No Thanks for Thanksgiving” as though the Indians themselves did not fight endless genocidal wars from Peru to Canada, with torture, ritual murder or slavery for the captives and, at times, cannibalism too.

Leftoid masochists and the Christian meek call for returning Hawaii to the Hawaiians and capitulating before a massive Mexican reconquista of one-third of America. The self-defined “Feminist-Tauist-NeoPagan-Post-Structuralist-Deconstructionist-Socialist” useful idiot Gillian Schutte begins her New Year 2013 Dear White People by “wholeheartedly apologizing for what my ancestors did to the people of South Africa and inviting you to do the same.”

Yet the Magyars don’t seem to feel much guilt over the Illyrians, Pannonians, Sarmatians and Celts whose land and lives they took in the 9th century, to form Hungary. The rightful Etruscan landowners are not bearing angry placards in front of the Vatican. The Japanese are not planning to relinquish Hokkaido to its original owners, the Ainu. The tall, white and fair-haired Chachapoyas of the Andean forest have, alas, no remnants left to sue the Incas for genocide in a Peruvian court of law. The Aztecs, whether in Jalisco or Los Angeles, don’t agonize over having taken what would become Mexico City from its original Culhuacan owners, with lots of grisly details. Yet for 38 years Neil Young has been reminding adoring audiences about “Cortez the Killer”, discreetly omitting Tlacaelel the killer and the killer people whom Cortez killed.

Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (1996) is a book by Daniel Goldhagen presenting the thesis that the German nation as such was composed of willing executioners of the Jews because of a unique “eliminationist antisemitism” in the German people, with long historical roots. However, even that great moral abyss of Western civilization — the Holocausts — stands out more in its industrialized and organizational features than it does either in the quality of its hatefulness or its relative or even absolute volumes. And Holocausts they were, for in addition to the nearly 6 million Jews, the Germans also murdered over 21 million civilian Slavs, and that’s counting Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Czechoslovakia alone.

In absolute numbers, the total number of World War II non-German civilian victims of Nazi Germany is smaller than the 50 million victims of the Bolsheviks in Russia, or Mao’s 70 million in China, or the Mughal-Muslim genocide of Hindus — the latter have their own Holocaust Day on August 14.

In relative numbers, in just one year, 1994, the Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda, killed off a total of one million, in a population of 7 million. 75% of the Tutsi population was erased. Is it more humane to go by a stroke of a blunt machete than by a whiff of Zyklon B?

The Khmer Rouge murdered at least 2 million Cambodians between 1975 and 1979: one quarter of the population, by a conservative count. Is it more humane to die by wallops from a Cambodian pickaxe handle than by a bullet from a German Mauser?

Ukraine 1942, Jewish Aktion, Ivangorod
Inscription on the back (in German): “Ukraine 1942, Jewish Aktion, Ivangorod.”

There is a special horror attached to the Third Reich, because those were 20 th century Europeans, Christians, and in many ways the smartest, most civilized people on Earth. But the Holocausts do not prove that Whites are worse than other people, just that they are no better. The history of the Third Reich also proves that with the right formula of economic blowup, misery and humiliation, sparked by charismatic evil, no people are immune to such horror, at no time.

“The Jews Ruin Things”

Nehmat Al Shah and Ghulam Sarwar, Oslo

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer sends his translation of an article and interview with two respectable high-profile Muslim leaders in Oslo, who have strongly negative opinions about Jews and the worldwide Jewish conspiracy. The Observer notes:

A new trend seems to have developed in the Islamic community in Norway: grab hold of a journalist and speak your mind on issues such as stoning, adultery, apostasy and Jews — and don’t hold back.

This article deals with the twisted views of the imam and the chairman of Norway’s largest mosque. It should also be pointed out that this is the same mosque that the Norwegian police apologized so profusely to last year for the fact that we have freedom of speech in Norway.

The translated article from Dagsavisen:

Imam blames Jews for media coverage

Controversial: Many Norwegians have a negative view on Islam due to Jewish domination of the media. This accusation is made by the imam and by the chairman of Norway’s largest mosque.

We are visiting Central Jamaat-e Ahl-e Sunnat, the mosque with the largest member base in Norway, to talk to its spiritual leader. The mosque was founded in 1977 and currently has more than 5,000 members. The Cultural Center in Grønland in Oslo can accommodate 2500 people during prayers. The spiritual leader, Imam Nehmat Ali Shah is not fluent in Norwegian, so every now and then Chairman, Ghulam Sarwar has to translate from Punjabi.

“But we have the same opinions,” says Sarwar while the imam nods and smiles — he looks both stern and benign at the same time.

The subject of the interview is the relationship between the major religions and Norwegians’ attitudes toward Islam. The Imam begins by explaining that all three heavenly religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are sacred to them. Many people are unaware of this fact, says Sarwar.

Then a statement is made that many will find far more problematic.

“The Jews ruin things”

“Schoolchildren visit the mosque regularly and some of the students may think that we are against Christianity,” says Sarwar. Both of them believe that the school visits confirms their views that Norwegians in general have an inaccurate impression of Islam and Muslims.

“Students, journalists and people like you ask the same questions over and over again — about forced marriage, hijab and whether females can become imams.

“No one can be forcefully compelled to marry in Islam, but parents can assist in finding the right partner, and no, women cannot become imams. People are ignorant because they get their information from the media, and the media only write negatively about Islam. Judaism has a better grip on the media,” says Sarwar.

“Why do the media only write negatively about Islam?”

“Because the media has Jewish roots. The Jews control the media and that’s detrimental. Only a handful of people were behind the movie about Mohammed in the U.S. and they didn’t have a lot of money. So who was financing them, who was backing them?” asks Sarwar, referring to the anti-Islamic film The Innocence of Muslims, produced by a Christian Egyptian Copt living in the USA.

“Anxious people”

“Who are the Jews behind this in your opinion?”

