Sweden has just experienced its first suicide bombing, a Christmas present from the Great Jihad to Stockholm city center. There were at least two explosions, and one man was killed.
Our Swedish correspondent Reinhard has compiled a report on this breaking news story, based on translations from Swedish-language media. He says:
This is the first time anyone has blown himself up in Sweden, ever. To think that this is a completely random act is just silly. And now we have a jihadist e-mail, sent ten minutes before this completely unique explosion.
His full report:
About 10 minutes before the explosions an e-mail was sent to TT [news service], and also to the Swedish secret services (Säpo), where a man addresses “Sweden and the Swedish people”. He refers to the Swedish silence concerning Lars Vilks’ paintings, the Swedish soldiers in Afghanistan and says that “now your children, daughters and sisters will die as our brothers and sisters and children are dying”.
“Our actions will speak for themselves. As long as you continue to wage your war against Islam and insulting the prophet and your stupid support of the pig Vilks,” says the man.
Whereupon he encourages all Muslims in Sweden to “stop sucking up and debasing yourselves”. He ends the message with another exhortation to “all the mujahideen in Europe and Sweden”:
“Now is the time to attack, do not wait any longer. Come forward with whatever you have, even if it’s just a knife and I know you have more than just knives. Do not fear anyone, do not fear jail, do not fear death.”
It is not clear from the audio files if the man speaking belongs to any organization. But he states that he has been in the Middle East and asks his family to forgive him for having lied to them.
“I never went to the Middle East to work or make money, I went there for jihad,” he says.
Säpo has not confirmed the contents to TT or confirmed having received the mail, which contains sound files where both Swedish and Arabic are spoken. TT has not been able to confirm that the mail is related to the explosion.
The car was registered to an “Abdul T”.
A witness who tried to give the man CPR says he removed the man’s Palestinian scarf while doing so.
The man apparently had a whole bag of explosives.
Sources for the above:
We will experience such attacks FOREVER as long as we have any Muslim communities in our countries. There is one, and only one, solution to this problem: Expel Muslims on a permanent basis from all Western countries, period. They are, always have been, and always will be enemies. And I seriously believe we need a Nuremberg-style trial against the Western Multicultural traitor class who import such hostile aliens.
A bomb vest and car bomb attack, complete with "martyrdom" video. How much longer can the average Swede remain in abject denial about the total idiocy of importing Muslims into their country?
The video makes it nigh well impossible for anyone to try and blame that other gang of ruthless killers, the Sami Liberation Front.
Let's all be sure to watch public sentiment rise against the only Pale Male™ available for ready blame; Lars Vilks. If only he'd never drawn those damned rondellhund cartoons, none of this would ever have happened. Right?
Muslims have been trying to attack Christmas crowds and festivities for several years.
This ought to make the ordinary Swede think and to start voting for politicians that will protect their nation, language and culture. Not necessarily in that order.
Nothing on Swedish TV. All the programming is going on as scheduled. Incredible.
So when is the 'Vi gillar olicka! ' denial rally?
The blackout of news in the Swedish media is pretty deep. And it means that until attacks like this become frequent and widespread, most Swedes will tell themselves they live in a civilized country.
Submit or die, infidel dogs!
The Deathcult of Peace's Christmas message.
"Muslims have been trying to attack Christmas crowds and festivities for several years." - trencherbone
And all we can do is beg our masters not to import any more of our enemies into our neighborhoods and strenghten them. They have taken away our guns our ability and even right to defend oursleves in word, thought or act. Right? Well not really, they have taken away all incentive and willingness to do anything except at a steep price which no one seems willing to pay yet.
"They are, always have been, and always will be enemies. And I seriously believe we need a Nuremberg-style trial against the Western Multicultural traitor class who import such hostile aliens." --Fjordman
It is so true and so clear that Muslims have always been and always will be our enemies. We didn't create them or their relgion or the hostility they did, we just recognized it. There was approximately a 400 year span of Islamic attacks, acts of war and hostility before the first Crusade.
I agree and support that move. It needs to move from the realm of talk to the realm of action. For that you need heroes, you need people, mainly men with the characteristics that have been vilified and marginalised. In effect you need outlaws because the laws have become criminal. Obeyers are criminal.We need a revolution of hearts and minds now or blood and guts later.
