As reported here earlier, the English Defence League will stage a demonstration tomorrow (December 11) in Peterborough. The Dutch Defence League, acting in coordination with the EDL, will also hold a simultaneous demonstration in the Hague.
Aeneas has posted this announcement at the International Civil Liberties Alliance website:
International Defence League Movement to Demonstrate in Two Cities, in Two Different Countries on Saturday 11 December 2010 – Holland and England United!
Saturday 11 December will see the first simultaneous Defence League demonstration in two countries. The English Defence League will be demonstrating in Peterborough against Islamic extremism and creeping sharia.
At the same time the Dutch Defence League will be taking its first modest and tentative steps in The Hague in the Netherlands. The Dutch will be protesting outside the Iranian embassy against the excesses of the Iranian regime and in support of the Iranian democracy movement. No-one should have to suffer under sharia, not even in a Muslim country!
It is great to see the opposition to the imposition of sharia norms growing and spreading across Europe.
Just curious... Have you tasted Jan III Sobieski vodka?
Just bought a bottle myself, and it's awesome... (anti-jihad never tasted so good)
I know it's OT, but I just had to spread the cheer...
Van Grungy --
Yes, I have tasted the delicious Sobieski vodka. One of our people brought me a bottle from Warsaw after last year's OSCE meeting.
I still have the empty bottle as a souvenir. :)
google translation of French blog post
Quote: "The countdown has begun for the 'international conference against the Islamization of our country,' first of its kind to be held Saturday, Dec. 18 in Paris at the Espace Charenton.
From 9:00 to 6:00 p.m., personalities of more than ten countries and very different sensibilities, will be met to proclaim the imperative duty to defend, both in France and throughout Europe, our secular values and civilization. [poster image] The agitation of Muslim pressure groups, calling for a ban of this event as if we were already in Islam, demonstrates the importance of this meeting, in which are involved, among many others: Oskar Freysinger, Tommy Robinson, Renaud Camus, Elisabeth Wolff, Michelle Vian, Pierre Cassen, Fabrice Robert. . . .etc.
Ground Zero: l'église:NON; la mosquée:OUI !!! [original link]
I wish I could taste it, with my meds drinking is playing Russian roulette with half the chambers loaded.
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