Don’t Mess Around With JIM


A big tip of the Bodissey pickelhaube to our commenter Jolie Rouge, who has provided us with a brand new acronym. The occasion was an observation about BBC 17/01/2013 This Week (the link only works in the UK):

Andrew Neil and Michael Portillo are joined by former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan and Alastair Campbell.

Interesting conversation — acknowledging the geopolitical threat to the West.

Note the aggressor is not named other than by geographical location (e.g.) North Africa, Afghanistan and surprisingly the inclusion of Turkey.

Amazingly they manage to avoid the JIM words — Jihad, Islam and Muslim.

I think JIM could have great utility for our enterprise: it’s concise, pronounceable, handy to use, and easy to propagate.

Who will be the first major Western politician (not counting Geert Wilders) to break the greatest cultural taboo of our time, and mess around with JIM?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/17/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/17/2013Tonight’s news feed is unusually fat, due to the inclusion of last night’s items, which were never used because of the Blogger outage.

Yesterday a group of Al Qaeda terrorists assaulted a natural gas plant in Algeria and killed two foreigners while taking 41 other hostage. Today Algerian special forces staged a helicopter raid on the plant, killing a number of the hostages — between six and 34, depending on whose figures you believe — in the process of taking out the terrorists. Among the foreign hostages were American, British, French, and Japanese nationals.

In other news, Germany has begun repatriating its foreign gold reserves, which are stored in vaults in Paris, London, and the United States.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Erick Stakelbeck, Fjordman, Insubria, JB, JD, Jerry Gordon, Kitman, McR, The Observer, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

+Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Lethal Judicial Coddling

Cultural Enrichment News

The following article tells a brief tale about immigrant-on-immigrant violence in Cologne, with Muslims of immigrant background dealing it out and Russian immigrants as victims.

JLH, who translated the piece, sends this brief note:

It shows the attempts by a Turk to protect a Russian family and being killed for his trouble. An example of what happens to the good guys among the immigrants if they don’t toe the line.

The translated article from Quotenqueen:

Dead Thanks to Judicial Coddling

The unwillingness of German judges to lock up unsocialized walking time-bombs already known to the police has claimed a victim in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. Two criminal foreigners, free to terrorize their neighbors despite drug-related and violent crimes, killed a Turkish husband and father who tried to get them to behave. It happened in a sector of the city called Bickendorf — a district notorious for years for immigrant violence and bordering on the thoroughly Islamized Ehrenfeld. There was also knife-play at night in the immigrant milieu of right-bank Cologne-Vingst, where “Antifa” pastor Meurer is collecting for the building of a mosque and reading masses against Pro-Köln. But no one was killed.

The Kölner Express reports:

Is This Justice?

The Innocent Prophet

Imran Firasat is a Pakistani ex-Muslim who collaborated with Terry Jones on the movie The Innocent Prophet (watch it here). The Spanish government recently revoked his status as a political refugee in Spain, and he is due to be deported to Pakistan, where he will face the death penalty for blasphemy. There is currently a push to persuade the Canadian government to grant him and his family political asylum.

Mr. Firasat was interviewed recently on Alerta Digital TV. The video below shows the third part of the interview, and includes segments in English of a statement by Terry Jones. Previously: Part 1, Part 2.

Many thanks to our Spanish correspondent Hermes for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


Meteorological Update From Dymphna

Snow January 2010 #2

We are in the midst of a Winter Weather Warning (also known as Crystallized Climate Change) here at Schloss Bodissey. That means I am watching big, fat flakes accumulating on everything — though the driveway is still clear. Prior to that, we awoke this morning to heavy rains. It is our good fortune that there was never any period of transitional ice. Thank heavens!

Why am I talking about the weather, you ask? Because this heavy wet snow may well eventuate in a power outage. Should that happen we would have no way to tell you why when, once again, no one seems to be home.

If the power does go out, I’m confident it won’t be for long. Our rural electric cooperative is exceptionally good at handling these kinds of weather ‘events’; if we do go out, it won’t be for long. And thanks to the generosity of our donors several years ago, we installed a gas cook stove so we can cook and have — thank heavens, again — hot coffee during the outage.

Yes, we are careful regarding the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning if we were to use the stove for heat. However, given how leaky our storm windows are, I’m not worried.

Here’s what NOAA says:

Sharia Patrols in London, Revisited

Yesterday we reported on a group of young Muslim men who accost pedestrians in certain parts of east London. They insist that their turf is a “Muslim area”, and require that non-Muslims observe the appropriate dress code and the Islamic proscription on alcohol while they are there. The original post included an embedded video taken by the group and posted on their YouTube account.

Since then YouTube has yanked the video, on the grounds that it was “intended to harass, bully and threaten.” However, for the sake of the historical record of these dire times, Vlad Tepes has preserved a (slightly augmented) copy at MRC TV:

Outage Report

Chancellorsville Ruins #1

As you all know by now, our blog was suddenly removed last night between 8 and 9pm EST for no apparent reason. Blogger never provided any explanation before, during, or after the outage. I assume it was an internal technical problem at Google.

Below is a portion of a mass email I sent out earlier today to dozens of people who had written to us to ask what happened:

Blogger “removed” our blog suddenly last night. One second it was there; the next it was gone. If we had violated their terms of service, we should have received an email, according to their own established procedure. But we received no email.

I retain my “dashboard” account, as does Dymphna. And, as you can see, I still have the gmail account.

There is no “deleted blogs” link on our dashboards, as there should be if the blog had been deleted deliberately through a normal procedure.

Late last night I began the process that one always goes through with Blogger: we posted requests on the help forum. That’s really all that can be done; you can’t talk to human beings where Google is concerned. We actually received a response, which is unusual with Google. Based on the replies, there seems to have been a major problem with Blogger last night. Many other blogs disappeared in the same fashion.

I anticipate that this is most likely a technical glitch on Google’s part, based on the number and types of blogs that had the same thing happen to them last night. But we should know for certain within another day or two.