Correction to my statment above, spoken too generally.Sorry for not mentioning and honoring Mr. Wilders and Ms. Wolff and others who are presently paying a price for the freedom of a complacent many.
I have to ask, does this Muslim think that we have no capability of fighting back or doing the same thing, even better? so why is he boasting and pumping his chest and threatening a society greater than his? How dare he? Simply because he knows we will let him live.
We will experience such attacks FOREVER as long as we have any Muslim communities in our countries. There is one, and only one, solution to this problem: Expel Muslims on a permanent basis from all Western countries, period. They are, always have been, and always will be enemies. - Fjordman
I expect that their will be a call to Swedes, admonishing them from a backlash that never comes. That will be the response from the government.
Eventually a backlash will come, eventually Europeans arent going to take it anymore...being instantly and continuously admonished not to attack Muslims, while Muslims continue to mass murder European indigenous non believers and Christians and Jews...with nary a word spoken to the Muslims admonishing them not to mass murder Swedes, Danes, Netherlands, and Frenchmen, because that would assert that Muslims have a problem with violence towards others...and unfairly stereotype them.
Its going to explode, eventually.
Best to start pressuring Muslims to behave, adopt the values of their new homelands, or be firmly escorted to the ports.
Fjordman: And I seriously believe we need a Nuremberg-style trial against the Western Multicultural traitor class who import such hostile aliens.
As do I, but let's see if Rebellious Vanilla has the intestinal fortitude to storm in here and tell all of us what morons we are because of our desire that these treasonous bastids be tried, convicted and executed for their mass betrayal of Western civilization.
She ducked out on a priceless opportunity to set Paul Weston straight and I'm certain that she wouldn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to give Fjordman a piece of her mind about how idiotic we sound whenever any of us bring up Nuremberg-style trials for these Multicultural Socialist maggots.
Michael: "It needs to move from the realm of talk to the realm of action. For that you need heroes, you need people, mainly men with the characteristics that have been vilified and marginalised."
Michael, you are so right! Radical feminism has a lot to answer for, not least a couple of generations of men that have been typecast as either bumbling idiots or sex-crazed rapists (you only have to watch contemporary commercials to see this played out)
Don't get me started on this; just when we need our menfolk to step up and defend the home and hearth there are none (or very few) to be found, because they have been successfully neutered and tamed. Not least in Sweden!
Off-topic for Zenster:
I personally don't know Rebellious Vanilla, however I'm a Romanian and I'm aware of some flaws that I want to mention. Mainly the problem with Romanian posters is that we don't have a great deal of tact in our discussions. Often we see the world in nuances, but we express our self in black and white colors. This means that somehow, even if we have the right idea, we are bad at transmitting it very coherently, often resulting in inflammatory statements. I observed the same thing in the posts of many Romanian posters, including myself and RV. With other words, don't take all posts as excessive as possible. Few posters could argue on the same level with you, Paul Weston or Fjordman.
Another article from the local (maybe it was already mentioned). Anyway, I'm shocked to see this statement: Three things happened last night, a car exploded ... a man died and (intelligence agency) Säpo and (news agency) TT received a message threatening Sweden. The three events are not confirmed as having any link to each other
And this is the Sweden's Prime Minister. I think this is a shocking statement.
toro: … I'm a Romanian and I'm aware of some flaws that I want to mention. Mainly the problem with Romanian posters is that we don't have a great deal of tact in our discussions. Often we see the world in nuances, but we express our self in black and white colors.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
All joking aside, personally, I feel that it is very useful to view the world in its polar aspects. Nuanced perception is all well and fine but there is a very good reason for the compelling duality of Taoism. What's more, our battle against jihad demands a razor sharp focus upon the most fundamental qualities of Right and Wrong. Ergo, that the Black & White mindset is not altogether a bad thing.
This means that somehow, even if we have the right idea, we are bad at transmitting it very coherently, often resulting in inflammatory statements.
Like Lucy Van Pelt from the "Peanuts" comic strip, I agree that; "There's nothing like a good rhubarb" (argument). However, productive debate requires that a few basic guidelines be met and, far too often, Rebellious Vanilla simply ignores that code of conduct.
