Sunday, September 12, 2010

Filip Dewinter: No Mosque Near Ground Zero

The Mayor of Brussels banned a 9-11 rally in support of the opponents of the Ground Zero mosque. Despite the ban, the Flemish separatist political party Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) held a demonstration.

Below is a video of Filip Dewinter speaking at the rally. Many thanks to our Flemish correspondent VH for the translation and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

A full transcript of the video is at the bottom of this post.

VH has compiled a report based on translations from various sources:

“The demonstration in Brussels against the construction of the mosque was banned, due to expected violence”. A ban, because: “Due to the confluence of the message, the location, and the date of the event, it will cause a very high safety risk, and it will not be possible to keep the predictable violent outburst under control.” Even so, despite the ban, there was a (small) demonstration in Brussels against the mosque construction.

From LVB:

Brussels mayor bans 9/11 rally

The Mayor [September 7]:

[…] Whereas, finally, there is question of serious threat to public peace and safety;

That, after all, the message of “Cities against Islamization” is hateful and clearly motivated by intolerance, discrimination on religious grounds and Islamophobia;

That in fact on the website of “Cities against Islamization” with respect to the proposed demonstration the following can be read:

Filip Dewinter: “Barrack Hussein Obama has bent over backwards for the Muslims and shows his true Muslim-face. The mosque at “Ground Zero” in New York is a Muslim provocation and a slap in the face for all the victims of 9/11”

That it is responded this to the lie that maintains the President of the United States is a Muslim, and also it is stated that the Muslim victims of 9/11 and their relatives should not enjoy the same rights as other victims and their survivors;

That this double demonstration may only provoke more violent reactions, especially at the American Embassy;

That this certainly is the case that now, on September 11, 2010, in the United States pastor Terry Jones will hold a “Burn a Koran Day” about which it is known that it will cause violent incidents worldwide, in particular for American embassies.

That due to the confluence of the message, the location, and the date of the event, it will cause a very high safety risk, and it will not be possible to keep the predictable violent outburst under control. […]

Decision: The application for the authorization to hold a demonstration with the theme “No Mosque at Ground Zero” in front of the U.S. Embassy, Regentlaan un Brussels, is refused. Each assembly and each group movement related to the aforementioned rally, on public roads that will lead directly or indirectly, is banned on Saturday, September 11, 2010.[…] in the territory of the municipality of Brussels.

Freddy Thielemans, the [Socialist] mayor of Brussels, in a letter to Filip Dewinter, September 10, 2010, published by Right Actuality News, 11 September 2010 [scan: 1, 2, 3]

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Despite a ban, there still was a demonstration in Brussels against the mosque construction.

Despite a rally-ban, more than 200 members and supporters of the Vlaams Belang gathered at the Madou Square in Brussels for a demonstration against the construction of a mosque near “Ground Zero” in New York. [source]

VH adds:

The mayor of Brussels said, “and it is also stated that the Muslim victims of 9/11 and their relatives should not enjoy the same rights as other victims and their survivors…”

Is as far as I can see this is not in the announcement of the demonstration. Thus it is presumably a construct on the part of the Brussels mayor.

Video transcript:

0:08 Vlaams Belang, together with Cities Against Islamization, is protesting today in Brussels
0:12 against the installation of a mosque, an Islamic center, near Ground Zero in New York.
0:20 Where on September 11, 2001, 3,000 people were put to death by Muslim terrorists.
0:28 Such a mosque at Ground Zero is a provocation. A provocation against the free West
0:34 that would clearly display the power of Islam once again. Against this symbol of radical Islam,
0:42 also against the Islamization Europe and the free West, we are protesting here today.
0:47 We do not collaborate with radical Islam. The collaboration with Islam can be left to
0:53 the U.S. President, Barack Hussein Obama, and the American ambassador here in Brussels,
0:59 who organizes iftar meals for the Muslim community, but refuses to receive MPs.
1:07 We are here out of necessity. Because of the necessity for democracy
1:12 and free speech, because we risk being swamped by Muslims and Islamists,
1:19 because we oppose radical Islam, because we oppose a mosque at Ground Zero,
1:26 and are against the Islamization of Europe.


goethechosemercy said... 1

God bless you all indeed.
How wonderful it would be to talk with some of the Flemish about their history and aspirations! And then I see how the horrific cloud of Islamist expansion prevents such exchange.
Truly, Europe is in a struggle for its cultural and political life that is every bit as profound as that she faced in ww2.