It’s also possible (but far less likely, in my estimation) that we were taken down for political reasons. If it was a deliberate take-down, we will migrate to another platform with our own domain. We back up the entire blog frequently, so only a few posts will be missing when we restore.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reclaiming Our Brains

Prompted by yesterday’s translation about the cultural enrichment of public schools in Oslo, our Austrian correspondent AMT has written a call for her fellow Austrians to take back their country from the Multiculturalists who are leading it to destruction.

Ummah Austria

Managing Diversity
by AMT

As usual, it’s all about diversity management, integration, and migration background. That’s all it’s ever about. German president Joachim Gauck has recently appealed to Germans to show more enthusiasm towards migrants, to welcome them. Germans should also be aware of the enrichment emanating from migrants, “if only Germans would allow it.” Does this include allowing sharia law? As one commentator put it, “I am still of the opinion that I have the right to believe that some migrants are welcome and other are dangerous to our country and our freedom. This is my damned right, at least it was up until now. Or will our brains soon be implanted with chips?”

We, the people of our different nations in the realm of democracy, are supposed to be the ones making decisions via our elected officials. But we aren’t. We are merely riding shotgun in a car that is driving down the road to hell, a hell that is fast turning the majority into the minority. That is, the minority is reaping the rewards of the majority without returning much, if anything, to the majority. That’s what it should be all about, right? A give-and-take, solidarity, friendship. But if there are only a few givers and many takers, the so-called solidarity is nowhere to be found.

It is obvious that we, the soon-to-be minority, are no longer making any decisions, for if we were in fact in charge, we would have been asked if we agreed with the policies of uncontrolled immigration. We were not asked. Ever.

If we were in charge, we would be able to speak out about the pitfalls and dangers of some groups that are obviously are not interested in the values of Western liberal democracies, the equality of men and women before the law, or the principles of universal human rights. We are no longer able to discuss the negative aspects of the immigration of certain groups. We are immediately branded as “Nazis”, “racists”, “right-wing extremists”. We lose our jobs, our income, our livelihoods, sometimes, tragically, even our families.

If we, the majority, were in charge, we would not have to fund unlimited language studies for those migrants who are not even remotely interested in teaching their children rudimentary language skills, whose neglect thereby limits their children from participating in school and setting the stage for school drop-outs. Many of those children then go on to a career in thuggery, thievery and worse. The point here is that it is the parents, of whatever or no migration background, who still bear the primary responsibility for their children. They are the ones who are in charge of ensuring their children’s language skills. They should also be compelled to pay for their kids’ acquisition of these skills.

If we were truly in charge, we would not allow the judiciary to exhibit leniency towards criminals and murderers “with a migration background” due to “cultural sensitivities.” Men and women, regardless of background, religion, economic status, are to be dealt with according to the law. But in many instances we cannot even criticize the decisions of the courts without being called derogatory names.

If we were truly in charge, we would make sure that primary schools, such as those in Vienna and Oslo and elsewhere, would not have to deal with the consequences of having more than 50% of students with immigrant background. Most of those students do not have the necessary language skills, which thus limits those students who do and who are able to follow the curriculum.

But we are no longer allowed to criticize this situation, for all of this is subsumed in “diversity”. It is diversity for the majority to be left behind as the minority struggles to keep up.

We, the taxpayers, have the privilege of funding those migrants who refuse to do their part. We are not asked whether we agree with all of this.

The goodies are mind-boggling:

Sharia Patrols in London

A group of aggressive Muslim vigilantes in London is harassing non-Muslims for their dress, alcohol consumption, and other “non-Islamic” behavior in what it designates as Muslim areas of the city. The video below, which was posted on the group’s YouTube channel, shows the sharia patrols in action:

As the Commentator points out, YouTube has already taken some of the videos down for violating its policies:

So far, the group has posted two videos to its new YouTube account which was set up in December 2012. The first video shows the destruction of advertising and vandalising of bus shelters, both displaying images of H&M push-up bras. The second video sees the ‘vigilantes’ approaching and harassing members of the public for either consuming alcohol, dressing ‘inappropriately’, or being inebriated near a mosque.

Several of the videos uploaded to the account have already been removed as they violated YouTube’s terms and conditions. One specifically states that YouTube deemed it intentionally “designed to bully, harass and threaten”.

The footage is likely to have come from East London, where ‘Shariah zones’ were set up last year. The new tactic of intimidation is said to appall local residents, who will likely find the ‘patrols’ disconcerting.

In the videos, the ‘Muslim Patrol’ is heard to say, “Alcohol banned. This is a Muslim area. Muslims patrol the area.”

Vlad Tepes has this to say about the situation:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/15/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/15/2013The latest “grooming and pimping” trial is underway in the venerable English city of Oxford. Nine culturally enriched men (Mohammed Coefficient: 22%) are charged with intimidating, threatening, beating, exploiting, and pimping out girls as young as 11 years old.

In other news, a Coptic center for social services, which contained a kindergarten and a reception hall, was attacked and destroyed by a mob of Egyptian Muslims. The crowd had been aroused by area mosques after rumors went around that local Christians were building a church.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Diana West, Gaia, Insubria, JD, Kitman, Mary Abdelmassih, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

The Imran Firasat Case Presented at the European Parliament

As a follow-up to the previous post, below is the presentation of the Imran Firasat case to the European Parliament yesterday in Strasbourg by MEP Gerard Batten of UKIP:

From the notes accompanying the video:

Pressure, Persecution, and the Abuse of Power

The Innocent Prophet

Imran Firasat is a Pakistani ex-Muslim who collaborated with Terry Jones on the movie The Innocent Prophet (watch it here). The Spanish government recently revoked his status as a political refugee in Spain, and he is due to be deported to Pakistan, where he will face the death penalty for blasphemy. There is currently a push to persuade the Canadian government to grant him and his family political asylum.

Mr. Firasat was interviewed recently on Alerta Digital TV. The video below shows the second part of the interview; the first part is available here.

Many thanks to our Spanish correspondent Hermes for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


Babel on the Fjords

Cultural Enrichment News

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer sends the following translated report about the gradual disappearance of native speakers of Norwegian in Oslo’s public schools.