It is quite gracious of you to come forward and provide some personal perspective regarding this and your gesture is very much appreciated. Although you may be a bit too generous to place me in the same sphere as Paul Weston or Fjordman, I will happily accept your kind compliment in the spirit that it was paid.
Regardless of whether the original Nuremberg trials were valid expressions of justice or not, Crimes Against Humanity do exist. Islam's establishment of the Mughal Empire is an early example, just as Hitler's Final Solution is another later one. Stalin's intentional starvation of Soviet occupied Ukraine and Mao's Cultural Revolution are others.
As a simple thought experiment, imagine how many other brilliant Jewish minds were extinguished in Hitler's death camps. The global Jewish population has a track record of scientific and technical brilliance which literally assures that some truly pivotal advances most likely went up the death camps’ chimney.
A constructive example would be Curt Herzstark, inventor of the Curta calculator, a device of breathtaking mechanical genius that was only dethroned by the advent of electronic digital calculators.
Miraculously, and unlike so many countless thousands of others, Herzstark managed to survive imprisonment at Buchenwald. From the link:
Only the dimensions and weight of the machine are "small" - the CURTA fits easily in one's hand and weighs only a few 100 grams. In contrast, its performance is great. With an accuracy of 11 or 15 positions, the machine is still (1988) more accurate as most modern electronic pocket calculators. And it was also significantly faster than all calculators on the market after the war. Its special construction enabled one to perform a multiplication with the number 9 using only two revolutions of the crank.
Curt Herzstark received more recent mention in William Gibson's book "Pattern Recognition". The question remains, how many other stupendous inventions and discoveries were denied our world by Hitler's slaughter? The cure for HIV/AIDS? The key to fusion power? How many solutions to currently intractable technical problems, quite literally, went up in Nazi death camp smoke?
This is but an added dimension of how deeply a long past Crime Against Humanity can maim even our modern world.
Herzstark passed away in 1995. How many equal or even greater geniuses never made it back out of the concentration camp gates? We will never know but simple statistics tells us just how monumental the loss was to our entire world.
We are now confronted with an enemy that proudly proclaims how it wants to "finish Hitler's job". Shall our world again endure the chilling prospect of having its scientific frontiers left unchallenged due to the congenital retardation and genocidal bigotry of barely literate Muslim savages?
Those who are currently assisting Islam's all out assault upon Western civilization must be brought to justice. They are complicit in Crimes Against Humanity and, with each passing day, have even fewer excuses that they could not know the ultimate implications of their acts.
@ Zenster:
Unfortunately, it is primarily Jewish leadership organizations, especially in the U.S., who press for ever more Third World immigration into Western countries.
As I have mentioned previously, it was a broad coalition of Jewish organizations that lobbied for the 1965 immigration act in the U.S. that thrust open our "Golden Door" to the Third World.
Jewish organizations and activists are still lobbying for more immigration, to this day.
The addition of "diversity" is a tactic that is supposed to relieve "Aryan" Westerner of their majority status, by creating a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society in which groups could be played off of one another, politically, to manage any anti-Jewish sentiment and any anti-Jewish movement that might emerge from it.
Also, they want the ability to move large groups of Jews out of other countries and into the U.S., should hostilities against Jews break out. Thus, they want large immigration levels, in order to keep the Golden Door open for global Jewry in need of a new country.
It is the Jewish organizations that have the political power to shut down global migration.
Groups like the American Jewish Congress (AJC), etc., are very actively working to flood the U.S. with immigrants.
A Jewish man by the name of Charles "Chuck" Schumer is a powerful U.S. senator and the chairman of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security.
Jewish U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer is the gatekeeper of America's "Golden Door."
Another powerful Jewish U.S. senator on the same committee is Dianne Feinstein of California.
Her California junior senator is Barbara Boxer, who is also Jewish.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is Jewish. And has a net worth of US$18 billion. He is the 10th richest person in the U.S.
These and other politically-powered Jews are well-positioned to shut down immigration.
But they don't.
