The general outline is given in this article from The Cape Times:
ABIDJAN: The African Union (AU) has suspended Ivory Coast until President Laurent Gbagbo hands over power to Alassane Ouattara, considered by the AU the winner of last month’s election.
The AU’s peace and security commissioner, Ramtane Lamamra, said in Ethiopia that the executive council had decided to suspend Ivory Coast “until Mr Ouattara, a democratically elected president, takes over effectively”.
And the United States is threatening sanctions if Mr. Gbagbo fails to cede control to his opponent.
What this article and others like it don’t tell you is that we are witnessing one of those watershed moments in history: Ivory Coast is about to toggle from a (mostly) Christian country to a Muslim country. The winner of the election is a Muslim — the head of the Muslim rebel forces in the north of the country — and the loser is a non-Muslim. Ivory Coast is on the verge of officially joining the Ummah.
The report below cites the surge of illegal immigrants from Ivory Coast’s Muslim neighbors as the cause of Mr. Ouattara’s victory. However, Ivory Coast is already a member of the OIC, and as of the 2004 figures in my database, it had a population of 17,298,040, with 6,677,043 Muslims. That’s 38.6%, which is already past the point where you would expect the imposition of sharia. What is happening now is simply the formal handing-over of the keys.
Muslims do not need to be in the majority to force Islamic rule on a country. They simply need to be present in numbers sufficient to terrorize, threaten, bribe, and defraud their way into power. The exact percentage varies according to circumstances, but absent intervention from an external force, full Islamization can be expected by the time a country becomes 40% Muslim.
Below is a bulletin on the situation from ASSIST News:
Ivory Coast on the brink
A call to pray for Ivory Coast
By Elizabeth Kendal
Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin (RLPB) 085
Special to ASSIST News Service
AUSTRALIA (ANS) — Like Sudan and Nigeria, Ivory Coast sits atop a volatile ethnic-religious fault-line. Whilst the less-developed North has long been predominantly Muslim, the South — Ivory Coast’s economic and political engine — has historically been predominantly Christian and African Traditional Religion (ATR). Decades of mass immigration (1960-1993) from the neighbouring Muslim states of Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea might have been great for the economy, but they have tipped the demographic balance so that Ivory Coast — officially about one-third Muslim — is actually majority Muslim.
The civil war that erupted in September 2002 was portrayed by the international media as a crisis of democracy and human rights caused by Southern xenophobia and Islamophobia. In reality, Ivory Coast’s crisis is the consequence of decades of mass Muslim immigration coupled with political ambition and an internationally-sponsored Islamic agenda. The civil war was fought essentially between those who want all Ivory Coast’s Muslim immigrants naturalised — giving Ivory Coast a Muslim majority overnight — and those who do not. Though he denies it, former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara, a Northern Muslim, was doubtless behind the September 2002 failed coup that triggered the war. Ouattara and his party, the Rally of the Republicans (RDR), have been playing the race and religion cards for political gain. Ouattara’s intent has been to have all the Muslim immigrants naturalised (over 4 million: estimated to comprise between 30 and 40 percent of the total population) so that he (their champion) can dragnet the Muslim vote. Ouattara has long had his eye on the presidency.
The civil war left Ivory Coast totally polarised, split between a virtually ethnic-religiously cleansed, rebel-controlled Muslim North and a government-controlled predominantly Christian, non-Muslim South. Since the war the North has been in serious decline with AIDS, poverty and lawlessness increasing exponentially. In November 2004 Ivory Coast’s Christian president, Laurent Gbagbo, launched surprise airstrikes against rebel positions in the North in an attempt to reunify the country. However, former colonial power France (which backs the rebels [Muslims] for economic gain) intervened, razing all IC’s airforce planes, destroying runways and sending tanks against the Presidential Palace, around which loyalists formed a human shield.
The West had insisted that Ivory Coast could be reconciled, reunified and essentially saved by means of democratic elections, such is their faith in ‘democracy’ and the inherent goodness of man. In reality, the divisions are so profound and the stakes are so high that, unless genuine reconciliation occurred first, elections could only trigger conflict. Elections were held on 28 November 2010, with both Gbagbo and Ouattara claiming victory. The US, European Union and African Union have recognised Ouattara as the winner and called for Gbagbo to respect democracy and step down. Russia meanwhile is blocking a UN statement that would recognise Ouatarra, saying that this is not the UN’s role. Ivory Coast’s non-Muslims are traumatised, fearing that their homeland — once the most prosperous ‘Christian’ nation in West Africa, home to the region’s largest cathedral, home-base to most of West Africa’s regional Christian ministries — is about to come under Muslim political domination.
(COMMENT: Ivory Coast’s crisis — the consequence of decades of Muslim mass immigration — is a foretaste of what several states in democratic Europe may be facing in a generation or two.)
- give Ivory Coast’s Christian leaders — pastors and politicians — great spiritual wisdom and authority.
- bring revival to the Church in Ivory Coast so believers will be compelled to go out with the gospel in boldness, empowered by the Holy Spirit, so that Ivory Coast might be spiritually transformed. For only then will the peoples ‘beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks …’ (Isaiah 2:4 ESV)
- intervene in the tense climate by interposing a spirit of restraint, compelling the people to seek a negotiated solution as a means of averting another destructive civil war — a war that would certainly attract international jihadists.

Hat tip: Frontinus.
Those who do not name Islam as the deathcult that it is invite their own destruction by its imperialistic, totalitarian Terror.
The Koran is a poison pill for Civilization.
Resist it, or perish.
This Ivorian crisis is not about religion, and it is dangerous and irresponsible of the author to couch it in those terms. Cote d'Ivoire's "economic miracle" in the 70s and 80s was largely due to workers brought in from the country's north and from neighboring Burkina Faso to work plantations in the south. When the economy began to tank in the 90s, southern politicians scape-goated northerners and Burkinabe for taking jobs from southerners (who had once been encouraged to migrate) and started a xenophobic campaign that lumped foreigners and northerners together. Ouattara, who draws his support largely but not exclusively from the north, was excluded from successive elections because his nationality was questioned, leaving northerners with little voice in the elections. The leader of the northern rebel coalition the Forces Nouvelles, now Ouattara’s prime minister, is a Catholic. The author is clearly uninformed and more intent on promoting a personal agenda than analysis. Shame on her.
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