This ongoing process is revealed to be exactly what the “Islamophobes” have described: the gradual replacement of the native population with unassimilated immigrants from Third World countries, most of them Muslims. Even more significant is the distribution of the “New Norwegians”: they are becoming the majority more rapidly in the poorer, eastern districts of Oslo, while their proportion is actually decreasing in the affluent western neighborhoods of the city.

Multicultural classroom

In other words, the well-to-do elites of Oslo — those who made the decision to flood Norway with ever-increasing numbers of hostile foreigners — are completely insulated from the consequences of the their policies. They have decided, in their infinite wisdom, to destroy the nation of Norway for the good of humanity. But their children will never have to suffer from a degraded learning environment in their schools as a result — that privilege is reserved for the kids of ill-bred working class parents, who may safely be disregarded.

The Observer includes this note:

More bad news from Norway, this time it’s about the demographic shift taking place at public schools in Oslo. The Norwegian student population in the capital is in virtual free fall and, and native students are in the process of being surpassed by immigrants. Many of the “New Norwegians” have a very poor grasp of the Norwegian language, which unfortunately eats up precious resources and lowers the overall quality of education.

This, however, is not an exclusive Norwegian phenomenon. It is taking place all over the western world at the moment; it’s just that it is happening at a faster pace in Oslo. I feel sorry for those Norwegian children who are made to feel like immigrants in their own country, as was the case with this kid before him mum finally came to her senses and transferred him over to a ‘Norwegian school’

The translated article from today’s Dagbladet:

Minorities constitute a majority at 54 schools in Oslo

Sixteen of the elementary schools are almost exclusively made up of minority students.

Students with Norwegian as their first language are in minority at 54 of 125 elementary schools in Oslo, according to figures released by Oslo City Council. Currently immigrant students make up 40.7% of the overall number of students in the capital.

All the schools where Norwegian native speakers make up the minority are located in the eastern part of the city.

There are a total of 56,500 elementary school students in the city. Included in that figure are 23,000 that belong to a linguistic minority. 62% of those receive supplementary Norwegian language lessons, according to the department of education.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/14/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/14/2013A huge crowd of protesters demonstrated against gay marriage in Paris yesterday. Depending on who was doing the estimating, between 340,000 and 1.3 million people took part in the demonstration. François Hollande’s socialist government is standing firm, however, and says it intends to implement the new institution by June.

In other news, for the third night in a row race-based violence has erupted in Logan, a southern suburb of Brisbane, Australia. Groups of Pacific Islanders and Aborigines vandalized cars and fought each other in the streets. There’s no word on which side, if any, is considered to be racists in such circumstances.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, CSP, Diana West, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Kitman, McR, The Observer, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Say “Devil-Spawned Death-Cult”

Kevin Carroll — Photo credit ICLA
 Photo credit: ICLA 

Kevin Carroll, the Chairman of the British Freedom Party, was arrested in Luton on Saturday for making a comment on Facebook.

“Boy oh boy, Baron,” you say, “that must have been a really dangerous comment! What did he do? Call for killing people? Did he incite rebellion against Queen and country?”

Well, actually, no. It wasn’t anything like that. This is what was posted:

“They are all backward savages, a devil-spawned death-cult worshipping all that is unholy and barbaric. Pure evil.”

Screen shots of the comment “allegedly” made by him were provided to the police, and that was enough to have him arrested for the crime of Religious and Racial Hatred. He has now been bailed with conditions, and has to sign in at the police station twice a week.

A reliable source reports that he was on his way to a meeting in Luton when he noticed he was being followed. The men in blue all pulled up around him, with pepper spray, flashing lights, the whole police state rigmarole.

Kevin himself sends this brief account:

The Sunday Times: Theft, and a Hatchet Job Against Gavin Boby

Regular readers are familiar with Gavin Boby of Law and Freedom. For the past couple of years Gavin has been tireless in his opposition to the construction of new mosques in England through action in local planning councils.

Yesterday The Sunday Times published what it must have believed was a hit piece on Gavin. They accused him of “ideological hatred of Islam” and connected him with “the far-right blog Gates of Vienna”.

I can’t show you the whole piece, because it’s behind a paywall. But here’s a screen shot of the top of the article by Richard Kerbaj and Robin Henry:

Gavin Boby — Sunday Times article

And a brief snip from the opening of the article:

A SELF-STYLED “mosque buster”, who boasts that he has blocked plans for 16 mosques across Britain, was once linked to the far-right English Defence League (EDL) and claims that Islam encourages paedophilia, sexual abuse and pimping.

Gavin Boby, a planning lawyer from Bristol, urges his followers to undermine planning applications for mosques by raising their opposition with councils.

Boby, 48, runs a planning consultancy but under the banner of the Law and Freedom Foundation he also provides a free legal service for those who oppose mosque developments…

More than that I dare not quote, for fear of exceeding “fair use” and violating the copyright of The Sunday Times.

Interestingly enough, the Times itself seems to be a bit slack about copyright.

The photo at the top of the article looked familiar to me. It was obviously taken last July at the Brussels Conference sponsored by ICLA in the European Parliament.

With a little bit of digging, I uncovered the original. It was taken by my good friend Steen of Snaphanen, and posted on his blog last December.

If you look at the full-sized version of the photo, you’ll notice that it is clearly watermarked with “Foto © Snaphanen.dk”.

Trivialities such as copyright are no obstacle to The Sunday Times, however. The editors must have passed the photo on to one of their graphics specialists, who edited out the pesky watermark. Look at the two detail shots below — on the left you’ll see Steen’s original, and on the right is a blowup of the Times’ edited version:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/13/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/13/2013Nigel Farage, the leader of the British EU-skeptical party UKIP, is reportedly “shocked” that his party is now ahead of the Tories in the latest opinion polls on the upcoming EU parliamentary elections. 23% of voters say they will back UKIP in the 2014 elections.