See these articles:
Poll: Jews more conflicted on immigration than leadership"
Jewish Establishment Censorship of Information on Immigration Policy
Straight Talk About Jews and Immigration
No ‘Progress by Pesach’: The Jewish Establishment’s Usurpation of American-Jewish Opinion on Immigration
Religious Leaders vs. Members: An Examination of Contrasting Views on Immigration
You wrote,
"Those who are currently assisting Islam's all out assault upon Western civilization must be brought to justice. They are complicit in Crimes Against Humanity and, with each passing day, have even fewer excuses that they could not know the ultimate implications of their acts.?"
If, as Fjordman suggested, a "Nuremburg" trial should be set up to hold those responsible accountable for Muslim migration to Western lands, you'd be putting an awful lot of Jews on trial.
I recommend that Jews who feel threatened by Muslim migration to the West, should consider ousting their Jewish leadership.
Dear Administrator:
I would appreciate it if you would "unscrub" the comment that I wrote that should be appearing in this space.
I do keep my comments "civil, temperate, on-topic, and showing decorum."
I thank you in advance for not scrubbing true facts and valid argument, even if some persons might find them "politically incorrect" and inconvenient.
Anyone interested in what has been scrubbed, may write me at this email address:
Freyjas.cats AT at DOT net
F. cats --
Calm down. I have not "scrubbed" anything. Your comments are getting caught by Blogger's stupid spam filter. I have no control over that process, except to release them when I become aware of them.
However, I can tell you what is flagging it for Blogger: a lengthy text with multiple embedded links. That is considered "evidence of likely spam". Or at least that seems to be the case.
I check the spam filter at least twice a day. So none of your comments will be delayed for very long.
Thank you, Baron.
However, the posts of which I have voiced concern *have* been displayed, then disappeared.
I have the downloads and screenshots.
Also, I have received the email versions generated.
F.C. --
Refresh your page. See the formerly missing comment?
I repeat: this process is not under my control. It is done by Blogger. When I become aware of what has happened, I release the comments in question (unless, of course, they really are spam).
That's all there is to it.
Thank you very kindly for working with me, here.
The sequence from my end:
1. I submit my comment.
2. I refresh the blogpage.
3. I see my comment displayed on the blogpage.
4. I download the page and snap a screenshot (my standard operating procedure on any blog).
4. I check my email to see if my comment has deposited in my mailbox.
5. I see the email.
6. I pass some time, then refresh the blogpage again, to make sure my comment is still there.
7. *Some* of my comments (3 that I know, so far) have, at this point, vanished.
8. I submit an "ahem!" comment to notify you and the readers that my comment has vanished.
9. The vanished comments then reappear.
F.C. --
Your "ahem" comment caused me to look in the spam filter, where I found 2 of your comments. I then released them, so that they were published and appeared on the page.
The rest of it I know nothing about, since it involves the workings of Blogger, whose ways are mysterious. Perhaps it first published the comments for you, and then embargoed them later when its bots judged them to be spam.
In any case, none of it is within my control, except for the release of comments trapped in the spam filter.
Freyja's cats: If, as Fjordman suggested, a "Nuremburg" trial should be set up to hold those responsible accountable for Muslim migration to Western lands, you'd be putting an awful lot of Jews on trial.
You are absolutely correct. I have no problem with this as, just like anyone else, Jews are not − nor should they be − immune to prosecution for wrongdoings.
Others here have linked Jewish support for Multiculturalism as a sort of "protective shield" by way of making society so diverse that no single sliver of that much-divided demographic pie would likely be inclined to initiate the age-old feared pogroms of times past.
That said, I certainly welcome any explanation for the way that so many Jews adamantly ignore the Islamic threat and refuse to connect the dots regarding untrammeled Muslim immigration. The profound disconnect involved defies all explanation.
I recommend that Jews who feel threatened by Muslim migration to the West, should consider ousting their Jewish leadership.
Just as Muslims who fear the looming Muslim holocaust should be slitting the throats of … er, I mean ousting their jihadist imams, clerics, scholars and political leadership.
Alas, they do not and each unslit deserving throat continues to add itself to the chorous that vocally demands a rain of death upon dar al Islam that will see any surviving Muslims forever cursing the name of Osama bin Laden.
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