In other news, Saudi Arabia has reacted defensively to worldwide criticism of its execution of a young Sri Lankan woman for murdering her employer’s child. The Saudis deny that the beheaded woman was a minor when she committed the crime, and say that the Kingdom is always assiduous in its principled application of juridical practices. In addition, they warned foreigners not to interfere in their internal affairs.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, DS, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Kitman, McR, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

The Cost of Integration and Norway’s Fiscal Future

Asylum-seekers in Norway

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer sends two translations that bear on the future fiscal well-being of Norway. He says:

Although not directly linked to Islam, these two articles are still relevant. I have abbreviated and translated one from Aftenposten and one from Nettavisen.

They’re about the cost of integrating immigrants in Norway (only funds spent on integration schemes, not immigration as a whole) and the sustainability of the Norwegian ‘model’, which isn’t very sustainable at all. Norway is just another Greece or another USA waiting to happen. The oil isn’t going to save us: it’s just something that the authorities can use to muddy the water and to slow down the impact of the coming crash.

I expect to see a sharp increase in Norwegian emigration to the New World in the next couple of decades if things don’t change, because the future in Norway is looking very bleak.

The first abbreviated translation is from Aftenposten:

A total of twenty-three national action plans have been made and implemented in the last 20 years. However, despite this the unemployment rate among immigrants is three times higher than that of the rest of the population — just as it was twenty years ago. In other words, nothing has changed.

During this period a staggering NoK 100 billion has been spent — yes, one hundred billion — on schemes to integrate refugees, asylum seekers, and individuals who have arrived in Norway on family reunification visas. Divide this sum by the current population of Norway, which is five million, and we discover that each inhabitant has chipped in NoK 20,000.

Yes, we have an immigrant population with a relative high employment rate compared to other European countries, but that is mostly due to the fact that we have a very low unemployment rate in general.

Thousands of immigrants in Norway have jobs and are well integrated into our society. The question, however, is whether this is due to official integration policies or the efforts of the immigrants themselves. For the unemployment rate among immigrants is, as it was twenty years ago, three times higher than the rest of the population. Among Africans it is six times as high.

Another fact is that thousands of immigrants are working in jobs for which they are over-qualified due to an incomprehensible systematic inertia in acknowledging qualifications from abroad. Many lawyers and engineers with different skin color make a living by washing off dirt and grime for white Norwegians.

Aftenposten can also reveal that the government, politicians and bureaucrats are unaware of which policies, or which of the hundreds of schemes, that are effective, work poorly or don’t work at all. The authorities are even unaware of the actual number of plans and reports that have been produced and implemented and how much money has been spent on it.

We at Aftenposten had to figure that out for ourselves.

The second article is from Nettavisen:

“We Are Definitely a Danger to Western Democracy”

Last night we reported on the refreshing candor of a Muslim in Norway. Today it’s the turn of French Muslims to speak the plain truth about their intentions.

When the Western welfare state finishes collapsing, and the real trouble begins, no one can say they didn’t know what lay in store for their ruined societies. We have been most emphatically warned.

Many thanks to Bear for translating this video, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Transcript (of the translated portion):

Understanding the Reality of Islam

The Innocent Prophet

Imran Firasat is a Pakistani ex-Muslim who collaborated with Terry Jones on the movie The Innocent Prophet (watch it here). The Spanish government recently revoked his status as a political refugee in Spain, and he is due to be deported to Pakistan, where he will face the death penalty for blasphemy. There is currently a push to persuade the Canadian government to grant him and his family political asylum.

Mr. Firasat was interviewed recently on Alerta Digital TV. Many thanks to our Spanish correspondent Hermes for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/12/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/12/2013The news feed was delayed overnight by a power outage, which occurred just before midnight and continued for several hours. There was no apparent reason for it — the temperature was above freezing; there was no precipitation and no wind. The ways of Grid are mysterious.

I’ve backdated the post to make it January 12.

Of interest is the French military intervention in Mali, which aims to prevent an Al Qaeda state from forming in the northern half of the country. France has already lost two helicopters in the operation.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Kitman, LS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

“Every Single Muslim Who Understands Islam Shares These Opinions”

It’s always refreshing to hear the plain truth spoken plainly, and we are fortunate that Muslim spokesman are so often eager to speak the plain truth about Islam. Despite the earnest desire on the part of the leftist establishment for a different account of Islamic teachings — one that would dovetail neatly with their own Progressive worldview — Muslims themselves repeatedly insist that they follow what is written in their scriptures and recorded in their traditions.

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated a video clip from the Norwegian state broadcaster NRK concerning the planned Al-Haddad seminar in Oslo this weekend hosted by Islam.net. He sends this introductory note:

It’s a debate between Audun Lysbakken, the leader of SV (Socialist left), and Fahad Qureishi, the leader of Islam.net. In the clip Qureishi dismisses Lysbakken’s naïve claim that the majority of Muslims don’t agree with the views that Al-Haddad espouses, and he does so in a very clear and concise manner.

The discussion is interesting because it shatters the view held by many leftist Norwegians that ‘radical’ Muslims are bearded fanatics who salivate and scream their lungs out at rallies and rant at obscure sites on the internet. Fahad Qureishi, the leader of Islam.net, is very calm. In this interview he delivers a clear and unambiguous message that can’t really be misinterpreted: there is only one Islam — and it is very evil and undemocratic.

We need more TV appearances like this one. Let honest Muslims explain what Islam really is, and spare us the politically sanitized version by leftist apologists and other useful idiots about what they want Islam to be.

Also pay particular attention to the very subtle threat at the end of the clip where Qureishi admonishes Lysbakken to select his words more carefully when he refers to Islam.

And, by the way, Qureishi wasn’t assaulted by any left-wing brownshirt thugs when he left the building, which would surely have been the case if members of SIAN or the NDL had appeared on the show and presented similar material about this sinister political ideology. I wonder if Qureishi is guilty of ‘Islamophobia’ in the eyes of the leftists?

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


Confronting the New Fascism in Sweden

During the second half of the 20th century, many terms coined by psychologists were picked up by the general public and developed currency in popular discourse. One of the most frequently used is the word “projection”. It is now commonly understood to mean “unconsciously ascribing to others negative characteristics which you yourself possess”.

Never has the power of projection been more evident than in the political culture of Sweden. From an outsider’s perspective, Sweden displays all the attributes of a fascist state: only one political point of view is considered acceptable, and any dissent against it is vigorously punished, by both official and unofficial means. Those who oppose the reigning ideology may lose their jobs or be prosecuted. They are vilified and scapegoated in the (largely state-owned) media to the point where compliant Swedish drones are made to understand that all dissidents are fair game, and deserve anything bad that happens to them.

Sverigedemokraterna in the crosshairsNow, that sounds like fascism to me. But the Swedish media reserve the term for Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats, SD), the only significant political party that opposes mass immigration and challenges the reigning Multicultural ideology. For such blatant heresies they are denounced in the press, beaten up by gangs of “anti-fascists” in the street, and have their homes and cars vandalized. Known supporters of SD may lose their jobs or pensions.

Yet all of this is acceptable, you see, and even commendable, because the Sweden Democrats are fascists. As you will learn from the article below, this “fact” has been proven by scientific research, so we know it must be true.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Before presenting the translated article, some background is necessary. A scandal surrounding Sverigedemokraterna arose last fall, when an incident that occurred more than two years previously came to light through the release of a video to the press.

In the summer of 2010, Kent Ekeroth and Erik Almqvist — both later elected to the Swedish parliament for Sverigedemokraterna — became involved in an early morning brawl in the city of Stockholm. In a movie clip filmed with a mobile phone, Erik Almqvist was heard to shout abuse at a 21-year-old woman, and used the derogative word babbe about the immigrant comedian Soran Ismail.

Later in the video, the two politicians were seen picking up iron rods for their defense, an incident that caused a major Twitter campaign and media uproar in Sweden. After this incident Islam-critical blogs became known as “iron rod blogs” in Sweden.

As a consequence of the affair, Erik Almqvist resigned his seat in the Swedish parliament, while Kent Ekeroth resigned from his positions in the parliament, but retained his seat.

This incident, which was immediately seized on by the media powers-that-be as a welcome “gotcha” moment concerning SD, is what is referred to in the article below (which was published last November) as “yesterday’s events”.

Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent Skånska for translating this piece from Dagens Nyheter. Skånska’s commentary and explanations have been placed in square brackets:

“The Sweden Democrats are a fascist party”
by Henrik Arnstad

15 November 2012

Problematic terminology. A new fascism celebrates triumphs in Europe. This applies not least to the Sweden Democrats, who advance in a country where fascism has up until now been weak. Today’s confusion of concepts must end and it is time to name SD properly in the public discourse, writes historian and journalist Henrik Arnstad.

The Sweden Democrats (SD) are gaining even more sympathizers, and thus it is time for Sweden to leave the widespread ignorance of fascism behind. Sweden — as well as all of Europe — needs to confront the presence of an ideology that has the potential to dominate the 21st century.

The core of the fascist ideology is nationalism. A popular ultra-nationalism, with the aim of saving the nation from decay and degeneration with national rebirth as a real political objective.

First, however, the cancer tumor on the nation’s body must be fought. For Hitler, it was about the Jews and the solution was the Holocaust. [Typical Swedish academic nonsense: the definition of die Judenfrage and die Endlösung were not synchronous; they were more than six years apart, partly during wartime. Auswanderung came first, even to Madagascar!]

For SD, it is about Islam, which has to be cleared away - if nothing else, by means of genocide.

If we are to understand SD, it is of the utmost importance that we realize the optimism in this. Today fascism is Sweden’s only political movement that is confident of the future. For the voters, SD paint in beautiful colors an ethnically cleansed, mythical and revitalized nationalist Sweden. Compare, for example, the Social Democrats’ pessimistic nostalgia. Therefore fascism is advancing in the polls.

Today we live in a Europe where a new fascist politics celebrates triumphs. This applies not least to SD, advancing in a country where previously fascism was weak. This new politics is called by international research “neo-fascism”, and is the result of an intellectual work which began in France in the years after 1968.

Under the intellectual leadership of the philosopher Alain de Benoist the movement Nouvelle Droite (the New Right) formulated the future of fascism — it was about building a new political brand after Adolf Hitler, after World War II and Auschwitz-Birkenau. The fight for one’s own “biological race” was condemned, not least because science left racial biology behind.

Instead the new fascism was formulated:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/11/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/11/2013Members of the British Parliament are asking for a 32% pay raise for themselves. They believe they deserve it, and also want to receive a final-salary pension when they leave office.

In other news, a member of a gypsy theft gang in Sicily was electrocuted when he and his accomplices attempted to steal a length of copper power cable.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, Kitman, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Strange Days

Our Spanish correspondent Hermes takes a hard look at the present phantasmagorical reality of Modern Multicultural Europe, and the imminent dystopian future that inevitably awaits it.

Outraged citizen in Belgium

Strange Days
by Hermes

These are strange days indeed.

What we are witnessing in these days is the fading away of entire societies, the gradual disappearance of a way of life and a set of values which may well have been their own hangmen. Democracy somehow does not seem to work as it should, or as one thinks it should. Democracy is backfiring on the West itself.

Some weeks ago in the district of Molenbeek in Belgium, an Islamist political party called “Islam Party” succeeded in installing Redouane Ahrouch, the very founder of the Islam Party, and Lhoucine Ait Jeddig into the City Councils of Anderlecht and Molenbeek-St. Jean respectively, thanks to votes from those towns’ significant Muslim populations. Redouane Ahrouch himself stated that: “We are elected Islamists, but above all, we are really and truly Muslims,” and that “we will become an Islamic state.” This was said openly in front of TV cameras by a newly-elected member to a Belgian City Council. Sometime later, and while the pledge ceremony was taking place, an outraged citizen stood up and figuratively slapped the Town Council’s face with the (otherwise openly declared) truth about those two new Muslim council members.

So what is all the fuss about? A majority of citizens voted for a party which wants to introduce an absolute dictatorial ruling system which is the exact opposite of democracy. That is, the introduction of a totalitarian ruling system is being carried out through democratic means. Democracy itself is allowing dictatorship to emerge. That is, a given political system is allowing itself to be overthrown by a new one, which in theory should be prevented from emerging by the previous one.

By the way — the reaction of this outraged citizen was something to be highly praised, and also an example to be followed by everybody… but the problem is that this courageous and fully justified reaction to the dreadful events that were taking place in the city council was, tragically enough, a reaction against the outcome of a democratic process. So in the eyes of democracy, his reaction was, again tragically enough, barely justified.

Remember this? ““Thanks to your democratic laws, we will overtake you; thanks to your religious laws, we will rule over you.” This statement was uttered by the Imam of Izmir, the citation itself coming from Gernot Facius in the newspaper Die Welt on 06.10.2001.

They could not express themselves more openly. This is as if the Achaeans had been telling the citizens of Troy that they would build a wooden horse, hide inside it, and once the horse had been towed inside the walls, they would spring out and take over the city — and the inhabitants of Troy were providing the Achaeans with wooden planks, nails and ropes in order to build the horse.

It is exactly the same. The west is enabling Muslims to form political parties, with the help of which sharia — the exact opposite of pluralism and democracy — is slowly being introduced into the democratic system itself, thus undermining it. Democracy is allowing itself to be abolished.

And this is happening all over Europe. Muslims are slowly becoming members of political parties and of local, national and the European parliament while also participating in Islamic associations. And parallel to this, the Muslim population steadily increases, thanks to immigration and the high birth rate within this community. That is, a voter base is being slowly created in order to overthrow democracy in a democratic way.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/10/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/10/2013Three Kurdish women, all of them activists in the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), were shot to death today in Paris at a Kurdish information center. The French interior minister described the killings as “assassinations”, and says the women were “without doubt executed”. It is not clear whether the assassins were Turks or from a rival Kurdish faction.

In other news, former president Bill Clinton was named Father of the Year by the National Father’s Day Council. Meanwhile, Wile E. Coyote has been made an honorary roadrunner by the National Roadrunner’s Association. OK, I admit it — I made that last one up.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Erick Stakelbeck, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, Kitman, Steen, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Light Posting, and Gravity Lessons

Posting has been light today, for two reasons. The first one is that I’ve been doing real work (i.e. a programming job that pays actual money), and it’s been occupying most of my time. This is good news for Schloss Bodissey, but bad news for the readers of this blog.

Wile E. Coyote: Gravity LessonsThe other reason is that late last night Dymphna decided that the floor needed to be taught a lesson, so she smacked it a good one with her knees, elbows, and wrists.

Here’s the story: while she was sitting there, her foot and leg had gone to sleep without her realizing it. When she stood up, “it felt like ginger ale”, as she said later. The leg went out from under her, and then she had a close encounter with the linoleum.

Her little notebook computer was in her hands at the time, but it actually sustained less damage than she did. She is recovering nicely now, but is still experiencing pain at several major structural intersections. I had to drive into town this afternoon to buy her a wrist brace.

Not to worry — she’ll be back to normal soon enough. However, given that she has fibromyalgia and PTSD, a trauma of this magnitude leaves a somatic aftershock that continues for awhile. What she needs now is plenty of sleep. Her body seems to know that — I’ve been keeping an eye on her, trying to prevent her from sleeping through the entire afternoon and evening, because I’m afraid she’ll be awake all night if she does.

We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/9/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/9/2013The news feed is unusually fat tonight — more than a hundred items. Two major stories have contributed to the flood: the talk of new gun restrictions by the Obama administration using executive orders, and the (seemingly serious) proposal by the Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman that the U. S. Treasury mint a trillion-dollar platinum coin and use it to pay off the Fed and bring down the national debt. Presumably the new coin would not actually have a face value corresponding to the amount of platinum in it, otherwise it would have to be more massive than a manhole cover.

In other news, a young man and a young woman (not married) in Tunisia have been sentenced to jail time for kissing in public. This is the latest example of enlightened jurisprudence practiced by the new sharia-compliant democratic government that was installed in Tunisia as the result of the “Arab Spring”.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Erick Stakelbeck, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Jerry Gordon, JP, Kitman, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

How We Win

Gavin Boby of Law and Freedom has scored another victory. He sent out an email earlier today describing his recent success against the Brent mosque, and looking ahead to the coming challenges in Leeds and other locations in the UK.

How We Win
by Gavin Boby

We’ve won 16 out of 17 mosque cases that we’ve fought — a 94.11% success rate.

That could be beginner’s luck, right? Maybe we just keep stumbling on four-leafed clovers.

So I thought I’d drill down into one of our recent wins where the evidence is online.

Please see the Brent case, here, our last win but one. Our brief write up is here.

We hit the ground with this application on 20th October 2012. Please see the Council’s comments page, here: 298 comments in total, and all but 10 of them were objections. Pretty strongly worded, too.

You’ll see that this application was registered on 14th September, and had only got 2 comments by 20th October, when we got involved. But the reaction was immediate. See the objections from 20th October onwards. This is how we won.

When the refusal notice came through, the refusal reasons (see here) were very similar to the objections we suggested local people might like to use in their letters (see here).

The reason I’m going on about this is to show that:

  • You have to get ordinary local people to register their objections with the Council;
  • Ordinary people don’t want a mosque near them, and are keen to register their objections if they know (a) how and where, (b) that it isn’t a stitch-up, and (c) the they can win;
  • If you help people in this way, Councils have to take notice, and you will win.
  • Other than that, let Councils know that they’re on the hook for their decisions. Be relentless. Push.

Things got worse for mosques in 2012. And in 2013 they’re going to get worser.

Animal Torture: A New Art Form

This is one of the more bizarre stories to come across my desk recently.

I haven’t filed it under “cultural enrichment”, despite the fact that the accomplished artist — who plans to beat animals to death at an opening in the Pompidou Center — is of Algerian origin. I suspect that his project would never have seen the light of day if he had not been “brown”, but there’s no way to know for sure.

Does his treatment of his artistic subjects follow halal guidelines? Does this have anything at all to do with Islam? You decide.

Many thanks to our Spanish correspondent Hermes for translating the article from Alerta Digital:

Degradation of France has no limits: a “French” “artist” intended to kill animals in the Centre Pompidou

The animal right activists are demanding that a bloody show in the famous French Centre Pompidou be banned. The French artist Adel Abdessemed plans to end his exhibition in this museum by torturing animals.

The artist of Algerian origin will bring a cow, a calf, a pig, a goat and a sheep to the Centre Pompidou — which is one of the most famous museums in Paris — and smash them to death with a hammer to the sound of heavy [metal music].

“We have to stop this absurd show from the point of view of the true artists and those who appreciate art. Torturing animals is not art, but cruelty, and humans should not do this. This show would be an insult to the feelings of many people who defend animals,” says the petition addressed to Culture Minister Aurélie Filippetti.

An Interview with Sabatina James

Sabatina James is the daughter of Pakistani parents who immigrated to Germany. She estranged her parents by becoming an apostate from Islam and a convert to Christianity. Nowadays she is an activist who speaks out on behalf of former Muslims, and calls attention to the plight of Christians in Pakistan.

The International Civil Liberties Alliance website includes introduction to the interview with Sabatina:

Non-Muslims are often persecuted in many member states of the Organsiation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). However, the OIC spends much of its time lecturing Western countries about religious tolerance. They have been lobbying for a global blasphemy law so that Western countries are effectively brought into line with the ‘human rights’ philosophy of countries like Pakistan.

UNHRC Resolution 16/18, which the OIC has been pushing, talks about tackling discrimination based on religion or belief. If this is something that they genuinely want to address then they should do it within their own countries rather than at the United Nations. The OIC clearly does not know what religious tolerance means!

By accommodating the demands of the OIC Western governments are dragging our human rights standards down to the level of countries like Pakistan. It is therefore likely that the result of such accommodation will be that non-Muslims are treated as shamefully in Western countries as they are in places like Pakistan. This is completely unacceptable. By accommodating the demands of the OIC, Western governments are endorsing the way non-Muslims are treated in OIC member states. In the following video, Sabatina James outlines the plight of Christians in Pakistan.

Sabatina James, an ex-Muslim of Pakistani origin, explains the dire situation for those in Pakistan and elsewhere who do not accept Islam as their religion, but are finding that Christianity is a more humanitarian religion and are putting their faith in Jesus. A human rights disaster usually ignored by our governments.

Many thanks to Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff and Europe News for preparing and translating this Christmas interview with Sabatina James for the EN Vimeo channel:

A full transcript is available at the ICLA website.

On 9/11 We Should Have Known

In the non-aftermath of the brutal hit-and-run slaughter in Benghazi, the one Obama callously termed “a bump in the road”, I have waited to see this atrocity addressed with any serious investigation by the media. How naïve can one be? Our bought-and-paid-for MSM know well the price for access to Obama and his administration: complicit silence when he demands it. For Benghazi, the complicity was overt; thus The Echo Chamber is empty of all substantial sound on this “old” “stale” subject.

The music video below is from last November, before the burial was quite complete. That was before The MSM had finished labeling the subject of Benghazi as “old” news, before they’d assumed their studied indifference to the fact that high-level officials watched our men die in real time. Watched them die and refused to permit anyone to come to their aid.

And our journalists also followed orders to stand down. Obama got up the next morning and continued campaigning for his second term.

Why do these yes-men and women complain that the public’s level of trust in them is somewhat lower than the low regard in which politicians are held? The lack of trust in both has been well-earned.

Note that this music vid goes back to the beginning, when the stonewalling was little more than tissue-thin. The spurious claims about “an anti-Muslim video” causing the deaths in Benghazi were never credible; that gauze wall could have been pulled apart by any one MSM “personality” with enough integrity to investigate and call out this administration on its perfidy.

Here’s something to ponder: why did no one interview the film producer when he was in jail awaiting trial? Was he forbidden access to the press? Why the extreme lack of interest on the part of the MSM in this shadowy figure? Just another facet of their paid-for silence? If access was refused why wasn’t that an item of interest for journalists usually willing to track down the least little scintilla of ‘evidence’ when Sarah Palin was in their cross-hairs?

Another thing from that time: why did Mitt Romney deliberately join in the ringing silence — the hear-no, see-no, tell-no mime show surrounding this event? He utterly failed to raise essential questions about the lame lies concerning the “video” or the cover-up of that brutal Islam-style death of an American government official in Libya. Christopher Stevens appears to have ended spent his last moments on earth much as Gadhafi did. If there is one thing we thought we knew about Romney, it was that he was a decent, courageous man. Yet this decent man let Stevens’ death go right by him as he maintained his place in the chorus of silence.

We may be much further down the road to a totalitarian culture than we’d like to think.

I came across the video on Twitter this morning. I can’t find the tweet now — Twitter is a fast-moving stream — to give proper credit, but the message said that Instapundit had predicted back then (late November) that this would be the tune of 2012.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/8/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/8/2013Belfast experienced violent unrest for the fifth day in a row as loyalist protesters clashed with police. The cause of the demonstrators’ anger was an official decision to stop flying the Union Jack every day over public buildings.

In other news, the number of unemployed in the Eurozone rose by 113,000 in November, pushing the jobless rate to a record 11.8%. Meanwhile, the European Commission warns that the gap between the richer countries and poorer countries is widening.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to Andrea Shea King, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Kitman, Nilk, Steen, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Commenters are advised to leave their comments at this post (rather than with the news articles) so that they are more easily accessible.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.